thecjwelford · 1 month
The thing was, CJ was only trying to be helpful. He had a large group of friends, tons of drinks, and thought that carrying the tray outside would solve all the problems presented to him in that moment. Until of course, some douchebag bumped into him, and he tripped on...something, like a raccoon or whatever lived in the smoking area of Aurora.
He had been watching the way the streetlights danced off the shards of glass and liquid pooling around the destruction, looking up and offering Jeanie a wide smile when she came out to lecture him. "Jeanie Bon Beanie!" He exclaimed, immune to being told off. "It wasn't my fault, I swear!" It never was, obviously. "Oh, I just walked out through that door." He pointed behind her, to the big steel door that said 'STAFF ONLY'.
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➥ location: aurora, smoker's area
➥ status: open starter @bluestarters (capping at 1/5)
As the door swung shut behind her, the thumping beat of the dancefloor was reduced a muffled reverberation. It was almost a relief to get some fresh air, even if aforementioned fresh air was more cigarette smoke than anything. Jeanie usually liked the noise, but tonight's shift had been a long one and she'd already had to clean up puke twice. Sleep was beckoning to her, images of her soft bed floating through her mind at increasing intervals. Only a couple more hours, she thought longingly, and at least this clean-up didn't involve any bodily fluids, just a guilty-faced patron, shattered glass and tequila from the smell of it.
"See this is why we say no drinks outside," she admonished teasingly. One hand rested on her hip and the other brandished a broom menacingly as she surveyed the damage. "And you were so confident you could carry that tray without help. 'I've got it', you said. 'I won't drop it', you said. And now look. I'm on broom duty. How'd you sneak it past security?"
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thecjwelford · 1 month
He couldn’t really relate. If CJ wanted something, he tended to go for it regardless if there were rules against it or not. Still, he got that not everyone else was like that, though he wondered if there was anything he could do to help Jasper out. “Well, where do you live dude?” He asked, wondering if there was a chance he or one of his siblings or someone would know a potential landlord to sweet-talk into turning a blind eye just this once.
When asked if King Charles was really that old, CJ just shrugged nonchalantly. “Yeah, maybe.” He didn’t know, and didn’t know if Seb got a definite answer either. “Yeah, super calming — if they’re like Charles anyway!” He was so old he didn’t do much of anything, after all.
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“oh, i couldn't do that.” a stickler for rules and regulations. if it was forbidden by the lease, jasper wouldn't step even close. he was sure ruby wouldn't mind; they would have likely been on board from the beginning, a counterpart for the timid young librarian that helped in loosening him up. if only a little. when they were born giselle had been given all the risk, all the confidence, and in return jasper had been given a studious head, the ability to easily fall in line. “i wouldn't want to get caught. it's taken me long enough to get this apartment in the first place.” it would likely do wonders, to have a dog at his side. somebody that would stick up for him no matter what. somebody to protect them, to make them feel safer in a world not built for people like jasper. he knew of friends that had dogs to help them—animals with little vests that told others they were working. how could a landlord, in good conscience, refuse that? they then hesitated—jasper wasn't sure any landlord had good conscience. “he's really that old?” the joke was lost on him. “i hope i can. i think it would just be nice. they're good for calming people down, i've heard.”
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thecjwelford · 1 month
“Warn me?!” CJ replied, words laced with incense, though there was no real vitriol to it. “Dude, I know you’re a lawyer and all but like, I’m pretty sure if I sued you for attempted murder I’d totes win in court!” He didn’t know much about his gym friend besides his name, workout schedule, job, but to CJ that was all the important information needed. He let the older man dab at him as he caught his breath. “Yeah, I’m pretty set on my usual shit. Count your stars, man, Seb would have come for you if you made me go on that.”
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“Okay then,” he grinned, lifting his hands in the air in a sign of surrender, allowing CJ to turn the dial to the highest intensity. “Show me how it’s done so I can take my victory lap,” he goaded. Daniel knew it probably wasn’t fair to do that to someone who he knew would so easily take the bait. Still, it was all just in good-natured fun. As CJ quickly came to the realization that the resistance on that machine was no joke, Daniel laughed to himself. “To be fair, I did warn you it was harder than it looks.” He grabbed one of the clean towels and dabbed CJ’s forehead teasingly. “I know one machine I won’t be adding into my rotation.”
