Friendly Reminders:
1) Education is one of the most important forms of power. Don’t give up. 2) You can do anything you want to if you educate and inform yourself. 3) There are some women who don’t have access to education so take advantage of the opportunity you have. 4) Don’t let other people make you think you’re not smart or capable enough. You are. 5) You’re meant for more than you can ever dream of if you let yourself. 6) Never allow anyone to convince you education isn’t important; it’s the world’s way of keeping the power in favor of the current system.
Have a good day! :)
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The Privilege of Man
Once upon a time, there was a young girl who lived with her loving family. She had everything she could ever ask for, and was equally smart as she was beautiful. Her family badly wanted to protect her from the ways of the world, but they knew that someday she would try to venture out and become a successful young woman. On the night before she left for her journey, her mother sat down with her to give her some advice. “Be careful, darling. Not everyone is nice out in the world. Be sure to protect yourself, and keep your head about you. Some people are small minded.” The young girl tried to convince her mother that she understood, but in reality, it was a lesson she would have to learn on her own. The next day, the beautiful girl set off for town to begin her adventure. On the way, she ran into a very handsome boy, who immediately recognized her naivety. “Why, hello there.” He grinned, joining her on the path. “You must be headed to town.” The beautiful girl confirmed his suspicion, and allowed him to walk her to her destination. While walking, the boy told her of all he had seen and done, and charmed her with his ways. She decided for herself that whatever this man had to offer her, she would take it. After all, isn’t that what adventure is for? When they got to town, the boy invited her to stay at his house. They had both had a long walk, and they surely needed rest. However, neither the boy nor the girl had those intentions, and they both enjoyed each other’s company long into the night. The next morning, the young girl and boy arose, and decided to go to town for breakfast. On the way, the girl noticed everyone eyeing her peculiarly. “Why is everyone staring at me?” she inquired to the young man. He chuckled at her, and shook his head. “Because,” he smirked, “they know what we’ve done.” The young girl pondered for this a moment, not at all ashamed of her actions. “But why do they not look at you, then? Weren’t we both there?” The boy stopped in his tracks and looked her up and down. “Sure, we were. But only one of us is a slut.” The young woman was astonished. Never in her life had she been so degraded. “How am I the slut? You were the one who came on to me!” “Sure, I was,” the boy responded. “But I’m supposed to have sex, and you’re not.” At this, the young woman could take no more. She turned on her heels and fled towards home.
Upon her arrival, she found her mother sitting on the porch, and collapsed into her outstretched arms. “Why,” she asked her mother, “am I to blame and not him? Why do I not have permission to act as freely as he?” “You are a woman, my dear,” her mother said, stroking her hair, “and no woman is allowed such privileges.”
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A Woman’s Place
Making ends meet after l  o n  g shifts, with tired eyes I crawl back to my four walls and a floor.
I see him dressed i m pec a b l y. Walking with sure feet, He swaggers back to his home; a penthouse.
Imagine if I could w a l k with sure feet, too. I flop on a bed, sigh. That is not my fate.
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Marriage: What the Heck?!
Let’s get something straight, here. Marriage is a rouse that was created in a patriarchal society where it benefited men to trade women as if they were objects. The way I see it, women have no benefit in marriage. Sure, one could argue that it promotes financial stability. In some (rare) cases, marriage may even lend some emotional and sexual pleasure to women. But overall, there’s not much to brag about. Women are expected to cater to “their” man’s every need, raise the family, tend the household, and hope that she’s permitted time to get a job! All the while, men just complain about the old “ball and chain” at home and ogle over women that they can never get. I mean, women aren’t even supposed to keep their name, and we’re considered “controlling”? That doesn’t sound right to me! Not only that, but there are women (girls, really) who are forced into this crap at a young age; an age where they should be enjoying their youth, not slaving over a man one million times older than them. I just don’t see why anyone would want to do this. I’ve seen all the movies, and I’ve heard all the love songs just like everyone else. But don’t you see how it’s all propaganda? Life does not end “happily ever after”, and you can’t just switch the song when it plays too many times. What I’m trying to get at is this: girls, if you have the freedom of choice, take it. Be just “you” for as long as you can, and stay aware. Don’t fall for boys crap if you don’t have to; romance isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. Wait for your own reasons to commit to a partner, not the reasons that everyone tells you, because that list should be used for toilet paper.
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Dear Friends,
Today I want to bring up a topic that has been on my mind that I feel not enough of us are talking about: Women in the technology fields. How is it that we have made such amazing advances, and yet the face of technology is always one that belongs to a man? For example, when you think of technology today, who are the main names that come to mind? Who are the elite in gadgetry? Most of us will think of people like Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, or even Mark Zuckerberg. Yet, there have been so many contributions to science and technology made by women! Let me ask you, how many of you have heard the name Susan Kare? No? Her hand has shaped Apple, Windows, and Facebook! In fact, the former two would not have happened if not for her genius. Yet, her name is nowhere near the front of the pack. You might say that Kare is an exception; surely there aren’t that many invisible women in the tech field! Well, you would be mistaken. You see, there are many other women who have shaped technology and have received no credit for their contributions. In fact, nowadays, women are holding high positions (at a lower pay rate than men) in many technology conglomerates (Google, Facebook, and Xbox, to name a few). You might also say that women haven’t always been interested in these matters, but again, you would be wrong. One of the original programmers happens to be a woman; in fact, she was programming long before computers existed! Despite our contributions, technology and engineering still appear to be locked in as a “men’s field”, and most of the credit is being gifted to men. We can’t afford to keep letting this happen. Our thoughts, voices and ideas should be allowed to flow in order to create the most innovative and helpful products for all human beings, with credit being given where credit is due.
