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This is so cool!
How do each of the grandkids discover their powers/second forms? How does Alma/the adults react?
(This is my first ever drabble i hope you like it)
Everyone within Encanto, The “Cursed” Village, knew of La Familia Madrigal they were the ones who watched over and protected the entire valley. The Madrigals were also the weirdest of the village as unlike other families who’s creatures are hereditary mostly, the creatures that the Madrigals have the traits and abilities are almost all different. The matriarch,Alma Madrigal, was a Banshee, but her children were different creatures Julieta a Phoenix, Pepa a Storm Dragon, and Bruno a Black Shuck. And the most strangest comes from the Grandchildren who were even more different. Pepa’s children consisted of Dolores a dullahan, Camilo a cheshire cat, and Antonio a werewolf pup. Julieta’s daughters were Isabela a druid, Luisa a gargoyle, and Mirabel a siren. Now while they can use their abilities perfectly, when they manifested it was quite the experience for all involved.
Dolores was the first who had her creature manifest and it was a very chaotic day. Dolores was simply going through the village, doing some of her chores, when her head simply popped off of her body and rolled into a alleyway. The body however kept moving and eventually returned home much to the shock and worry of Pepa and Felix who ran out to find the head while Alma and Julieta focussed on keeping the body safe. After the head was returned to Dolores was made the center of attention for a few days after because everyone tried to focus on keeping her safe if her head popped off again. Soon a solution was found as one of the farmer brought over a horse that connected with Dolores becoming her well seeing eye horse in case of Emergencies.
Isabela was next and while her story wasn’t as dramatic it was hilarious. The boys of Encanto were always trying to gain Isabela’s affection via small gestures of love, none of which worked to be truly honest. One day a young boy named Paulo tried to win her over by giving her a garden a gesture she appreciated but she still rejected him. In a fit of childish rage the boy attempted to destroy his gift using his ability as a fire drake, however when Isabela cried out for him to stop, massive vines erupted from the ground and grabbed the boy and tossed him out into the water. The adults were quite impressed and after Julieta gave a piece of her mind to the boy and his family, she praised Isabela for her new power claiming that control over plants was quite useful, especially when dealing with troublemakers.
Luisa came next and while hers were expected it still came as a shock for how they appeared. Luisa was simply tasked with going out to check on the farmers and see what they needed. Hours later however Luisa never returned and the family learned that she never even got to the first farm. After a quick search a small winged statue was found near the road that was determined to be Luisa. While everyone was shocked and concerned, it was Agustin that calmed everyone down, stating that the statue was likely a cocoon like state for luisa, a fact that would be proven when a hour later the statue crumbled and Luisa emerged just fine, she just now looked like a living version of the Statue. The adults were all relieved and happy for Luisa as her new form showed off her strength greatly
Camilo’s transformation wasn’t even discovered until a day after it manifested when the madrigals started to note weird things happening around Casita. Objects mysteriously vanishing, buckets of water randomly appearing, and claims of a large grin being seen in the shadows. By the end of the day everyone was on alert when Isabela had a water balloon thrown at her, in a fit of rage she had a giant cactus spawn near where it came from. With a loud yelp of pain, Camilo appeared hissing softly. Everyone was a bit ticked at him for his pranks however, when Camilo woke up from a nightmare where he went invisible but couldn’t become visible again, all was forgiven as the adults did their best to help him.
Mirabel’s form was a shock for everyone because it took years for it to be properly awakened. Her power came in at 5, a soft gentle and hypnotic voice that put everyone that hears it to sleep and everyone believed that was it. However one day there was a incident where the valley was flooded due to some massive storms out of pepa’s control. A child was wept away by a current and Mirabel, in a act of heroism, jumped into the water and swam after the young girl. Everyone was shocked as when Mirabel made contact with the water her legs fused together into a tail as her hands became webbed, and she grew gills around her neck. With her new form she easily caught up to kid and got her to safety. She was hailed a hero for her action, however she was still grounded for being reckless and jumping in, when Pepa was nearby and was about to fly out and grab the girl. 
Antonio just recently got his new form and it was in a very adorable way. It was time for his party and after being comforted by Mirabel he was so excited he basically ran into the crowd happily. He was so fast everyone didn’t notice that he began to change from a boy into a puppy until Pepa was able to grab a hold of him. It was safe to say the youngest Madrigal received a lot of praises and pets. Everyone in the valley agreed afterall, that Antonio was the most adorable puppy ever. 
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Madrial monarchy au? I want to know more about that picture, please, my curiosity needs to be sated, pleaseee
Uhhhh so. Basically it was??? Lets start before the Encanto was created. Alma was the crown Princess of her kingdom and was set up on an arranged marriage with another kingdom for political reasons. But by that point she had already met Pedro at one of the festivals and before Alma was married off, she had eloped with Pedro, and they went back to his kingdom cause his parents were okay with their marriage and just want them to be happy. Mind you, he was a prince, but not crown Prince. And them getting married wouldn't do much politically, so Alma's family wasn't really crazy about him.
