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Blizzard employees are organizing a walkout this Wednesday (July 28, 2021) to protest the company’s absolute shit response to the sexual harassment lawsuit. If you’re still playing Activision/Blizzard games, tomorrow would be a good day to show solidarity with Blizzard workers by not playing those games. Don’t cross the digital picket line!! No WoW. No Call of Duty. No Overwatch. Bring Blizzard and Activision’s online engagement down and boost the hashtag #actiblizzwalkout
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Everyone should know the international sign for Help Me. Let’s make this famous!!
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this post hasn't left my mind since i've first saw it
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In case anyone hasn't told you today...
✨Don't use TikTok to learn about Paganism.✨
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“ Since its installation Mr. Trash Wheel has intercepted over 3 million pounds of trash, making the harbor not only cleaner and more beautiful, but also a nicer home for local wildlife as well as waterfront businesses. Four different wheels now sit in Baltimore’s rivers, and soon more will be helping clean other cities across the globe. “
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“If you go to MrTrashWheel.com you can actually download a spreadsheet of every dumpster we’ve pulled out of the harbor over the past seven years, with an estimate of different types of trash that was in that dumpster,” Lindquist said. “We know that we’ve pulled out over a million styrofoam containers from the harbor, and that’s the sort of information, data and photos that we share with our elected officials to let them know just how big of a problem this is.”
“Mr. Trash Wheel has a few relatives in Baltimore, including Professor Trash Wheel, the first female Trash Wheel; Captain Trash Wheel, who’s nonbinary; and Gwynnda The Good Wheel of the West, who was recently the star of a ribbon cutting ceremony to mark her installation. They all have their own likes and dislikes on their public profiles online.
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They’re also hungry, with a reputation for being able to gobble up larger pieces of trash, including a guitar, a full-size beer keg and on one occasion a ball python who escaped from its owner and made a home for itself on the warm battery casing of one of the Trash Wheels. Because the Trash Wheels don’t harm animals, they’ve become a kind of refuge for creatures seeking a safe place to nest. A mother duck once laid its eggs under the conveyor belt, and fish enjoy the oxygenated water that’s created as the wheel turns in the river during the summer.”
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“ If you’re a city leader or official, you can adopt your own Trash Wheel at MrTrashWheel.com. “
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do you think butch hartman knows how many eggs he cracked with this
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me hanging out with black people in the summer: “aye, yall don’t forget to put on sunscreen”
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I wanna say it again for yall: if you see a deer that doesn’t look right and doesn’t act right it’s probably chronic wasting disease
Document it and your location and contact the DNR
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I promise you it’s not a “notdeer”. It’s just being destroyed by a prion disease.
Be responsible and help track it. Hell. Contact animal control and see if they would like to cull it.
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There’s a lot of Scooby Doo stuff on Netflix
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Really fucking weird how the internet has made it a thing to make others feel bad for having a good relationship with their parents. Y’all need therapy and I mean that genuinely
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i simply like m/f romances where the woman is completely feral and the guy is just little too into it
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If you're ever asking an autistic person to do something, be sure to explain why you want them to do it.
When I was a kid, I always kept the windows open when it rained. I saw no reason to close them even though my mom kept asking me to. She never gave a reason, so I never listened. She'd say it let the rain in and I'd think "no shit" and continue to keep them open. Eventually, she explained that it could cause mold. That made sense to me, so I started closing the windows. Simple as that.
When we first got cats, they kept jumping onto the counters. Once again, I saw no issue with this. My mom kept chasing them down and I couldn't figure out why. She'd get annoyed whenever I let them stay up there. Once she told me that it was unsanitary, I thought that made sense so I stopped letting them stay on the counter.
To an outsider (and probably to my mom at the time) it may have seemed like I didn't understand the instructions or was being intentionally difficult. But I can't just follow an order without a reason. I must decide for myself if the order makes sense before I follow it, and I need the logic behind it to do that.
So if you're asking an autistic person to do something, explain why it needs to be done. It's very hard for a lot of us to override that part of our brains.
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queer is a slur, grow up
‘Queer’ was reclaimed as an umbrella term for people identifying as not-heterosexual and/or not-cisgender in the early 1980s, but being queer is more than just being non-straight/non-cis; it’s a political and ideological statement, a label asserting an identity distinct from gay and/or traditional gender identities.People identifying as queer are typically not cis gays or cis lesbians, but bi, pan, ace, trans, nonbinary, intersex, etc.: we’re the silent/ced letters. We’re the marginalised majority within the LGBTQIA+ community, and‘queer’ is our rallying cry.
And that’s equally pissing off and terrifying terfs and cis LGs.
