thedemonturnip · 1 year
Read this, got inspired.
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JD, rolling down the car window: What seems to be the problem, officer? Mackenzie: Get the FUCK out of my car.
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thedemonturnip · 1 year
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Falling in love with the (Jersey) Devil surely makes for a fun time. 🔥😈
Jordan "JD" Davies is/was a character from "Havenfall is for Lovers" on the Lovestruck app - and wow do they look like a spicy rascal! I hope you like our firey they/themsel in this dress.
Now, what character do we think for the color yellow/gold 🍋? Let me know in the comments who you'd like to see next!
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thedemonturnip · 3 years
I finished Xenia's last season today Then I took the courage to finish this art of hers
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thedemonturnip · 3 years
My whole life is goddam lag and quite frankly I'm too sleepy to fix it lmaooooooooo
Enjoy the day of the crew hyping up their main girl in lag. #disvik
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thedemonturnip · 3 years
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The emotional whiplash that wreaked havoc through my SOUL
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thedemonturnip · 3 years
Astoria MC and Zeus could be enemies to lovers possibly? With a twist thrown in.
Eeeeeeh, not something I'd like to read.
I want it to be GAY!
Like.... Sweet Enchantments MC and Axia. 👀👀👀👀
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thedemonturnip · 3 years
🍌Is there any LI who you think is overrated? Why? - Vivienne. She's... I do love a good problematic character growing, and still, I read five seasons of her without seeing any real improvement and it just was physically exhausting to me. Add the hype of her calling her an innocent cinnamon bun when she's utterly responsible for her own behavior and the stuff she pulled is more than 20 red flags. Still - if you enjoy her, by all means do. It's fiction.
🍉Is there any LI who you think is underrated? Why? - Underrated... Hm, that's a tougher question. I don't see all that much love for enbies in this fandom, but I might yet be wrong, still, imma go with JD. THEY'RE FUCKING AWESOME AS HELL and their route is wonderfully written.
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thedemonturnip · 3 years
🎹What’s a storyline/plot you’d like to read that doesn’t currently exist in any routes? - FULL Enemies to Lovers. With Hatesex. And a really slowburn romance full of pining and denial.
🍪Are there any ‘shorts’ that you’d love to see? E.g., someone’s POV, a short for a particular event, exploring something was vaguely mentioned in someone’s route, a look at someone’s backstory? - Xenia's POV all the way, maybe even part of her backstory with Val. A Piama x Ruelle short. Zenith's Backstory with her wife.
🌧Have you made friends through this fandom? Do you share a favourite character or story? - The amount of friends I've made through this fandom is INSANE, and I love all of them so much. We do share a few very much liked stories, occasionally! (Like Helena.)
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thedemonturnip · 3 years
An Asks / Questions Thing
Excuse me? Yes, hello, hi... I made a thing - I guess it could be done as anons/asks (I’ve coded each with an emoji to make that easier) or I was more thinking along the lines that it might be quite fun if anyone wanted to just work through the ones that interest then like a ‘question of the day’ or something? I don’t really know, I just thought it might be cool as I’ve not seen anything like this kicking around for a while. Please use it however you would like and have fun with it - enjoy! 🥰
🌵Why is you favourite series your favourite?
🌲Have you read all of the LI’s for your favourite series?
🌳Which LI did you like best in your favourite series?
🌴Is there any series you think is overrated? Why?
🌿Is there any series you think is underrated? Why?
💐Which LI’s route is your favourite?
🌹Is your favourite route from your favourite series, or is it from another series?
🌺Is your favourite LI also your favourite route? Or is there another route you liked better?
🌸Is there a route that you’ve replayed several times? What makes that route special to you?
🌼If you could pick three words to describe your favourite pairing, what would they be?
🌻If you had to pick a song for your favourite pairing - what song would it be?
🍏Who is your favourite LI? Why?
🍎If their route finished already, were you happy with how it ended? Would you have changed anything?
🍐Did one specific moment in their story stand out to you? What part and why?
🍊Which do you like better about your favourite LI, their looks or their personality?
🍋Is your favourite LI similar to someone you’d date IRL if the opportunity came up?
🍌Is there any LI who you think is overrated? Why?
🍉Is there any LI who you think is underrated? Why?
🍇Anyone who ended too soon in your opinion?
🍓Anyone who ran too long in your opinion?
🫐What do you think is an Ideal number of seasons for an LI?
🍒If you could design your own LI, what would they look like? (Maybe chose parts of existing MC / LIs - person x’s eyes, person y’s smile, etc)
🍑If you could design you own LIs personality, what would they be like? (Maybe chose parts of existing MC / LIs - person x’s sense of humour, person y’s bravery, etc)
🥝Is there any LI who you find particularly relatable?
🍈Is there anything your favourite LI does / says that really bugs you?