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thecjwelford · 1 month
The man’s sarcasm was lost on CJ, but he was just grateful someone else besides himself found him hot in the little cat glasses. Though the momentarily hit to the ego did distract him from his task at hand. “Thanks man. You think if they don’t have any more cats, they might do other animals? Like dogs or butterflies or some shit?”
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Leo smirked at the guy. Did he have such a high opinion of himself or was he being sarcastic? Leo didn't want to make assumptions -- not to the man's face anyway. "I mean.. that's probably true." The man wasn't unattractive, even with the cat sunglasses on his face. "Oh yes. I definitely see it now. Smoking hot."
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thecjwelford · 1 month
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Darren Barnet
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thecjwelford · 1 month
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Same Phoebe, same.
FRIENDS 6.01: “The One After Vegas"
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thecjwelford · 1 month
I miss my husband 😭
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thecjwelford · 1 month
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THE GOOD PLACE (2016—2020) S03E01: Everything Is Bonzer
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thecjwelford · 1 month
He merely blinked at her question, not understanding what she was meaning. “No? I haven’t done a test since my PSAT’s.” He guessed there were different types of tests in terms of his career, but that was always something more fun and thus didn’t count. “Eh, they were alright. Probably wouldn’t get them again.” Unless he was starving, of course. “Oh, right!” It seemed foolish that such an obvious joke hadn’t crossed CJ’s mind, but he shrugged it off all the same. From the distance, he swore he saw one of his friends, and lit up at the idea of finally being reunited with them after all this time. “Listen, dude. I’m gonna go find my friends, but awesome meeting you!” And with that, he ran off in the general direction of where he thought he saw someone.
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Quin was stunned. Completely frozen where she stood. She had a penchant for being shocking, a flair for the dramatic, and yet, she wasn't sure she could top food truck meatballs in a car wash-- not even with her decades of partying. She might've bought smack from anybody off the street, but not meat-- er, beef. "Brother, I don't know you, but I gotta ask... you ever been tested for, like, a tapeworm or other kinda parasite?" she asked, eyeing his abdomen with growing concern.
"Like, what's the overhead on that? Meatballs at the car wash? Surely there are lower maintenance snacks that could be served." Quin would be pondering this for a while. Too long, maybe. She held up her hands in mock surrender, "Woah man, I dunno. Meat and balls. I don't know what you do." You meaning, of course, a man.
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thecjwelford · 1 month
CJ wasn’t a stranger to overt acts of affection when drinking. He was like that himself, and a lot of his friends were too, so when Liam leaned in to kiss him on the forehead, he just smiled, hands automatically going to the other man’s hips to steady him. They had always done this song and dance, and it never seemed to affect their friendship. And even though he was technically, like, legally married, it wasn’t like Seb cared what he got up to in the club.
“Just for Aurora, dude?” CJ asked with a wide grin. “I mean, I know they’re playing like, sick music tonight, but there’s better clubs out there!” He had been at said better clubs not too long ago, even if his heart hadn’t been in it. But Liam didn’t need to know that.
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LIAM HAD BEEN WAITING FOR cj to get back to him, but it had been suspiciously quiet for a few weeks. which was not like cj. whenever there was an opportunity to let loose they were side by side on the dancefloor. he'd almost given up hope of getting a private tour of aurora when cj suddenly reached out. getting a few drinks at cj's place ( seb suspiciously missing ) felt like old times and liam had a familiar thrill pulsing through his body. only they were trading clubs in europe for blue harbor, illinois. a few hours of dancing later he had lost cj, though liam hadn't been feeling the loss with the sea of bodies surrounding him too much. the feeling of just letting every worry go made him feel like he was floating. cj appeared on his side and liam wrapped an arm around his shoulders without thought. he pulled him in to press a kiss on the forehead, smiling widely at his old friend. "dude, i missed you," he called out, pushing back his hair that had been slicked down onto his forehead with sweat, "i might stick around longer just for this."
