thedemonsnake · 4 years
“Ah....” Eyes dart around. Oops.
“While I do not expect this to be received quite as /godlike/ as their nectar, it should still be rather sweet and unique.”
Black pupils cease their ethereal glow and the glass is released from its quasi-telekinesis prison. “You see, I think the predisposition which keeps you from consuming foods is rather unfortunate. I can not imagine going through this world without experiencing limitless taste and food combinations.”
Inside the glass was a golden-red substance, akin to honey in viscosity.
“So I have been working together with my friendly Shinigami pal in Japan on adding some exquisite tangy flavours to your beloved syrup. Using plain honey as the basis and genetically engineering new flavours into it.”
It looks at a piece of paper pierced on the tip of its tail. “This should be... hmm, sweet strawberry, mango and hints of mint and wood liquorice.”
“Tell me what you think...“ It was watching intently, taking mental notes.
🍸 : your muse offering mine an alcoholic drink
Cue a succubus perking up, looking over the drink with amused curiosity, "For your sake, let's hope this is Ambrosia~" she cooed in delight.
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thedemonsnake · 4 years
“Of course, I knew so. But it are not the weaklings I am worried sick about...”
“You see, imperatrix; super-naturals love to pretend they can be all nice and cuddly. But in reality we’re all grotesque creatures with moral compasses about as functional as a freezer in Antarctica. Its all a facade- a mask to immediately be ripped off and trampled when the world begins its inevitable descent into chaos.”
“Hahah, shit,- I’ve been alone with my thoughts for way too long again. My brain chimeras always turn into less than optimistic introspections.”
“I wish to divert my mind from things... do you have any hobbies?“
"You will be alright, won't you, Empress?"
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“Empress? That’s new~” She giggled lightly, “Mm, but, I’ll be fine~ It’ll take more than a few weaklings to keep me down~”
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thedemonsnake · 4 years
I need to post this particle of OOC fluff because this week had been making my brain go mad... this meme shit is what is keeping a smile on my face.
Haha.... SeAL
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thedemonsnake · 4 years
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hell yea
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thedemonsnake · 4 years
Late 1890s - A Trip Through Paris, France
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thedemonsnake · 4 years
"Hm, luckly me~"
"Cuddles are a fine way to show physical affection, don't you agree?"
It slithered over to her armoured legs, circling the ground before gently and slowly attempting to crawl up her back. Towards her shoulder as a cuddley resting place. It probably feels warm for the demoness.
"Just because our moral compasses are different than -most- mortals, does not mean we are incapable of strong bonds, friendship and foundness."
Tongue flick(s) to catch her scent.
"We are all very much sapient creatures. With enough cranium matter to experience the potent sting of emotion, creative thought and theory of mind."
It chuckled and stares into the forest. "Sorry, i am rambling again...." ... "This is... nice..."
"~If you hug me hard enough I make a squeaky toy sound .~"
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“If I hug you hard enough, you might also have some broken bones and ruptured organs~”
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thedemonsnake · 4 years
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The Corvid lord 
stage 4 transformation
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thedemonsnake · 4 years
“Yes, the subtle tastes as provided by different flowers -and combinations thereof- only goes so far. I do suppose naturally occurring flavours in fruits and vegetables would be the easiest. Most sweets found in stores have artificial flavouring anyway. All we have to do is buy those additives and mix them with sugar and honey.”
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“But I was also thinking about more... complex dishes. To simulate tastes like Roquefort, chocolate cake... mutton, salmon. Surely there must be additives for those kind of experiences as well?”
on May 23rd 2020, @thedemonsnake​ said:
“Okay, here’s the deal. There is this demon succubus and we’re pretty much friends, alright? Thing is, the only food she can eat is sugar or honey. Her body can’t seem to process anything else. Must get boring after so many hundreds of years, yes? So i’ve been thinking… what if we -and with we I mean you- add all kinds of new, exciting flavours to the honey? Just because i’m a good friend like that. I’ll give her the store location also.”
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“New and exciting flavours?” So: if he hoped for any sugar from his would-be honey, the snake would need to spice things up a bit. The wild variety naturally bore subtle notes of whatever blossoms produced it, but it sounded as though the snake was looking for something a bit more… cultivated.
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“What had you in mind? Pumpkin pudding? Purple sweet potato? Chili-lime? Wasabi?”
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thedemonsnake · 4 years
A laugh starts which ends in a playful giggle.
"Ahhh Demoness, you really do manage to make everything sound hot. You are amusing during smalltalk as always."
