thedigitalcrumbs · 5 months
2024 - Pennant Park
Happy New Year! I’m thrilled to share my recent adventure working on a captivating video and photography project for Wayfind Escapes alongside the dynamic CEO, David Eccles, at the newly acquired Pennant Park in North Wales. You’ve probably caught wind of the exciting developments happening at the park lately, including some fantastic investments and an additional boost from the Development…
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thedigitalcrumbs · 5 months
2023 - A busy year.
2023 was a good year for me, busy doesn’t quite cover it. It did feel a little like a roller coaster in the respects there was no easy way to take a breath or stop. I won’t complain, I loved every second. We filmed a documentary. We rebranded two clients. We ran social media for several brands. We created content for holiday parks, manufacturers, furniture brands, waste to energy and the…
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thedigitalcrumbs · 1 year
The Power of Video Marketing: Why You Need to Make It a Priority
Video marketing has become a must-have for businesses of all sizes. And for good reason! Video is a powerful tool that can help you build brand awareness, engage with your audience, and drive conversions. Here’s why you need to make video marketing a priority: Attention-Grabbing: Video is one of the most attention-grabbing forms of content, making it an effective way to capture your audience’s…
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thedigitalcrumbs · 1 year
5 Creative Ways to Use Video to Engage Your Clients
Are you looking for new and creative ways to engage with your clients? Look no further than video! Video is a powerful tool that can be used to capture attention, convey information, and establish a personal connection with your audience. Here are five creative ways you can use video to engage your clients: Product Demos: Show off your products in action with video demos. This is a great way to…
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thedigitalcrumbs · 1 year
Your Sweet Content Partner!
Digital Cookie Marketing is a team of skilled and experienced digital marketing experts that help businesses grow and thrive online. Their unique approach to marketing is centered around storytelling and creating a memorable brand identity that resonates with their target audience. They understand that to stand out in a crowded online marketplace, businesses need to have a distinct and memorable…
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thedigitalcrumbs · 1 year
Caravan Park Social Media Management
Come and check out a refresh of our website - Its a work in progress but we are building our own Caravan park section
Are you a holiday park owner struggling to keep up with social media? Let Digital Cookie Marketing take the reins and watch your online presence soar! With years of experience in social media marketing, Digital Cookie can create a strategy that will boost your online presence and attract new customers. And with John Leppington at the helm, you can rest assured that your park’s social media will…
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thedigitalcrumbs · 1 year
"Don't forget where you came from, and where you want to go!"
Growing up in a fishing family, I learned the value of hard work and perseverance. But it was my time working on holiday parks that really shaped who I am today. While studying at school, college, and university, I spent countless summers working on the parks, and it taught me so much about life, love, graft, and the pursuit of happiness. Working on holiday parks was never just a job for me. It…
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thedigitalcrumbs · 1 year
Be the Lighthouse to your customers
Check out my latest blog post.
This is the iconic Flamborough Lighthouse. I call it the sentinel. It watches over the most dangerous coastline of the east coast. The low tide reveals sections of bulkhead and steel that have washed ashore from the hundreds of wrecks littering the sea bed around Flamborough Head. Technology and “progress” has meant Flamborough’s iconic swathes of light have been replaced by a blinking LED,…
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thedigitalcrumbs · 2 years
We are Yorkshire Content Creators!
We are Yorkshire Content Creators!
At Digital Cookie we provide our clients with imaginative solutions to help them communicate with their customers. We specialise in creating great imagery for use on Websites and Social Media. Using traditional cameras and drones for that extra spicy panorama or point of view, we deliver. We are passionate about testimonials from your customers and interviewing people on the front line who are…
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thedigitalcrumbs · 3 years
This is what we do...
This is what we do…
The Marketplace in whatever sector you are in is changing, it’s something I discuss regularly with my clients. It’s got t evolve, if it doesn’t then it dies, and if you don’t you become a fossil. Harsh words, but true. When you think about the basics of Marketing and product promotion you’ve really got to build value. Build that value so well your customers will want nothing else (except to…
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thedigitalcrumbs · 3 years
Happy Monday everyone.YOUR BUSINESS IS BORING! Some clients think that their business is not exciting enough to create content, certainly not enough to drive a campaign. It’s not true! And here’s why… Customers are interested in you.Customers are interested in your products.Customers want to know behind-the-scenes information.Customers want to feel connected to a brand or service.Customers…
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thedigitalcrumbs · 4 years
Locked Down: But NOT out! | UK LOCKDOWN #2
Locked Down: But NOT out! | UK LOCKDOWN #2
Welcome to this latest blog, apologies if its been a while, ive been writing
The lockdown is back in the UK – it’s the second one. Apparently only set to last a month on this occasion.