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thecjwelford · 1 month
“In Chicago for anything exciting?” CJ didn’t venture out of Blue Harbor much for anything anymore, except for work related activities, and even then it was more abroad than anything. Which he loved, despite all the jet-lag and stuff. But he made a mental note to probably head out to the big city again sometime, maybe take a few friends or Seb or anything. “Or like, was it work or whatever?” He knew people loved their jobs but to CJ, work usually equalled boring.
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By the time she had reached the table CJ was at, she found herself not really embarrassed at all. He was just a kid trapped in a grown man's body and Dylan loved that about her friend. "Honestly, I hadn't figured out yet if I was dining in or doin' take out." She shared, as she moved to slide into the booth now. "I'm gonna just text Theo real quick to see if he wants anything and I could here with ya and take somethin' home for him." Dylan shared, feeling like it was a rare occasion nowadays where she could just spontaneously hang out with friends. It was one of the very few downsides of becoming a mom. "I just was in bad traffic on my way back from Chicago and I kinda feel like not gettin' back into my car right away." She admitted with a small laugh as she relaxed more into the booth with a sigh.
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thecjwelford · 1 month
It didn’t really occur to CJ that people would just be naturally jumpy upon such an…enthusiastic greeting, especially in somewhere like a pharmacy. To him, it was an indicator of Micah as a person, and it made more sense why Saul the Divorce Lawyer was worried about him. CJ would be too, if his kid was jumpy as a jack-hammer, or however the saying went. 
“Cool!” The driver almost asked Micah what prescriptions, but a voice in his head that sounded like Wren told him that was deeply inappropriate, so he decided to just move on, smiling wide when the questions were directed to him. “Yeah man, I’ve been good. One of my boys was competing in the F1, went to Belgium to cheer him on. Ending up, uh, spending some time in Greece after.” He figured Peter also wasn’t a suitable topic to be had, not even just because they were in a pharmacy either.
Was it shame, he felt, about his agreement with the older millionaire? No one really knew, not the details anyway. Not even Seb. He was sure Seb would have been cool with it, but maybe he was worried his room-spouse’s opinion of him had changed. Again, not something to talk to Micah about in PharmaChoice. 
“Oh? No, not yet! Just preparing for the morning.” He said, giving his pill bottle a little shake. “Hey, you’ve been to Aurora, right? I’m heading with a bunch of guys I know from back in the day, you should totes come with!”
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he's been on more or less the same prescriptions since he was sixteen, had rotated through various etines and ipramines throughout his life that it had just somehow become embedded into his lore despite the various attempts at going off them. getting his prescriptions refilled in a big city is no big deal; nobody knows you, nobody cares. which isn't to say that his presence in pharmachoice is gonna make the sunday headlines—he's not that vain—but he can't help this lingering feeling that he's being watched.
and when cj welford springs into his view, his fears are confirmed. he flinches, practically flinging the shoulder that cj had touched so far back it could've popped right out of the socket, reflexes rivaling a formula car driver's like the one in front of him.
"jesus," micah hisses, clutching his chest and leaning back against the counter. he swallows the bundle of nerves that had lurched up in his throat and, "just my, um... my prescriptions," is all he offers by way of an answer. he hasn't seen much of cj around since his birthday party, even less in the last few weeks. perhaps he's been going back to the circuits like they'd briefly discussed back then? that should be exciting. he notices the white plastic bottle in the other man's hand. the guy's known to party; he might as well be an endorser for paracetamol at this point. "how've you been?" he gestures to the bottle. "wild night?"
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thecjwelford · 1 month
Who knew that CJ Welford was such a prolific darts player? And what did 'prolific' even mean? Regardless, the former F1 driver was having a blast at this birthday shindig for Linc and Leon. He was taking it easy though, only having had five tequila shots so far. After winning yet another game (and with the amount of people around, it was easy to drown out the cries of how he almost got people in the eye or whatever), he decided to go find his room-spouse, who slipped through the cracks of the crowd seamlessly during one of the previous games.
