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The duck quacks happily and nods, it jumps a little bit, flapping its wings in an excited manner. It seems the duck really wants that food and water.
A duck waddles up to Tanjiro, pulling a little on his Haori and quacking to get his attention. Once the duck gets his attention, it hands him a note and a pair of bracelets for Tanjiro and his sister.
Huh.... A Messenger Duck?
He questioned before he took the items., he inspected the bracelets before he looked towards the note.
What is this?
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2 years on Tumblr! Woop! Granted I haven't been insanely active, but still!
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The note reads:
"Dear Kamado siblings,
I hope you are both doing well! Me and my duck both made you each a bracelet based on your haori and kimonos!
Sincerely, rank Mizunoe, Nex"
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The duck waits patiently to see what Tanjiro thinks, its tail wiggling happily.
A duck waddles up to Tanjiro, pulling a little on his Haori and quacking to get his attention. Once the duck gets his attention, it hands him a note and a pair of bracelets for Tanjiro and his sister.
Huh.... A Messenger Duck?
He questioned before he took the items., he inspected the bracelets before he looked towards the note.
What is this?
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I was bored so I drew my character I wanted. @uppermuse1 wanna join in?
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1. Take this quiz
2. Take this picrew
3. Tag some people
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Thank you for tagging @chrisoels
Tagging if you like to: @figuringthengsout , @ka1imba , @kayrielwrites , @msblueberrybi
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"Mhm. Give me just a moment." Nex closes the door and there's some rustling around. Not even 5 seconds later he opens the door again, "Come in, would you like some tea?" Duck is sitting in the corner in timeout, pouting. Nex tilts his head and gives a small -and very forced- smile, "Feel free to sit wherever, I'll be back in a moment." Nex heads over to the kitchen to make tea.
(oc info is on my acc, It's very long and I apologize for that- I just love writing back stories)
"Quack quack!" A duck waddles up to Enmu, it's a familiar one, where has he seen it before??
*he crouches down*
Why hello little ducky!!~
*he reaches out his hand, patting the duck on its head*
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The duck brings Enmu to a small cabin in the woods, it waddles up to the door and pushes it open, waddling in. "Duck! How was your walk? Did you make any new friends?" A familiar voice is heard, very familiar actually. Duck quacks and waddles to the door, motioning for the person to open it. "Did you bring your friend here? How nice! I'll have to ask if they want tea-" The person pauses as they open the door. "Enmu." Ah, it's Nex. He's a fully transformed demon now, but he is not very happy.
(oc info is on my acc, It's very long and I apologize for that- I just love writing back stories)
"Quack quack!" A duck waddles up to Enmu, it's a familiar one, where has he seen it before??
*he crouches down*
Why hello little ducky!!~
*he reaches out his hand, patting the duck on its head*
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The duck wags its tail, then hands him a paper that says, "Follow me". And the duck starts walking off. Its little tail still wagging from being pat on the head by somebody other than its owner.
(oc info is on my acc, It's very long and I apologize for that- I just love writing back stories)
"Quack quack!" A duck waddles up to Enmu, it's a familiar one, where has he seen it before??
*he crouches down*
Why hello little ducky!!~
*he reaches out his hand, patting the duck on its head*
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I just figured out I can move the little edit bubble in the corner on mobile and it'll move around on screen like a snake. This is a new discovery I wish to never forget.
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@ask-icedouma @uppermuse1 Heyo, Douma heart!
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I have a habit of waving at people whenever I see them, even if I saw them not even five minutes ago.
