unreadpages 1 year
I've only ever been obsessed over two cars in my lifetime.
It's funny how they represent us so well.
One as white as snow, the other as black as a raven.
One reflects your purity, the other reflects my wretched soul.
Alpha as permanent as you, Black Beauty as temporary as me.
Polar opposites but loved all the same.
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unreadpages 1 year
This was supposed to be my safe haven.
Just for me and my thoughts, with random strangers reading them.
But I feel myself pulling away from my safe place.
I can sense the delusional judgement.
I'm going crazy. I need help.
I am lost. Can someone please find me.
I'm suffocating. I need air.
Please help.
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unreadpages 1 year
Are we really over?
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unreadpages 1 year
My future pulls my right hand forward, but I look back at my left hand, longing to see your hand in mine. Moving with me.
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unreadpages 1 year
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25 posts!
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unreadpages 1 year
A week has flown by already.
A week since that treacherous night.
A week since we last spoke.
A week since we last laughed.
A week since we last kissed.
A week since your oh-so-soft hand turned rough across my face.
A week since you glared at me with hatred.
A week since you made me everything that I'm not.
A week of self hatred, self doubt and despair.
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unreadpages 1 year
It's unbelievable, the hold your voice has over me..
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unreadpages 1 year
do you ever just think of how unlovable you are when you look at every relationship of yours, romantic or platonic
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unreadpages 1 year
With each passing day, the anger dissipates.
Believe me, I'm trying. Trying to hold on that anger.
There is another emotion that's growing in me.
One I don't want to associate you with.
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unreadpages 1 year
Wondering if I dodged a bullet or just lost the love of my life.
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unreadpages 1 year
The end that had been looming for a while now has come. Another untimely death to our story.
I hate you for what you did.
But I'll always love you for the memories we had.
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unreadpages 1 year
You know, I've always been comfortable in your car. The shotgun is my favourite. Even during cramps, even when my bed was uncomfortable, Alpha could always make my pain go away. Apparently, it seems, even your car hates me.
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unreadpages 1 year
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10 posts!
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unreadpages 1 year
I'm not perfect. I'm not a complete green flag. I lie. I'm human. The one thing you hate the most.
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unreadpages 1 year
Hey August. Please treat me a little more kindly. As much as Tay Tay felt August slip away, I wish to hold August a little longer, stretch it out as much as possible. With each passing hour, the day I leave home draws closer. Excited. Worried. Happy. Scared. Just to name a very few.
Dear August, I already have alot on my plate, please consider my request. Don't fly by without my noticing.
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unreadpages 1 year
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5 posts!
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unreadpages 1 year
Pushed into the box again.
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