Figuring Seb was probably having a smoke, he ventured outside, just in time to hear the tail-end of Linc's warning...about him.
"Duck?!" He exclaimed in mock-horror, reaching behind to entrap Linc's neck in his arm, angling over to ruffle his hair. "Fuck you dude, my aim is perfect!" The person Linc was speaking to politely smiled in their direction, stating they'd see them inside and left them to it.
"Seriously dude." He said, releasing Linc from his grasp, turning the younger man so he could face him. "This party is sick. You havin' a good time?"
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who: Linc & open! ( @bluestarters ) what: Linc & Leon's Birthday Extravaganza! where: O'Shea's Irish Pub
It was a good day already, barely past eight and Linc had downed.... three, maybe four pints. He was doing his best to play a good host, saying hello to everyone and not staying in one place too long. The turnout was better than he'd expected from a last-minute, distinctly informal text... but that was sort of the Weaver Ridge way. It was a tradition now-- to gather at O'Shea's in between Linc and Leon's birthday (never on Leon's birthday, of course), and drink until they had to stumble home serenaded by the cicada song.
Though it was usually bad form to take a beer outside, Linc had negotiated a pass for his smoke breaks. It was much worse, he figured, to smoke without his beer than it was to potentially get Leon in trouble about the liquor license. Leaning against the patio railing, Linc took a swig of the glass bottle and balanced his cigarette between two fingers. "Oh, hey!" he called to the familiar face turning towards O'Shea's. "I'm so glad you could make it, this is amazing!" Without a second thought, he threw an arm around their neck in a warm greeting.
Linc's typical reserved nature gave way to a more self-assured enthusiasm when he was a couple drinks in, and he was feeling sappy about how many people had come out to celebrate with him and Leon. It didn't matter who they came for-- or if they were a relative stranger. Tonight, they were family. "I will warn you, CJ was playing darts when I left," Linc said, grin reaching his eyes. "So.... duck?" He patted the railing next to him, "Or join me for a second, if you want."
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thecjwelford · 1 month
Daniel was baiting him. He was baiting him, and CJ had indeed fallen for it. “Why don’t we adjust it to high, tough guy? Show you how this is supposed to be done?” Which was rich coming from him, since it was his first — and maybe last — time on the machine. Even the older man’s advice was something CJ took as a slight, and soon he was overexerting himself, sweat beading down his forehead as he climbed it, painfully aware of more eyes than just Daniel’s on him.
“Fuck me, dude!” He exclaimed once he climbed off it, limbs feeling stiff as a board. “Why didn’t you say something about that motherfucker? Jesus, how is that legal?”
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Daniel laughed, amused at CJ’s gentle ribbing. The competitive spirit between them was friendly, Daniel liked to thim of himself as the big brotherly type. Any taunts were always playful and light-hearted meant from keeping their workouts from getting too serious. “Oh you think so? Just wait til you try it!” he countered. He gestured for CJ to make his way onto the machine. “The dial here sets the intensity, I left it on medium, but if you want, we can put it down to low for you,” he joked.  Daniel leaned in a little, as if sharing a secret, though the volume of his voice remained the same. “Honestly though, the machine is harder than it looks. Don’t say I didn’t warn you,” he patted CJ on the back and then stepped back a few feet so as to not be in the way. He crossed his arms and grinned. “Ready? Go!”
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thecjwelford · 1 month
Once he finished chugging his coffee, body beginning to shake at the contrast of temperature his insides were experiencing, all he could focus on was their matter-of-fact statement about angels. “If they don’t exist, how come there’s pictures and stuff of them?” He challenged. How did all the old-timey people, who didn’t have Instagram to communicate with, all knew about angels and were able to paint them as uggo babies?
