thebunmoriarty-blog · 10 years
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Rï¢hårÐ ßrððk - Moved to a new account!
Roleplayed for 5-ish years, both on and off tumblr.
Mun is of age. (20)
NSFW welcome [and tagged appropriately]
Multiship and multiverse
Crossover and OC friendly
All formats welcome, though usually working in paras.
AUs welcome.
[About] [Ask] [Rules]
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thebunmoriarty-blog · 10 years
All I'll be posting on here is this, so unfollow this account (or not, it will still be here as an archive) and go follow my new one!
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Rï¢hårÐ ßrððk - Moved to a new account!
Roleplayed for 5-ish years, both on and off tumblr.
Mun is of age. (20)
NSFW welcome [and tagged appropriately]
Multiship and multiverse
Crossover and OC friendly
All formats welcome, though usually working in paras.
AUs welcome.
[About] [Ask] [Rules]
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thebunmoriarty-blog · 10 years
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Rï¢hårÐ ßrððk - Moved to a new account!
Roleplayed for 5-ish years, both on and off tumblr.
Mun is of age. (20)
NSFW welcome [and tagged appropriately]
Multiship and multiverse
Crossover and OC friendly
All formats welcome, though usually working in paras.
AUs welcome.
[About] [Ask] [Rules]
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thebunmoriarty-blog · 10 years
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Rï¢hårÐ ßrððk
Roleplayed for 5-ish years, both on and off tumblr.
Mun is of age. (20)
NSFW welcome [and tagged appropriately]
Multiship and multiverse
Crossover and OC friendly
All formats welcome, though usually working in paras.
AUs welcome.
[About] [Ask] [Rules]
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thebunmoriarty-blog · 10 years
Hey everyone!
Guess who is finally back??? Hi. I just want you to know that I'm remaking this account, I will give the link to the new one in a short bit. I'd love if peeps would follow me on my new one when I make it. I just want to start Richard afresh.
I don't know how many people still want to interact with Richard but if you do, I'll post the link to the new account shortly.
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thebunmoriarty-blog · 10 years
Okay, so some people might have been wondering where I've been. Honestly I've just not felt up to playing on here, I will eventually come back but for now I'm on hiatus, I'm sorry.
I'm on my final major project for college, the one thing I need to complete to my utmost, then I'll get into uni. I can't have myself distracted by roleplaying. I might quickly do some replies today but then, it's just going to be hiatus.
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thebunmoriarty-blog · 11 years
Alright, sent all the promo winners messages, if you didn't get one then I'm sorry you didn't win, better luck next time! <3
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thebunmoriarty-blog · 11 years
Having a bad time of it lately, between the break up and coursework I've just been a mess. I'll be sorting out the winners to the promo giveaway and resending messages to the winners of the gif giveaway that have yet to answer later tonight. Sorry I'm away so much. 
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thebunmoriarty-blog · 11 years
Single now yo, getting drunk. Think I'll be doing replies tomorrow and do the winners to the promo giveaway.
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thebunmoriarty-blog · 11 years
How do people do it? How can people just be happy?
I'm not sure whether it's due to dysphoria, anxiety or god knows what else but I've been feeling more and more down lately and I'm finding it difficult just to exist.
I have one apathetic parent who doesn't care what my transphobic stepdad says unless his voice begins to grate on her, she stops him merely because she doesn't want to hear his voice any longer, not the fact that he refers to me as 'it' and tears at every small thread of my personality as if it's his personal little instrument. This man who has the gall to act like I am at fault because I was with an abusive partner in the past.
So, I'm sorry if replies are slow, I'm sorry if sometimes I don't answer your asks, instead just sitting and watching my dashboard pass by and occasionally liking things but I am just really having a hard time of it. I keep just wanting to curl away from the world and pretend I'm not here or at least stop time until I am ready to face it all but unfortunately that's now how life works.
I wish it did.
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thebunmoriarty-blog · 11 years
‎(✿ノ◡‿◡)ノ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ reminder that if u can’t get out of bed today that’s okay and if u feel like crying on public transportation that’s okay and if u got a bad mark on a test that’s okay because there are still so many forests to explore and cities to get lost in and dogs to pet and u are only a small star in a big universe and u are doing so well
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thebunmoriarty-blog · 11 years
Since I’ve nearly reached 221 followers, I’m going to do a promo giveaway (I’m too poor and too busy to be capable of any other giveaway, I’m sorry).
So this is how it works.
Must be following me.Don’t follow for a chance at a promo and then unfollow if you don’t get it, only follow if you’re really interested in me/my muse, otherwise you’re really a terrible person. I don’t want insincere follows.
Roleplay blogs only (with small exceptions if we roleplay on your multi-use blog.)
Only reblog this once. Just once. I don’t intend to spam anyone’s dashboards with my crap, plus it’s easier for me.