There’s absolutely no historical or sociolinguistic reason why ‘queer’ should be a worse slur than ‘gay.’ Remember how we had all those campaigns to make people stop using ‘gay’ as a synonym for ‘bad’?
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Yet nobody is suggesting we should abolish ‘gay’ as a label. We accept that even though ‘gay’ sometimes is and historically frequently was used in a derogatory manner, mlm individuals have the right to use that word. We have ad campaigns, twitter hashtags, and viral Facebook posts defending ‘gay’ as an identity label and asking people to stop using it as a slur.
Whereas ‘queer’ is treated exactly opposite: a small but vocal group of people within feminist and LGBTQIA+ circles insists that it’s a slur and demands that others to stop using it as a personal, self-chosen identity label.
Because “queer is a slur” was invented by terfs specifically to exclude trans, nonbinary, and intersex people from feminist and non-heterosexual discourse, and was subsequently adopted by cis gays and cis lesbians to exclude bi/pan and ace people.
It’s classic divide-and-conquer tactics: when our umbrella term is redefined as a slur and we’re harassed into silence for using it, we no longer have a word for what we are allowing us to organise for social/political/economic support; we are denied the opportunity to influence or shape the spaces we inhabit; we can’t challenge existing community power structures; we’re erased from our own history.
I’m not kidding. Cis LGs have literally taken historical evidence of queer people’s involvement in the LGBT rights struggle and photoshopped it to erase us:
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Pro tip: when you alter historical evidence to deny a marginalised group empowerment, you’re one of the bad guys.
“Queer is a slur” is used by terfs and cis gays/lesbians to silence the voices of trans/nonbinary/intersex/bi/pan/ace people in society and even within our own communities, to isolate us and shame us for existing.
“Queer is a slur” is saying “I am offended by people who do not conform to traditional gender or sexual identities because they are not sexually available to me or validate my personal identity.”
“Queer is a slur” is defending heteronormativity.
“Queer is a slur” is frankly embarrassing. It’s an admission of ignorance and prejudice. It’s an insidious discriminatory discourse parroted uncritically in support of a divisive us-vs-them mentality targeting the most vulnerable members of the LGBTQIA+ community for lack of courage to confront the white cis straight men who pose an actual danger to us as individuals and as a community.
I’m here, I’m queer, and I’m too old for this shit.
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not to be my grandma but when i say social media is actually the devil i mean it and i find it so sad that there are preteen girls or young teenage girls out there who feel the need to wear a full face of makeup and clothes that typically older girls wear because older teenage girls and young women make up most of their media consumption and shape their beauty ideals and make them forget that they're children. and the worst part is if you point this out and propose that maybe there's something wrong with wearing a full face of makeup and posting thirst traps when you're thirteen those young girls get so defensive and offended as if you criticize them personally, like i know you feel the need to do this and it's all you see, but it's literally not normal.......the women around you who point it out are not "jealous because your eyeliner wing is sharper than theirs" they're worried and scared for you as a child who is very obviously losing their childhood and being convinced to think that you need to grow up and go from 12 to 17 because your media consumption consists solely of older teenagers
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Cuba’s Abdala Vaccine is 92% Effective
Clinical trials on Cuba’s vaccine candidate, Abdala, have demonstrated a 92.28% effectiveness rate in its three dose application, making it one of the world’s most effective vaccines against Covid-19.
The news follows an announcement over the weekend by scientists of the Finlay Vaccine Institute, who reported an initial 62% efficacy of Cuba’s Soberana 02 vaccine.
The news was broken by journalist Leticia Martinez Hernandez who posted via Twitter, “The effectiveness with three doses of #Abdala is 92.28%. The scientist Marta Ayala has just informed President @DiazCanelB.”
Cuban President Miguel Diaz Canel also confirmed the news, stating that “In less than 48 hours, Cuban scientists have given our heroic people, who are resisting the criminal blockade exacerbated in a pandemic, two overwhelming results. In two days we will denounce the blockade to the world, counting on two of our own vaccines. #SomosCuba #CubaViva”
Diaz Canel added, “Hit by two pandemics (#COVID19 and #Blockade), our scientists from Finlay and CIGB, have surpassed all obstacles and have given us two very effective vaccines: #SOBERANA02 and #Abdala. I think of Martí, who wrote that it is not intelligence received casually that gives man honor, but the way he uses it and saves it. There is only one way to endure and that is to serve. Above all, I think of Fidel, who did so much for Science and Medicine at the service of Humanity. He said: Everyone who has a vocation for health, I invite you to study … There is a huge world that is in need of you.“
The efficacy of Abdala places it above other vaccines such as Oxford/AstraZeneca which is 85-90% effective.
(continue reading)
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