thecluelessplumbob · 2 years
Week #4, Month of Blooming Fields
Wow, this week has really been something else! I will try to go in order, but first, I got a paid upgrade to my job assignments, so this week I made a lot of money.
Last week Caleb and I got a heart-to-heart phone call. I encouraged him to pursue his dream job. On Monday, he phoned again. He got that dream. He is a writer now. I'm so proud of him. He came by later, and we celebrated with a homecooked dinner and a great woohoo (we made that a lot this week)
I went to Evergreen Harbor and found a pretty basin and a bicycle in the trash. I repaired both and installed the handwash in my bathroom. Looks pretty cool.
I will add a photo of my garden, which looks fantastic.
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On Tuesday, Caleb came by early that morning and asked to move in. I was so happy, I said yes immediately. Later, I went to Henford-on-Bagley looking for fruit plasm seeds because Caleb confessed to being a vampire. He's a good one, and he doesn't want to drink blood. 
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I wanted to help him, that's why I went looking for fruit plasm. Since he moved in, he's been investigating vampire folklore, searching for 'meal' alternatives. He has become fond of fishing since he can make plasma packs with them.
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On Wednesday, I focused on sending my job assignements and gardering. I bought a woodworking table and made extra furniture for the house and a few sculputures that I put on sell on Plopsy.
Also, I got a little accident in my new kitchen (I renewed it on Tuesday when Caleb moved in. I changed the kitchen and living room furniture). It caught fire while making launch. Luckily, I could extinguish it.
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So, have you noticed yet? Yep, I'm pregnant. I got on a nasty fight with Caleb about it. He thought that he wasn't the father. Men. I've only been with him, and I love him so much. He spent two days away, because he was angry. I went to my first medic checkup alone because he was nowhere to be found...
I've got no time to worry about it on Thursday. He sent the money he earned, and I've finished some jobs. I used the money to upgrade the house for the new baby. I painted, changed floors, built a separate room for my tools and a main bedroom.
He came back on Friday night, I explained that he was the only one. He was so sorry. We cried a lot together. We decorated the house for the day of love on the next day.
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Saturday was amazing! We cooked together and partipated in the Henford-on-Bagley pie contest (we didn't win). I took advantage of the trip to sell my vegetable stock. Later that evening, Caleb asked my on a date at The Blue Velvet Nightclub. It was a delighful date, and he ended it proposing!! I accepted again. 
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What I didn't know was that this wasn't his complete plan. We spent the whole night partying and ended the next morning, in Tartosa town hall getting married.
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I spent Sunday sleeping. And... I'm going to stop writing right now. The baby is coming!!
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P.S. Here you got a little blueprint of how is the house now. Would you like a house tour next time?
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thecluelessplumbob · 2 years
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Best Tuesday ever! Caleb asked to live together and I said yes. Former couple, living together... What would be the next step?
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thecluelessplumbob · 2 years
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Ok, I get it. I need a vacuum 
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thecluelessplumbob · 2 years
Week #3, Month of Blooming Fields
Who would know that people love artisanal Juice Fizzing?? I got a lot of orders for kombucha and tofu juice. I ended up planting some soy seeds (for orders and for candles). I also feel confident to start creating a new type of candles and received a few orders for those, so I'm preparing a stock. I plan to sell the surplus on Sunday at the market or via Plopsy.
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I couldn't date or meet with other people a lot this week because all of this. I couldn't event go to Evergreen Harbor this week. Damn, I've got so much work unfinished, and all those orders. Oh yeah! On Monday morning, everithing went south. When I woke up, everything in the house was broken. All the plumbing in the bathroom, the fridge even the Juice Station which is outside. I spend the day making repairs.
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There were so many orders that on Wednesday, I went to Moonwood Mill's library to use a computer and check my orders. Finally, I ended reading a book called 'The Werewolf Who Came In From The Cold' (It was engaging). So with the extra money this week, I expanded my main room so I could add a table, a chair and a tablet to use as personal computer. I know, I know. I still got a loan to pay, but I need this to contact my customers and earn money.
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Caleb was a sweetheart! He came one day with pizza for dinner. I felt so loved, I was exhausted and about to order something, but he came to my front door with some pizza just because he knew I was so busy... We talked a lot that night, finally he asked me out, so now he's my boyfriend. (I hope I can make sometime for him)
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I hope to have great news next week. Sun sul
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thecluelessplumbob · 2 years
Week #2, Month of Frigging White Cold
Week #2, Month of Frigging White Cold
This week has been so stressful that I nearly have time to write anything down.
This week I have no photos because my mobile camera broke. Do you remember I bought some seeds last week at the fair? Nature is working and they have grown, and even if I keep some for making my meals, I have spare to sell. So I bought some wax, started making artesanal candles and, why not? I tried to sell them on Plopsy. You know what? It worked like a charm! I sold all my production!!
I'm continuing my visits to Evergreen Harbor, and I found so many goods that only need a quick fixing... I'm repairing those things at home and selling them. By the way, I'm not the only one doing that. I meet there Simeon and Homer, they look nice people, but we only talk twice, maybe a blooming friendship?
So I got a nice amount of money of selling fixed furniture and candles, so I could afford another room in my house (now I have a bathroom with a bath). Also I bought a beehive (I will get my own wax, not more buying it) and a Juice Fizzing Station to transform some of my left over vegetables into Juice and transform into money.
