{ my workplace got robbed the other day and some of my stuff got stolen so I had to deal with all that shit and wasn’t able to be on today or yesterday. I might be on tomorrow, but if I’m not, I will be on Sunday for sure. }
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The way she spoke made him angry. He knew the wildlings spoke differently than he did, but this one seemed to butcher the common tongue. It almost made him want to rip her throat from her body, never allowing her to speak again. But he repressed that urge. She would not die. Not yet.
There were people he’d flayed and tortured before that would wince at the first touch of a knife. She didn’t. A smirk formed on his lips. Perhaps she was tough and could take a lot of pain. If she was, Ramsay would have to work to make her talk. It was always a pleasure when things became more challenging with his victims. The satisfaction came from breaking a person. If they fight back, it only makes him more proud when nothing can be heard but their screams.
        “I doubt it would be anyone’s first choice to be here,” he grinned. “Yet here you are, tied to a chair, unable to leave.”
He pulled the knife away from her face and took a step back from her, scoffing slightly. She dared to call his men animals when she was the one who followed no ruler, had no sense of structure.
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       “Monkeys? With the way you speak, I should me calling you that myself. But if you must know, we are aware that your group of savages plan to attack the Wall and head here. I only wish to know what you plan to do and why. Tell me this and perhaps I will show you mercy.”
Mercy. Ramsay knew nothing of the sort. 
     ☼ Ygritte’s eyes narrowed at the new face that grabbed her attention. Her hands balled into fists and she braced her back full against the chair. She blew a strand of red hair from her line of sight and gritted her teeth. 
       Her jaw squared then and she slightly tilted her head away from the knife against her cheek. She glanced at the glistening tool and then back to the eyes of what she assumed was the man behind this. She could handle a cut, but there was a feeling in his tone that made her shiver. 
      “Wouldn’t be me first choice to be here,” she uttered out, her tongue still slick with her mentality. “It’s not at all…. cozy.” 
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      Her grip loosened, eye twitching with the sting that the blade now left on her skin. “Why am I ‘ere? Your monkeys wouldn’t tell me.”
     Ygritte bit her tongue, then. She had the lingering feeling that this was the type of guy who wouldn’t hesitate to lodge a dagger down her windpipe if the event called for such a thing. 
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The reality of what he had done began to set in. It was obvious that his impulsiveness had not decreased over the years. Ramsay had never once paid for the wrong he had done, the beast he had unleashed onto the world. Perhaps now was the time he was meant to answer for his crimes. But he refused to think about what he would have to deal with later. When Lana placed her head on his chest, his blood stained hands wrapped themselves around her, holding him close. For such a brutal man, his touch was gentle. She deserved the gentleness. He nodded, allowing himself to accept the fact that from this day forward, he would live a lie. “The king’s death was a tragedy. If only we could have done something more to save him.” Those words would have to be repeated many times. But he did not care as long as Lana remained with him.
“I didn’t mean what I said,” his voice was soft. “You have to understand that. I would never wish that on you.” It was ironic that he of all people was telling her that he had never wished for her to be beaten. With all of the pain and cruelty he inflicted on anyone who crossed him, he treated Lana with such care it almost sickened him. “I was angry. I did not mean it.”
His eyes shut for a brief moment when Lana placed a kiss to his neck. It had been long since her lips had touched him, but it felt so familiar. “I did what I had to. Either he would have taken your life or I would have taken his. I would not let you die at his hand.” His tone remained soft and calm. “I only wish it had lasted longer. That man deserved a death more painful than even I could give him”
    She was breathless. Breathless as she rested her forehead against his bloodsoaked chest, small sobs leaving her. He was dead, she would not have to wake up to his AWFUL face, smell him, FEEL him; not anymore. The fact that Ramsay killed him made it all….made it all so much SWEETER, the man she had loved killed the man she had married and now she was EMBRACING him; now she would LIE for him.  ❝He choked,❞ she muttered,   ❝He choked, Ramsay. I saw him. A maid opened his throat trying to save him. Oscar choked.❞ she would not see Ramsay dead, not for the sake of Oscar. 
    ❝….You wished that on me.❞she told him,  ❝You CURSED me. ❞ She laced her arms around his neck, kissing the hollow of his throat lightly, it lasted only a HEARTBEAT. But it had been the first time she k i s s e d him in a year and it felt just as wonderful as before. Her hands moved up his neck to lock into his hair, she knew Ramsay would keep her safe       deep down she knew it. 
