thedevilscontrol · 2 months
oops 11 days late.
wow a year holy shit
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thedevilscontrol · 3 months
if my characters are animal-like, then they're Kemonomimis.
(the concept of depicting human and human-like characters with animal ears, and by extension, other features such as tails.)
edit: actually no? Well kinda, some would be and some would be more "animal-like" (furries) lmao.
For example my character Beckett is a goat so he has the horns and tail but I think he would also have the legs like one. Unless that counts as Kemonomimi...
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thedevilscontrol · 4 months
A very detailed character biography to help build characters. I found the original template HERE and edited it to make it more suitable for the characters I'm creating, and also to add some more details, such as a mental illness checklist section to use for myself to reference (because it helps to know what's wrong with your characters) and other details. You may not need so many minor details for a character, but you never know if you'll end up needing an explanation for something. I'll be using this template myself so I figured I'd share it in case it could help others too. I have edited it to better suit my own medieval fantasy characters, so I'm not sure how well it will work with other genres. Enjoy. ♡
☆Trigger Warning - Sensitive Mental Health Topics☆
Character 1
• Character’s full name:
• Reason or meaning of name:
• Character’s nickname:
• Reason for nickname:
• Character’s titles & what they mean:
• Birth date/season:
Physical appearance
• Age:
• Appears how old:
• Race:
• Gender:
• Weight:
• Height:
• Body build:
• Shape of face:
• Eye color:
• Skin tone:
• Distinguishing marks:
• Predominant features:
• Hair color:
• Hair type:
• Usual hairstyle:
• Voice:
• Overall 1-10 attractiveness scale:
• Physical disabilities:
• Usual fashion:
• Favorite outfit:
• Jewelry or accessories:
• Tattoos:
• Miscellaneous:
• Good personality traits:
• Bad personality traits:
• Most common mood:
• Sense of humor:
• Greatest joy in life & why:
• Greatest fear & why:
• What event would be most devastating & why:
• Most comfortable when:
• Most uncomfortable when:
• Most angry/furious when:
• Most depressed/sad when:
• Most happy/joyful when:
• Priorities:
• Life philosophy:
• Biggest wish & why:
• Character’s soft spot:
• Is this soft spot obvious to others or common:
• Political views:
• Greatest strength:
• Greatest weakness:
• Greatest vulnerability:
• Biggest regret:
• Minor regret:
• Biggest accomplishment:
• Minor accomplishment:
• Most embarrassing event & why:
• Character’s darkest secret, if any:
• Does anyone else know this secret:
• Miscellaneous:
Goals & Dreams
• Drives/Motivations:
• Immediate goals:
• Long term goals:
• How to accomplish the goals:
• How others will be affected if the goals are achieved:
• How long has character had the goals:
• Goals that character thinks are hard to achieve:
• Goals that character thinks are easy to achieve:
• Goals that character has already started working on & how long:
• Dreams:
• Miscellaneous:
• Location of birth/childhood:
• Socioeconomic status:
• Cultural traditions:
• Parents Socioeconomic ranking:
• Parents involvement:
• Type of childhood:
• Siblings/other family involvement:
• Friends/Acquaintances:
• First memory:
• Most important memory & why:
• Childhood hero:
• Pets:
• Dream job:
• Education:
• Religion:
• Wealth/inheritances:
• Miscellaneous:
• Current location:
• Currently living with:
• Type of residence & who owns it:
• Possessions/Owned assets:
• Weapons owned:
• Socioeconomic ranking & how it was achieved:
• Cultural traditions/practices:
• Religion:
• Sexual orientation:
• Occupation:
• Wealth:
• Acquaintances/Friends/Lovers:
• Pets:
• Miscellaneous:
• Mother:
▪︎Alive or Deceased:
▪︎Relationship with her:
• Father:
▪︎Alive or Deceased:
▪︎Relationship with him:
• Siblings:
▪︎Alive or Deceased:
▪︎Relationship with them:
• Spouse:
▪︎Alive or Deceased:
▪︎Relationship with him/her:
• Children:
▪︎Alive or Deceased:
▪︎Relationship with them:
• Other important family members:
▪︎Alive or Deceased:
▪︎Relationship with them:
• Color:
• Food:
• Form of entertainment:
• Story/Myth/Legend:
• Mode of transportation:
• Most prized possession:
• Location/place:
• Season/weather:
• Miscellaneous:
Habits & Activities
• Hobbies:
• Training:
• Magical/special abilities:
• How he/she would spend a rainy day:
• Spending habits:
• Smokes tobacco:
• Drinks:
• Drugs/herbs:
• Activity does too much of:
• Activity does too little of:
• Extremely skilled at:
• Slightly skilled at:
• Extremely unskilled/terrible at:
• Nervous tics:
• Usual body posture:
• Mannerisms:
• Peculiarities:
• Places visited for fun/interest:
• Miscellaneous habits:
• Miscellaneous activities:
Traits & Flaws
• Optimist or pessimist:
• Introvert or extrovert:
• Daredevil or cautious:
• Logical or emotional:
• Disorderly/Messy or Methodical/Neat:
• Prefers working or relaxing:
• Confident or unsure:
• Easy to anger:
• Easily pleased:
• Manipulative:
• Apologetic:
• Accepting of advice:
• Easily bored:
• Mentally/Emotionally strong:
• Accountability:
• Ambitious:
• Work ethic:
• Demanding & bossy:
• Submissive & subordinate:
• Playful or boring:
• Brave or cowardly:
• Chases power/success/glory:
• Protective of loved ones:
• Doubts themselves or others:
• Talkative or quiet:
Mental Illnesses
• Trauma & why/who/what/when:
• Addictions:
• Depression:
• Anxiety:
• Paranoia:
• Hallucinations:
• Personality disorder:
• Obsessive compulsive:
• Bipolar:
• Stable:
• Triggers:
• Miscellaneous:
• Feelings about himself/herself:
• One word the character would use to describe self:
• One paragraph description of how the character would describe self:
• Character considers their best personality trait:
• Character considers their worst personality trait:
• Character considers their best physical characteristic:
• Character considers their worst physical characteristic:
• Character thinks others perceive them:
• Character's aspect they would change about themself:
• Miscellaneous:
Relationships with others
• Opinion of people in general:
• Does the character hide opinions/emotions from others:
• Most hated/Biggest enemy & why:
• Most loved & why:
• Best friend(s):
• Love interest(s):
• Who to go to for advice:
• Who they're responsible for/Who they take care of:
• Who character feels shy or awkward around:
• Who character openly admires:
• Who character secretly admires:
• Most important in character’s life before story starts:
• Most important after story starts:  
• Opinion of relationships with family:
• Opinion of relationships with lovers:
• Opinion of relationships with friends:
• Treats strangers:
• Treats authority figures:
• Opinions of authority figures:
• Treats subordinates:
• Opinions of subordinates:
• Treats the opposite gender:
• Opinions of the opposite gender:
• Treats other races/cultures:
• Opinions of other races/cultures:
• Treats children:
• Opinions of children:
• Treats others with different tastes/interests/activities:
• Opinions of others with different tastes/interests/activities:
• How they treat others who admire them:
• How they treat others who love them:
• How they treat others who betray/harm/bully them:
• How they treat others who disrespect/harm others:
• How they react when someone needs their help:
• How they react when someone tries to help them:
• How they react to sexual/romantic advances:
• Opinions of sex & brothels:
• Miscellaneous:
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thedevilscontrol · 7 months
do i take Timothy and put him into my pocket until the day i die?
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thedevilscontrol · 7 months
i might take a break from this story until i dont wanna kill myself over it.
okay okay lol.
this story is based off real things that still... make me uncomfortable.
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thedevilscontrol · 7 months
I love this story im making but its core tied with stuff i dont want to be connected with anymore makes it hard to love it.
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thedevilscontrol · 7 months
The Devil's Control Character Info. Alex (no last name...yet?)
Full Name: Alex ???
MBTI Personality Type: ESFP
Gender: Male (He/Him)
Sexuality: Gay
Age: 19 - 22 (23)
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
Ethnicity: Mexican
Species: Human…or a duck idk… (is a duck but hides it and pretends he's human)
Ex Boyfriends/Husband: Carl, Nick, & Scott (yes he married Beckett's dad)
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thedevilscontrol · 7 months
The Devil's Control Character Info. Nick.
Full Name: Nick Stoch
Role In Story: Side Character (Job: Chief Knight for Flint)
Age: 19 - 22 (23)
Zodiac Sign: Pisces
Gender: Male (He/Him)
Sexuality: Polyamorous Gay
Ethnicity: Greek & Filipino
Best Friends: Flint & Geo
Ex-Boyfriend: Alex. Boyfriend: Carl (the three of them used to date but shit happend and Alex broke up with the two of them)
Adopted Father: Darrell Stoch
Species: bear…(maybe a panda but that’s not important)
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thedevilscontrol · 7 months
The Devil's Control Character Info. Darrell.
Full Name: Darrell Stoch
Role In Story: Side Character (Job: Butler for Flint)
Age: 160-162 (163) [looks in his 40’s]
Gender: Male (He/They)
Sexuality: Gay
Ethnicity: Black American
Species: Demon
Adopted Son: Nick Stoch
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thedevilscontrol · 7 months
The Devil's Control Character Info. Geo.