Juno. It rang a bell, maybe from friends of friends or whatever. “Yeah, that’s it!” He declared, as if he knew all along and had been merely testing them. “Oh man, guess like, witches were right about the hair of the dog thing.” Which he assumed was where the phrase often volleyed between his group of friends came from. He pouted at the thought of missing breakfast. “Man, I love breakfast. It’s a shame Rise ‘n’ Dine will be closed now.” 
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Juno's eyebrows raised a moment as they watched him chug the drink. It was hot - they'd felt it - certainly his insides must have been burning. The hot liquid traveling down his esophagus had to hurt, but as they watched him the male didn't seemed to mind or even notice. It was interesting to watch, impressive even, and although their lips did not move Juno could feel themself smile. They weren't a big fan of coffee. Juno found the liquid to be much too harsh and not tasteful in the slightest. Tea was their preference, which is how they found themself each day welcoming a new and interesting mixture over at Ruby's spot. Coffee was and would always be a last resort that Juno would probably not fall to. "Angels do not exist." they said matter of factly after recovering from the surprise of his sudden excitement. The grin he wore reminded him a little of Damian, Juno observed. Friendly for truly no reason, and they couldn't help but grimace as he attempted to place their name. "Neither." Their eyebrows furrowed slightly unaware of how he'd know of them. "Juno." The male wasn't one of their subjects, nor had they previously spoken so his name wasn't one they knew. Juno didn't ask for it though, already assuming if he'd asked for their he would offer his in return. "Beer is the best way to rid of a bad night of drinking." they explained, although the factual evidence behind said words were debatable. For them it worked back in the day, but they were younger then. "Confuses your system." they offered as a way of joking. "Along with a healthy and carb infested breakfast, which I assume you missed?"
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thecjwelford · 1 month
The bowling party seemed like eons away, and CJ tried to make a mental reminder for himself to double check if he was still permanently banned from the bowling alley upon their re-opening. Whenever that would be, because it seemed that instead of just repairing the alleged damage he and Seb had caused, they were doing a full renovation. That, and the fact Dylan had the twins, and he had been traveling a lot, meant they were like ships in the night or whatever.
“Missed you too!” He told her, throwing himself down on the tired faux-leather booth, reaching out to grab a menu. “Coming for a bite to eat? Or like, you just picking up and eating at home?” Which he wouldn’t be surprised about, since like he imagined she wanted to rush back to see Theo and the kids.
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Dylan had gone in to Chicago today just to talk with some potential partners at the Art Institute of Chicago. It was a great day, but she was tired and wanted to have dinner, she had wanted to make it home in time for the twins new bedtime routine, so she figured maybe stopping in for a quick bite to go would be good. Waterway Diner always did no wrong in her eyes and she could go for a burger right about now.
Walking inside, she felt rather frazzled and wondered if her appearance reflected that. Traffic had been wild and she was glad to have a stop before heading home just so she could put on her mommy face for Leda and Lysander. Moving towards the counter, she heard her name and saw an enthusiastic CJ atop a diner cushioned booth.
She felt both embarrassed and shocked all at one time, waving she wanted to tell CJ to get down before he hurt himself, but fought the motherly instinct. Dylan smiled apologetically to the people who were now staring and she moved over towards him. "Hey bud! It's been a minute. I haven't seen ya since your bowling party. I've missed ya!" Dylan found something so pure and loveable in CJ and his presence in her life meant a lot.
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thecjwelford · 1 month
CJ followed his gaze over to the bin with an assortment of accessories on sale, but from here couldn’t tell if there were any more cat-shaped glasses, and would need to have a real scrummage through, taking the shades with a wide grin of thanks, before his face fell into a frown. “Dude, c’mon, I look hot in like, everything!” And he put the glasses on to prove it to him, posing in an exaggerated manner as if that would help with the pre-conceived hotness.
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Leo grinned at his reflection in the mirror when he heard a compliment tossed his way from an onlooker. "Oh, thanks," he glanced over his shoulder to make eye contact. "Um.. I think so. I got them in a bin over there.. but I don't remember seeing another pair." While Leo did love a campy accessory, he found himself offering the shades up. "You can take these, if you want. I mean.. I don't think they'd look as good on you, but.."
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