3 Winners will be chosen using a random number generator, so there are no favourites.
Those three winners will get their own individual links in my navigation for a whole month and a big promo post stating everything I love about their blogs.
Ends on the last day of February, forgot to add that.
It’s not much, I know but it’s the best I can do. If no one does it, then oh well, it’s not a big issue. Thank you all for following me, you beautiful people
Thebunnymoriarty promo giveaway
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thebunmoriarty-blog · 11 years
"Yeah, e-everyone that works with J-Jim knows who I a-am." Richard breathed, giving a wry smile in return. "Most p-people he hires a-are.."
Lucky me?
Richard looked up at his new apparent ‘owner’. Three days whilst handcuffed, it seemed, it was honestly a little scary. “H-Hello..” He murmured, giving a small nervous smile.
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thebunmoriarty-blog · 11 years
Richard relished in the soft brush of their lips, the gentle kiss was chaste but wonderful, enough to steal any notion of coherent thought for a moment. Just as it broke, he took a small breath, only to find Victor cupping his cheeks and moving in for another, he certainly wouldn't argue. Letting their lips press together again, he melted into it, closing his eyes and tentatively reaching up to cup the other man's cheek in return.
((Feel free to ignore this, but omg)) ” You’re teasing me . “
"I am?" Richard breathed, running his tongue over his lips, looking a little confused. "What am I doing?"
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thebunmoriarty-blog · 11 years
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"I... I don't w-want to die. I just.. I j-just want to be g-good. I don't w-want to d-do this.."
{five have been caught in the web}
"All of the t-things you want m-me to do, I.. It doesn’t seem right, e-even if I need the m-money. I can’t.."
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thebunmoriarty-blog · 11 years
Richard wasn't sure how to respond to the fact that Jim suddenly had to leave, his brows furrowed for a moment, they had only just found eachother and he didn't know if they would ever come across eachother again. Still, it was more of a surprise when he was informed that Jim wouldn't be playing the Story Teller for a while, he hoped that part to be true, as he really did love his job.
"A-Alright.. bye." He breathed, leaving it at that as it was clear his brother's temper did not have the longest fuse and pushing for more could end in an explosion that he didn't have the capacity to deal with right now.
The days after their meeting went by in a haze, he did all he could to find his brother online, to find some grain of information but it was like he didn't even exist, like he was merely a doppleganger that had suddenly bloomed into existence. It wasn't fair, he wanted answers.
In fact, he wanted answers from more than just Jim, he wanted answers from his apparent mother that had left him in care with no regard. He wanted to know why he was thrown away so easily and Jim was kept, it was as if he was nothing more than some unwanted extra, an accident that she didn't want to be held responsible for. 
Laying down on his sofa in a half attentive daze, barely paying attention to the documentary he had been watching, he was still going over the meeting again and again.
It all felt so wrong, there was something about Jim that just made his body tense. From the almost serpentine movements to the hollow look in his eyes, it  was like the man wasn't even human.
So, it was reasonable that he was startled by his brother's arrival at his home, eyes wide and surprise. "I.. You can't just-... " He stammered for a moment, trying to get some coherent sentence to leave his lips.
"You can't j-just say you're living here!.. I b-barely even know you!" He managed finally, entirely exasperated about the whole matter. 
We Are Twins, Like Two Seeds In The Soils of Madness Sown
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thebunmoriarty-blog · 11 years
Looking up from his bed, Richard blinked slowly at the clothes Jim had chosen to wear, it was rather clear that his brother didn't have work on his mind at all and for once he wished that wasn't the case. Usually he hated to be left alone, to sit in the silence of their home with only television documentaries as company but today was different, today was just too much for him and he wanted it to be over. Still, he knew he would have to eat, especially since he had not long ago taken his tablets.
"Alright.." He murmured, pulling himself to his feet with a groan, his cuts all still dully throbbed with pain, regardless of the fact that they weren't particularly deep. There was no doubt that he'd had worse before. "What do you want for dinner? I don't really mind.."
Burrowing bunny || Jim and Richard
The touch of his brother’s hand upon his shoulder made his whole body tense, it was unexpected but almost reassuring, more so than most of Jim’s actions had ever been. It was moments like this that he was on the cusp, wanting so desperately to simply forget anything his brother had done to him, just so he could relish in a moment such as this without any fear.
That was unlikely to happen, however and he nodded as Jim said he’d get a new top for him, grabbing one from his drawer for now. 
His whole body shivered as Jim’s hand slid down his back, running down his spine in a way that almost reminded him of petting, an action one would do to an animal that was cared about. Hopefully Jim thought more of him than that.
Once Jim left the room, he put his shirt on and laid himself down on his bed, not sure what to do with himself any longer because he certainly wasn’t at all tired, regardless of his lack of sleep.
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