    ❝…He did more then just HIT me, ❞ she muttered, the harsh words, the cruel touching      he had left am IMPRINT,   ❝….You saved me…You saved me for my throne.❞
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Ramsay had been warned of the wildlings since he was a child. The beasts beyond the Wall. They were savages, but so was he. Though, at least he had a sense for politics. The Bolton was a noble, far better than any person who claimed to be part of the Free Folk. He saw them as pests who needed to be destroyed.
After the wildlings had decided it was their time to attack the Wall and come to the North, it didn’t take long for Ramsay to hear of it. Spies are everywhere even beyond the Wall. His home was being threatened by the barbarians and he planned to put a stop to it before it began.
A crimson haired girl had been brought to him once he sent his men beyond the Wall to find out information. If she knew anything, he would force it out of her. When he entered the room, she was strung to a chair, ready for Ramsay to do with as he pleased. He waited in silence until she woke, her soft sounds filling the quiet room.
       “Don’t struggle. It will only make things worse for you.”
Ramsay took a few steps toward her, looking down on her with a menacing expression. His flaying knife was held in front of him for her to see. He placed it gently on her cheek, adding the slightest bit of pressure with every word.
       “So a wildling has found her way into the my dungeons... That’s rather unfortunate for you, wouldn’t you agree?”
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     ☼ She had tried her best to break free of the grip that latched on to her figure. Vaguely, she cursed at the wildlings that decided to leave her behind to finish closing down the camp. This was the price they paid – almost a metaphorical sacrifice. If the men that held her thought that she wouldn’t fight back, they were wrong. 
      Eventually, they stripped her of her weapons then bound and gagged her. She burned with anger, banging her hands against any edges they crossed in a poor attempt to loosen the binds. Once or twice she tried to retaliate and run off. After the third attempt, she was hit and blacked out in the middle of the tundra.
       When she woke, her throat clenched with thirst. She tried to wet her dried and chapped lips. “Where am I?” Ygritte croaked out. Her green hues searched the empty room for any sign of life or perhaps a way out. When she managed to get up to her feet, the men from her previous encounter came into her line of sight.
       “Get the fuck away from me–”           “Touch me and I’ll break your hands!”
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      Ygritte let out a blood curling scream and again – everything went black.
       “Well, fuck me,” she muttered, stirring in the spot she was set in. The wildling stared at wet ground, pressing her lips into a tight line. At this point, even she knew that it was worthless to try to get out with only brute force. 
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Ramsay wanted to smile. He wanted to hold her and swear to her that no one would ever hurt her as long as he was alive. But he couldn’t. He had to look guilty. It was difficult for him to do so with the adrenaline from a fresh kill coursing his veins. Though the possibility that she would be angry with him for murdering her king was all too real. She shouldn’t be upset about it, but there was a chance she had grown to love the monster. After all, that was what happened with Reek. But he couldn’t bring himself to believe that she could love that man. It didn’t matter any longer. In time, she could realize what Oscar had done to her and why she was better off without him. Regret was the last thing he felt. Even if he had killed a king and would likely be executed if anyone were to find out, he didn’t care. Lana was safe. That was what mattered.
He shook his head. “He’s long dead,” he began. “The moment you walked away I took his life from him.” Just as he would have taken yours. His face was stone cold and serious as he stared down at her. Ramsay was a deceptive man and he was aware that she knew that. She knew of his cruelty and his games. But this was not the time for one of his games. Not when her safety and happiness was threatened. Her touch on his face was relieving. The last time they touched, she had pushed him away--a gestured filled with anger and hatred. And perhaps this touch was the same, but at least she could touch him again without fear of punishment.
“He hurt you,” he said bluntly. “Long ago I told you that I would kill your suitor simply because he wished to marry you. Did you believe that I would stand by and watch as he littered you with bruises?”
    She jumped when the doors opened, she feared it was her husband, she wasn’t ready for him. She had already begun to beg, turning she held back a scream. The king is dead. The king is dead. The king is dead. He didn’t. He COULDN’T. She felt f a i n t, like the word was SPINNING; Ramsay k i l l e d him. He was a KINGSLAYER. She braced herself against the fireplace, her king was dead and she was HEIRLESS she would have to marry AGAIN. Bitter tears feel from her eyes, Why? she wanted to ask, Why did you do it?  ❝ He choked.❞ she heard herself,  ❝ Tell me he choked.❞ She knew he didn’t. She could see  the blood, SMELL the death. She turned to face him, bitter tears still staining her cheeks and fell into his arms. 