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And it opened, it was the stranger from before, he locked me in a closet. "You're an insane child, and I should have killed you when I had the chance. But that's against corps rules. So I decided to give you something worse than death. Loneliness." The stranger grabbed me by the arm and dragged me outside into a cemetary. He brought me to a freshly dug grave and he threw me in front of it. "Read the name on the stone." So I did. It read my deadname. I was shocked, confused, and sad. "I faked your death, now everybody who knew you thinks that you're dead. This is the price you pay for protecting a demon. You better be happy, because now you can be friends with all the demons you want. But don't come crying to the Demon Slayer Corps when one of them tries to kill you." And with that, he walked away, leaving me alone. Night soon fell, and I stayed by the grave. Why should I even try to go back home if they all think that I'm dead? They're all probably better off without me anyways. Now they have one less mouth to feed. I cried, and cried, and cried. "Shh, child. It's alright. There's no need to cry. Everything will be okay." Enmu gently hugged me and patted my head. "If you want, you can get revenge." I shook my head, "I don't want revenge, I just don't want to be left alone." Enmu hummed and thought for a moment. "That may be doable young one. If you accept, my master can make you immortal, and I can give you a companion that will always be by your side." I looked up at Enmu, wiping the tears from my eyes as I sniffled. "Really?" Enmu nodded, "Yes, but you cannot waste even a drop of what I give you, do you understand?" I nodded quickly, "Yes yes! I understand! I just don't want to be alone!" I squeezed Enmu's arm tight, anxious. Enmu smiled and drew some of his blood, putting it in a small bowl he had brought. He poured his blood into it and handed me the bowl. "If you are accepted by my master, you will undergo a great change. And your whole life will turn around young child." I nodded and quickly drank the blood, it tasted sweet, not bad at all, slightly irony, but it still held a good taste. Not too much later after I drank the blood, a painful change started. "Yes! You're being accepted by Master! Oh you are one of the lucky few who get to experience the wonder of transformation!" I started to fade out of consciousness as I heard one last set of words, "When you wake up your companion will be by your side." And with that, I passed out. I awoke once more, it was daylight out, but I was in a new, shaded area. I was in he forest, which was odd since I wasn't anywhere near a forest when I passed out. There was a weight on my lap, I looked down and saw a small duckling, i reached to gently pat it's head, but stopped when i realized something. I turned into a demon. Now, in this situation, most people freak out, I was, for the most part, unfazed. Mainly because I had no clue what was going on, I was just happy to have an animal friend. Well, as time passed on, I learned things about being a demon. One, I could no longer sunbathe, seeing as how sun light would kill me, so that sucked. Two, demon slayers were constantly after me, even though I hadn't killed anyone nor did I plan on it. And three, Enmu had left me alone. He just up and left, which I didn't understand at first, but as I watched and observed more and more demons, I did understand. Demons didn't care for anybody but themselves, Enmu had simply used me to grow Muzan's army. Of course, I wasn't mad about this, just slightly upset. But as the years went on I learned more and more about being a demon and how to survive, even as a weak one. The first rule was to never engage directly with other demons. The second was to avoid demon slayers at all costs. And the third, you can't make friends with anybody as a demon, no matter how hard you try, they'll always turn their back to you for their own needs, and you just have to suck it up and accept it. The only demon I could for sure trust was Duck, and there is no doubt in my mind about that.
(Tumblr is odd about posting)
@uppermuse1 New self-insert lore just dropped
Nex's Demon Lore.
• Nex is ftm
• He uses he/they/any neos
• Duck is a demon
• Duck uses it/they
• Probably cringe af
So, I've been a nuissance since I was born. My mom almost died giving birth to me. But she got lucky and she lived, thankfully. I was sick when I was born though, I was small and the doctors had to keep me for a while to make sure I'd live. I did, obviously, and I was a pretty basic kid. I was really open, talkative, and always looking to make friends. But then my parents had my little brother, and the more I tried to get their attention, the more I was pushed away and told to be quiet. So I was, I started getting more and more quiet as the days went on. And everythign just grew bland, and boring. Nothing was fun anymore, I played by myself, and I learned that people tended to like me more if I just did what they wanted. Eventually, I realized that my opinion or what I wanted didn't matter, so I only did what I was told. And I saw what happened if I didn't. So I started observing, I realized that if I watched what others did, I could learn from their mistakes, and I wouldn't make any in return. I sat back, let others take the show. Of course, that got boring, but I had my own hobbies. I would hum tunes while I drew, before I went to bed, while I played with animals, anytime I was by myself, I would hum or sing. It kept me company, if I didn't want to think? I'd sing. I felt lonely? I sang. If I wasn't feeling good? I'd hum. Anything and everything had to do with music. But even then I was told to quiet down, and to stay silent. Music was my life, and I had to silence it. But there was somebody I knew I could always trust. He was there for me since day one, he never hurt my feelings, he never made me feel like I had to be quiet, but nobody knew about him. Though there was always something off about him. The only time he seemed to smile was when I was in pain, it was odd. But it didn't bother me, I finally had a friend, somebody who didn't care what I was actually like. But one night, I had left my room- just for a moment- i had just wanted some water. But when I got back, my friend was backed into a corner, about to be killed.
