Their First Night
Feat. Emmanellain & Miqo Me
Rated R
She had retreated to the bathroom to put on what was in the box that he had left on the bed for her. As she slipped out of her traveling clothes, discarding them in a pile near his, she suddenly felt self conscious. She was so small and tiny and she looked at the silky fabrics that were encased in the box and leaned against the wall in nothing but her black silky underwear. She looked at herself, long and hard, in the mirror and reached up to take her ear clasps out only to deposit them in a dish on a small table to the side of the sink.
She embraced herself, sliding down to the floor, her eyes fixating on the contents of the box which lay open beside her. She didn’t hate herself, but she somehow felt inadequate. Not for herself, but for him. She had gotten so used to his presence beside her and around her that here in this moment it felt weird to suddenly think about his proximity and them together in all senses of the word. She was in no way regretting anything. Far from it; in fact, she was the happiest she’d ever been. Their wedding was beautiful and sweet and they had both taken the time to say their own vows to one another and it came from their hearts. At the end of the ceremony, she had almost cried. She touched her lips, dragging her fingers down them as they softly moved under her finger tips. Every time he kissed her she could feel it lingering. The weight of his lips and the feel of them against hers and at first it was enough, but now. Now she only wanted more of it. Like a simple kiss wasn’t enough and she had no idea what more she wanted.
She blushed heavily at her inner musings, covering her cheeks in an attempt to get the hotness to dissipate. Why was she still so shy over this? They were married now. She curled her toes against the cold tile floor as she brought her knees to her chest. She had heard enough stories about teenage boys to know that Emmanellain was holding back with her. He might have been a gossip queen and a fashionista but he was not improper in the sense he’d bed her before marriage. He’d subtly hit on her and teased her in that sense and some close call situations put them in very dire circumstances, but never before had he ever made a move to take advantage of her like that. She thought about it more and more since they had been married. It’s been nearly three days and they were finally home in Ishgard and he had surprised her with this box.
She pushed herself from the floor and slid back up the wall, taking out the very short yet flattering night gown from the box and held it up to her. My gods, this barely covered anything, coming barely to her mid thigh. The blush painted her cheeks once more and she silently squeaked. This was totally something he’d do. Buy her this kind of clothing to say he wanted to see her like this or with less on. She’d be lying if she hadn’t been thinking along the same lines as him, but she was scared. Just as she’d heard stories about teenage boys and their sex drives, she’d heard ones about how the first time always hurt for the girl. The air between them had changed and had become more serious and more down to earth. They were finally sanctioned as a married couple and they were expected to have sex and actually produce children. She knew all of this when she had agreed to marry him and Edmont had sat her down and made sure she knew. She agreed to it all, but she was still so shy. She awkwardly slipped on the night gown and tugged it down over her, reaching for the matching sheer ruffled robe. She slid it on and tied it around the waist and it really didn’t cover much. It practically left her entire front exposed except for where it tied around her waist. She fussed over it and looked at herself in the mirror, taking the pins out of her hair as she shook it down. The way her stomach rolled and the blush that still heated her cheeks was only fueling how nervous and scared she was. She wasn’t afraid of him, but afraid of the act itself. The pain it’d cause her and just exactly how it’d feel truly.
She took a deep breath and opened the door, turning off the light to the bathroom as she stepped out into the room. Suddenly she felt smaller than she was because his eyes were on her the moment the door opened as if he’d been waiting ages for her to come out. He made no move to hide what he was doing and his eyes roved over her from head to toe, multiple times. He raised an eyebrow to her and beckoned her towards the bed where he lay on his side. She must have been in there a while because he was reclining on the bed with naught but a pair of sleeping trousers on.
“Come here…”He said, his voice almost a whisper as he reached out a single hand towards her. It was as if he couldn’t take his eyes off her and he watched her while she walked towards him.
Her first steps were hesitant, but then it was like she made up her mind and the rest were easy to take. As soon as she got close enough she crawled up onto the bed and towards him, innocently and the way he looked at her as she made her way towards him. There was a simmering heat behind his eyes as his hand threaded through her hair cupping the back of her head. He looked at her, searching her face before looking her in the eyes.
“You look beautiful, dear.” His words were honest and true and he smiled at her, letting her crawl up next to him as he angled himself to the side.
“Thanks.” She smiled at him, inching closer, the sheer fabric of her robe flitting out over her legs and the bed as she curled up beside him. His hand was still tangled in her hair and she watched him hesitantly with a steady gaze as her free hand slid over his stomach caressing it with a light touch.
The way she moved was so innocent, yet alluring as he watched her. She really had no idea how much she could make a man want her just by being herself. She didn’t have to touch his ears to turn him on; all she had to do was be close to him, like this. He moved in closer as he pulled her into him, her body becoming flush with his side as he felt the silky fabric of her night gown ghost over his skin. He parted his lips slightly, his eyes half lidded as he pulled her into a kiss. His mouth seamlessly fit over hers as he held her there in a chaste kiss before his tongue traced her lower lip, asking for more without being forceful.