      ❝He’s dead. ❞she sobbed,  ❝He won’t come and BEAT me?❞ this could of ALL been a t r i c k, they could beat her together, laugh at her screams and cries; but she WANTED to trust Ramsay, she needed too. She pushed all her weight on him, what would she do? what would she SAY? she had left with a KING and she would return with out one, Oscar was not loved but he would be noticed MISSED. 
    ❝Ramsay…Ramsay…why? Why did you do it?❞ she took his cheeks in both her hands, making him look down at her,  ❝Why…tell me WHY you did it. ❞
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“Better the Lannisters than the Starks,” he stated. “Fine, if you wish to be so cautious then I will fetch you myself.” Ramsay bowed his head before turning to walk away. “Until sundown.”
Ramsay had gathered a whore from the brothel and placed her in the dungeons before heading to the front of the castle to meet Nymeria. His excited eyes finally fell over the blonde girl, offering a small smile before gesturing her to follow him. His heart was already racing. Nothing pleased him more than hearing the screams of innocents. “Come,” he spoke quietly. “Everything is ready.”
“There are no men like me. There’s only me.”
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He gritted his teeth, forcing down all the words he wanted to say. Lana didn’t have to be in the room when he gave the man what he deserved. The look in her eyes suggested that she hated him. She had every right to. He had wished for her to be beaten by a cruel man and that was exactly what happen. It was possible that she would never forgive him for cursing her with such an awful thing. Though he would try his hardest to make things right. When she left the room, his glance shot over to the king. The way he touched her with such a predatory hand made the Bolton want to wring his neck. Ramsay would kill that man. He wanted to rip him limb from limb and leave his body for the dogs. Oscar didn’t deserve an honorable death. 
The moment she left the room, Ramsay rose to his feet and his hand was instantly around Oscar’s neck. He squeezed tightly, watching the redness flood his face as he began to lose air. “How dare you?” His voice was low and filled with rage. “She is a queen and you dared to hurt her. You even threatened to hurt her in my home.” His free hand grabbed a knife that was placed on the table. “She's a gentle, kind soul and you treated her as though she was some common whore.” His words began to blur in his mind as the monstrous rage took over. Before he knew it, a knife that was held in his hand was being dragged along the king’s skin. Blood spilled over his hands and Oscar was left defenseless. 
Several moments passed before Ramsay decided the king had had enough. The man had been dead for quite some time, too weak to handle the pain. Though Ramsay made sure he felt it. He made sure he regretted ever touching Lana. He dropped the knife beside the king’s mutilated body before turning to head toward her chambers. The Bolton went as quickly as he could. Without knocking, his blood stained hands pushed the door open. He was sure he looked a mess, practically drowning in the blood of the fat man. His eyes rested upon her, a false look of guilt placed in them.  She may be upset with him for killing her husband, but he did not regret it. At least she was free from that monster. Lana could hate him all she wanted as long as she was safe. “The king is dead, your grace.”
    Don’t call me that, Lana thought, Please, don’t call me that. But her husbands fat fingers locked down on her leg, making her gasp. Why? why is he doing this? She bit her lip, He ALREADY cursed me. Does he mean to listen to my beating? Oscar snorted and dug into his food, ( one handed as the other was still molesting her leg. ) She took a tart from a plate and WAITED to be allowed to leave; if she left without his leave       he would try to bed her. When he TRIED to bed her he only grew anger and anger; he made her do things she didn’t like. 
❝ Leave woman,❞ he grunted,  ❝ leave us and be ready, you know how I like you.❞ He grabbed her arm with his fat hand,  ❝ If you aren’t ready I’ll ride you raw, dear.❞
He was going to beat her all nigh, force her to touch him and then beat her again. She nodded, like a scared little girl, like the girl that first arrived at the Dreadfort; she flinched when he forced his lips to hers      I hope you choke, she thought as she stood, I hope you choke and die. She sent a look to Ramsay, I hope you choke too. You did this to me, you wished this on me.   ❝ Thank you, Your grace, this was LOVELY.❞ Now I have to go prepare to be beaten,   ❝ Now with your and my husbands leave. ❞ She turned and started off ( Oscar slapping her backside as she passed him.) 
