thecrowranger · 2 years
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thecrowranger · 2 years
Indy RP blog for a Power Rangers OC 
-Open to multiverse RPs
-25+ mun w/ 10 years rp experience
-Now mutuals only, but non-mutuals are welcome if we’ve interacted before.
-Follows back from artemishalfwolf
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thecrowranger · 2 years
“Oh, is that what this is? I’m terribly sorry.” Angwu was legitimately sorry, though she did seem entirely unperturbed by her predicament. “Though in now knowing what it is, yes, It’s rather pretty, though. Harmonic. That’s what my teacher says-nature is harmony.”
“Honestly, I just got lost. Between walks and training with my master and my own interest in it, I just explored a bit too far.” She peered up at him. “I’d love to look around, but since I am technically trespassing, I’ll just remain here until I can figure out my way back.”
open to anyone. plot: axis is fae and former warlord. he stumbles into your muse (a very mortal person) in the middle of his lands. this could go anywhere.
Axis lived in volunteered seclusion somewhere in the fae’s magic woods; an earned and ordinary life that he cherished very much— he could stretch his worn feathered wings whenever he wanted, collect or hunt his own food, appreciate the solitude, the quietness, the lack of petty things to solve. That is…. until the day he smelled something different in his lands and curiosity got the best of him. He needed to know exactly what it was.
After a few minutes of flying, he landed near the source of a such scent. It was a human. Why would a mortal be walking around this place? Had they been lured by another fae? Axis didn’t see or sense anyone around, though.  “Now, isn’t that silly to walk like this in fae lands?” he questioned, with a smirk. “Have you strayed from home, darling?” his lips and gazed something both elegant and predatory, as it was only natural for his kind.
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thecrowranger · 2 years
fucking forehead to forehead is so intimate like pls... be careful........ our souls are gonna get intertwined........
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thecrowranger · 2 years
“There’s value in them, even though they can’t physically take you places. Personally I think visualizing everything in your head is the best part aside from the story itself. It’s neat that your sister has a whole library though-I bet it’s pretty impressive. Though for me, even just hearing someone tell a story is fun.”
Keir hopped around from one branch to another. Being in raven form was vastly different from his normal form. Everything felt more simple, and he could be aware of so many more things. Plus, he enjoyed seeing other birds confusion when they saw him, never truly knowing what he was but knowing something was off about him.
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thecrowranger · 2 years
“Oh, books are wonderful. Some might argue that they aren’t the same as experiencing things themselves, but a good book can take you places you’ve never seen before, and the stories they can tell ought to be treasured, I think. But then I’ve always been one for stories.”
Keir hopped around from one branch to another. Being in raven form was vastly different from his normal form. Everything felt more simple, and he could be aware of so many more things. Plus, he enjoyed seeing other birds confusion when they saw him, never truly knowing what he was but knowing something was off about him.
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thecrowranger · 2 years
“Who knows? You might get the chance someday. The world is an awfully big place, after all. And until then, you might just discover something around here you never knew about. Life is full of surprises like that.”
Keir hopped around from one branch to another. Being in raven form was vastly different from his normal form. Everything felt more simple, and he could be aware of so many more things. Plus, he enjoyed seeing other birds confusion when they saw him, never truly knowing what he was but knowing something was off about him.
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thecrowranger · 2 years
“It’s a lot easier to travel when you can fly, I suppose.” Angwu grinned. “Confidentially, I can do a bit of that with my animal spirit as well, though probably not half as well as you can, and I’d have to rest far more often. The Moors are beautiful though; I can see why no one would want to leave for very long.”
Keir hopped around from one branch to another. Being in raven form was vastly different from his normal form. Everything felt more simple, and he could be aware of so many more things. Plus, he enjoyed seeing other birds confusion when they saw him, never truly knowing what he was but knowing something was off about him.
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thecrowranger · 2 years
“I can imagine. I’m glad there’s a lot of you, though.” She smiled again. “I actually spend a lot of time out here because I enjoy nature and the forest in general. I was actually born many lands from here, but I started traveling when I was an adult. I’ve kind of lingered here for a while because it’s so pretty.”
Keir hopped around from one branch to another. Being in raven form was vastly different from his normal form. Everything felt more simple, and he could be aware of so many more things. Plus, he enjoyed seeing other birds confusion when they saw him, never truly knowing what he was but knowing something was off about him.
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thecrowranger · 2 years
“Oh, I see.” She nodded in understanding. “I’ve seen a couple of dark fey here and there, but the only one I’ve chatted with is one who calls herself Virgie. She’s nice, though it seems like she has a wounded spirit. It’s hard to explain. Anyway, I think you’re all very beautiful.”
