thecozycauldron · 4 years
Hi everyone!
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Regretfully i'm here to day that the cozy cauldron is no longer taking or checking applications. We offer our apologies to those who were interested, but the server is for the most part no longer active, and we (the mods) have very little time to devote to it because of irl commitments.
TLDR: The server will remain open for existing members but not be accepting new members.
Thank you for your time and interest.
With appreciation and love,
- The Cauldron Witch
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thecozycauldron · 5 years
hi! i keep trying the application link, but it’s not working. just wanted to know if you took it down or something. thank you!
We didn’t! Ill be looking into what’s up with our link when i have time in the coming week!
-The Cauldron Witch
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thecozycauldron · 5 years
@seeitbreak @Cvnt-xo / KattInk @raspeberry-crows @witchy-angelic @lazyyybonesss @goblinzoe
Im working on Applications Now!
This post will serve as a running list of the people i can’t seem to contact! If you know them please have them reach out to me @red-moon-witch .  @Talentruxt666 @Dinosaursinsuitjackets @Fallenfeatherhead34 @Tara-Quartz-Keeper @ychor @Faerybitc @rowan-of-the-rose @Monotonousfenneko @maplebunnybee @Starrydevotee @abbyfallenangel @Elios-craft @lovely-intentions @Thistlethewtich @
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thecozycauldron · 5 years
i don’t believe you mentioned this on the post i saw about the server, so may i ask if there are any age requirements? like do you have to be a certain age to be able to join?
Nope! The Cozy Cauldron doesn’t have any age requirements to join! However we are a bit slow at getting to applications right now, so please bear with us! - The Cauldron Witch
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thecozycauldron · 5 years
Hi! I sent an application I think a few months ago and still haven't heard anything so I was wondering if it was missed, declined or did I enter any info incorrectly?
If you havent heard back from us yet its likely that it was just missed or something was misspelled. If you were declined you would have gotten a message from us! 
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thecozycauldron · 5 years
I'm writing up an application now ! I sure hope this is active/still available or else I'll look like a dummy
We are a little slow on processing applications but we are still available!
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thecozycauldron · 5 years
Sorry to ask, but are applications still being accepted? I know you’ve said that the processing is slow so is there any way we could help with that?
They are still being accepted! Unfortunately we only have so many people who review applications. We’re trying our best to keep up!
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thecozycauldron · 5 years
Hey i just saw thw post about joining the cozy cauldren and i was wondering if there was anything i needed ti do to be a part?
We have a link to a google application on our page!
- The Cauldron Witch
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thecozycauldron · 6 years
Hello there I was wondering could I be accepted based on my age and religion. My age is seventeen and I turn eighteen like literally next month,and my religion is Christian. I was wanting to join because I love the diversity y'all have going on but I don't see Christian religion listed I don't know I might just be looking over it.😄
Oh absolutely! We accept both Minors and Christian practitioners of magic!
- The Cauldron Witch
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thecozycauldron · 6 years
HI there. I was wondering if your server is still open for applicants? I send an application several days ago and I haven't heard back, yes or no. If it's just because you're all busy with life I apologize for bothering you, I was just wondering is all.
We are! Processing is just slow!
- The Cauldron Witch
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thecozycauldron · 6 years
Hello, I haven’t heard back from you guys, and I’m just checking in to see if applications are still being processed. Thanks!
We are still processing them! unfortunately, due to the low number of people who process them, its going very slowly! we thank you for your patience!
- The cauldron witch
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thecozycauldron · 6 years
Hi yes, I submitted an app a little bit ago. Your server sounds amazing and I’m really hoping to be a part of it! When should I expect to know if my application was accepted?
I apologize dearly for the wait, holidays haven’t been so kind to the few who process applications and there is a lot of catching up to do. While I won’t divulge the amount of applications we had, I can say that half of them have been worked through in the past few days. So expect an answer here soon!
-the Cozy Cauldron Witch
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thecozycauldron · 6 years
Hi! I hope you are still accepting new members because i have sent my application a few days ago. Hope to hear from you soon 💙
Hello and Happy New Year to you lovelies! Are applications are still open and are being worked through, all we ask is for patience since there is a bit of a backlog from the holidays. Awfully sorry about the wait, and hope that we get to welcome you soon to Cozy Cauldron!
-Cozy Cauldron Witch
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thecozycauldron · 6 years
hi!! i submitted a long time ago but i never got a reply? maybe my thing didn’t go through?
Hello, sorry about the late reply! I can’t say for certain if you application is in due to how full our inbox is, but if you don’t hear back at the end of the week, I’d advise you to resend in an application.
-the Cozy Cauldron Witch
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thecozycauldron · 6 years
Can I join your discord server? I'm interested in finding other witches!!
Hello, we’re open to applications at the moment and will have to fill one out to receive the discord invite. I’ll link the application below for easy access :D
Click Me!!
-the Cozy Cauldron Witch
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thecozycauldron · 6 years
Hi there! I recently applied and I was just wondering how long is the wait period usually? Thank you and have a lovely day!!!
Hello, I mentioned in a previous ask that due to the holidays, a lot of the mods who review applications have been busy with finals and personal life. I’m sorry about the wait, we’ll see to reviewing the applications this week, but it may take a bit to hear back. A lot of you are interested in joining!
-the Cozy Cauldron Witch
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thecozycauldron · 6 years
Could someone who isn’t a witchcraft specific blog join the server (as someone who does practice witchcraft but doesn’t have an occult blog)
Yup! As long as your application is genuine and checks out, your blog just gives us a way to contact you if you happen to to miss our friend request on Discord!
-the Cozy Cauldron Witch
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