❝ You see that?❞ he grunted, ❝ She’s got a right fat arse. Best thing on that woman, that and her tits, you should see her naked. Her face ain’t to pretty but the gods blessed that woman with a body that would strike a man down with a look. ❞
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Ramsay smiled softly when she finally met his eyes. He gave her a look to suggest that it would be okay. He would help her. The bruises that trailed over her face almost made him cringe, but he remained stoic. The king must not see him falter. He would likely hurt Lana more if there was any indication that the two had romantic encounters in the past. As angry as he way, Ramsay was more concerned for Lana’s safety than the punishment he would give Oscar. Oh, but he would give Oscar the punishment he deserved. It was only a matter of time. “Yes, they have really outdone themselves, haven’t they?” he said, speaking only to Lana. 
The smile left his lips when the king spoke again. His face hardened as he placed his hands on the table, interlocking his fingers together to keep himself from striking the man. Ramsay leaned forward and rested on his elbows before he spoke. “Pardon me, your grace, but I believe we have more important matters to attend to than discussing you bedding your wife. Perhaps that is something you’d rather keep to yourself, should you not?” His words were laced with venom. 
His full attention returned to the girl when she almost let his name slip through her lips. Ramsay shot her a glace, warning her to be cautious. The king cannot know. “Unfortunately there is not,” he answered. “We haven’t even begun our meal though. Is cake really necessary?” His eyes landed on the king. “After all, a feast is not the reason you are here. Should your wife leave so we can discuss the business we are to attend to?” Ramsay looked back over to Lana. “You should go. A guard will take you to your chambers. This would all be rather boring for you anyway, dear.”
      It was Lana holding him back that stopped him from grabbing Ramsay, she squeezed his arm tightly. forcing a smile, running her hand up his arm,  ❝Ramsay has a short temper and a loose tongue, my love. Never mind him. ❞ She stood on tiptoes to kiss his cheek, The closer I get the WORSE you smell.  ❝He knows not how you treat me, you do treat me so VERY well. ❞ Oscar seemed pleased at this. ( pleased enough to grab her backside.) Resting her cheek against his arm as they entered the dinning room she was able to slip out of his arm and into a seat; she shot a glance at Ramsay    it was the first time she had seen him in years. The year had been K I N D to him.  
     ❝ Thank you, your grace.❞ She spoke, to him, directly.   ❝It’s a lovely diner, you must of overworked your poor servants.❞ It was odd talking to him, like it was kissing him. But not as odd as she would stop, she felt safer here, somehow. Ramsay made her feel safer. Oscar’s hand trailed up her leg, dipping under her skirts.  I could jab him with a fork. She thought, It doesn’t matter if I stick myself, not at all.
❝ Where’s our bed. ❞ Oscar grunted,  ❝ We’ll be going there just as soon as this is done with. ❞ He planted another sloppy kiss to Lana’s cheek,  ❝ I apologize in advance, my king. She grunts like a boar in bed, squawks like a damn bird. ❞  
        Lana felt her blood run cold. He means to beat me. He means to BEAT me here. The gaze she held on Ramsay dropped, I’ve made him jealous…Ramsay UPSET him and now he means to beat me.  ❝Is there…is there cake, Ram     your grace, my king LOVES cake. ❞ Please, she thought. Please let there be enough to feed a whole town.
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   “Yes, I am quite well-known for my kindness,” he     joked. Kind had never once been used to describe     Ramsay. Unless, of course, he was pretending to     be kind only as a tool of manipulation. But his offer     was genuine. He and his army were itching for another     war. It had been quiet for too long.
    Ramsay nodded. “Of course I fear you’ll betray me,” he     affirmed. “I’d be a fool to trust you blindly. We have only     just met.” His words were not meant to offend. They were     what he truly believed. There were few people the Bolton     trusted and he was not planning on trusting the girl in front     of him any time soon. 
    It did make him afraid that she would have a say in what     goes on in the North once she took power. If she decided     to control it herself, then she would start a war. Though it     did please him to hear that she had no intention of stripping     him of any power. She may even give him more“Oh? What     did you have in mind?”