Oh! I stopped at the nearly pub for a drink (it was girls night) and I met this charming guy named Caleb, we talked a lot and he asked me out in a date with New Year celebrations. It was so fun!! I feel so inspired when I get home that I started making candles and juice, did you ever feel that way?
By the way, spring is starting soon, I hope I can fix my phone and add some nice photos of my garden.
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thecluelessplumbob · 2 years
Week #1, Month of Frigging White Cold
So, I'm writing this diary because I want to read it in the future and say, 'Look at all the things I surpassed till now.' This story starts with a question. Do you know who the luckiest and luckless person is in this world? Yep! Me! Lucy Austin. I received a phone call, a long-distance family member who I didn't (and still don't) recall had passed away, and I was his only living heir. Crazy, don't you think so? I should have suspected something… I paid the lawyer a lot of money to get the inheritance (taxes and more), but I still got 8.000 left to pay. I'm working on it, it's a lot of money, but I arrived at my new home with nothing except my clothes. Oh wait, did I say 'my new home'? Let me rephrase it. The lot I have inherited is big. It's huge, takes up the entire view of the cliff, and… it's empty. Really empty. Nothing is built there, neither a house nor four filthy walls. It's a big, gigantic, empty space. Except for a few trees. And being on the top of the cliff and being the Month of Frigging White Cold, it's an extremely cold place. There were two blizzards this week diary, two FUCKING blizzards. Luckily, I'm a resourceful woman who's not afraid of working hard. There's a big beach down the road, so I'm going to the shore once a day to check if the sea has brought something. Then, I sell it. I've been selling a lot of fossils to the local museum, actually.
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Also, I'm doing I'm also doing some odd jobs, from cleaning up trash on the beach to being a cocktail shaker at a party. Little by little, I'm making some money, and I've been able to put up four walls in this huge lot.
I've made it start to look like a lot. Twice a week, I take the bus to Evergreen Harbor to recycle the garbage and rummaging through the bins (which I am not very proud of).
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It's something that ashamed me, but you know? I have found quite a bit of furniture that I have been able to repair for use at home. At the moment: a bed, a sink, and a toilet. So I only paid for the lights and the kitchen. In a way… I'm saving money, aren't I?
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This Saturday I went to the Henford-on-Bagley fair. I took the opportunity to sell the cat grass that grows along the beach and buy some seeds. Between the profits from the beach and that, I've bought a couple of plots of land, a bee hive, and… Drum roll (I'm so excited)… A kit to make my own candles.
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The beginning of my career as a maker. And with my own bee wax. Today I have already put some for sale on Plopsy, hope to sell them soon.
I'm going to be optimistic. I am achiving things. Maybe, next week can I get a shower… Or a bathtub? I will need to shower before paying the rest of the loan.
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thecluelessplumbob · 2 years
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So here she is. The first one of the Austin family: Lucy. She is family-oriented, self-assured, and a maker. Her aspiration is to be the Master Maker.
She just moved to Bridgerton Bay, and she still got to pay a big loan to make this place her own (too much space for her liking, but is worthy it), plus winter is starting and she is going to need a house soon.
We will see...
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thecluelessplumbob · 2 years
Okey, so this is the version of the legacy challenge that I’m going to try: The Coin Flip Legacy by @diamondsandplumbobs
Also, the heritage rules are going to be: Strict Equality/Modern/Living Will/Tolerant.
You can follow how the family goes on this family tree: https://www.theplumtreeapp.com/public/63eba076e651b1f6087a3938
🪙 Coin Flip Legacy Challenge
There are two sides to every coin and two paths your sims can take in this new spin on the ten generation legacy challenge. Each generation your sim will be given a basic background and personality along with a set of requirements like usual, but that’s only half the story. You will have to choose either heads or tails in order to decide your sims future, each side with its own pros and cons, effecting not only the required tasks but your sim’s story as well.
Will your sim become a mad scientist or a tomb raiding adventurer? Will they explore their love of nature through gardening, or help animals in need as a vet? Will they become a werewolf, or a vampire? You decide! Or… leave it up to fate, and flip a coin.
General Rules:
No, you do not actually have to flip a coin. I wanted to create a flexible, customizable playing experience, so feel free to choose whichever side you want to play or works best for your story. Though you can certainly flip a coin if you want to.
The challenge is designed so that your heir sims can stay neutral through their baby - teen life stages. You can decide which side they end up pursuing as they grow. However, the deadline to choose a side is when your heir ages up into a young adult.
The only exception to the above rule is the founder, you do not necessarily have to choose which side to pursue immediately, but I’d recommend officially choosing their route by the time they’re at most halfway through their young adult hood.
Each generation must complete their specified career and aspiration.
If the career branch is not specified, you can choose whichever branch you’d like.
Some generations only have 1 required base trait, so if you haven’t decided on a path before your sim becomes a teen, feel free to choose any trait you want and then change it to the required trait once they become a young adult and you’ve chosen your desired path.
Bonus Challenges are optional. Their just fun extra things I thought of to make things more challenging, but they’re not required.
If you decide to play this challenge and share your game play, please feel free to @ me and use the #coinfliplegacy. I’d love to see what you guys create 😊
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