She leaned into him, bowing her back slightly as she kissed him back just as gently. The hand on his stomach slowly moved upwards, tracing the contours of his chest in an agonizingly slow manner before cupping the side of his cheek. She had no idea how he had managed to hide his physique. She’d seen him countless times without a shirt and he still seemed to amaze her with just how good he looked. She had never touched before now and the slow way she drug her hand up his chest…it was a blatant sign that she had definitely wanted to touch him. She gasped as she felt his tongue trace her lower lip and opened her mouth to him angling her head to deepen the kiss as he pulled her closer. The sound he made in the back of his throat, a groan of desperation almost, as if he couldn’t hold himself back but was doing so for her none the less caused her fingers to tremble as she slid them through his hair, brushing over his one ear as she caressed over it without a second thought.
Immediately he grabbed the hand that was stroking over his ear with his free hand as he leaned halfway over her, cradling her head in his other hand as he allowed her to sink into the bed beside him. He pulled away from her, his lips lingering just over hers as he suckled his bottom lip, his eyes clenching closed. Oh gods, she always did that to him and it drove him to the ends of Eorzea and back again. His breathing was even, nigh shallow as he slid his eyes open to look down into hers as she stared up at him with parted lips. Her hair had fallen around her in a tousled halo as he cradled her into his side, his hand supporting her head and neck even though she was now on her back against the bed. He made no move to tower over her from above, but he kept her flush against his side as he leaned there to hover over her. He moved her hand from his ear as he kissed each of her finger tips, across her palm, and down her wrist.
The look his eyes now held were even more heated than before and she involuntarily squirmed against his gaze. “E-Emmy…w-what’s wrong?” She managed to squeak out in a low voice.
“K’hyrin…do you have any idea what touching my ears does to me? I know I’ve told you countless times to stop touching them…” He said just as quietly, not as seriously or demanding as the other times.
“I..I don’ t know…w-what does it do when I touch them?” She searched his face for an answer, and he stared right back at her. Would she ever know? Was he ever going to tell her?
“It’s a sweet spot…it turns me on.” He said almost breathlessly. Finally, he had given her an answer and the answer was more than likely going to make her want to run but he saw no point in hiding it from her any longer. She had put on what he had gotten her and had come out here. She had even went as far as to touch him of her own accord. He refused to force her into anything with him. Whatever they did together would always be of their choice and if she didn’t want to take this further, than he would be patient. By the gods, how he wanted her though.
“I…I’ve been playing with them and you never t-told me?!” had come out of her mouth as a fast run on sentence with no breaths to enunciate. Like she was ashamed and embarrassed that she had been touching his ears without knowing and he had let her with just an awkward interaction and a blush. But now, it made sense. The way he’d look away from her and the blush that rose to his cheeks. He never could look her in the eye when she had played with them; until now.
“I’m sorry, my dear. You must needs know while I thoroughly enjoyed it, I was embarrassed to tell you. I let you do it until I could bear it no more and then had to force you to stop touching them…” He said, explaining himself in detail. She had gotten away with it for years and then some months into their third year together he had demanded she quit touching them. Gods, he could only withstand it for so long. He dealt with it in all of its innocence until he had proposed to her and then the reality set in that he could have her some day. No, he would have her some day. That was the day he realized he couldn’t stand her touching his ears like that anymore. The temptation and desire was too strong. He was, after all, a teenage boy and there his young lover was, touching his sweet spot. He had put his foot down promptly then and had demanded she quit doing it. She had been sorely disappointed but he couldn’t bring himself to admit what it did to him. However, here and now, they were married and she deserved to know just how long she’d been doing it and just exactly what it did to him.
By the look on her face and how she stared up at him, she understood the magnitude of her actions. She had repeatedly wound him up and he had to bring himself down. The only difference was she had done it in foolish innocence and had known none the better. He didn’t blame her, only apologized for not saying it sooner. She felt entirely horrible about it. She should have known or found someone to ask. Maybe she could have lessened his burden a bit and ceased her antagonizing sooner.
“I’m sorry, Emmy…” was all she could say as she reached out the fingers of the hand he held by the wrist, tracing his face with her soft finger tips. Her heart leaped in her chest and she wanted nothing more than to be close to him, but nervousness ate at her and she tried to beckon him with her fingers against his cheek towards her.
He offered her a shy, awkward smile as his eyes traced her features, leaning down to kiss her once more. She knew and she wasn’t running or making an attempt to defuse the situation into something lighter and less heated. He let her hand go and gave her the choice of what she could do with it. If she kept touching his ears, she knew exactly what it did and most likely where it would lead. His lips found hers once more and he kissed her, deeply this time, tilting her head in his hand to accommodate his position. His tongue delved into her mouth, teasing hers and coaxing it out of its shyness as he explored her mouth, slowly with a purpose. He’d never done anything more than kiss her like this, but gods he wanted so much more from her. More specifically, he wanted to do so much more with her and to her, but that was him being selfish. He had no idea what she wanted and if this kept up, he’d have to blatantly ask her what she wanted.
She let her hand fall to his chest, her hand splaying out over his smooth skin as she felt the warmth from his body seep through to her. She was scantily clad and it was cold, but the heat from him more than made up for it. She kissed him back, her tongue swirling around his as she gasped only to have it swallowed by him. He was slowly consuming her and she wasn’t fighting back or resisting. She was giving in to him, and part of her questioned herself, but that same part wanted him to touch her too. She squirmed against his side, a single leg drawing up closer to him as his hand instinctively curled around it, his fingers trailing along her skin and along the silken fabric she was swathed in. He didn’t go for what she thought he’d do, no, she chastised herself for thinking like that. Instead, his fingers smoothed out along her back as he pulled her closer, pressing her tightly against him.
