thedevilsadvxcate · 1 year
Sometimes, Asael forgot just how populated Creation Peaks was with supernatural individuals. It was easy to assume many were just ordinary humans when you didn’t take a few extra moments to stop and analyze them - the way they walk; the way they talked; they way their blood smelled as it coursed through their veins with each pump of their hearts.
Yet, there were also times when it became blindingly clear and questionable how so many individuals in the Peaks were unaware of what lurked around them. It only took a few whispers in the right ears for Asael to be led to a number of informants culminating in a shady little demon that finally gave him information he sought. His conversation with Eponine had reminded him that his last foray into procuring the services of a ‘pocket witch’ had ended quite some time ago.
It was still a ways off, but it would be beneficial for him to reestablish an arrangement with another promising - or gullible, he wasn’t picky - witch before his daylight ring was in danger of becoming ineffective. Following the trail of hints and tidbits, he was finally directed to a young male that he’d been observing for the past several minutes as he ordered drinks at the bar of My Alibi. Stepping up to the counter beside him, he held up a couple of fingers to the bartender. “And keep them coming for my friend and I here. I’ll take over his tab.” He remarked before turning to look at the man.
( @thedevilsadvxcate​ )
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Dimitri had just gotten his drink when a stranger sat beside him before taking up his tab, “To what do I owe this honor?” He asked as he leaned against the palm of his hand as he lifted his drink to his mouth. 
He didn’t know the stranger before him, wasn’t sure he had any dealings with Sebastian before his demise as far as he was aware, so why the man wanted to buy him drinks was curious indeed, he might as well find out the answer.
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thedevilsadvxcate · 1 year
Heavy footfalls carried the tall male through the winding trails and thick underbrush of the forest surrounding the Peaks. A part of Leo had known it wasn’t a wise decision to chase the figure away from the innocent soul they had been about to descend upon in town - let alone, pursue that chase into the woods that he had yet to completely familiarize himself with.
Still, he ran - blade in hand - after the figure. That was, at least, until a rippling wave of force erected itself in his path and sent him careening backwards onto his back. Scrambling quickly back to his feet, he watched his target disappear from sight before turning with a heavily furrowed brow at the male that spoke to him. “Do you have any idea what you just did, witch?” He demanded, “That creature was going to harm an innocent person and if they circle back around to the town because you thought it was a good idea to butt in….” He pointed his blade at him and just growled instead of finishing his sentence.
Shoving the blade back into his pouch at his side, he let out a heavy breath from his sprinting. “There isn’t such a thing as a fair fight when it comes to hunting.” He added and carried himself towards the male with stomps of his boots. “Start giving me some answers on who exactly you are before I decide you’re in league with that… thing.” He stated solidly, feeling the familiar sensation of his blessings coursing through his muscles - at the ready, as always.
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When the hunter turned to him, blade in hand still he eyed it for a moment as it was pointed towards him and he just smiled, tilting his head to the side. “Maybe its the humans who are in the wrong, not all humans are innocent after all.” He said as he watched the man shove his blade back into the pouch at his side, he was breathing heavier due to his running through the woods but that meant nothing. 
As the man stomped closer he snapped his fingers, erecting another barrier between them and giving the other another grin.
“I don’t owe you anything, I’ve done nothing wrong. I simply stopped a fight between two beings who could have killed each other. I’d say I did something good, whether that lives up to your standards? I couldn’t really care, maybe you can still catch them, but I guess if they kill someone you’ll just blame me for that instead, huh?” He laughed. 
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thedevilsadvxcate · 1 year
Dimitri had been spending some of his time in the woods as of late, he’d been helping Zeldris and her underlings since the blizzard and it was working for the most part in his favor. Especially the more his favor grew with Lilith, ever since she’d gifted him the illusion bracelet his loyalty to her had grown. 
So when he recognized one of the demons facing off with what looked to be a hunter he decided to intervene. 
With a quick wave of his hand and a few latin words he created a barricade, effectively separating them and preventing the hunter from making a killing blow which allowed the demon to escape. Turning his gaze to the hunter Dimitri raised a brow when the other turned to him.
“Didn’t seem like too fair of a fight, looked like you had the upper hand.” He shrugged.