(gonna try this in two parts)
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I was devestated, I didn't even think, I just spoke. "What are you doing? Why are you hurting my friend?!" I ran up to the stranger and started pulling on his arm. "Stop it! You're hurting him! Let him go! Let him go! Let him go!" I cried out, pulling on the strangers arm. But he knocked my back telling me something I couldn't believe. "Knock it off kid. Don't you know that this is a demon? He's killed tons of people, and he's hurt countless more. I have to kill him, or he'll hurt you too." The person said it with remorse toward the demon, but with sympathy toward me. However, I literally COULD NOT believe what he was telling me. My friend? Hurt people? Hurt me? No, this guy was mistaken, clearly deranged, why would he hurt me? He's my friend! My only friend, I can't just let this stranger take my friend! So I didn't. The guy had turned his back on me and put his sword back up to my friend's neck. That wasn't a good choice. I grabbed my bag, filled with books, music, and art supplies, and I swung it at the stranger's head. I had knocked him out, I had saved my friend. Tears swelled up in my eyes, I had knocked somebody out, but that didn't bother me as much as the fact that I had almost lost my only friend. I ran up to my friend and I cried, "Enmu! Are you okay?! I'm sorry that guy tried to hurt you! I'm sorry I wasn't here to help sonner! Please don't stop being my friend! Please don't leave me alone because I wasn't here sooner! I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" I hugged him as I bawled my eyes out. Had Enmu really, actually, made a friend? This kid, this kid was devastated to almost lose him. Not to mention that a human, a child, had protected him. Enmu looked down at the child, who was still sobbing into his shoulder. He patted the child on the back, "I'm sorry child, I will have to leave. But I promise that I will come back, ok?" I sniffled, but nodded, understanding what he was saying. But sooner than I could think, Enmu left, and I was alone in my room again. I was tired, as sunrise was approaching and I had stayed up all night, so I climbed into bed and I fell asleep. Bad idea. When I woke up, I was in a small space, barely able to move or see, I screamed as I tried my best to bang on the door of whatever I was in.
(posting in 3 parts apparently)
Nex's Demon Lore.
• Nex is ftm
• He uses he/they/any neos
• Duck is a demon
• Duck uses it/they
• Probably cringe af
So, I've been a nuissance since I was born. My mom almost died giving birth to me. But she got lucky and she lived, thankfully. I was sick when I was born though, I was small and the doctors had to keep me for a while to make sure I'd live. I did, obviously, and I was a pretty basic kid. I was really open, talkative, and always looking to make friends. But then my parents had my little brother, and the more I tried to get their attention, the more I was pushed away and told to be quiet. So I was, I started getting more and more quiet as the days went on. And everythign just grew bland, and boring. Nothing was fun anymore, I played by myself, and I learned that people tended to like me more if I just did what they wanted. Eventually, I realized that my opinion or what I wanted didn't matter, so I only did what I was told. And I saw what happened if I didn't. So I started observing, I realized that if I watched what others did, I could learn from their mistakes, and I wouldn't make any in return. I sat back, let others take the show. Of course, that got boring, but I had my own hobbies. I would hum tunes while I drew, before I went to bed, while I played with animals, anytime I was by myself, I would hum or sing. It kept me company, if I didn't want to think? I'd sing. I felt lonely? I sang. If I wasn't feeling good? I'd hum. Anything and everything had to do with music. But even then I was told to quiet down, and to stay silent. Music was my life, and I had to silence it. But there was somebody I knew I could always trust. He was there for me since day one, he never hurt my feelings, he never made me feel like I had to be quiet, but nobody knew about him. Though there was always something off about him. The only time he seemed to smile was when I was in pain, it was odd. But it didn't bother me, I finally had a friend, somebody who didn't care what I was actually like. But one night, I had left my room- just for a moment- i had just wanted some water. But when I got back, my friend was backed into a corner, about to be killed.