Keir hopped around from one branch to another. Being in raven form was vastly different from his normal form. Everything felt more simple, and he could be aware of so many more things. Plus, he enjoyed seeing other birds confusion when they saw him, never truly knowing what he was but knowing something was off about him.
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thecrowranger · 2 years
“Oh, thanks,” she replied, smiling. “We have a good partnership. Though people struggle with their spirits sometimes. I think it’s all about listening to and caring about each other.” She watched as he changed forms. “Well hello there,” she said. “You make a nice person too. Shifting must be a handy talent. You’re the first I’ve ever seen do it, though I’ve heard of people being able to, especially around here.” 
She wondered if it were easier to fly around as a bird-it probably would be. Though if she could do that, she thought, she figured she’d have to learn how to fly all over again. Because birds flew differently, didn’t they?
Keir hopped around from one branch to another. Being in raven form was vastly different from his normal form. Everything felt more simple, and he could be aware of so many more things. Plus, he enjoyed seeing other birds confusion when they saw him, never truly knowing what he was but knowing something was off about him.
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thecrowranger · 2 years
“Having an animal spirit is more of a partnership though,” she mused conversationally. “You have to learn to work with each other. Sometimes the animal spirit can take more control than one might like. I’ve never had that problem, but then I spend a lot of my time in the forest and flying about as I can, so maybe mine is happy.”
Keir hopped around from one branch to another. Being in raven form was vastly different from his normal form. Everything felt more simple, and he could be aware of so many more things. Plus, he enjoyed seeing other birds confusion when they saw him, never truly knowing what he was but knowing something was off about him.
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thecrowranger · 2 years
“I do indeed. It’s nice to meet you-my name’s Angwu. I spend most of my time around here, just enjoying the flowers and nature in general. Sometimes I’ll fl a little too, though that’s with my animal spirit as well, and I can’t fly as high or as fast as you can, most likely.”
Keir hopped around from one branch to another. Being in raven form was vastly different from his normal form. Everything felt more simple, and he could be aware of so many more things. Plus, he enjoyed seeing other birds confusion when they saw him, never truly knowing what he was but knowing something was off about him.
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thecrowranger · 2 years
Angwu smiled over at him and nodded. “My animal spirit is a crow, so I can understand many birds. Being that you’re a raven, I can understand you very well. Close kin and all that, I suppose. Not all birds want to talk like you, though.”
Keir hopped around from one branch to another. Being in raven form was vastly different from his normal form. Everything felt more simple, and he could be aware of so many more things. Plus, he enjoyed seeing other birds confusion when they saw him, never truly knowing what he was but knowing something was off about him.
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thecrowranger · 2 years
She smiled again upon hearing him answer. “Nice day, isn’t it? Want to come down and enjoy the flowers with me, or can I come up there?” She could, after all. Angwu could fly in a sense, though it wasn’t quite the same as how birds could.
Keir hopped around from one branch to another. Being in raven form was vastly different from his normal form. Everything felt more simple, and he could be aware of so many more things. Plus, he enjoyed seeing other birds confusion when they saw him, never truly knowing what he was but knowing something was off about him.
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thecrowranger · 2 years
She was covered in flowers underneath the tree below him. Often she looked up when she heard the birds in the trees. Having a crow for an animal spirit meant that she could understand the birds more often than not. She could do a lot of interesting things, having that, though having the spirit of a bird wasn’t quite the same as being one.
On that particular day, she thought she sensed something familiar.Not a crow, but a raven. They were different of course, crows and ravens, but Angwu could sense the kinship just the same. She’s just going to look up, smile, and call, “Hello there.”
Keir hopped around from one branch to another. Being in raven form was vastly different from his normal form. Everything felt more simple, and he could be aware of so many more things. Plus, he enjoyed seeing other birds confusion when they saw him, never truly knowing what he was but knowing something was off about him.
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thecrowranger · 2 years
Flower child
@warriorfey @eternalstrigoii for Udo only cause I’ve tossed enough at Borra. But feel free to have Borra drop in :p
She might has well have been fey, flying around much like Billie did. With the flowers in her braided hair and all over the rest of her, she wouldn’t have been surprised to hear that she was.
Today she was flying through a field of wildflowers with some fey children, all of whom seemed to be engaging in some sort of race. “Not too far,” she called. When the would be ‘race’ ended, everyone landed in the field, laughing. She herself plopped on the ground, and was immediately surrounded by fey children, determined to put even more flowers on her-as if that were possible.
A bird flew overhead and squawked something. She and the children would all look up guiltily, then laugh again. Apparently they were being far too loud.
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