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thedevilsadvxcate · 2 years
Harper stood by in silence reading the room and Dimitri, she didn’t know much about having to kill, let alone taking the power of one’s sibling to kill their father. Saying the wrong thing seemed highly likely and she was unsure where to start. When he laid down on the bed she followed sitting near his head and running her fingers through his damp hair. “Deputy Marshall questioned me, see if a witch was responsible for it.”
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As fingers ran through his damp hair his eyes fluttered shut as he leaned into the touch, only opening his eyes to look up at her as she began to speak, “Deputy Marshall doesn’t know what he’s talking about. No witch did this, at least no witch from my coven. We don’t use elemental magic, I’ve only just started to practice it myself using the book you gave me.” He offered her a soft but tired smile, his emotions had fizzled out, leaving him exhausted and mentally numb.
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thedevilsadvxcate · 2 years
Zara knew her girlfriend was going to kill her, but hearing how a number of people due to reach the hospital had failed to, she sent her a text, promising she knew what she was doing and would be back as soon as possible. After about 10 minutes, she was already catching signs of a struggle. Pulling out a knife, one that had the symbols from Samara on, she called out, but was met with silence. As she moved further between the trees she saw the body and cursed. Pulling out her radio, she knelt by the body, after making sure the area was still and silent.
“Deputy McKenna here, I’ve got a 7 at my 20…. Caucasian male, looks to be in his late 30s with deep claw marks to the throat and chest… No telling how long he’s been out here. He has ID, I’ll bag what I can.” She wasn’t even sure if anyone could get out, not in this blizzard, and the body was already being rapidly covered in snow. Still, she’d get what she could. She sent a voice message to her other hunters as well, sure that if she Sheriff didn’t take it seriously, the hunters would.
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Hearing a voice, she shook her head. “Head back into the hospital, sir, there’s nothing to see here.” She was focused on pulling on a pair of gloves, thanking herself she had the foresight to bring some evidence bags with her. Realising it was a witch though, she paused. “Actually… Can you cast something? Check for anything coming our way? I need to gather what I can before the bodies under 3 feet of snow.”
When he noticed the evidence bags Dimitri wondered if he had even left any evidence on the guy, he’d used magic to kill him but as soon as she asked him to cast a spell to check for anything coming their way he looked back at her curiously wondering how she knew he was a Witch. 
“Yeah sure...” He whispered, turning his back to her and holding his hands out as he began to speak beneath his breath, chanting a spell to check for anything dangerous.
Beneath his jacket the bracelet thrummed with warmth, as he focused on his spell he focused some of his magic towards creating another illusion, to the Deputy just behind him off in the distance a twig snapped and the trees began to rustle as if the beast was roaming through them, hoping to distract her as he prepared his spell. 
With a snap of his fingers he created a boundary around him so that if anything crossed it he would be alerted but with it came a harsh gust of wind that didn’t let up, something he’d been focusing the rest of his power on knowing that the other wouldn’t notice as it would just look like the storm had worsened on its own. With the gust of wind came a flurry of snow, covering the body in layers of it.
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thedevilsadvxcate · 2 years
After being given his order by Zeldris Dimitri accepted it with a bow of his head, he had made the general of war a deal, she had kept up her end of it. He’d had the proper help to defeat Sebastian, even if it had cost him in the end. He knew that Sebastian would try and take everything from him and wouldn’t go down easy. But he’d come out of it victorious, the coven was his now and he’d protect it and Clara from anything. 
For the next few hours he’d gone out into the storm secretly and lured what people he could out into the worst of it, leaving them to be devoured/killed by the creatures wandering the woods and perimeter of the hospital. 
To keep appearances he also lead a few to safety, making sure he’d have an alibi just in case.
After a while though people stopped leaving the safety of houses or buildings and everyone in the hospital was hunkered down for the long haul. So he did what he had to, what Zeldris had told him to do. If he couldn’t lure them to the beasts, he would hunt them like one. 
He had realized quickly that the bracelet he wore was powerful, it allowed him to conjure illusions stronger than anything he’d ever seen before. So using it and to try and prevent using too much of his own power he conjured an image of the beast and used it to send the occupant of the house fleeing. 
Dimitri had watched the man run towards the safety of the hospital and before he could make it he used his magic to turn his fingers into long claws, something reminiscent of the beast. After immobilizing the human with his magic he killed them with the claws, blood spattering across the snow as the body fell. 