Full Name: Geo Dnouf
Role In Story: Side Character (Job: Chief Knight but also Queen?)
Bro has no personality
Age: 23-25 (26)
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
Gender: Male (He/Him)
Sexuality: Gay Asexual
Ethnicity: White British
Species: Mushroom Elf
Any mental illnesses?: Depression, Schizoid personality disorder (?)
Additional Details: Colorblind, Heterochromia (brown and blue)
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thedevilscontrol · 7 months
The Devil's Control Character Info. Lorien (Flint).
Full Name: Flint Nekat
Role In story: Antagonist / Villain (Job: King)
Age: 21-23 (24)
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Gender: "Male" (Biology Agender but genderly Male) Used to only use it but humanity saw it as a man and used he/him on it but he doesn't mind it. It/Him.
Ethnicity: "White American" (Or atleast thats what his form looks like.)
Species: "Human" (Eldritch Creature/Shapeshifter)
Sexuality: thinks he’s straight but is bisexual (internalized homophobia)
Any mental illnesses?: ADHD and maybe something else?
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thedevilscontrol · 7 months
The Devil's Control Character Info. Karasu
Full Name: Karasu Zaizen (Or Presley Zaizen)
Role In Story: Side supporting Character. Job: Baker (Veteran)
Age: 39
Zodiac Sign: Pisces
Gender: Male (He/Him)
Ethnicity: White-Asian (Japanese-British) 
Species: Crow
Sexuality: Straight
Additional Details: During the story has his wings badly damaged that pretty much makes his unable to fly.
Adopted Son: Winston
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thedevilscontrol · 7 months
The Devil's Control Character Info. Winston.
Full Name: Winston Zaizan
Role in story: "Supporting" Main Character (sorry i hate this mf). Also is a Pirate.
MBTI Personality Type: INTJ
Age: 23-25 (26)
Gender: Trans Male (He/She)
Zodiac Sign: Virgo
Ethnicity: White British “American” (was born in America but soon after got adopted by Karasu and moved to Britain)
Species: Human (Multi-traveller)
Height: 6’3
Hair Color: Brown
Additional Details: had an emotional support Finnish Spitz named Fennel. (srry it dies during the story lol)
Any mental illnesses?: Autism and Bipolar (and maybe more but for now its this)
Sexuality: Aromantic Demisexual Bi
Adopted Father: Karasu
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thedevilscontrol · 7 months
The Devil's Control Character Info. Raiden
Full Name: Raiden Belton
Role In Story: Supporting Main Character (Spy and a Knight)
MBTI Personality Type: INFP actually idfk i'm trying....
Age: 17-19 (20)
Gender: Non-Binary (They/He) Trans Masc.
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
Ethnicity: Black American
Species: Elf (cyborg)
Height: 6’6
Additional Details: Has Vitiligo, SH scars. [burn scars], During the story they get stitches from getting stabbed in the chest.
Any mental illnesses?: Anxiety.
Sexuality: Gay
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thedevilscontrol · 7 months
The Devil's Control Character Info. Beckett
Full Name: Beckett Underhill
Role In Story: Supporting Main Character (Job: Engineer/Blacksmith)
MBTI Personality Type: ISTP
Age: 16-19 (20)
Gender: Male (He/Him)
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
Ethnicity: White Britain
Species: Ram
Height: 5’6
Hair Color: Brown (and later in the story blonde highlights)
Additional Details: (these are during the story) Gets a gold nose ring, has a below elbow prosthetic arm on the right (that he made himself) & scars on face and arms from a bomb. Also he semi goes deaf in his right ear.
Any mental illnesses?: Neurodivergent (not specified), Alcoholic (During the story and gets over it).
Sexuality: Gay
Deadbeat Dad that isn't important enough to get his own character card: Scott (ps. He's abusive and dies during the story lol)
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thedevilscontrol · 7 months
The Devil's Control Character Info. Timothy.
Full Name: Timothy Simpson
Role In Story: Protagonist
MBTI Personality Type: ENFP
Age During Story: 16-19 (20)
Gender: Male (He/Him)
Zodiac Sign: Taurus
Ethnicity: White Britain
Species: Racoon
Height: 5’9
Hair Color: Blonde
Additional Details: Has Braces. During the story he gains scars all over his body.
Any mental illnesses?: C-PTSD, ADHD
Sexuality: Aromantic and Bisexual
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thedevilscontrol · 7 months
Timothy lol
That moment when a character has just been through hell and they crack a joke to lighten the mood but their laughter turns into sobbing
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