thebeginningwriter · 4 years
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thebeginningwriter · 6 years
I feel like when you’re writing, organizing chapters and dialogue is easy
but jfc, the amount of time it takes to constantly keep people moving and make sure they’re in the right spaces and trying to come up with wording for it is always such a shock. 
Like, fuck, I made you pick up a coffee cup, you need to put it down at some point. also I can’t remember what I dressed you in, can you push up your sleeves? I don’t remember if you even have your shirt on.
and YOU. YOU OVER THERE, you got out of your chair earlier, but did you come back yet? Are you coming back? Where did you even go and why’d you get up? Fuck, I can’t make you sit down again already, you just stood up, go…over there. go get more coffee. Did you bring your mug with you? fine. bring the pot to the table and—wait, wasn’t the coffee pot already over here? shit, hold on, I need to go back and re-read and re-write
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thebeginningwriter · 6 years
Read, read, read. You can’t get anywhere unless you are an obsessive, continuous reader of other stuff.
Lee Child (via writingdotcoffee)
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thebeginningwriter · 6 years
Writing is not always writing.
Writing is being on the train and mentally seeing your OCs stumble into other people, or flinching away from the germ-ridden handrails, or sleeping on each others’ shoulders.
Writing is hearing a song on the radio and watching one of your scenes play out to the lyrics.
Writing is laying on your floor or sitting by your computer and spending hours collaging newspaper clippings or pictures or people or plants together and making something that is completely, uniquely, your story.
Writing is drawing your characters in your notebooks, and making tea only your one, picky character would drink, and writing an open letter to all your characters just to remind them you love them.
Writing is moodboards, and playlists, and crafts, and asks, and prompts, and pictures, and memories, and you.
So never think that just because you’re not putting words on a page, you’re not a real writer. Writing is something that follows you everywhere, beyond the word document, and beyond the screen.
Because writing isn’t something you do. It’s something you are.
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thebeginningwriter · 7 years
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thebeginningwriter · 7 years
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thebeginningwriter · 7 years
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Being a writer by @OfficiallyAlly
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thebeginningwriter · 7 years
Read to escape reality … Write to embrace it.
Stephanie Connolly  (via psliterary)
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thebeginningwriter · 7 years
You know what is the worst? Being a reader trying to catch up on fics WHILE bring a writer who is behind on writing their own fics.
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thebeginningwriter · 7 years
Things To Listen To When You’re Working
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– A lot of you frequently ask for links to what I listen to when I write or work or whatever, so I decided to make a big list of them for you to access whenever you please! This list include themed playlists, white noise, ASMR (i guess you could call it that), and even a website for you to make your own background noise tracks. Enjoy!
White Noise
Waves + Rain
Rain In Woods + Tibetan Bowls
Rain Downpour On Tin Roof
Coffee House
Country Garden
Classical Relaxation Stream
General Noises
Make Your Own ASMR Track Here
My Playlists // Request One Here
Peaceful Piano
Love, Sex, & Water
Chill Tracks
Break Up Blues
Spotify’s Writer Playlist
Piano Bar
Evening Chill
Intense Studying
Creativity Boost
Acoustic Café International
A Poem A Day
Winter Classical
Spring Classical
Double Bass
Classical X
100 Classical Songs
100 Opera Songs
Space Themed Classical Music
Classical Romance
Themed ASMR
Harry Potter
Gryffindor Common Room
Slytherin Common Room
Hufflepuff Common Room
Ravenclaw Common Room
Great Hall At Halloween ( Christmas )
Great Lake
Snape’s Potions Classroom
Hogwarts Library
The Burrow (Weasley’s House)
Diagon Alley
Forbidden Forest At Night
Malfoy Manor
Doctor Who
TARDIS Library
TARDIS Console
Falling Asleep In The TARDIS
Tea With Madam Vastra and Jenny
TARDIS Gardens
Inside The TARDIS With Amy Pond
In The Car With The Winchesters
Research With Sam
Crowley’s Office
Inside The Bunker
Research With The Winchesters
Rainy Day In The Bunker
221B Baker Street
Mind Palace
Victorian Era
Working With Sherlock & John
Irene’s Theme
Sherlock’s Chemistry Lab
Belle’s Library
Rapunzel’s Forest
Davy Jones’s Lullaby
Neverland Forest
Elsa’s Castle
Tea Time In Wonderland
The Black Pearl
The Beast’s Castle
Aladdin - Streets of Agrabah
Gusteau’s Kitchen
Sleeping Beauty’s Tower
Quasimodo’s Tower
Forest In Narnia
The Snuggly Duckling
Maleficent’s Castle
Ariel’s Home
I hope this is useful to you and helps you relax while being productive! x
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thebeginningwriter · 7 years
sometimes i really love my fics. i wrote that because i wanted to read it. i love it. nobody visits my fics more than me. they remind me that i’m a hard worker, that i created something. it’s mine and i cherish it and love it because it’s exactly what i wanted so i made it.
and other days i’m crippled by self criticism and hate everything and can’t bear to look at my own work because i know it’ll never compare to the greats
but i live for the days i love my work. because it’s mine, and i made it. i didn’t wait for somebody else to make what i dream about. i went and did it myself.
so don’t feel like your work is awful
it’s the stuff you dreamed about. it’s the stuff you decided to make a reality. it’s not about quality, or poetry, or how perfectly your sculpt your words or keep it so deeply in character; because it’s what you dreamed and it’s what you wanted to see, so you made it.
keep writing; it’s yours, and you made it. and if you want to continue to sharpen and improve yourself? then do it. it’s all yours and you can make it whatever you want.
keep writing.
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thebeginningwriter · 7 years
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thebeginningwriter · 7 years
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31/1 round 1 of literature annotations on a sunday afternoon
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thebeginningwriter · 7 years
Amateurs don’t realize how much consistency it takes to go from amateur to pro. Envisioning a life where you’re a famous writer or keynote speaker or even rockstar seems nice. Hell, there’s nothing wrong with dreams like that … But the consistent work required to make those dreams a reality may be more than you care to put in. If you want to be a best-selling author, are you happy to spend most days alone, writing? If you want to be a keynote speaker, are you willing to speak at 100s of smaller speaking gigs to get comfortable in front of other people? … Amateurs cannot reach pro level until they develop the mindset required to consistently learn and produce stellar work. They want the outcome but don’t want the process, the daily grind, the work required. And then, if they make a mistake or a routine/habit isn’t built, or there’s any trouble along the way, they assume they’ve failed in some way. Whereas a pro will see those obstacles as places to get better, fix things within themselves and move forward on the path to mastery.
Paul Jarvis (via janefriedman)
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thebeginningwriter · 7 years
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Happy Friday everyone ❤️☕️! I’m sad that Halloween is over but rereading my favorite series for the hundredth time is helping me cope. And I am also v excited for Fantastic Beasts , I already bought my tickets for opening night! (Although I’m still upset over how they don’t do midnight premieres anymore). 🍂🐉
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thebeginningwriter · 7 years
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thebeginningwriter · 7 years
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currently reading.
my instagram 
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