titanswar · 9 months
the titan's curse by rick riordan sentence starters.
are you sure you don't want me to wait?
you look stupid just standing there.
i'm not going to bite.
i'm going to take you out of here, get you somewhere safe.
it's my shoulder. it burns.
my poison causes pain. it will not kill you.
unfortunately, you are wanted alive, if possible. otherwise you would already be dead.
we don't have any family.
we've got no one but each other.
oh, super idea. you're completely nuts, too.
i'm sorry, but your friend is beyond help.
you are in no condition to be hurling yourself off cliffs.
you know what that monster us?
let us pray i am wrong.
you never call. you never write. i was getting worried.
he's a traitor. don't trust him.
why should i trust you?
i've been terrible to you.
in the meantime, try not to die.
i'll pulverize them.
if you hadn't butted in, we would've won.
a daughter of aphrodite does not wish to be looked at. what would your mother say?
i don't pretend to understand prophecies.
both of you together would be a dangerous thing.
you need to do whatever you think you have to.
your heart is always in the right place. listen to it.
i'm telling you that i'll support you, even if what you decide to do is dangerous.
you surprised me. it will not happen again.
i'm not going to hurt you. just let me cut the net.
you're planning to go anyway, aren't you?
so you'll excuse me if i have no love for heroes. they are a selfish, ungrateful lot.
i should throw you into the pits of tartarus for your incompetence.
but you promised me revenge.
this is why i don't use mortals. they are unreliable.
try to keep it distracted until i think of a way to kill it.
you are part of this quest now. i do not like it, but there is no changing fate.
sometimes mortals can be more horrible than monsters.
do me a favor. get out of my car.
i don't trust your father.
i never behead my enemies in front of a lady.
you even dream about her. that's so cute.
so why haven't you killed me?
be careful. aphrodite has led many heroes astray.
it happened just as it was supposed to.
i'm kind of in a hurry. i'm in trouble.
do yourself a favor. forget it. forget you ever saw me.
i won't leave you. we fight together.
you're hurt. let me see.
life is a fragile thing.
please remember, you always have a home with us. we will keep you safe.
you didn't believe i was dead?
you won't let me down, i hope.
i won't let you down.
the gods use heroes as their tools. destroy the tools, and the gods will be crippled.
you promised you would protect her.
i shouldn't have trusted you. you lied to me.
i wish you were dead.
why are you saying that? you want to be responsible for the whole world?
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titanswar · 9 months
anyway have any of you ever thought about how Jason was raised by wolves and then an army and told he had to be the best so he became the best, made himself the best using his experiences and power, who has to prove himself time and time again to the people who made him, and then he meets Percy Jackson who, with almost none of Jason’s training, without having been raised and molded into a leader, is better than him
Percy Jackson, who had a childhood, who had a mom, who seems all the better for it. Jason can finish his quests and missions and get a pat on the back and congratulations for bringing honor to the Legion and nothing else because that’s what’s expected of him, while Percy gets hugs and cookies and tears of relief and so much love because people had been hoping he’d succeed, not because it meant victory, but because it meant he'd live.
all of the things Jason’s gone through to make him that perfect leader and soldier feel like they were all for nothing because he looks at Percy Jackson and sees that perfect leader and soldier and none of the things that made Jason good are what made him great
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titanswar · 9 months
she does have faith in him. she's seen all that percy's capable of, watched him grow from some confused, angry twelve-year-old into a hero, the strongest she's ever met— and still it does nothing to ease her worry, knowing all too well that the fate most demigods meet is never good. annabeth knows that this has to be part of some bigger plan, all connected to the prophecy rachel had spouted last summer, but it still eats at her, not knowing how he is, what he's going through.
it's a little ironic, finding comfort in rachel when just a year ago, she resented her, hating the thought of being abandoned by someone she cared about all over again. that resentment is long gone, and she's grateful, because admittedly, she's not sure how she would have managed this without her. “ he's going to love finding out we're having a sleepover. ” her voice is tired, dreary, but there's a tinge of amusement in it, hope. but rachel's right; annabeth needs to rest, somehow, and maybe a change of scenery would allow it, even just for a few hours. “ define trashy 90s movies. ”
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rachel doesn't tell annabeth this, but she's tried to force herself to dream of percy. she paints and paints and paints, hoping to catch a glimpse of him, somewhere. anywhere. alive, fighting, even on the toilet, if it means he's alright. she doesn't tell her, because every time she's tried, all she's gotten is a big fat load of nothing. no sign, no symbol, nothing. ❝ don't say that, ❞ rachel says softly. ❝ have a little faith in him. as dumb as he can be, you know he wouldn't let anything or anyone keep him from coming back to camp. to coming back to you. ❞
she reaches up to give annabeth's shoulder a gentle squeeze. ❝ look, come in and stay the night with me, okay? I have a crappy dvd player apollo enchanted to work and trashy 90s movies. come in, sleep a little and tomorrow we can hit the ground running. ❞ she shivers as a cold chill sweeps past them. ❝ you're no use to anyone like this, annabeth. least of all yourself. ❞
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titanswar · 9 months
btw this blog is primarily book-based but i'm open to writing show-based as well. for people who haven't read the books
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titanswar · 9 months
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Percy Jackson & The Olympians 1x03 "We Visit the Garden Gnome Emporium"
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titanswar · 9 months
literally just made this blog yesterday but activity might be slow the next few days because i work at a stupid grocery store so days leading up to christmas are going to be hell <3
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titanswar · 9 months
@doomdays: i promised i'd keep you from danger. i can only do that by coming with you.