The claws melted away as he backed away from the body, off in the distance a twig snapped and he heard muffled voices mention something about a scream, he was grateful he’d cast a spell that would let him know if anyone was coming. He hid himself just before they came across the body, he counted silently to himself and when he deemed it appropriate he pushed his way out of the tree lines and took in the sight before him. 
“I heard screaming, what happened?”
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thedevilsadvxcate · 2 years
The werewolf furrowed his brow at the young witch’s smugness. Sebastian had died by this stringbean’s hand? Razor was missing something. “… Is that so?” the Alpha questioned when the other announced their partnership was done with the Zatara Coven. At least Kiera would be happy with the news. And hey, was it really a loss now that they planned to look for an alliance with the leeches?
“Alright. I’ll offer the same proposition I offered him—it’s an old friend deal, really.” Because he was benevolent. “We’ll clean up your… delicate garbage when needed as long as it is done out of our territory. Our territory is ran with werewolf laws so respect such are expected when you’re to be invited. I offer information I come across. In return, I ask to be given information back along with spells and charms when we ask for them,” Razor offered with a slimy car dealer’s smirk.
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“That’s so..” Dimitri nodded, watching as the other finally seemed to come to terms with the fact that Sebastian was really dead, as the other began to offer him the same deal he’d offered Sebastian Dimitri just shook his head, “I don’t need your help, I’ve got my own allies. I don’t need whatever scraps you can offer.” He said as he began to turn away, “I’m not interested in it, no deal.”
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thedevilsadvxcate · 2 years
She wasn’t sure what this meant for the two of them, they had plans but she wasn’t so sure they would move this quickly. With him the new leader it was only a matter of time till she was confronted by her coven leader and given a choice. Though in her mind it was not much of one, stay with a coven that looked over her, parents that cared more about the coven than her. 
Taking him into the room he gestured to she made sure that it was empty before she dropped the spell that cloaked them. While he pulled away to get to the rest room she locked the door and made sure the currents were drawn to keep any outside eyes from prying. With water running she decided to take the time to slip out spelling the door behind her so no one could enter and interrupt. Finding the lost and found wasn’t difficult, finding things that were clean enough for Dimi was a little rougher. 
However on her way back to the room she found a supply closet open with some PR sweats for the hospital, likely for staff which she had no issue swiping, who could say anything? Knocking lightly on the bathroom frame she gestures with the pile of clothes in her arms, “Not the best but reasonable pull given the situation.”
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When Dimitri heard the knock at the bathroom frame he turned to look at her, water dripping from his head. Grabbing another towel from nearby he dried himself off as best he could, taking the wet cloth and cleaning the rest of the blood away before finally he grabbed the clothes.. “Thank you.” He whispered, turning to tug the rest of his clothes off and changed quickly. 
Once he was dressed he moved to the bed in the room and laid down on it as he closed his eyes, his head still spinning. 
“The storm outside is already getting worse.” He mumbled, opening his eyes and glancing out of the only window in the room, the snow already building outside. 
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thedevilsadvxcate · 2 years
The young witch’s words felt like a foreign language Razor had never heard before. Sure, Sebastian was a shithead, but he was powerful and ambitious, willing to make sacrifices only the strong could make. The overdeveloped sperm before him, however? “You? Aren’t you fourteen?” Razor asked sincerely, looking at the other as if he was growing a second head.
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“We have a partnership going, so cut the shit and fetch him for me,” the werewolf pressed, thinking that maybe the young member of the coven was trying to protect his leader. If Sebastian was trying to keep their alliance under the radar: tough shit. 
When the other commented on his age, and then continued on about cutting the shit and fetching him as they’d had a partnership. Dimitri laughed again, shaking his head. “Whatever partnership you had with him is over now, the coven is under my control.” 
Taking a step forward he tilted his head at the other, “Now if there’s something you wish to discuss with me that involves my coven, I’m all ears. But I won’t uphold a deal that man made.” 
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thedevilsadvxcate · 2 years
New Captain [Razor||Dimitri]
Once he stepped into the medical center, Razor was livid. He could sense some of his pack and his mate, but the rage within burned wildly and he could only think of finding Felicity. However, his attention was momentarily taken by a slightly familiar scent. He hadn’t met the witch, but knew he was one of Sebastian’s. 