Let’s make society a better place.
Yours, L.M.W.M.
source: http://www.biztechmagazine.com/article/2012/05/mothers-technology-10-women-who-invented-and-innovated-tech
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“can men and women be just friends?” yeah if you dont socialize boys from birth to only see women as sex partners/objects and normalize healthy non-sexual/romantic friendships between men and women
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colour-code your infants so strangers know what their genitals look like
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“boys dont like it when-“ 
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Why Vote Bernie?
–Bernie is the only presidential candidate that has never voted against LGBTQ+ rights & has always voted for same-sex marriage legalization
– He is pro-choice “ we are not returning to the days of back room abortions, when countless women died or were maimed. The decision about abortion must remain a decision for the woman, her family, & physician to make, not the government.” -Senator Bernie Sanders
– Pro-Gun control , he agrees that people should have the right to bare arms in the case of self defense or hunting but nobody needs a bazooka to go hunting. he is for strict limitations on the purchasing of guns & getting a gun license.
– Free health care to everyone. though this wont be a big deal for people with higher wages, the majority of americas is lower middle class & by cutting down a monthly bill can help alot
– raising minimum wage to a living wage $15 , anyone with kids or in general should be able to see their families & friends instead of working 2 jobs to barely live
– by raising minimum wage we will be lowering poverty rates in america , & we do happen to have the highest poverty rates.
– Free or almost free education in all public schools, plans to substantially lower student loan payments for everyone & plans to make all public colleges free , giving everyone the right to education that they are able to obtain
– free or very cheap access to internet for everyone, for research , school , etc. without hidden rates etc.
– gender equality in the workplace, consisting of equal wages & making it illegal to deny someone work for their gender identity or sexual orientation.
– for the legalization of marijuana for medical & recreational usages , & adding taxes to it. letting everyone in jail for marijuana related charges out.
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Since her death in 1979, the woman who discovered what the universe is made of has not so much as received a memorial plaque. Her newspaper obituaries do not mention her greatest discovery. […] Every high school student knows that Isaac Newton discovered gravity, that Charles Darwin discovered evolution, and that Albert Einstein discovered the relativity of time. But when it comes to the composition of our universe, the textbooks simply say that the most abundant atom in the universe is hydrogen. And no one ever wonders how we know.
Jeremy Knowles, discussing the complete lack of recognition Cecilia Payne gets, even today, for her revolutionary discovery. (via alliterate)
Cecilia Payne’s mother refused to spend money on her college education, so she won a scholarship to Cambridge.
Cecilia Payne completed her studies, but Cambridge wouldn’t give her a degree because she was a woman, so she said fuck that and moved to the United States to work at Harvard.
Cecilia Payne was the first person ever to earn a Ph.D. in astronomy from Radcliffe College, with what Otto Strauve called “the most brilliant Ph.D. thesis ever written in astronomy.”
Not only did Cecilia Payne discover what the universe is made of, she also discovered what the sun is made of (Henry Norris Russell, a fellow astronomer, is usually given credit for discovering that the sun’s composition is different from the Earth’s, but he came to his conclusions four years later than Payne—after telling her not to publish).
Cecilia Payne is the reason we know basically anything about variable stars (stars whose brightness as seen from earth fluctuates). Literally every other study on variable stars is based on her work.
Cecilia Payne was the first woman to be promoted to full professor from within Harvard, and is often credited with breaking the glass ceiling for women in the Harvard science department and in astronomy, as well as inspiring entire generations of women to take up science.
Cecilia Payne is awesome and everyone should know her.
(via bansheewhale)
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Your daughters do not exist to give you grandchildren
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Watch: We need more speeches like this — for equality’s sake. Are you listening, FIFA?
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cut anyone and everyone out of your life that makes you feel small, hurt, humiliated, stupid, worthless, etc. do it swiftly and violently and without remorse. 
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Here’s what politics looks like if you take out the men 
Out of the 22 people running for president in 2016, only two of them are women. Elle U.K. is confronting this imbalance directly through the magazine’s #MoreWomen campaign, launched on Oct. 1 to celebrate women’s global power. Their eye-opening launch video shows how easy it is to make full rooms seemingly sparse.
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The year is 2015, and you still have to explain to adult men AND women that there’s no such thing as a “tight” or “loose” vagina, because it’s a muscle that expands and contracts depending on a variety of reasons. Or that a woman does not pee out of her vagina. Or that reaching an orgasm during sexual assault does not mean the person enjoyed it. Or that abortion is not the destruction of a fetus, but is of a clump of cells. That the length of a penis has NO relevance to the ability to preform well sexually, since the average vagina is only 3-4 inches long. That pubic hair is not unsanitary or gross, it actually helps protect the sex organs against bacteria, and shaving actually increases chance of infection, abscesses and rashes. But no, we don’t need comprehensive sex ed in America, we’re doing fine!
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