he appreciates the sentiment, but it's not necessary. he might be smaller, scrawnier than all his siblings, than most of the other campers in general, but leo knows what he's doing. mostly. “ you can chillax, beauty queen. i'm going on a supply run, not a death mission. ” but now that he thinks about it, the offer's tempting: a chance for it to be just the two of them, instead of leo starring as the third wheel to jason and piper. he'll take it. “ i could use some extra hands, actually. you up for some heavy lifting? ”
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titanswar · 9 months
if taissa wanted to talk down on mikayla, she went to the wrong sibling. drew would have been more than willing, silena's sure, but she won't take part in it, no matter how much distance mikayla's put between herself and the rest of their cabin. there has to be a reason for it, and distantly, she remembers mikayla when she first arrived, covered in bruises, in scars despite her claims that she'd only been recently attacked. it's her job as the head counselor to be better than that, to defend her siblings even when they might not deserve it, to be better than the aphrodite kids that came before. she's still working on the latter.
“ she leaves us alone, actually. ” more than she should, but silena's chosen not to question it. the point still stands: mikayla's better to their cabin than most, even if that's not hard, even if she's still not kind. silena knows she shouldn't have said anything, that mikayla might not leave her alone if she finds out, but she's trying to help, really. this is what cabin ten does, anyway, setting people up, though usually, it doesn't involve their own siblings. “ sometimes. she hardly talks to me, but when she does, it's just to complain about you. ” as if it's going to cover up the truth, blind silena to what's so blatantly obvious. “ i can't say much more than that, though. you know how she is. ”
she's immediately bothered when she's questioned, her jaw clenching as she glares back at silena. she set herself up for this, she knows, because she can't actually get anything past mikayla's siblings -- still curious how she can even manage to keep mikayla so oblivious, but it's for the best, she thinks, because if she and mikayla ever actually explored their feelings, it'd probably end in a disaster. or, tai could be wrong about what she thinks she may feel and certainly what she thinks mikayla might feel, and it'll crash and burn anyway.
❝  yeah, ❞ she mutters in a huff, her arms crossing over her chest as she stands up straight, defensive. ❝  come on. you have to know, right? she's unbearable. she's . . . so different from the rest of you. ❞ and she means that as a compliment to silena, even if it isn't so clear with the glare still plastered on her features. her brows crease, and she shoots a look back at her. ❝ wait, seriously? ❞ she hesitates for a moment, telling herself she can't ask, but she can't help herself, too curious and maybe a little desperate for more information. ❝  she talks about me? ❞
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titanswar · 9 months
@darephi: rest. you're going to need it.
she doesn't know how she could possibly rest, knowing he's somewhere out there, alone, possibly in danger— the rational, sensible part of annabeth knows that rachel is right, that she can't possibly keep working on overdrive, that her body's going to shut down on her before she could find percy, and who is that going to help? “ i don't know how, ” annabeth admits, allowing a glance toward the mouth of rachel's cave, dreading returning to her cabin, knowing that was what she'd done the night he disappeared. “ just knowing he's out there, no memories, just like jason... ” leo could not build the ship fast enough, but annabeth's tried to be patient, tried not to rush him. “ what if we're too late? ”
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titanswar · 9 months
@ladyintree: she's insufferable.
coming from anyone else, silena would have accepted it. her sister can be unbearable at times, especially during training, separating herself from the rest of cabin ten in that aspect. but silena doesn't even have to be the daughter of a love goddess to sense that there's something deeper than just outright annoyance between the two of them. everyone can see it, she's sure, but it's harder to deny to her when she's able to see the aura they radiate around each other, the way that taissa and mikayla don't actually dislike each other, not at all. “ is she? ” silena asks, having to hold back a knowing smile. it's stupid to even pretend around her, of all people, but silena's willing to play along, to see how long this excruciating game between tai and her sister can possibly last. “ funny. she says the same thing about you. ”
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titanswar · 9 months
@philomelia: forget it. you're impossible.