“You,” he called, approaching the young witch. “Your leader, where is he?” the Alpha werewolf asked. Perhaps the Zatara Coven’s leader would be the first to feel Razor’s wrath. “Where is Sebastian?”
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After drinking the potion Zeldris had given him and then accepted his mission he had stepped out of the hospital room he and Harper had claimed, he would find and let her know the plan before he put anything into action but before he could start looking for her he heard someone calling out to him. 
He recognized the man from various run ins where they had previously encountered each other, as he asked about Sebastian he laughed, his mouth quirking up into a soft sneer before shaking his head. “I’m the leader of my coven now, Sebastian is dead.” 
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thedevilsadvxcate · 2 years
status: closed, for Dimitri Valentine ( @thedevilsadvxcate​​​ ) location: new hope health center
Now that Dimitri had joined the ranks of the Hell’s Army, finding him was an effortless task for the General. She waited for the young witch who accompanied him to leave the hospital room, entering and locking the door behind her. Blue eyes inspected the newly crowned coven leader, a small smile adorning the nephilim’s lips when he opened his eyes. “Congratulations are in order, Supreme Valentine.”
Zeldris stepped closer to the bed, her expression growing more serious. “You look unwell.” No matter what advantage a deal with the demons had granted Dimitri, it was obvious to see Sebastian Arguello had been quite the adversary. A pity, but they could work on that. After all, in the end, it was Dimitri who was left standing.
The brunette took out a small bottle from her coat, offering it to the witch. “A healing potion. It contains merfolk scales, so it should work fast.” The General stepped away from the bed, her gaze settled on the snow accumulating outside the hospital window. “Now that your matters have been dealt with,” she said. “It is time for you to truly join our fight.”
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When Dimitri opened his eyes and saw Zeldris standing there he forced himself to sit up, wincing as his head throbbed a little. “Thank you...” He said softly, looking up at her. As she stepped closer he saw her expression go serious, causing him to lower his gaze as she commented on his appearance. 
“I used a lot of magic against Sebastian, it took a lot out of me..” 
As she pulled out a small bottle he took it, eyeing it curiously. As she told him what it was he uncapped it and put the bottle to his lips before he tilted his head back, drinking the potion in one gulp. Putting the bottle on the bedside table he followed her gaze to the window, seeing the snow building. 
“I’m ready, how can I help?” He asked as he finally stood.
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thedevilsadvxcate · 2 years
Harper wasn’t going to go into the lecture of using too much magic, Dimi wasn’t an idiot, he knew the risks and right now it wouldn’t be helpful to him at this moment or even herself. “Jesus, Dimi.” She shakes her head at the situation but was glad that he at least made it to her before the storm took full force. 
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Listening him talk about the death of his brother and him killing the invading coven’s leader, it was a lot to take in on the trip. The wind was cutting through her clothes to her bones and the snow was starting to turn to sharp drops of ice. “Dimi that means you’re your coven’s leader.” In his brother’s death that gave him the bump in power he needed to take over. Once the hospital came into view Harper muttered a spell under her breath making them cloaked to walk by unnoticed into the lobby and through the doors to the halls.
As Harper spoke Dimi knew it was true, he had killed Sebastian, he was his covens leader now. He was in control. The thought was as exhilarating as it was terrifying. “I know... I know..” He whispered, pulling her closer as Harper cloaked them with a spell allowing them to walk through the halls of the hospital unnoticed. 
“Here.” He said softly, guiding them into an empty room, once inside he pulled away and moved to the small bathroom inside the room, tugging off his shirt he tossed it into the corner as he turned on the sink and immediately grabbed the hand towel off the wall, running it beneath the water. 
Immediately the basin turned crimson, his hands shaking as he wet the cloth, he began scrubbing at his hands, before lifting the cloth to his face to wash away the mixture of ash and blood. When that didn’t work he shoved his entire head beneath the running water, trying to get himself clean at any cost. 
Pulling up he he began staring down at a mixture of his blood, his brothers, and Sebastian’s all now mixed into one and spilling down the drain. 