She was so small against his larger frame that she nearly fit entirely against his chest as she curled into him. Her other leg entwined with his and her thigh involuntarily rubbed against his groin and that’s when she could tell exactly how bad she made things for him. He wasn’t a boy, no, not by a long shot but he was just edging out of his teen years and he was more than ready to pounce her yet he had waited. Waited for her to be ready. She arched against his body, the confusion of skin and silk against him as she threaded her fingers through the hair at the base of his neck. There was no denying anything now. He was just as lost in all of this as she was. They were both clearly struggling to decide yes or no to the paramount question and neither were saying yes or no. Some part of her ached for him to give in already and make the move, but she was still so hesitant. Could she do it? Did she want it? She was scared, but she could do it and she’d be lying if she said she didn’t want it. If it was with him, then yes.
His hand smoothed along her back, caressing over her hip as he pulled away from her the smallest amount to rest his forehead against hers. His eyes were closed and it was as if he was talking himself down off of a ledge he wanted to jump from. Her small form nearly beneath him, the way she fit so perfectly against him, how soft and supple she was. Every time he touched her he got some kind of response and none of them were bad. She seemed to enjoy him having his hands on her and she seemed to only encourage him. Yet her actions were so shy, like she was hesitant and scared. He knew she could feel his hardening erection; her thigh occasionally rubbed up against it and she still didn’t move to get away. Was this her silent acceptance of him and her permission to continue further? His fingers dug into her skin as he halfway sat up, still casting a shadow over her, his dark brown almost black hair falling to obscure his face. He fixed his clear blue eyes on her and a serious expression crossed his face, that heat in his eyes making them turn a deeper shade of blue.
“K’hyrin…” His voice sounded so strained as if he had forced himself to formulate words from thought at that particular moment. “By the Fury…I need to know...” He cradled her head almost gingerly, tipping her head back to fully look at him. Her eyes, they were so mesmerizing. They were like the simmering embers of a magenta fire; boring into his soul. Her lips were soft and pink, slightly parted as she breathed silently, looking up at him. He watched the way her chest rose and fell, and he could feel every move she made against him; like he was hyper aware of her. “Do…you want to keep going down this path? I…can stop...if you want…” He breathed out. He had to know, had to reaffirm that she wanted this. If they continued, it would be so damn hard to stop himself. It was already hard, the way she was against him and the fact she offered no resistance. “But..you must needs know I want you so badly. If you don’t say no, right this moment, I may not be able to stop myself later.” The way he said it was so serious and the fact his eyes met hers, as if urging her to make the decision. He could only be with her like this so long before that urge deep down inside begged him to just consume her and dominate her. He had no doubt in his mind that had he wanted to he could easily break her resistance and take her; however, that wasn’t what he wanted. He wanted her to say yes to him.
She swallowed the lump that was in her throat visibly and stared up at him. The air surrounding them was a heated, serious atmosphere that indicated this was either the moment or a moment of indecision. She knew he wanted this and her so badly. The words in passing, the way he looked at her, the fact he hinted at it so frequently. She kept dancing around it due to her inexperience and the fact she was downright scared of it. She had seen him in multiple states of undress and she knew he was packing down there. She was so small and tiny; could she even take whatever it is he was going to give her? Her eyes searched his, her one hand rising to slide along his forearm, trailing light caresses up his bicep as she curled her fingers around his upper arm. She felt so safe with him near her and beside her and she knew it was all in her head. He’d never truly hurt her, ever. It hurt her deep down inside to know he wanted this, wanted her, so badly to reprieve his desire. The amount of times she’s built him up unknowingly and she knew he never once looked at another woman when they had seriously gotten together. He was just as blind as she was in all of this; she was entirely certain she was his first too. She nodded her head, but then shook it. She had to verbalize her consent or he wouldn’t be happy with that non-verbal answer.
“E-Emmy…I trust you. I…I’m just scared. I’ve never..done this before.” She squirmed beneath him, the seriousness of the situation causing her to fidget as her thigh rubs against his groin, causing him to groan lightly. The hand on her back slid down further to grasp her ass as he cupped it with a single hand, inching her closer as he leaned in towards her. She tightened her hold on his bicep as her other hand braced itself on his chest, her head tilting up as her nose brushed his. They were so close; the closest they’d ever been as of yet. She could feel it, his desire brimming just below the surface. She loved him, by the gods she did. She couldn’t say no to him because she wanted everything he wanted too. She took a deep breath and leaned her head up away from the hand that cradled it and kissed him, her hand sliding along his chest as she curled it around his neck, tugging at him, almost insistently. “I’m yours, Emmanellain. I’ve been since we met.” She pulled back slightly as she kissed the side of his mouth, her thumb caressing his cheek. “I haven’t told  you stop and I’m not going to…but…please be gentle with me.” She said in a whisper, giving him her verbal consent.