"Cuddles would be wholesome, don't you think? - nonfatal ones, I mean."
"~If you hug me hard enough I make a squeaky toy sound .~"
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“If I hug you hard enough, you might also have some broken bones and ruptured organs~”
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thedemonsnake · 4 years
Judging from her expressions, she liked the idea.
This was a good thing.
Perhaps it should try out something different with the honey, something special. Will she be able to taste extra flavour and aroma additives? Solely the sweet taste of sugar must get boring after so many hundreds of years.
The succubi’s mannerisms made him blush in a light green hue.  She was still hot, obviously. It supposed this came naturally -instinctively- with her.... kind.
“Heh, thanks Cambion.”
Tail and attached tip seamlessly stretches out towards her. The runes she provided all those years ago were neatly laid out for Cambion to reacquire.
“It is your place... deal with it however you wish. If you ever need my aid, for any obstruction in your path, never be afraid to ask for my assistance.”
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“There is something you have to explain to me, though. Why DID you leave so abruptly, without a single word? It did get rather lonely without your... spirit.”
Cue a whining succubus
“I’ve been gone for YEARS; I’m back, and no one wants to visit me~? If I had more of a heart, I would say my feelings were hurt~ Dont tell me you all dropped dead, goodness~!”
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thedemonsnake · 4 years
Finally, somebody with manners. This Barbor being appeared nice enough.
The snake reciprocates in kind.
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"Sure, heh, Bor, call me Samael. Friends call me... well, the same. I guess /Sam/ could be a shortened version? It does sound lovely informal don't you think?"
-Cue a short chuckle-
"So are you from around here orrr?"
"Aren't you a peculiar creature.... What is your name?"
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“Could say the same for yourself, new buddy.~ The name’s Barbor,” A sharp click akin to a tongue click was made while they shrugged. “But the pals call me Bor, who might you be?~”
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thedemonsnake · 4 years
“Who knew hooves make great appendages for string instruments…”
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thedemonsnake · 4 years
Her form was not familiar... but that accent, it rang a vague bell.
Forgotten memories.
It released a short chuckle from its maw with the addition of a grin. Interesting how she was able to determine its making so quickly.
She is more than meets the eye.
"Hm, pity. At least the weather has been improving, yes? I have really been enjoying the beginning of Spring. All this warmth together with flowers and blossing trees... really a sight."
Innocent smalltalk, that is how the humans do.
"Greetings Human... how are you faring today?"
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“ Greetings Demon. “
She mimicked the snake, and crossed her arms. Yeah, she thinks she remembers this demon... snake... thingy. Though she doesn’t know if it has some name or something. Eh, whatever.
“ Eh, could be vorse could be better. Kinda bored today actually. “
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thedemonsnake · 4 years
Cyute doodle by @dream-of-lust
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thedemonsnake · 4 years
This was Cambion alright, with her classic mannerisms. On first glance it appears she has not changed... which was good. She was always a curious creature to converse with.
Its mouth twirled into a grin when she confirmed its thoughts on their relationship. The faux serpent nods its head.
“Yes... yes I suppose it is. Unfortunately my contribution to our friendship is long overdue. I apologise.”
“Tell you what, there is a human market tomorrow in an area I reside at. I will buy some fresh sugar and honey sweets there from the local beekeepers. I assume you can consume honey without regurgitating, yes? it is basically liquid sugar with some water and natural flavouring.”
“Oh, and if any demons have claimed your previous territory as their own during your... absence, I will gladly aid you in their total annihilation.”
Cue a whining succubus
"I've been gone for YEARS; I'm back, and no one wants to visit me~? If I had more of a heart, I would say my feelings were hurt~ Dont tell me you all dropped dead, goodness~!"
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thedemonsnake · 5 years
“Who cares? if there is one thing that can bring us together it’s a doobie passed around and a needle drop on Animals.”
“But I assume you spend most of your stay on Earth in primarily Asian countries, like Japan? So our music and entertainment tastes will inevitable be different. That is okay, though. I love experiencing art from other cultures.”
“One day when you get to my place I ought to show you the photography, films and audio I recorded over the last two centuries. Mainly in western Europe like Germany, Italy, British Isles. I should still have many wire recordings I made in the 40′s somewhere...”
"All rock bands are equal, but Pink Floyd is more equal than others."
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“I’m not sure their ideology is compatible with the one you just referenced…”
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thedemonsnake · 5 years
Send “Hello there!” to meet another one of my muses
It can be an old muse, a muse the mun presently has (but is on another blog/site), or a muse the mun wants.
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