🍍If you could pick three words to describe your favourite LI, what would they be?
🥭Is there a song that you relate to any particular LI when you hear it?
🥥Do you have a favourite CG of your favourite LI?
🧸Which MC is your favourite? Why?
🎀How do you pick your MC’s name when you start a new series?
🎈Are your favourite MC and favourite LI from the same series?
🎁If you’d could pair your favourite MC with any LI from a different series from the one they star in, who would you pair them with and why?
🎉If you could design your own MC, what would they look like? (Maybe chose parts of existing MC / LIs - person x’s eyes, person y’s smile, etc)
🎂If you could design you own MCs personality, what would they be like? (Maybe chose parts of existing MC / LIs - person x’s sense of humour, person y’s bravery, etc)
🥂Is there any MC who you find particularly relatable?
💝If you could pick three words to describe your favourite MC, what would they be?
⭐️Is there a song that you relate to any particular MC when you hear it?
💜Do you often buy heart scenes?
❤️If you get heart scenes, how do you choose which ones?
💛Do you have an all-time favourite scene (free or hearts)?
💙Can you think of a specific scene that made you laugh? Or one that made you cry?
💚Do you have an all-time favourite CG?
🧡Do you have a favourite quote or line from any character?
🚀Do you have a favourite side character? Who and why?
⛵️Would you want to romance your favourite side character?
🛵Is there any side character that you wish had a route of their own?
🚘Is there a relationship / dynamic other than an existing MC x LI that you particularly enjoy?
✈️Is there any ‘baddie’ that you secretly (or not so secretly!) wish was an LI?
🎹What’s a storyline/plot you’d like to read that doesn’t currently exist in any routes?
🎺Do you prefer the contemporary or fantasy routes?
🎸What’s you favourite trope for a romance?
🥁Do you want a slow burn or a whirlwind romance? Do you have a favourite LI in each of those categories?
🍭If LS announced a cross-over story which characters from two series in it, what series would you want to see crossed over?
🍿In a cross-over which characters do you think would get along and who really wouldn’t? Why?
🍪Are there any ‘shorts’ that you’d love to see? E.g., someone’s POV, a short for a particular event, exploring something was vaguely mentioned in someone’s route, a look at someone’s backstory
☀️Do you write fanfic, fanart or create other fanwork? Do you have favourite piece? Why is it your favourite and what made you create it? (Link it if you like!)
☔️If not, would you ever try?
🌧Have you made friends through this fandom? Do you share a favourite character or story?
⚡️Do you have a favourite creator(s) in the fandom? What is your favourite piece of their content? (Link it if you like!)
❓Wildcard question - opportunity to share anything else you’d like!
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thedemonturnip · 3 years
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Felt like drawing the one and only Jersey Devil again.
In a corset, of courset.
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thedemonturnip · 3 years
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thedemonturnip · 3 years
This is not Lovestruck related but...
Just a little edit for my favorite naughty turnip. 😏😉
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thedemonturnip · 3 years
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This has been sitting in my art book, ROTTING AWAY. So I figured to do it now or else I’d never get to it. Cheers to more Reigning Passion’s, Xenia romance. 
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thedemonturnip · 3 years
Tomorrow will be the 100th day since you started the Xenia x JD route!
YOU COUNTED? That's... 🥺🥺🥺🥺 That's very fucking touching.
Also, I saw this ask just now, I have no idea when you sent it to me, so I'm sorry. 😅
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thedemonturnip · 3 years
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Lovestruck Tweets #7
This is why JD isn't allowed to have kids
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thedemonturnip · 3 years
A Lovestruck questionnaire with new questions
I have been thinking for quite some time about posting a questionnaire about Lovestruck, because it is usually fun to answer the questions and reflect on the game while doing so.
So I have been creating one! You can use it as a "send me an ask" game or answer it all at once or little by little.
I just hope you will enjoy it. I'm only asking for a credit and a tag, so that I can see all your great answers. :)
1. A fun fact about me related to Lovestruck
2. The character I relate the most to
3. A character who puzzles me
4. The scariest character for me is
5. The character I like the least
6. Something I like the most about my least liked character
7. Something I dislike about my favourite character
8. A character I would want to be like
9. If I could turn one (1) LI into a real human, it would be
10. A scene that moved me
11. A quote that moved me
12. A scene that made me laugh to tears
13. A quote that made me laugh to tears
14. A route I love
15. A route I dislike
16. A route I expected to enjoy but didn't
17. A route I didn't expect to enjoy
18. A pairing I would love to see
19. My favourite friendship
20. My favourite companion
21. The Biggest Big Bad for me is
22. The saddest moment
23. The happiest moment
24. Joker: the floor is yours
If anyone wants to send me an ask, it is possible. It is not expected, though.
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thedemonturnip · 3 years
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Based on true events
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