That was all the consent he needed. She was finally ready to keep going; ready for him to take her and make her his. Finally ready to consummate their marriage and lay down with him in bed in such a way only two lovers could. He could tell she was fighting herself with it. He could see it in her eyes that she wanted him to keep going but that she was afraid. He couldn’t blame her. He dwarfed her in comparison in all aspects and she was incredibly small in his arms, yet she was the woman he chose to marry and spend the rest of his life with. There was no getting around this, and she knew it as well. At some point he would have had to bed her and they were already expected to have children. By the gods aside, he had wanted to bed her much sooner than this but contrary to what he portrayed he could never take advantage of a woman that way. He might have made comments and done things that were at odds with that belief, but he would have never forced her to be in this position with him. He wanted her to say yes; to say that she wanted him too. She did, she admitted it. Said it aloud and it became real for him. She was naïve and innocent, yet it hadn’t escaped her either. He had the same effect on her that she had on him and he was relieved. She was just better at hiding it and controlling it than he was.
He had no experience with anything further than kissing, but he had friends that were definitely not stout in their beliefs who had told him things. Things he should be careful of and things he should do, but hearing it said was easier than doing it. Kissing her was not a problem and touching her didn’t seem to be one either. Hands and mouth; that was the friendly reminder he got. They had also made sure he knew that her first time was going to hurt, whereas his wasn’t. They harped on him repeatedly to take his time and give her as much pleasure as he could before he went take her at last. He had to remember these things, but his head was swimming with the mere thought that she said yes and that he could abandon all thoughts of holding back. He didn’t have to; not now, not ever. This was a step they had been wary to take and the moment was here. He was finally going to grasp the Holy Grail that eluded him for years. He leaned up on his forearm, letting her head sink to the bed near his hand as his other hand slid up her rear, ghosting over her skin lightly as it trailed easily up the back of that skimpy night gown he had gotten her. His hands were rough and calloused and he shivered as he watched her body arch against his hand into his body. He felt the goose bumps rise on her skin and the blush that painted her cheeks was so pretty. She felt so smooth beneath his wandering hand and caressed over her shoulder blades, pressing in between them as he lowered his head to her neck. His mouth opened to nip and suckle at the skin of her neck, his hair brushing her face and chest as his nose trailed along her shoulder. His kisses were light and persistent but then gradually grew bolder and stronger. She was so pale and she smelled like vanilla and honey. As he nipped at her skin he could see the teeth marks he left upon her and he suckled so hard he left angry red marks upon her skin and some deeper part of him was extremely excited to see those marks on her. Like he was an animal claiming its mate in a visible way. He moved his hips involuntarily, curling closer to her as he bent his one leg at a ninety degree angle, allowing her to slide into the dip his body created, her leg curling up between his thighs as her thigh squirmed against his groin in a sensual manner.
She tipped her head back as she stifled a gasp, her mouth slightly parted as she arched into him, pressing her front against his body. He was so warm yet his hands were so rough. She could feel the goose bumps prickle her skin and she closed her eyes, the gasp leaving her mouth finally as he nipped and suckled at her neck. They started out innocently and then they became rougher, and she could feel the stinging marks he left behind but for some odd reason it made her stomach twist in knots and the heat pool between her legs. It felt strangely good and the way his hair tickled her to contrast the aggressive kisses was like a whispered apology against her skin. She had long been able to feel how aroused he was and she didn’t care. It didn’t bother her or embarrass her like it should have. She had yet to see him entirely naked but she kind of knew already that what he was hiding from her was most likely going to be the source of her pain and pleasure this evening. If she was being honest, she loved the thought of him being on top of her, shrouding her in his very being. Somehow the idea of it was entirely sexy to her and caused her to squirm against him with a breathy sigh.
His mouth never once left her skin, but instead began to explore it. He trailed his lips over her shoulder and down her arm before he kissed his way back. His nose brushed the column of her throat as he paid the same attention to the other side of her neck, giving it marks to match its sister side. He pulled back momentarily to regard his handiwork and looked into her eyes and saw that she was just as effected by his ministrations as he was. That hazy look now clouded her eyes that he knew most likely had been in his eyes the entire time. Gods, she was so responsive to every little thing he did. It was a blessing and a curse. It made her so desirable all the time and it secretly stroked his ego to know he could make a woman want him in this manner. He dipped his head towards her chest, planting a kiss between her small, yet perky breasts. He had never once touched them, let along kiss anywhere near them. A small part of him hesitated with trembling lips. Was this okay? She had said yes, but, did she mean it? He turned his eyes towards her as his mouth kissed just above the lacey hem of the dress, barely teasing the skin of her breasts and he watched her close her eyes and felt her nails dig into his bicep. The hand on her back curled around her shoulder, easily thumbing away the strap on her one shoulder as the fabric slid down, revealing a single rosy nipple to him. She squirmed so much in his arms at that moment that she managed to slip the flimsy fabric down revealing them both to him on accident along. He pulled back to stare at her chest quite blatantly and they were perfect on her.
She couldn’t help the squirm as she opened her eyes slowly. He was staring at her chest and she blushed a deep shade of crimson. He had never seen her without clothes on and some part of her was self conscious about her body. She didn’t think she was anything special and she sure as hell didn’t think she was pretty. Her arms curled inwards, retreating to cover herself as she looked up at him. He shook his head in the negative and maneuvered himself without a single word. He propped himself up on both hands, hovering over her now entirely, his shoulder length hair falling around his face as he stared at her. She was breathtakingly beautiful and she was trying to hide herself from him. He placed a knee between her legs and spread them quite easily, causing the gown to hike up more than it already had revealing the matching underwear to it and he smirked. She had put on the entire outfit for him, willingly at that. He had given her the choice and she had put it on and it made the heat between them radiate even more. He gently pulled her other leg from between his, forcing her to spread her legs to accommodate him between them as he knelt up tugging the dress down a bit to cover her. He was not about to take off every piece of that scanty outfit he had gotten her into to make her insecurities worse.
