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i’m very much of the opinion that they should have done one OR the other. raising the mana AND changing the text to this is absolutely brutal. personally I was expecting the 2 mana deal damage to minions.
but hey, they obviously didnt want it to be too relevant in the game, so they did this.
also a reminder that unleash the hounds, when it was changed, went from 2 mana, to 4 mana, to 3 mana. we’ll have to see how these nerfs turn out i guess. 
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Shoutout to Blizzard for killing my favorite deck archetype. Was this nerf even needed? The key components of Oil Rogue were rotating anyways. Worse yet, no Freeze Mage nerfs. The other nerfs are good, but this goes to show Blizzard doesn’t completely have their heads out of their ass.
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My starter sleeve! 3 hours of time well spent!
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Tavern Brawl #44 is another restricted deck building exercise. The concept is borrowed directly from the first Challengestone tournament organized by  Kripparrian and Tempo Storm: The Great Stone of Challenge decrees you can only use spells with even cost, and minions with odd attack.
You can look at meta decks and see which ones don’t have many cards excluded by Brawl rules but I prefer approaching this as its own format. Big Game Hunter and all the Silence minions are out, for example–that changes a lot by itself! With Piloted Shredder unplayable, 4-health minions like Savage Combatant and Harrison Jones are a lot more attractive.
I threw together a weird Beast Hunter deck and I don’t recommend copying it. But this is another Brawl that’s good for completing quests and getting us in the mindset of deck limitations for Standard ranked play.
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Who’s the bike now bitch
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The Pokémon GO Field Test Details:
You can customize your trainer
You don’t receive a starter Pokémon
Only Generation 1 Pokémon are found in the beta.
The stats in the game are the following: Attack, Defense, Individual Defense and Pokémon Defense.
232 moves are program in the game. (Meaning the game will support Pokémon Battles)
You can join Team Red, Team Blue or Team Green.
A new move called “Starburst” was found in the data. (Still unknown if the move is exclusive to Pokémon GO or introduce in Sun and Moon)
You don’t battle wild Pokémon. You can directly caught them using a Pokeball, Great ball, Ultraball or Masterball.
The game has reference to Google Cardboard.
The game size is 47.97 MB on Android.
Translated from http://www.cpokemon.com/2016/03/28/constante-actualizacion-filtraciones-de-la-beta-de-pokemon-go/
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Hello. I am suicidal.
Following the tragic news of Daniel Kyre from Cyndago’s suicide the online community has exploded- opening a door and an opportunity to talk about mental Illness, depression and suicide.
Having recently been discharged from a psychiatric ward myself a few short days ago I can say that I too have been confronting thoughts and discussions of suicide- a topic which in my opinion is still hugely misunderstood.
Everyone experiences life differently. Not everyone with depression feels the same way. Something that people often don’t realise is that we aren’t just ‘sad’ dawn until dusk. When a friend, celebrity, internet personality or family member takes their life the same overwhelming response always comes forth: Why? They seemed so happy. They had so much going for them. They didn’t focus on the good things.
Having depression does not mean you are sad all of the time. Often we can walk among our friends, smiling, laughing and wearing a mask to hide what is brewing underneath. Often, from my experience of depression it is feeling nothing at all. Feeling no motivation, no happiness, no anger, no sadness. Feeling nothing can be more draining than feeling every emotion in the world, and each day is spent going through the motions and functioning as an empty shell. What can be even harder on top of feeling this way is how those around us misinterpret it: You’re just lazy- pull your socks up and get on with it. Everyone feels depressed sometimes. You’re tired? You should sleep more!
There’s a difference between being ‘tired’ and the exhaustion that depression makes you feel.
I tend to get this one a lot:  What’s wrong? What happened to make you feel so bad? clearly something must have happened to trigger how you are feeling right now.
Yes. Sometimes particular events can trigger bad episodes. Having depression is like wandering through life without an immune system- words and harsh comments can infect like the common cold, fester and not become filtered out by this mental immune system. I’ve heard someone say that depression is a cancer of the brain. I believe them. However, the stigma attached to depression makes a lot of people fail to see it as the serious illness it truly is. This needs to change.
Suicide is currently the 3rd biggest killer of people worldwide.
Depression is a chemical imbalance in the brain. It has biological roots. It runs in families. Sometimes we cannot formulate or explain the source of our suffering because a vast percentage of it is biological. It’s time to understand that it’s okay to not know why you feel the way you do. There doesn’t always have to be a reason.