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        “What a kind offer.” She was almost smirking. It was true         that she had paid for her army in coin, but they had chosen         to serve her, each && every one. As far as passion went,         it was difficult to tell what happened to a man when he lost         what made him a man. Regardless, Daenerys needed swords         wielded by fearless fighters.         Ramsey did not want enemies, && he proved that he could         not bear living in a world where his rule had opposition; there         could be no middle ground in the north. While Daenerys had          experience with opposition, she once believed that mercy was         a powerful tool. How foolish she had been.         “You fear I will betray you?” It was not an outlandish worry, not         in this political climate. Dany allowed the bait to dangle in the         growing silence as she made an effort at looking relaxed. “No.         The plans I have concerning the north do not include reducing         its—- or your—– power.” Her eyes sparked imagination. “Perhaps         I will give you more than just the north.”
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   “His screams will be heard in the South.     Would you like to go first or shall I?”
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“How loudly do you think we could make him scream in agony?”
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TRUTH SERUM;; tell me, do you love me?
“Yes, of course I do. I thought that was clear when I asked you to marry me. Though I suppose our little argument afterwards implied otherwise… But yes. I love you.”
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Domeric: “My father thinks I killed him. Perhaps I did, perhaps I didn’t. I had more than enough reason to. That boy was only a Bolton by blood. He was far too kind, far too gentle to ever live up to our name. It sickens me to think for even a moment, he was the heir. But all is well now that he is dead and the true heir has taken his place.”
Cassia: “She is a favorite out of the people I know. She holds a quiet cruelness about her that is difficult to detect unless she shows it to you. Her face is innocent, but her mind is wicked. When she is older, she will have the ability to be a master manipulator. I hope to teach her all I know about flaying and torture, perhaps even aid her in the ways of politics. She will do well. She will live up to the Bolton name and make us proud.”
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“The late king was cruel, yes, but he never got his hands dirty. He was never willing to do the torturing himself. Don’t tell me to do my worst because it is far from what you have ever seen.” His arrogance was getting the better of him again. “Someone poisoned him because he was fool enough to believe that people would not want him dead. I’m more than aware that people dislike me. No one can bring down my father and I. No one.” Ramsay crossed his arms in front of his chest, but held his grip on his dagger. “Tell me, Sansa,do you really wish for me to do my worst?”
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“I’ve been with a boy, that yes…chopped my father’s head off. I had to watch it, he pinned it on display and forced me to look…do you honestly believe that this is my first time with an insane bastard? Do your worst…I’ve already been through it. And I have learned that nature has it’s revenge. Someone poisoned my first terror…and I’m sure that you and your monstrous father will suffer the same fate if not worse.” She was not backing down…she was done being the scared little girl.
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Send a symbol to hear my muse talk about their
◌ Mother/Father
⌘ Guardian
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🔲 Best Friend
❥ Crush
◉ Dream(s)
◖ Ideal Partner
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☰ Occupation
✯ Perfect day
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☑ A Favorite (book/movie/song/etc.)
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BROTP AS HELL. I could see those two hunting together and torturing together and having so much with it. He would see her as his little protégée. And since she is family with no threat to him being heir, Ramsay would probably actually care about her. 
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    Ramsay had heard of the Unsullied. Everyone had.     They were known to be great warriors, but they lacked     feeling. “A skilled army, truly. Though I question their     brutality and their passion. Those that oppose you     should die painfully, without honor. They deserve to have     their skin ripped from their bones. My army can do that     for you,” he offered.
    Ramsay shook his head. “No, not extinction. There are     still people loyal to us. The Starks made a lot of enemies     in the North during the young wolf’s fight for power--the     Karstarks for example. I only wish to destroy those who      are still fiercely loyal to them. Perhaps as people see     those houses being destroyed, they will choose to flock     to our side. Fear is a strong motivator. Once they are all     on my side, I will rule as I was meant to.” His eyes narrowed     at her. “However, I do have some concern with your reign.     Do you wish to take away power from the North?”
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        Was it WAR she sought? Surely her desire would only make         it inevitable…. && when it came to King’s Landing, the largest,         strongest army was key. That, && DRAGONS. “I have my Unsullied,”         she thought aloud. More machine than man. But Ramsey’s army         would only go at his command. He had bested Stannis Baratheon         as well, which proved him tactical.          “So that is what you seek——- to cause extinction in the North?”         Because she understood the northerners to be loyal to only the         Starks. “You know I can.” Now he was thinking of the three fire-         breathing beasts outside of the castle walls. Death by dragon fire         was said to be extremely agonizing. “What happens after your         naysayers are dead?” She was really considering this, a plan         that would only solidify her descent into madness. “What happens         to the north?”
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