He pried her hands away from her chest, placing her hands to the side as he lowered his head to her chest. He had no idea what to do but this seemed the right course of action. He was supposed to bolster her confidence right? His mouth descended on a single nipple and he drew it into his mouth, his tongue swirling around it as he suckled it. She pressed herself into his ministrations, her hands tangling in his hair as she mewled softly beneath him. She was trembling there but not out of fright, but out of pleasure.  She hadn’t thought twice that something like this would feel so good, yet it did. His tongue was rough yet warm and wet and as he pulled away the air rushed over the slick skin causing her nipple to peak as his mouth paid the same respects to the other one. What was this feeling? She felt kind of dizzy and there was this strange feeling pooling between her legs and she didn’t quite understand it, but it was like something was missing; like she was empty somehow and that he was getting closer and closer to finding the missing piece. She rolled her hips involuntarily against his and he moaned against her nipple, his hands grasping her hips tightly as he steeled himself. They had never been in this kind of position between and feeling her against him like that was both pleasurable and irritating. He wanted nothing more than to rip her clothing off and satiate himself but pride alone wouldn’t let him do that.
He had to take his time. The time would come where he could get exactly what he wanted; but this, this was her time. His hands slid up her hips taking the gown with them as he slid his hands around her back, pulling her up from the bed against his chest as he took off the night gown, a single arm wrapping around her waist to grope her ass the other smoothing out over her upper back as he held her to his chest. He panted slightly; he was so worked up. She was so close to him and half naked and the only thing separating them was her flimsy underwear and his paper thin pants. He could feel her skin against his and her breasts were pressed against his chest as he held her there, his lips finding hers as he kissed her harshly, taking her mouth by demand as he thrust his tongue inside only to engage her in a heated, yet passionate kiss. Her arms settled around his neck as the gown fluttered to the side somewhere forgotten, her mouth opening to him as she murmured against his lips. She loved it when he carried her in any manner. His arms were so strong and comforting and the way he held her against him was unlike any other. She squeezed his sides with her thighs, her breasts sliding against his bare chest as she pulled back, a dizzying expression on her face, her eyes watching him as she almost purred against his lips. Gods, she loved him, so much. This should feel wrong yet it didn’t. To be with him like this felt so right. The blush still painted her cheeks as she tucked stray strands of his hair away from his face.
“Gods, K’hyrin…you don’t know how long I’ve waited for this moment. You have no idea how much I love you, completely.” He said as his lips moved against hers. He wasted no time lowering her back to the bed as he shadowed her beneath his larger form. It was all he could do to not go entirely insane. He was trying his best to give her every bit of pleasure he could before he got to the culmination of the entire evening.
She settled back against the bed, her hands shifting through his hair as she daringly caressed his ears in both of her hands as she rolled her hips against his aching member. She was innocent, but she knew he was extremely turned on because she could feel that intense heat between her legs through the fabric of their clothing as it insistently throbbed against her womanhood. “Hnn…Emmanellain…I love you too. I know…I’ve made you wait…for so long…and I’m sorry. B-But…I’m ready now. I’m ready to be with you like this.” Her words were a breathless sigh as she watched him.
He buried his face in her neck as he groaned loudly, his hands grasping at the sheets beneath her head in a white knuckle grip as he steadied himself above her. Oh god, she had to do that at that particular moment, didn’t she? He couldn’t help it; his hips ground against her core forcing her to acknowledge the raging erection he had to begin with as he needily ground against her. Gods, was he going to make it? Was he going to be able to control himself long enough to finish pleasuring her? He was thankful when she removed her hands from his ears only to tug at the long strands of his hair as she gently bucked her hips against his. Not that that reaction was any better but by the fury, at least she wasn’t caressing his ears anymore. He took a few brief moments to put a lid back on his ever growing desire, only to raise his head and look at her. She moaned for the first time at seeing his expression. It was low and sultry, as she stared at him. Oh gods, she could tell how bad he wanted to take her then and there. The way he was being so gentle with her and taking his time, she knew that it was self control alone and although she loved teasing him, a part of her became giddy at the notion that he might just ravish her entirely. She already felt like she was drowning beneath him and they weren’t even naked yet. The moment he brushed against her core, she was deeply reminded that she herself was turned on because she had felt a wetness there that she had never exhibited before. Part of this scared her yet excited her. He had so much power over her and she was helpless beneath him, those pleading eyes she was giving him. He had to keep going. He had to see this through. He wanted her to yell his name before he took her completely. His ego demanded that much.