One war, an invasion, an assassination and some running later, Pedro’s gone and Alma has the Encanto kingdom along with the rest of Pedro’s living subjects. In this story, the triplets are actually around 4 when Pedro dies, so they know about him and remember him. ANYWAY, Encanto Empire is created, some giant mountains are made and Alma is the new queen.
Something I started but never finished but have it anyway <33
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As for roles, like I stated before, Alma is the Queen. Julieta is the crown princess, Pepa is the second in line and Bruno is the crown prince/third in line.
Since the Encanto isn't absolutely massive like before, the other nobility roles are very rares. Felix had already come from a relatively well off family, so current he sits currently as the only Duke in the kingdom, or rather, is the son of the only duke---he's the eldest son. Agustin is the Marquess. Technically he could be consider the crown prince, but he doesn't use the title like Bruno does.
All of the grandkids are princesses/princes in this cases. They are no gifts, but at 5, each child does get a sector to train to work with. So as for 'chores', they just help run and manage different districts of the kingdom.
Julieta follows behind her mother, and is more like a manager, or jack of all trades. She assists everyone, though her hobby of baking does help in the shopping district. Pepa runs the farming district and actually was the one who help implement irrigation, with the help of Felix, who, much like Julieta, is a jack of all trades. Bruno is basically the commander of the military and works with the justice system. A lot of people don't like the way he runs things, but Alma and the other family often encourage him to keep on doing what he's doing, because Bruno is actually very knowledgeable when it comes to things like that, and so far has kept the Encanto relatively safe. He doesn't leave in this au, but he likes to stay on the estate more days.
Isabela runs the floral district, and works often with Camilo, since he assists with the festivities district, and fesitvals happen pretty often. Dolores is in charge of the music district and most often works with Mirabel who helps run the shopping district. Luisa helps with the import and export through each district, and most often works with Agustin, seeing that he's the one who was put in charge previously. Antonio usually is with Pepa and Felix, and is set to take over the farming district once he gets older.
In this au, Alma isn't as pressuring. She doesn't force any of her family members to do anything. Especially no arranged marriages; last time an arrangement happened, it resulted in the death of her husband. That means that Mariano, who works under Bruno as the top knight and Earl of the Encanto, is with Dolores from the start, and Alma is happy as long as they're happy. Them courting is not is problem with her. And since there isn't so much pressure, the grandkids are much closer to each other. Its really more of a playful sibling rivalry between them.
Alma has a lot of influence over her family members though. She doesn't play favorites and tries to equally show love, but sometimes she can come off as intimidating, especially if she's working. Sometimes the family, more specifically the grandkids, are a little scared to ask her about stuff. But she tries to be gentle. She's not trying to scare them away, her resting face is just very...blunt.
Casita is very much alive. The Madrigals don't live in a castle, rather, on a very large estate. Like a lot of acres. Casita has full reign over the entire estate, from the front gates, to the edge of the back woods. The rooms of the family are generally customized to their liking. They do sleep in a nursery when they turn five; Alma observes the child until then to see what district might best suit them. Then she uses the miracle to give them more extensive knowledge. Antonio moves into his room on his birthday; it was clear from a young age on what he wanted to do, so his room was pretty fitting.
As for conflict. Not sure???? Possibly trying to defend the kingdom from another invasion because. Import and Export. There is a way in and out of the Encanto; but theres only one way, and only the Madrigals and select buyers know where it is.
Hope this explains it. Sorry if it didn't make sense 💀💀
Alma waiting for more whiners after rebuking every complaint about how she and her family runs things knowing damn well she’s in the right and that their kingdom is fine:
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This is so adorable! As wagging her tail is so cute ❤
Yeah! Go away blood thirsty werewolf only protective and loving ones here! Your art is wonderful and don't let anyone tell you it's not! Hm. . . From researching werewolves really are deadly allergic to chocolate and onions (like real wolves), and are partially color blind. They only see shades if blue, yellow. . . And green. Hm. . . What do you think Bruno’s reaction would be when he sees wolf Alma and Mira at the river? -Werewolf Alma and Mirabel anon
NOT BECAUSE LIKE…PROTECTIVE > RABID…also thank you????? So much???? Gonna cry.
Also Bruno’s reaction? I think he knew, but he didn’t know it was Mirabel and Alma specifically, so he assumed it was just some rando in town. But once he sees those two, everything starts making a whole lot more sense. He’d probably start apologizing, he doesn’t even care about The whole werewolf thing, he just wants them to come back home 😭😭 he feels like he should have spoke up for them or said something, but was too scared to do so.
Anyway art <333
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This is so good!!
