thecomplicatedlife-rp · 10 years
We rebooted and we now live over here. (To all the previous players of this rp before the reboot, please feel free to come join us again! We’re so excited to be back)
- Admin E
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thecomplicatedlife-rp · 10 years
We rebooted and we now live over here. (To all the previous players of this rp before the reboot, please feel free to come join us again! We’re so excited to be back)
- Admin E
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thecomplicatedlife-rp · 10 years
We rebooted and we now live over here. (To all the previous players of this rp before the reboot, please feel free to come join us again! We're so excited to be back)
- Admin E
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thecomplicatedlife-rp · 10 years
Minor Admin Announcement;
So... things around here have been rough lately. I don't know if you could all feel that. Lately i've been focusing so much on keeping this roleplay happy and running and not letting it die and ive just been so focused on that, that I need a break. This whole roleplay does. I just don't have the heart to shut it down though. So, It looks like putting this rp on a hiatus might be the best thing. I might come back with sone great ideas in a little while, but for now, who knows. See ya guys later
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-Admin E
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thecomplicatedlife-rp · 10 years
This is important. Make sure you guys change your passwords in all your important places
Urgent security update
Bad news. A major vulnerability, known as “Heartbleed,” has been disclosed for the technology that powers encryption across the majority of the internet. That includes Tumblr.
We have no evidence of any breach and, like most networks, our team took immediate action to fix the issue.
But this still means that the little lock icon (HTTPS) we all trusted to keep our passwords, personal emails, and credit cards safe, was actually making all that private information accessible to anyone who knew about the exploit.
This might be a good day to call in sick and take some time to change your passwords everywhere—especially your high-security services like email, file storage, and banking, which may have been compromised by this bug.
You’ll be hearing more in the news over the coming days. Take care.
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thecomplicatedlife-rp · 10 years
I swear I already made a post for this, but apparently I didn't. Whoops.
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thecomplicatedlife-rp · 10 years
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Meet BLAINE ANDERSON, The Schools Bad Boy
“Sometimes being the bad thing is the best thing you can be.”
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thecomplicatedlife-rp · 10 years
Its that sad time again;
Please Unfollow;
Elliot Gilbert
Dylan Munsun
And the Following Characters have 36 hours to become active again
Marley Rose 
Dakota Jax
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thecomplicatedlife-rp · 10 years
Aah, where'd all the activity go guys?
I'm gonna do an activity check in a bit, but mean while if you guys have any input for the rp, like characters we could add, or things we could do to activity up, or whatever, that would be greatly accepted.
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thecomplicatedlife-rp · 10 years
You'll have a audition for Blaine soon
Yay!! Omg, you don’t know how happy this message made me. I can’t wait to see the Blaine Audition, hopefully this means we can finally get a Blaine for our Jake!
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thecomplicatedlife-rp · 10 years
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Anybody who’s a student at McKinley, knows that stereotypes can make- or break you. Its all about what the rest of the world thinks of you. Most kids got a stereotype slapped on there back the moment they walked through the doors of the highschool there freshmen year. Some have proved they deserve the title, some have worked to change it. Some could never get rid of the hideous label that makes every day more difficult then it should be for them  Here we follow 14 teenagers; Sam Evans-The Jock, Ryder Lynn- The Gay Kid, Marley Rose- The Bad Girl, Kitty Wilde- The good girl, Jake Puckerman- The Male Cheerio and Blaine Anderson- The Bad Boy, Dylan Munsun- The Artist, Dakota Jax- The Drug Dealer, Kurt Hummel- The Slut, Elliot Gilbert- The Nerd, Quinn Fabray- The Photographer, Brittany Pierce- The Choir Girl, Danielle “Dani” Harper- The Princess. What happens when these teenagers end up falling for the person that the high school world would never deem right for them?
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thecomplicatedlife-rp · 10 years
The following characters have three days to become active again or else they may be removed from the roleplay
Elliot Gilbert
Dylan Munsun
Marley Rose
Dakota Jax
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thecomplicatedlife-rp · 10 years
Minor admin post;
Hey guys, Admin E here and im just here to say that im gonna have to give myself a (semi) hiatus, for a little while, while I work through some personal stuff. I'll try to be here when I can, but I just need a break for a little while Also, if any of you are interested in maybe becoming a co-admin, that would be really helpful, because I wanna get this rp up to its full potential again, but I just don't have the time or strength to put to it right now.
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thecomplicatedlife-rp · 11 years
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thecomplicatedlife-rp · 11 years
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I just wanna say love my rpers at thecomplicatedlife-rp. I couldn’t be more thankful as an admin, for such amazing players and my amazing co-admin. Only a couple weeks ago I thought my rp was dead, but with help from my amazing admin and my amazing players, its now my favorite place to log onto everyday.
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thecomplicatedlife-rp · 11 years
Blaine Anderson has 48 hours to send the main a message and/or become active again before being removed from the roleplay.
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thecomplicatedlife-rp · 11 years
And please track the tag tclgossip
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