He tipped his head back and sucked in a much needed breath of air as he stilled above her, spreading his knees apart a bit as she settled beneath him. Slowly, he tilted his head down to look at her and the fire within in his eyes made her gasp as her nipples hardened impossibly more than she never thought they could. The look in his eyes was full of promises she was about to endure; like he was warning her not to tip him over the edge.  His hands unclenched from the sheets by her head, a single hand trailing down her side causing her to squirm as she watched him. It trailed over her stomach and splayed there, caressing it as he watched her reactions. He would never tire of how expressive and responsive she was. She was like soft wax beneath his hands that melted every time he touched her. He had touched her ass before but he had never ventured around front. She had been so embarrassed when he had groped her ass but he was quite pleased with himself. Every little touch he snuck, every little peek at her; it made it worth it in this moment.
His hand inched closer and closer to her core, as he brought his mouth closer to her chest, enveloping a nipple in his mouth as he swirled his tongue over it, suckling it. He could feel her legs trembling on his thighs and his hand ghosted up her thigh causing her to clench her legs against his thighs and he chuckled against the skin of her breast, before switching to the other one. She was so shy, so soft, so warm; so entirely his. His fingers curled inwards as his knuckles brushed along her thigh, his flingers fluttering against her clothed opening only to press his entire hand against her heated center. She gasped audibly with a half quieted moan of approval as she attempted to shy away from his touch yet he refused to allow that to happen. His thumb pressed against her, rubbing in soft circles. The fabric of her underwear unable to really hide how aroused he had made her in turn as he felt it slicken with her own arousal. If things weren’t hard enough, feeling it himself made it even more difficult for him. She was wanting so badly beneath him and now he could tell just how much. He pulled away from her chest, blowing over her nipple as she wiggled against his hand, watching him with a deep blush on her cheeks. He knew she was embarrassed and could fathom why but, gods, she was so attractive and he never wanted her more than he did in this moment.
He sat up and drug his thumb up her folds, rubbing against her clit as he watched her squirm, a moan leaving her parted lips as she closed her eyes. He smiled deviously as he had found the spot he had been searching for. She was so wet that he may as well remove the last scrap of fabric that was her barrier to him. He wanted to see her, entirely, without clothes on. He wanted to see with his own eyes just exactly how badly he got to her. His other hand caresses down her side and over her hip as his other hand ghosts away from her core, grasping her hips in his hands as he slowly hooked his fingers around the waist band of her underwear. Slowly, he slid it down her legs as he pulled back to rid her of them, tossing them to the floor carelessly. They had done their job; he didn’t need them anymore and nor did she.
She attempted to hide herself from him, squeezing her legs closed as she looked up at him. He looked so hungry, like a predator on the prowl and she watched him as he traced his hands from her ankles to her knees, grasping them as he forced her legs apart, forcing his way between them as he bent over her entirely. She was so beautiful. He kissed her deeply, planting a single hand by her head as he tilted his head, suckling her lower lip as their noses brushed. She felt so bare beneath him yet so hot. She should be freezing as it was snowing in Ishgard at the moment, yet she was burning up. His hand trailed down her stomach and he could feel her breath quicken as she cupped the sides of his face with her hands, kissing him back deeply, her tongue delving into his mouth, swirling around. He was slightly nervous, his hands steadying themselves as he inched closer and closer to her womanhood. He had never touched a woman like this and he didn’t want to hurt her. He said his prayers to Halone and then his hand was there. His fingers brushed across her folds, becoming slick with her arousal as he gently teased her outer lips, forcing them open with his middle finger. Oh gods, she was so wet. He had heard enough stories from his friends to know if a woman was wet she was insanely turned on and this was his doing. His thumb brushed against her clit as he rubbed it gently, swallowing the resulting moan she bequeathed him as the tip of his middle finger probed her entrance. He pulled away from her to watch her reactions, drinking them in like the finest wine. She was squirming beneath him as he toyed with her. His fingers were entirely inexperienced and they seemed to search around her womanhood, mapping it by feel alone as he finally pushed his middle finger deep enough to feel it slide into her. He grit his teeth as he watched her close her eyes with a moan, her fingers grasping his hair, tugging on it lightly. She was so tight around his finger, by the fury, how was he going to fit himself inside of her?
He slowly slid that finger inside of her, feeling her arousal wash over his finger, seeping lightly onto his other fingers. His eyes were half lidded as he stared down at the beautiful expressions of pleasure flitting across her face. He knew it was uncomfortable to her, but he had to do it. This was drilled into him by his closest friend. He had to ‘stretch’ her or it’d hurt more for her than usual. He swirled his finger insider of her, feeling all around. He had never felt anything close to this. She was so incredibly warm inside and smooth and slick. The way she clenched against his finger caused him to moan, his own erection twitching inside the confines of his pants. He was so close to having her. She bucked her hips against his hand, tilting her head back as she panted. His thumb was running endless circles around her exterior sweet spot down there and his finger was invading her, filling her up. It was uncomfortable but not unpleasant and she moaned softly, her hands slipping out of his hair to fall against his chest as she scraped her nails against his skin lightly. Oh gods, why did this feel so good?
He maneuvered his hand to slowly slid his index finger together with his middle finger, sliding the both of them inside of her slowly. She protested gently, opening her eyes with a gasp as she looked up at him, her hips grinding against his hand. He cooed at her, lowering his head to plant feathered kisses against her lip as he knelt there between her legs. He paid no heed to her nails against his skin, hardening himself to the scrapes as he begin to slowly slide his fingers in and out of her, twisting his wrist around in the process. His thumb continued to tease her clit as he set into a rhythm about it, listening to the sound of her gasps and moans increase as he suckled his lower lip. By the fury, how much more of this could he endure before he gave in to his carnal desire?