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thedevilsadvxcate · 2 years
Harper was grabbing things and stuffing them into her bag when the front door to the shop opened, “Ah yeah we’re closed, there’s a massive storm coming if you haven’t noticed.” She called out as she came to the front of the store closing her bag when she noticed Dimitri falling to the floor. “Christ.” Making her way over she sunk down and looked the fellow witch over, “What the hell Dimi?” She carefully touched him trying to figure out where the blood was from and if it was his not to hurt him. “We can’t stay here.” She lets out a breath and drapes one of his arms around her neck, “Come on, I have to get you to the hospital, everyone is headed there.”
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Looking up at Harper when she touched him, the blood had already began to dry around his mouth and nose, as he blinked tiredly up at her. “I’m okay... I just.. I used a lot of magic.” He groaned, using what was left of his strength to help push himself up so she didn’t have to drag him off the floor herself. 
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As they left the shop he kept his arm around her, “I killed him, Sebastian. He took Niko from me... I absorbed my brothers magic and used the power boost to kill him.” He said softly, looking over at her. “He’s gone now, Harper.”
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thedevilsadvxcate · 2 years
Closed starter for Harper
Dimitri had made his way from the church all the way to the occult shop, halfway along his journey the ice cold wind had started up and the first flurry started, Pushing his way inside Dimitri stumbled and fell against the counter, grasping onto it with a bloody hand, smearing crimson across the wood. 
“Harper...” He called out weakly, blood had already soaked into his shirt, staining the fabric. Taking a shuddered breath he sank to the floor, his eyes falling shut as he tried to stop his head from spinning. 
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thedevilsadvxcate · 2 years
Supplies [Mando||Dimitri]
It took him a day or two, but when Mando finally made it to the hospital, he felt guilt and shame. As he found some space for his grandfather and mother, he soon lost them as they put their skills to good use and began giving aid where needed… That left the youngest wendigo in charge of staying close to their supplies. In time of need, even humans could become feral and stealing was understandable under certain circumstances. Hell, even if he was human, perhaps he’d be just as paranoid about getting his supplies taken. However, the real problem was just that: they weren’t supplies for humans. Although ironically, they could qualify as human supplies.
“Hey, those there are mine,” he told the slightly familiar young man who seemed to have taken an interest in the things he’d settled down before trying to get some blankets from some volunteers. “They have supplies in the cafeteria,” he added politely to hide the rude way in which he stepped in between the bags and coolers and the young man. 
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After getting brought to the hospital by Harper and a new set of clothes Dimitri had laid in a bed until regaining his strength, eventually he had decided to wander around, he wanted to see if anyone from the coven had made their way to the hospital, or if they had sought shelter somewhere else. 
When he couldn’t find anyone from his coven he had instead found his way into a room with supplies, curious he looked around wondering who had claimed this portion and for what reason. 
Hearing the person behind him he looked over, watching the man step between the bags and himself. 
“I wasn’t here for your supplies, just looking around was all....” He said softly, tilting his head to the side. His ears rang softly, his head throbbing a bit still from the surge of magic he’d used to kill Sebastian which made him still a bit weaker should something attack. 
“I’m sorry if that seemed like it was my intent.” 
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thedevilsadvxcate · 2 years
“I have every right to talk about your father! He was a snake, a rat, and didn’t deserve what he had, what he stole from me.” He snarled, ready to rip into the little bastard in front of him before he felt his body cramp in agony, and he fought to fight it, glaring at Dimitri. How pathetic that he thought he could be stronger than him.
Nevertheless, he felt his body slammed into a statue, grunting at he tried to pull himself to his feet. Before he coul react, a blood-soaked dagger flew towards him, and he could feel it tickling at his throat.
“Very cute parlour tricks, but that’s all they are.” He snapped, though his breathing was ragged. He’d kill this bastard the same way he killed his brother, then he’d leave. Take Clara and go. Because fuck this town, it wasn’t worth it. Razor could do whatever he goddamn pleased with it.
Seeing Dimitri look over, he stared as Nikolai came into view, and he narrowed his eyes. “You’re dead. I took care of it myself. Now Dimitri, you let me up or I swear I will bring hell and pain the likes you can’t even imagine upon you.”
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As the man struggled and told him that he was going to bring down hell and pain down upon him, all Dimitri could do was laugh. “You haven’t seen anything from me, Sebastian. You have rained down hell and pain upon my brother and I for years. I assure you, these are no parlor tricks. This is all very real.” 
