Open to trick or treat asks!
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Plural culture is making excessive “damn, bro. You got the whole squad laughing” jokes
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System culture is being like is this passive influence or have my tastes just changed
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🪐 Us: [has a horrible week]
🪐 Brain: I know how to help ☺️ [forms dookie load of alters]
🪐 Us: nO—
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I’m willing to accept the idea of endogenics if they distance themselves completely from actual systems. That means stop stealing our terms(system, alter, introject etc), stop acting like we’re the same, stop invading our spaces and just basically make it an entirely different thing so they will never be compared again. And also stop acting like my gender identity and my disorder are the same. And stop pretending that system hopping is possible, stop being racist to Buddhist people, etc.
Basically, just stop. Back off.
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hey can you just like. rb this if your blog is NOT a safe space for endos cause we're lookin for more mutuals n stuff
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Sometimes I'll be in front and just
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- sincerely your local sys trouble maker
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plural culture is having that one specific headache and knowing that someone new is probably gonna show up soon
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me: remembers I have tics
me in the next second:
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sorry i’m late i forgot i existed
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unironically refers to my headmates as 'brain bitches'
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Halloween and Systems
Since Halloween is quickly approaching and my moots are getting ~spooky~, I thought I'd pass around some advice for systems who have ppl still wanting to trick or treat
A lot of our littles really love this time of year, some are scared though sadly. I'm gonna cover a multitude of things, so this may get long. If you're planning to read all of this then grab some chocolate milk and a blanket! (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Dressing up, system fueds, & decision making
We love to dress up every year, as a child we we're more excited for Halloween than Christmas! It's our favorite part of the holiday, but after our system had grown more comfortable with our environment, things started to get tricky.
Some system members wanted to dress up as this or that, others wanting to not dress up at all. Regardless of what their opinion was, they were dead set on it.
It was very stressful! We didn't know how to manage inner conflict at the time (still don't sometimes)
Luckily though, we were able to come to a compromise. Perhaps someone wanted to be a vampire but the other wanted to be a dragon, we would see if someone could settle with one or the other, and if not? Mixing and matching always works!
Promising they could dress up as that next year can always work too!
Being "too old" to trick-or-treat
This sucks. We were only 11 and were already being refused candy. It got worse the older we got, and eventually we just decided to stay home and watch scary movies and reruns they always play on Halloween.
A lot of our littles were very upset, making the night gloomy, so, we came up with an idea!
If you have someone you're out about being a system to and trust them enough, see if you can get them to hide candy around your house or other areas. It's kinda like a treasure hunt, but better cause it's Halloween!
Our system loved this, though it was a little exhausting from all the excited switching lol
Dealing with overwhelmed, fearful, or nervous alters
This by far is the hardest part of Halloween for us. We deal with a lot of sensory issues and all these scary decorations can often scare some of us. While we don't have an end all be all solution, we do have a few tips and tricks!
First things first, outfits are super uncomfortable! If you've dressed up and that one tag is tickling the back of your neck or that frilly bit is too frilly, Halloween can quickly become a flop!
There's some parts of your outfit that might not be adjustable, but for tags and unnecessary details, cut em off! If you don't, the icky feeling of it being there will only get louder as the night goes on, trust me!
If you're planning on doing a lot of walking, then apply some deodorant to your inner thighs to keep from getting irritated. I've heard baby powder might be helpful too, though we haven't tried it.
If it's frilly parts of your outfit, snap some photos and then see if you can pin it to be more comfortable. It doesn't always work, but it's worth a try!
Now, Halloween can be some scary stuff! If you feel an anxiety/panic attack coming on, then it's best to take a break. Drink some water and breath. If someone in your system has become fearful, try your best to avoid whatever it is and console them. Listen to some music or eat candy and take a break if things get too overwhelming.
If a system member has been showing nervousness, then try talking to them before any plans, see if you can do something to relieve a bit of that stress. It's always good to communicate with one another!
And if you're going to be somewhere loud and often deal with sensory issues, we really recommend noise cancelling headphones! Even if you don't deal with sensory issues much, it's really helpful for panic/anxiety attacks as the extra stimulation can send you overboard.
That's all the tip we got for now, while it's not much, we thought someone may find them useful. I hope this helps, have fun and stay safe out there! 💫
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Shout out to every single system member trying their best. You're doing great!
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shoutout to all the systems that continue to grow in member count even if you think you should be "okay", your body is protecting you! it doesn’t mean you're doing it on purpose! 💕
yes!!!! systems are valid whether it be 3 alters or so many you can’t keep count!!! growing and large systems are soso valid!!
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my body is NOT. a “”temple””….it is a CLOWN CAR, and NONE OF THESE BITCHES KNOW HOW 2 DRIVE
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system advice we wish we got years ago
we’ve been hanging around plural tumblr for over five years and uhhh there’s a lot of. Not Great info on this site, by which i mean there’s a lot that made us question what we were experiencing and repress shit rather than exploring it
so we wanted to list a few things that we wish we knew when we were first exploring our system (note: we use parts language cuz we prefer that!!)
“possession”-style amnesia (ie, complete blackouts in which you act dramatically different) is relatively rare and only emphasized so much in psychiatric literature because it’s comparatively easy to diagnose and observe from an outside perspective. amnesia can also look like periods of time being a blur, or being unable to piece events together along a timeline (among other things)
blurring is normal. identity confusion is normal. not knowing who is fronting at a given moment is normal and practicing internal communication can help with this
in most cases, inner worlds are intentionally created/developed and do not form of their own accord. if you don’t have an inner world that comes naturally to you, that’s ok! there are techniques you can use to make them - i outlined what we did here. writing out descriptions of interior spaces or what parts look like isn’t cheating or faking!!!
DID and OSDD are less about sharing a headspace with a bunch of randos than they are about sharing a headspace with a bunch of versions of yourself that have adapted to different situations. i think if someone told us ages ago that “it’s like carrying around old versions of yourself and having their thoughts and memories and needs still living in you” it would have made so much more sense to us
similar to above, it’s pretty normal for multiple parts in one system to have interests that overlap. examining chronology (ie what parts are most active at what points in our life) has helped a lot to distinguish parts with similar interests or emotional responses
different people visualize things differently and not having a clear visual or other sensory impression of parts doesn’t mean they’re not real
noticing how parts interact with each other and feel about each other is a really useful way to get a better understanding of the system
a private discord server is really great for writing out conversations between parts
parts form for reasons. having introjects from media you really love isn’t abnormal or cringey - if there’s some part of you that has found a reason to identify with or take on qualities from a character that’s important to you, that’s okay and makes perfect sense! similarly, it’s i think pretty normal to have fictives from media you might not expect right away, especially kids’ media (a lot of us use it to escape stressful/traumatic situations as kids, so forming parts based on characters from such media makes sense!)
similarly, introjects of irl people you know/have known don’t mean something is wrong with you, although it can be really uncomfortable or frightening. the important thing is to remember that these parts are not literally those people, and if you work and communicate with them you can change aspects of them (ime explaining “hey, i get youre trying to help but this is really uncomfortable and i need you to change this however you can” is a good start, although it may not work in and of itself)
loving your parts is part of recovery. there’s a lot of memes etc like “my persecutor is evil and i need to restrain them/punish them” and stuff of this nature and i GET feeling like that but parts are adaptive. they are trying to help you even if it’s maladaptive ways!!! it can be really hard especially if you have more dissociative barriers, but showing them love and acceptance and trying to understand why they do things they do is pretty important ime. the “understanding” part often involves trauma processing though so it’s something that should be done carefully and in a safe environment
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