This is why medication is important. Depression is a physical illness just as much as it is a mental one controlled by thinking patterns, life experiences and habits. Events in life can contribute to somebody experiencing depression, however some people are biologically more predisposed to it than others.
Depression is more than a simple ‘chemical imbalance’ in the brain. I’m not going to pretend I understand the whole thing (a lot of it is still being uncovered by Scientists themselves). Depression is related to a recognised issue with the neurotransmitters in the brain, most notably those such as Serotonin, Norepinephrine, Dopamine and Glutamate. These neurotransmitters are released and received by nerve cells in the brain. This system of communication is essential to every single function of the brain. With people suffering from depression, they can lack the correct levels of neurotransmitters in the brain to 'unlock’ the brain’s receptors that control things such as: sleep, aggression, mood, sexual drive, appetite, our responses to stress and our motivation levels. These effects of the lowered required neurotransmitters in the brain result in many of the above symptoms and as a result can leave a person feeling suicidal.
 'You’re hanging around with the wrong people- if you are friends with people who have mental illnesses they’ll drag you down and make you feel worse.’
I’ve heard this from a lot of people- all said and expressed in different ways. Yes, to a degree it can be hard having a mental illness and also being surrounded by people suffering with them too. It can be hard to offer support when sometimes just holding yourself up is impossible.
But also consider that these friendships can be incredibly meaningful.
You don’t always need to explain how you feel or justify it and for once it feels like someone truly might be as close as anyone could be to understanding how you feel. From my perspective very few people will understand your mental illness despite all good intentions- they’ll reach out and try to give support in different ways, but at the end of the day meeting someone else who suffers and experiences life the way you feel it is hugely meaningful. The world around can often be harsh. The stigma surrounding mental illness is huge. I’ve had slurs thrown my way about those who are mentally ill and even heard people express that depression is a form of mental retardation. Meeting someone who experiences life similarly can be comforting, especially when the world around you doesn’t always know, accept or respond in the best way. You’ve found someone you can be honest with. Someone you can talk to with a reduced fear of judgement- a reduced fear of seeing how uncomfortable they are at the dark thoughts and feelings you deal with on a daily basis.
So understand. Being mentally ill and having a friend who suffers is hard. It can put strain on the relationship. Sometimes it is draining. But also know that in those friends a huge amount of support and understanding can be found. If the friendship is healthy- you can find a space to 'just be’.
Sometimes it helps to be next to somebody fighting the same battle.
I am by no means saying that people who do not suffer cannot provide meaningful support. I am simply stating that there is often a level of support they cannot offer as they are coming from an outside perspective from what you suffer and experience.
Depression affects on average 1 in 4 people.  
350 million people worldwide suffer with depression.
  That’s 5% of the world’s population.
  20% of people with major depressive disorder develop psychotic symptoms.
  Over 80% of the people who have symptoms of clinical depression are not receiving any specific treatment.
  Every 40 seconds someone dies by suicide.
  The world suicide rate is 10.7 per 100,000 people.
    Depression is real.
  Depression is valid.
  You owe nobody an explanation for how you feel.   You have every right to feel the way you feel.  
You are not broken.    
I’m saying this to you because I wish someone could have said it to me.
If you are feeling depressed, anxious, having thoughts of self-harm, feeling psychotic or suicidal please seek help. There are numerous options when it comes to reaching out for help. You can contact your doctor, speak to a counsellor on an online chat, call a helpline, or if you feel as if you are in immediate danger call the emergency number for your country or go to your local A&E.
Getting help can be scary. But support is out there.
Stay strong.
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Learn lots. Don’t judge. Laugh for no reason. Be nice. Seek happiness.
Sean Plott.
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I really wanted to paint bulbasaur after starting a run of pokemon Blue 
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Thunder Tail
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an important lesson about making mistakes:
you can still get a cookie
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It’s too cute, I can’t…
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8-bit Pokemon :) 1st & 2nd gen
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don’t post here often but figure i would use this space to sellout and advertise my youtube gaming gaming channel for gaming
thanks xxx
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Northern Stranglethorn is over!
It was really hard, there are a lot more details in this zone.
I also tried new fonts sizes, much smaller for details, and bigger for important places. It is quite better!
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