As he spoke Niko stepped forward and grabbed the knife from midair and thrust it into Sebastian’s abdomen, twisting the blade deep. 
The bracelet Dimitri wore thrummed violently against his wrist, he could feel it just as much as he could feel his own pulse racing in his throat. It made him feel even more powerful as his illusion of Niko pulled the dagger out and lifted it. 
To Sebastian the blood dripped from the knife almost as if it were real, the scent of it heavy in the air especially as the knife whizzed through the air, making contact with his throat, slitting it open. 
Dimitri however saw the slight sheen to his illusion, it shimmered in his view, allowing him to manipulate it however he saw fit. With the barest movement of his hand he made the illusion speak, the bracelet growing warmer as he watched the illusion. 
“All I ever wanted was for you to treat me like I was your son. For you to tell me you were proud of me, so tell me, Father, are you proud of me now?” 
As the illusion did its job Dimitri began walking around the church, he’d look at certain corners and a fire would light, blazing up and catching curtains on fire. As he circled around Sebastian he grabbed the dagger from his illusion of Niko, by this point blood dripped from his nose and down his chin, staining the shirt he wore. The one still speckled with Niko’s blood. 
“I’m proud of him, he was my brother, he was the reason I planned all of this. So I could give him a better life. So that I could get him away from you. But you had to take control from him one more final time, didn’t you? You had to beat him within an inch of his fucking life!” 
As Dimitri screamed the flames climbed even higher up the churches walls, licking at the foundation of the ceiling. Wooden pillars creaked and groaned as the heat from the flames caused them to expand. 
“You’re going to die here, I’m going to kill you just like I killed my brother. But don’t worry, you can keep your powers. I won’t taint my power with the likes of your pathetic magic.” 
With barely another pause Dimitri thrust the dagger through Sebastian’s torso, all the way up to its hilt, he watched Sebastian with a morbid curiosity, watching the fight leave him it made Dimi take a step back, stumbling against one of the pews as his vision swam. 
Swallowing hard he turned his back on the mans limp form, he felt lighter as he stood with his back on the dying man who had taken everything from him. Tilting his head back, his eyes on the ceiling as he opened his mouth to scream again, the windows of the church shattered, air whooshing in causing the flames to burn even higher, enveloping the entire building as he walked towards the doors, forcing them open as he exited the church as flames billowed out behind him. 
Covered in blood and ash he made his way away from the church, as the foundation finally began to crumble he felt the hold Sebastian Arguello had on him his entire life finally fade away. 
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thedevilsadvxcate · 2 years
Sebastian had come to the church for the silence, a brief reprise before he headed back out into the town, to attack, and hurt whoever came upon him. Dark magic, of course, and finding any way to have it lead back to the little witch bitches that ran the occult shop. His location was a joke, of course - there was no God, and if there was, he would have no time for a man of questionable morals such as Sebastian Arguello. Even his daughter’s tears weren’t enough for him to find guilt in his actions. He certainly wasn’t here to confess to sins he didn’t regret committing.
Hearing the doors thrown open, he stood in the aisle, staring at his second in command, boredom across his face as the doors slammed close. With a wave of his hand he froze Dimitri in place, rolling his eyes.
“No one likes melodrama, know your place. He was going to backstab us all, you said yourself there was someone that couldn’t be trusted. You weren’t dealing with his insolence, so I took matters into my own hands. As disrespectful as his parents, that boy.”
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When Dimitri was frozen in place he felt his rage spike even more, glaring at the man in front of him as he spoke. At the mention of Nikolai’s parents his teeth grit together. “You have no right to talk about his parents, about my father!” He shouted, willing all of his strength to inflict pain onto Sebastian. 
Breaking free from the spell used to freeze him in place Dimitri lifted a hand to force him through the wooden podium and against the large statue behind it. 
Dropping his hand Dimitri grabbed the dagger at his waist, pulling it out, still stained with his brothers blood. Lifting the dagger he stared at Sebastian before throwing it straight towards him. It soared through the air before halting suddenly right in front of him. The tip of the dagger touched his throat. 
Dimitri turned his head to look towards the pillars on either side of the statue, he watched as Sebastian’s head turned to follow his gaze and they both watched his brother step out from behind the pillar before Dimi’s gaze moved back to Sebastian to relish the look on his face. 
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