Her eyes were closed so tightly as she panted and moaned his name beneath him, her hands trailing up his neck as she grabbed the side of his head, pulling him into a heatedly passionate kiss, her hands caressing over his ears. He moaned loudly into her mouth, his fingers withdrawing entirely from her dripping core as he steadied himself above her. He kissed her deeply before he withdrew from her entirely to stand next to the bed. He couldn’t take it anymore. He needed this, her; he needed to be inside of her. He easily undid the drawstring of his pants and let them fall to his ankles as he stepped out of them, revealing himself to be completely nude. His raging erection sprang up, no longer hidden and held back by those constraining pants and he eased himself back onto the bed, grabbing her by the hips as he picked her up quite easily, tossing her into the middle of the bed so that her head was on the pillows this time. He stared her in the eyes as he slowly crawled up her body, his hands parting her legs as he caressed her thighs, kneeling before her as his hands trailed up her legs. He tugged her by her thighs causing her to slide down as her ass brushed against his thighs. He was not shy before her, but instead let her eyes roam him. He stayed like that, letting her see exactly what he had been hiding from her.
She squealed as he picked her up and tossed her, hitting the bed softly as she looked up at him, her breasts bouncing as he manhandled her in such a gentle manner. She knew it was time. She felt the knot in her stomach tighten but the feeling between her legs was that of anticipation and excitement as her insides fluttered at seeing him completely nude before her. Ever thought she ever had about him had been true. He was indeed pretty big, and she stared at it long enough to question whether or not it’d fit inside of her. She settled back against the pillows as he positioned her. Some part of her was proud that she was the first and only woman to ever be in his bed. They had long kicked the covers down, swathed in blacks, reds, golds and whites. It was truly a bed fit for a princess and here he was above her; her prince.
Three years ago on this date she never would have seen herself here in this moment. Yet here she was, naked and beautifully spread beneath the man she loved; the man she solemnly swore till death to she part to. The man she wanted to spend the rest of her life with; the man who had shown up one day and never paid attention to her other than to show her off to his friends. The man she went back in time for; to help, to protect, to guide. He was so beautiful and strong and she saw in him what others couldn’t see and she urged him to be what he had wanted to be. She had supported him and loved him until her heart couldn’t take it and she confessed it in the freezing cold that one day. They had shortly after decided to become a couple and he had treated her with dignity and grace and had respected her entire being. He had showered her with love and affection and whatever else he could get his hands on as well. She was so complete in this moment as she lay there looking up at him; completely bare before him both body and soul. She was his, entirely, and she wanted nothing more than to give herself to him this night.
He knelt there staring down at her, gazing right back into her eyes. When he looked down upon her, his heart seized up and he was stunned into silence; unmoving. When he had first met her, he never would have dreamed they’d be here right now. She was shy, quiet, and entirely innocent and not at all on his level. Yet, she supported him in everything he did and stayed by his side and he had turned a blind eye to her. Never once thinking twice about her unless she was gone; then he had noticed her missing and was plagued by her departure.  The moment she confessed to him he took it with arms wide open because she was the sweetest, most sincere girl he had ever met and she tolerated him and loved him unconditionally for all his shortcomings and faults. He wasn’t going to find a woman better than her, ever. He proposed to her and snatched her up while he could and he thanked every lucky star that shone on him that day. She was his and forever would be.
He lowered himself between her legs, inching closer to her moment by moment as he brought a hand up to stroke her cheek, cupping her face. She was his everything. There were no other words to describe it. She meant the world to him and he wanted nothing more than to show her; to prove to her his love. This was about more than just claiming her and satiating himself. This was about them finally consummating their marriage and becoming one being. He knew she was ready, by the look in her eyes as she snaked her arms around his neck, caressing the soft skin there as she nudged his nose with her own, kissing him gently. He brushed his thumb against her cheek, before trailing it sensually down her body. This was it; there was no going back for either of them.
His hand brushed over her dripping core and his fingers picked up the liquids she had been gushing only to grasp his own manhood. He slid his hand up and down, groaning against her lips as he coated his member in her own liquids. All these weird tips and tricks he had gotten from his friends seemed to be working, yet he’d never know. Most of what he had done was instinct alone or sheer curiosity. Yet he knew this was the part that was going to hurt her. He was impossibly hard yet he worked himself as he slid his palm over the tip of his erection, sliding the lubricant down over that large shaft sliding his hand down slightly as he angled his hips. He had managed to find that insanely tight hole earlier and he had to find it again. His index finger extended as he probed her causing her to gasp. He pressed in with that finger as he finally found it after moments of clumsily searching for it. Withdrawing his finger he moved his hips guiding his pulsating member with a single and the tip pressed against her core and subsequently that impossibly tight hole.
He placed his other hand by her head as he pressed his hips forward against her entrance, steeling himself. She was unbearably tight as he slid the tip in, stopping as he saw her screw her eyes shut, a pained whimper escaping her mouth. Her nails were digging into his neck and he lowered his head, kissing at her lips.