(gonna try this in two parts)
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Nex's Demon Lore.
• Nex is ftm
• He uses he/they/any neos
• Duck is a demon
• Duck uses it/they
• Probably cringe af
So, I've been a nuissance since I was born. My mom almost died giving birth to me. But she got lucky and she lived, thankfully. I was sick when I was born though, I was small and the doctors had to keep me for a while to make sure I'd live. I did, obviously, and I was a pretty basic kid. I was really open, talkative, and always looking to make friends. But then my parents had my little brother, and the more I tried to get their attention, the more I was pushed away and told to be quiet. So I was, I started getting more and more quiet as the days went on. And everythign just grew bland, and boring. Nothing was fun anymore, I played by myself, and I learned that people tended to like me more if I just did what they wanted. Eventually, I realized that my opinion or what I wanted didn't matter, so I only did what I was told. And I saw what happened if I didn't. So I started observing, I realized that if I watched what others did, I could learn from their mistakes, and I wouldn't make any in return. I sat back, let others take the show. Of course, that got boring, but I had my own hobbies. I would hum tunes while I drew, before I went to bed, while I played with animals, anytime I was by myself, I would hum or sing. It kept me company, if I didn't want to think? I'd sing. I felt lonely? I sang. If I wasn't feeling good? I'd hum. Anything and everything had to do with music. But even then I was told to quiet down, and to stay silent. Music was my life, and I had to silence it. But there was somebody I knew I could always trust. He was there for me since day one, he never hurt my feelings, he never made me feel like I had to be quiet, but nobody knew about him. Though there was always something off about him. The only time he seemed to smile was when I was in pain, it was odd. But it didn't bother me, I finally had a friend, somebody who didn't care what I was actually like. But one night, I had left my room- just for a moment- i had just wanted some water. But when I got back, my friend was backed into a corner, about to be killed.
(gonna try this in two parts)
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The duck stands up and nods at the upper four, then waddles off with the bag.
The duck waddles around, eventually stopping and backing up just in time to see Akaza breaking down a wall trying to fight a dummy. The dummy now obliterated and laying on the ground in pieces. The duck picks a pebble out from the bag and flies over to Akaza, landing at his feet with the pebble in its bill.
(ooc: The rules wouldn't appear so I'm sorry if anything I say goes against them-)
A duck waddles around the infinity castle, somehow wearing headphones that don't fall off while doing so. The duck also carries a bag with it, it seems quite heavy, so when the duck flies over any openings it struggles lightly. Nonetheless, the duck is determined to make it's way to it's destination. First it finds Gyutaro and Daki, the duck places down the bag in front of it. The duck puts its head in the bag and rummages around in it. The duck pulls out two people's, both covered in moss. First it puts a pebble in Gyutaro's hand, and then it puts one in Daki's hand. Then it picks the bag back up and waddles off to find Gyokko.