“ why's everyone always saying that to me? ” sure, some of the comments he makes can be less than helpful, though annabeth might argue that just some is putting it gently— but percy's concern here is genuine, because cassie can't possibly be serious, planning to embark on some quest to find her sister without any training whatsoever. maybe it's a little hypocritical, given his first quest— but he had annabeth, and with her, anything was possible. “ i just don't want you to get hurt. i can talk to people, see if they can help, but— don't do anything impulsive. that's my thing. ”
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titanswar · 9 months
@ung0ds: it's okay. i don't mind a little attitude.
clarisse doesn't remember asking for permission, but for once, she decides to hold her tongue. maybe it's because, once upon a time, she actually respected him— a son of hermes who knew his way around a sword better than her own cabin is something even clarisse couldn't ignore. they'd been at camp together for the same amount of time, and while she doesn't feel nearly as betrayed as annabeth, it's still strange, knowing he's the enemy beyond just capture the flag.
“ what do you want, castellan? ” bitter, dry, not unlike the way she speaks to everyone, but with him, it's harsher, more deserved. “ give me one reason why i shouldn't kill you right now. my moral code's not as strong as jackson's. ” maybe if she kills him, if she stops this civil war before it really begins, maybe then her father will be proud of her, think of her as highly as he does his sons.
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titanswar · 9 months
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Dior Goodjohn as CLARISSE LA RUE 1x02 ◆ "I Become Supreme Lord of the Bathroom"
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titanswar · 9 months
@doomdays: i've been trying to find a good time to talk to you, but you were never alone.
“ i could have made them go away. ” her siblings would have listened, out of fear more than respect, but it's all the same to clarisse. if only she had known silena wanted her, she would have, with almost no hesitation. her cabin gets enough of her as it is. that's what she tells herself, ignoring the excitement in the pit of her stomach whenever silena's around, because while she knows what to do with anger, resentment, disappointment, she doesn't know what to do with that. “ i'm alone now, ” she says dryly, desperately trying not to sound worried, nervous, anything unlike herself. “ so talk. ”
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titanswar · 9 months
there was a time when thalia trusted him more than anyone else, when he and annabeth were the only family they had— it almost helped numb the pain of losing her baby brother, distracted her from the anger of watching her mother lose it. now, they can hardly recognize him. this anger, this ugliness, all of it feels wrong to her, so unlike the luke she'd fought side by side with all those years ago, the luke they nearly died trying to protect. she knows she missed a lot during her years as a tree, but this is something they cannot wrap their head around, something they don't want to understand.
its times like these when they think back to the first time they met zoe, when she warned them that luke would let her down some day. thalia hates that, lately, she's been thinking she might be right.
“ what happened to you? ” they can't hide the disbelief in their tone, the disgust. what's worse: she can still see remnants of the old luke in him, her luke. she sees it in the apology, in the shame, and it makes them feel like maybe it's still possible to save him after all, no matter what percy says. “ this... whatever you're doing, this isn't you. ” more than anyone, thalia understands being angry at the gods, always being punished for their wrongdoings, targeted because of an oath her father broke, but this is too far. “ he's getting the best of you. kronos. ”
it's getting the best of you. -thalia
" No,   it's not! "   His voice almost bellows,   head quickly snapping in her direction with a near snarl to his bared teeth.   For a moment,   his anger seems to consume his cheeks,   bringing a bright red to his usually smooth   (   almost golden   )   cheeks.   It takes him a moment to realize that he's looking into @titanswar's eyes,   seeing only a blur in his own momentary rage   ...   Shit,   he thinks.   In an almost cowardly way,   he ducks his head.   He shouldn't yell at them,   it's a cruelty they don't deserve,   not from a friend.   That's what he is,   that's what she is   ...   &   he cannot afford to lose friends.   " Sorry,   sorry. "
A hand rubs at the back of his neck,   slowly pulling on strained muscles that connect to his skull.   " I didn't mean to yell. "   Anger is unrelenting,   at least in him   (   &   he wonders if they have figured it out,   if Thalia's as angry as he is too,   but is just better at hiding it   /   should he even be wanting to bury something so strong so deep?   ),   anger is unrelenting   &   ugly.   He peers to her out of the corner of his eyes   ...   he doesn't want to be ugly,   not to them,   not to Annabeth.   " I'm fine,   it's just like   ...   a fresh wound,   y'know?   It's going to sting for a little bit. "   There is no wound,   there is only interaction,   only a new memory that could have easily been left behind.   Wounds are cuts that will heal,   memories are scars,   all over.   " I'm sorry,   again,   really. "
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titanswar · 9 months
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CLARISSE LA RUE 1x02 ◆ "I Become Supreme Lord of the Bathroom"
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titanswar · 9 months
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Percy Jackson & The Olympians 1x01 ◆ "I Accidentally Vaporize My Pre-Algebra Teacher"
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