“I know…love, it’s going to hurt at first. Shh…it’s okay.” He whispered to her, stilling himself as he moved his hips the slightest from side to side, wiggling within her. There was nothing he could do about the pain, but slowly push into her and give her time to adjust.
She nodded her head, taking a deep breath as she nuzzled his cheek with her nose, kissing the side of his mouth. It hurt, but not too badly. He was so big and it was so intrusive yet it wasn’t so painful she wanted him to stop. He pressed against her, inching himself in slowly as he watched her face for reactions. There was something so entirely sexy about him sliding into her for the first time. She was so wet, so warm and so incredibly tight around him. It was almost too much for him and he buried his face in her neck. It was unlike anything he’d ever felt before. His hand never felt like this; like a vice grip surrounding him. Yet by the gods it wasn’t painful, it was the most pleasurable thing he’d ever felt. He kept slowly inching into her until he met resistance. He pressed against it and she mewled out a cry. He stilled and immediately knew that this was what his friends had spoken of. She was a virgin, like he was and her virginity was inside in the form of a barrier of sorts or so they said. According to them, this was the most painful part she’d experience yet he had to break it. He swallowed and looked at her and she quivered beneath him, clinging to him for dear life as she pressed against him. They were so close, skin on skin.
“I know…it’s going to hurt…but I’ll be okay, I promise..Just please…don’t do it slowly…just do it all at once…” She half cried and whimpered in his ear. He felt so bad, like he should stop but he didn’t want to and she was urging him to continue. She had told him to make it quick and he knew drawing out that painful moment would be more painful and he had no choice but to oblige her single wish this evening. He took an agonizing inhale in and pulled his hips back as he withdrew almost out of her and he looked at her and she only nodded her head as she closed her eyes. It took him a few moments to gather his own courage to do this to her but he did. With one single, heavy thrust he forced himself all the way into her body, breaking through that thin barrier as he bottomed out inside her with a groan. He heaved heavily as he watched her, almost spilling inside of her then and there. Gods, she was so tight, he wasn’t truly going to last all that long this time around. She cried out loudly, tears pricking her eyes as they slid down her temples into her hair. He inwardly panicked at seeing her tears and his immediately thought was to pull out but she vehemently cried out no. She half sobbed and opened her eyes, watching him through blurry vision and it was all he could do to not lose it. He was never supposed to make her cry and here she was, crying at his sheer size and his intrusive inside of her.
He kissed away her tears; kissing all over her face only to take her lips with his own as he kept himself still inside of her. After seeing her cry he couldn’t bring himself to move. He swirled his tongue around hers as he angled his head to kiss her more fully and deeply, holding himself above her. They stayed like that for what seemed like forever, enraptured with being intertwined with one another in a kiss and quite literally with their bodies that as soon as she moved her hips against his he was suddenly aware of their position. He moaned into her mouth and rocked his hips against her experimentally and she didn’t protest. She even wiggled and squirmed beneath him and he moved a single hand to cup the back of her thigh as he pulled out the slightest bit only to rock back into her. She gasped into his mouth, stealing his breath away as he broke away from her, watching her as he wiggled his hips against her. They seemed to fight each other, squirming and wiggling until she settled into a spot she liked which allowed him to settle into a rhythm that suited them. He trailed his hand up her thigh, over her hip and up her side, curling it under her shoulder as he lowered himself closer into her body.
She was so small beneath him, yet so lively. The way she slid her legs along his thighs as he thrust into her felt so good; she felt so good against him and around him. He nudged his face into her neck, engulfing it in light kisses as he worked against her, their bodies sliding against each other as he shuddered. She was moaning his name and it felt like music to his ears. He never dreamed his first time would be like this, but it was a moment he’d cherish for all the days to come. He groaned into her neck, and he could feel it. He was so close and his thrusts against her became unbidden and rough as he gasped against her skin, his fingers digging into her shoulder. Gods, she was clenching around him and he couldn’t handle it anymore. His thrusts were wild until his entire body tensed and he moaned her name into her neck, panting as he spilled forth his orgasm within her. He didn’t even care at this point. He had been lectured so many times not to ever do that to a woman because it could result in a disastrous problem but for god sake, she was his wife. He ultimately didn’t care if she ended up pregnant before they were ready. There was no time for him to even process the feeling of being wrapped up in her and it came all too soon for him.
He lay there on top of her, weakly supported by his knees and upper body for what seemed like hours before he lifted his head to look at her and she kissed him. It was so sweet and innocent; like she didn’t care that he had just spilled his seed inside of her either and was none too worried about it. He couldn’t help the soft huff that escaped his lips as he pulled out of her with a drawn out groan, only to grab the covers at his feet, plopping beside her as he deposited the fluffy yet warm blankets over them. He always slept on the side facing the door because of habit; his habit to protect her from any intruders.  He curled an arm behind his head, laying there as a goofy grin spread across his face. He just bedded his wife for the first time and they lost their virginity to each other. He lazily tilted his head to look at her and she had turned on her side, watching him, shaking her head as she gave him that coy little smile only she could get away with.
He moved his arm and she instantly took the invitation as she scooted closer to him, wincing as she squeezed her legs together. She curled up against his side and rested her head on his chest as he wrapped his arm around her, pulling the covers up to cover her naked form. He’d be damned if he let anyone else’s eyes see her without clothes on. Some things he was going to be selfish about and she was one of them.
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