"Who the hell are you?" Alma glared darkly at the imposters before her as she stood protectively in front of her family. The rest of the family was in protective positions behind her and eyeing the imposters strangely.
Luisa was already cracking her bigger than average knuckles as the twelve year old stood in front of her baby sister. Mirabel in turn was standing protectively in front of a heavily pregnant Pepa.
"You from different universes. As long as you aren't like those two I'd be happy to have you around." One of the Alma imposters, the one with a flower crown who was surrounded by sleeping family members, said nodding at the other two Alma imposters with a sneer.
Those two looked significantly more upset than the Alma with the flower crown.
"I... don't see anything off about them." A rather upset looking Alma said staring at the newly arrived family.
"You mean aside from how they're all looking ready to fight immediately?" The other Alma who looked kind of angry asked dryly.
"Of course we're ready to fight. No one's hurting the family, especially Mira and Tia Pepa!, On our watch!" Isabela said frowning heavily and her vines were more than ready to launch.
"Tell me this honestly...do you love your family more than anything else no matter how different they might be?" The happy looking Alma asked and Alma nearly snorted at that. What kind of stupid question was that?
"Abuela's the best! She got really upset when my door faded and she screamed at the candle for an hour and a half straight and threatened to put it out if it didn't at least give me my own room. And when the villagers started talking mean about my ceremony and lack of gift she'd always get really mad. She punched a guy out one time cause he called me useless and it was awesome!" Mirabel said beaming and the other two Alma's looked shocked and horrified. The happy one was beaming.
",Finally someone else who loves their family first! Come come! Let me introduce you all to the different variations of our family! They're all adorable and cute and honestly I need someone else around who can appreciate how our family is the miracle and that they're more important than a candle or gift!"
We love Protective Alma for that <3 Always putting her family first, no matter what they looked like. I know she was just disgusted when she learned what the other two did.
Like how could you not love your family unconditionally, amd be willing to anything to keep them safe?
As if.
Evil/Protective Alma straight up roasting and threatening Wild and Aqua Alma:
Also, I have a request!(if you are willing, of course <3)
Could you try your hand at an Evil (Mamabel) Antonio snippet? Could be before or after she dies, I really don't care which one you choose <3
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Dear lord
im dying squirtle
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Thinking about this
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Bingeing all saints street so here’s a Damao compilation:
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This is part 1
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To complete the trilogy may I request catboy Wammu.
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I recently got very fuzzy and warm for avdol. I partly blame you, but in a good way. Do you think you have some fluffy HC things for him? I'd love you even more 🥺 thanks for not letting me sleep on him any longer! 🧡🧡🧡
(Absolutely! Avdol deserves the world!)
(PS, also idk about a tag list but I noticed these folks wanted to tagged in Avdol stuff so here we go. If you guys want a tag list, I can start it but I’m forgetful as fuck.
Tags: @gintokayy @outofthiszawarudo)
Fluffy HCs w/ Avdol
Let’s talk tea! Avdol’s no stranger to hot drinks, but tea is one of the things that he’s most passionate about.
Whether it’s nine in the morning or late at night, he’ll always be up to share a cup with you. Though if it’s late, he prefers to brew chamomile tea to relax, oftentimes seeking out your company as he brews it.
There was a spark next to you and the area was lit by a warm orange glow, the firelight glancing off you both as Avdol put a small kettle on the fire. He smiled as he set down two teacups and you grinned back. It was warm and safe as you two sipped tea together.
I feel like Avdol’s the type of person to like birdwatching. A look through his bag and you’ll find a birdwatcher’s book and binoculars. If you ask, he’ll sit you down and point out the types of birds!
Once he knows you’re interested, he’ll often point out birds that he sees on the trip. Time alone is precious and few but he utilizes it to its fullest extent with you.
His hand settled on one of your shoulder and Avdol bent down, pointing at at tree and whispering, “Look (Y/n), if you glance over there, that’s a Lanner Falcon taking flight.”
The desert nights are cold, but with Avdol you’ll never be without warmth, as he always makes sure to look out for you. Magician’s Red does the same, the Stand manifesting next to you to bring some much needed heat during times where he is occupied with the others.
There are many nights spent when you are snuggled up next to him under his robe as the group plans the next part of their journey. He’ll even give the whole thing to you if he knows that you’ll be cold when he gets up.
It was freezing, the cold night air slowly numbing your limbs. You guys couldn’t afford to light a fire for fear of enemy detection, so it was another night of darkness. Somewhere near you, you could hear the chattering of Polnareff’s teeth, the French being the least prepared out of all of you. There was the crunching of footsteps and a warm weight silently settled over your shoulders. You smiled at the dark and clutched Avdol’s coat closer to you.
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More Little Nightmares things
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Attempted to mimic the little nightmares concept art style. Not my best work, but I am still very proud ✧*。٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و✧*。
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