Daki and Gyutaro both turn at the same time, the male demon seated at his sister's feet while she stood with her arms crossed. Gyutaro slowly cocked his head with a skeptical gaze, while Daki raises her chin, watching. "Huh?" Daki makes a quizzical sound as the bird goes into its bag. When the little duck offers them each a pebble, the siblings turn to silently look at each other, frowning, before each took the objects given to them. Gyutaro holds his between his two bony fingers, while Daki's rested in her palm. Both inspected the items, confused but not upset. Gyutaro moves to look up again. "Heyy… What are these for…?" He pauses, seeing that the duck is gone. Daki and Gyutaro are both mildly confused, looking at each other as if asking if they had really just seen that, but neither was angry.
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The duck finds Hantengu, knowing his naturally fearful nature, the duck sits across from him and pulls out 7 pebbles, all with moss on them. Each pebble has a piece of paper taped to it, with a name on each paper. The duck scoots the one with the name Hantengu forward with its beak. Lining the other six up in a row in this order:
Sekido, Karaku, Aizetsu, Urogi, Zohakuten, and Urami. The duck sits and waits patiently, making sure that everybody gets their pebble.
(ooc: The rules wouldn't appear so I'm sorry if anything I say goes against them-)
A duck waddles around the infinity castle, somehow wearing headphones that don't fall off while doing so. The duck also carries a bag with it, it seems quite heavy, so when the duck flies over any openings it struggles lightly. Nonetheless, the duck is determined to make it's way to it's destination. First it finds Gyutaro and Daki, the duck places down the bag in front of it. The duck puts its head in the bag and rummages around in it. The duck pulls out two people's, both covered in moss. First it puts a pebble in Gyutaro's hand, and then it puts one in Daki's hand. Then it picks the bag back up and waddles off to find Gyokko.
Daki and Gyutaro both turn at the same time, the male demon seated at his sister's feet while she stood with her arms crossed. Gyutaro slowly cocked his head with a skeptical gaze, while Daki raises her chin, watching. "Huh?" Daki makes a quizzical sound as the bird goes into its bag. When the little duck offers them each a pebble, the siblings turn to silently look at each other, frowning, before each took the objects given to them. Gyutaro holds his between his two bony fingers, while Daki's rested in her palm. Both inspected the items, confused but not upset. Gyutaro moves to look up again. "Heyy… What are these for…?" He pauses, seeing that the duck is gone. Daki and Gyutaro are both mildly confused, looking at each other as if asking if they had really just seen that, but neither was angry.
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The duck continues on its way, waddling and eventually finding a vase, somehow knowing it's Gyokko. It pokes its head back into its bag and pulls out another moss covered pebble. The duck gently taps the vase and waits for the demon to come out. Once Gyokko pops out the duck places the pebble in his hand, and then picks the bag back up and waddles off to find upper moon 4, Hantengu.
(ooc: The rules wouldn't appear so I'm sorry if anything I say goes against them-)
A duck waddles around the infinity castle, somehow wearing headphones that don't fall off while doing so. The duck also carries a bag with it, it seems quite heavy, so when the duck flies over any openings it struggles lightly. Nonetheless, the duck is determined to make it's way to it's destination. First it finds Gyutaro and Daki, the duck places down the bag in front of it. The duck puts its head in the bag and rummages around in it. The duck pulls out two people's, both covered in moss. First it puts a pebble in Gyutaro's hand, and then it puts one in Daki's hand. Then it picks the bag back up and waddles off to find Gyokko.
Daki and Gyutaro both turn at the same time, the male demon seated at his sister's feet while she stood with her arms crossed. Gyutaro slowly cocked his head with a skeptical gaze, while Daki raises her chin, watching. "Huh?" Daki makes a quizzical sound as the bird goes into its bag. When the little duck offers them each a pebble, the siblings turn to silently look at each other, frowning, before each took the objects given to them. Gyutaro holds his between his two bony fingers, while Daki's rested in her palm. Both inspected the items, confused but not upset. Gyutaro moves to look up again. "Heyy… What are these for…?" He pauses, seeing that the duck is gone. Daki and Gyutaro are both mildly confused, looking at each other as if asking if they had really just seen that, but neither was angry.
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This took me 6 hours but it was worth it, I even shaded. (Which I never do)
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