Global business has had a tough time recovering from the many months and turmoil that Furlough, shutdowns, and redundancy have brought to us. There has been a wee respite and it does seem to have hit another…
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thedigitalcrumbs · 4 years
Social Media Branding
Here at Digital Cookie Marketing we think a lot about first impressions. Particularly first impressions in Digital Marketing.
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Digital Marketing Social Media style.
The goal is that customers whether they are coming at you through Google, Facebook or YouTube recognise your brand straight away. Ask us about designing Digital Asset Banners that match but are platform appropriate. Keep…
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thedigitalcrumbs · 4 years
Its not as scary as you think!
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I understand some people are not online…and usually the people who aren’t have an instant comeback of…”I don’t need a website” or “I’m happy as I am!”
This is fine if you are happy with the level of business you have right now, things change – sadly some of our most loyal customers are (like us) mortal and sadly we lose them, so you should always have new…
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thedigitalcrumbs · 4 years
Drone Footage
As well as normal film we have the ability to spice it up a bit with some epic Drone Footage. Drone footage in itself (at times beautiful) can put context to a story but can also serve a practical use too.
We have used Drone film or photos to sell Holiday Parks and the amazing Lodges and Static Holiday Homes. Its really given a Park Owner or Sales Person that competitive edge over their…
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thedigitalcrumbs · 4 years
Do you have a Website? What is it for?
Do you have a Website? What is it for?
Are you online…
Lets break down a Website into a simple metaphor. A Website is your Shop Window. If you went to a local Bakers shop and there were dead flies in the window among the Vanilla slices and Russian Slices? The answer should be (hopefully) no.
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Dead flies are a warning signal.
So think about any first encounter you have had and how frighteningly quick first impressions were…
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thedigitalcrumbs · 4 years
Marketing Man. Introduces himself
Welcome to Digital Cookie! My name is John Leppington and I’ve long held a passion for Customers and the Journey that they go on. After Graduating University I found my first role with Volkswagen and picked up many of the German manufacturers obsessions with making sure things worked and they were right. (No comment on the emissions!)
After that I returned to my first love, Static Caravans. In the 5 years since the Millenium it was obvious to me that the Great British Public would no longer just walk in and have it. (My predecessor had it so sweet). So my love of Marketing began, at the coal face getting people to trust, believe and desire my luxury holiday homes and invest in their leisure time with the hope of making memories.
I was on my own the only Manager who wasn’t family with a huge responsibility, no Internet, no Social Media following, no Digital Camera and somehow I kept working the equation for years till I had such a connection it was running like a well oiled machine. I built a digital empire (reinforced in the real world with solid marketing) that gave me the right families to talk to at the right time. That hope that they were doing the right thing and spending thousands of pounds was rewarded and that proved the right thing to do and always gave me the buzz of seeing.
I learnt that connecting with customers is multi layered and effort is really needed to create desire for you in that bubbling sea of competition. Competitors may not hold the same course as you (ethically or quality wise) but sometimes the good guys end last if someone is quicker to the punch than you. I learnt that real world marketing such as Brochures, banners and first impressions need to link to your Social Media Content and your Website and be to the point, relevant and ultimately be you and your business. Then when people have been exposed to maybe three or four instances of content they feel trust and are at ease when you offer to help, help that feels genuine because it is.
Unfortunately not every one has the time to spend thinking about this, not everyone is an obsessive person like me, not everyone has the skills or has spent years getting results from Social Media, Websites and Content creation. Running a business means having lots of spinning plates and never stopping. But in this changing world we need to think…does someone else want my customers? how do I keep my customers loyal? how do I stay connected to my customers? I’ve spent years working on this puzzle and I am here to help you make the steps specific to you and keep building momentum and trust. Some of my clients apologise for being late to a meeting (social distanced obviously) or being harassed on the phone by someone, this is reality and it shows there is a pulse in your business, a positive. What it does tell me is you need someone to help.
Many people have real concerns about “Marketing” I’ve even had people refer to it like Dark Magic. Its not mystical or supernatural, though it is a skill (especially with the technology side).
I have a passion for Business people who have a great product or service where I can add real value as an ally who can work on their Business too. It’s not expensive either. But it does cost, I will give advice for free but my business is now your business so I have a vested interest in your success.
Contact me for a quick chat about where you are right now and what you would like. I will throw ideas at you – that’s why I’m here.
I am a family man who (like Liam Neeson) has a particular set of skills, skills I want to share.
I look forward to getting to work on whatever it is you need to achieve your goals.
Best wishes
John Leppington
check out my company Digital Cookie at digtialcookie.marketing
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