thechelseadaily · 3 years
“There’s a corner of my heart that is yours. And I don’t mean for now, or until I’ve found somebody else, I mean forever. I mean to say that whether I fall in love a thousand times over or once or never again, there’ll always be a small quiet place in my heart that belongs only to you.”
— Beau Taplin (via quotemadness)
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thechelseadaily · 3 years
When I fall in love with someone, I don’t feel love just with them; I start to love the daily life of that person, their passions, the street where they live, their family. even their pets.. and that’s why breaking up is so sad for me - I feel like I have to let go not only a person I deeply love, but also their personal universe made of their friends, their favorite songs, the plants in their driveway.. even the ringtone of their cellphone
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thechelseadaily · 3 years
“maybe we will meet each other again as if it is the first time and maybe then we will learn how to love right maybe then we will know how to fight for each other”
— k.m
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thechelseadaily · 3 years
“He kept making poems out of her. I think that was his way of keeping her alive.”
— Donna Aradini
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thechelseadaily · 3 years
“i didn’t know how beautiful my name was until it fell so effortlessly from your lips. i didn’t know my favourite colour until i looked into your eyes. i didn’t know what angels sounded like until i heard your laugh. i didn’t know what love was like until i found you. i didn’t know what it was like to be broken, until you left me.”
— magicayl 
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thechelseadaily · 3 years
“To the girl who loves him next, make sure you have the patience and perseverance to love a beautiful soul. You’ll need every ounce of patience you can get because he will purposely test all of your buttons, through good intentions. He’ll love to get a reaction out of you, only to apologize and smother you with affection. He’ll purposely do things to get a rise out of you just so he can watch you with dilated eyes as you go through the motions, because in his eyes every emotion you show is special. To the girl who loves him next, your perseverance will only make the relationship stronger. Like every beautiful rose, there are thorns. It’s smart to remember nobody has the same upbringing, and everyone has different values. To the girl who loves him next, he’s a very affectionate person and he’s clingy. Not clingy in the way where it’s aggravating, but in the way only his arms can bring you the sense of protection you never knew you longed for. To the girl who loves him next, please give him affection in return. when he’s comfortable enough to tell you, he’ll tell you why, that without it, his petals will whither away. to the girl who loves him next, he’ll never tell you, but every once in a while let him know just how red he is. He’ll sometimes think he’s the dullest of the bunch, when in reality he’s the brightest. To the girl who loves him next, he was hurt in the past. reassurance will come in handy once in a while, but actions speak much louder than words ever will. To the girl who loves him next, no amount of time can ever prepare you for an eccentric personality. constantly be on your toes, because everyday is a new surprise with him. Ask him to tell you a story, and when he asks you what genre, tell him every. Listen as he can transform petty words into poetry. to the girl who loves him next, ask him to show you his music and his art. You’ll fall deeper in love with every paint, pen and pencil stroke, along with every note. To the girl who loves him next, please just love him. And from the girl who loved you first, I hope you find everything in her that you couldn’t find in me.””
— rebeloverdose (via wnq-writers)
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thechelseadaily · 3 years
“But in this world where time continuously takes its fast paces, some things will never change. You’ll always be that someone— once made me smile, you’ll always be that person— once brought tears to my eyes. You are the scene where the sun kisses the ocean, the one— who once made me sad and happy at the same time.”
— ma.c.a // few minutes, then you were gone
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thechelseadaily · 3 years
“I have done bad things. I can’t take them back, and they are part of who I am. Most of the time, they seem like the only thing I am.”
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thechelseadaily · 4 years
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café con leche
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thechelseadaily · 5 years
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thechelseadaily · 5 years
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thechelseadaily · 5 years
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thechelseadaily · 5 years
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thechelseadaily · 5 years
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thechelseadaily · 5 years
“Everytime I think of you, I smile,
but my heart hurts like hell.”
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thechelseadaily · 5 years
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thechelseadaily · 5 years
Give Yourself The Chance
It’s not that you’ll care any less
or love them any less
it’s accepting and facing the facts of the reality
of knowing what the not knowing has become
in order to save yourself from the time ahead
you will have to learn when to use your heart a little less
even after you choose to walk away, you can still love them
you just have to have the courage
to let them go in order to give yourself the chance to live
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