theencrypt · 11 months
How AI is Revolutionizing Fraud Detection
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In the fast-paced digital world of today, most people buy things online. Because of these things, there has been a big rise in fraud, like identity theft and credit card fraud. Traditional ways of fraud detection can't keep up with scammers, who are increasingly skilled and sneaky. Here is how AI is changing how theft is found and stopped. Read the full article
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theencrypt · 1 year
Blockchain And Encryption: Intersection of Two Revolutionary Technologies
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Blockchain and encryption stand as two revolutionary technologies in today’s scenario. They are versatile in themselves. But have you ever thought about how the intersection of the two technologies can do wonders? If yes, let us explore the working of the two revolutionary technologies together. Read the full article
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theencrypt · 1 year
Cloud Migration Strategies: Moving Your Business to the Cloud Safely and Efficiently
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The online world is changing, and that too for the good. Let's recall ten years ago. Maintaining files and then accessing them was a really big task. A lot of times, it was seen that the improper maintenance of files led to miscommunication and the loss of important documents. Thanks to technology! Today we have one of the best options we can think about - cloud migration! The cloud is one of the safest and easiest ways to store your business information. It doesn't matter which genre of business you belong to. Cloud has been proven effective for all. Read the full article
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theencrypt · 1 year
Jobs That ChatGPT Might Replace
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With the advent of technology, many new things are now possible. Who had thought that technology could do jobs for which companies had to hire humans? But, on the downside, we also have to remember that these jobs have made it extremely difficult to retain employment. Today individuals are on the verge of losing their jobs, and one of the most powerful sources of artificial intelligence, which is at the centre, is ChatGPT. Artificial intelligence launched sometime back, and since then, it has completely been a renaissance in the job sector. Read the full article
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theencrypt · 1 year
Multi-cloud challenges- All you need to know
The most important thing about a multi-cloud strategy system is that it offers efficiency and helps your business work much better in a promising environment. However, at the same time, it can be challenging if you need to learn what the multi-cloud challenges are all about and then adapt them to your system. The multi-cloud system can be exceptionally well-focused, and the only thing you need to focus on is its effectiveness of the same. Read the full article
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theencrypt · 1 year
Hacking for Good: How White Hat Hackers Are Fighting Cybercrime?
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Whenever we mention the term "hacking", the first thing that crosses our mind is that it is illegal. But just like every coin has a flip side, the definition of hacking also has much more to it than we know! So what is hacking? Is it only for frivolous activities? Well, actually, no! There are a lot of instances when people can use hacking for good; this is what is known as white hat hacking. These people are white hat hackers. Read the full article
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theencrypt · 1 year
6 Ways To Use ChatGPT in the IT Industry
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Technology is moving ahead fast, and with the way it is revolutionizing every day, there will be a time when technology will be the ultimate truth. One such amazing tool that has completely changed the face of technology is ChatGPT. Well, the way this tool has become popular, there are no doubts that this is one of the best. While there is a lot of negativity and confusion regarding this particular tool, this is one of a kind for sure. Read the full article
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theencrypt · 1 year
Challenges of deploying applications to multi-cloud using Kubernetes
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Kubernetes is a one-stop solution for all your application needs. It makes it easy to use applications and store data in the cloud. It works effectively as a container orchestration tool at Google. Moreover, Kubernetes has evolved to be the most versatile cloud-native technology. Read the full article
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theencrypt · 1 year
Crypto scams and how to protect yourself
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Have you heard of crypto scams before? Scammers want your cryptocurrency just like they want your money in the bank account. To keep your cryptocurrency safe, you should know the warning signs that a cryptocurrency and its interactions may be a scam. Read the full article
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theencrypt · 1 year
ChatGPT vs. Google Bard? - Which is better?
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ChatGPT vs. Google Bard is the biggest AI battle between the two biggest tech companies. It has already started. Open AI ChatGPT has already opened up many new opportunities in the field of generative AI by giving us a model for processing natural language that Microsoft backs. Read the full article
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theencrypt · 1 year
What is Polygon (Matic) ? - A complete guide
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Have you heard of MATIC? For that you need to know the demand of blockchain. Blockchain is soon going to be the new normal. It comes with high-security features in terms of a decentralized general ledger. It helps transform the cryptocurrency market for good. Read the full article
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theencrypt · 1 year
What is MATIC? - A complete guide
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Have you heard of MATIC? For that you need to know the demand of blockchain. Blockchain is soon going to be the new normal. It comes with high-security features in terms of a decentralized general ledger. It helps transform the cryptocurrency market for good. Read the full article
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theencrypt · 1 year
How to buy crypto without paying fees
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This article will reveal a crypto industry secret that has been kept hidden for a long time: a way to buy crypto with no transaction fees.One of the best things about the cryptocurrency revolution is that it can cut out the middleman.If we eliminate the middleman, why do people still want to pay the high prices they have to pay when they use other methods? To make a living as a day trader, you must find ways to save money on fees. Read the full article
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theencrypt · 1 year
What is Polkadot? A web3.0 blockchain
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Polkadot is an advanced cryptocurrency project that uses blockchain technology to build a decentralized, distributed, and heterogeneous multi-chain infrastructure. It's one of the most cutting-edge cryptocurrency projects, and investors, developers, and users are very interested in it. Read the full article
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theencrypt · 1 year
Top-10 Low-code no-code platforms
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Do you require a highly functional website or web app? Then you might need a team of programmers with the best knowledge and experience of lots of coding, right? What if I say no? You can now make a website with low knowledge or no knowledge of coding at all. Sounds insane, right? Read the full article
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theencrypt · 1 year
Nine best cloud storage compared
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Nowadays, having a reliable cloud storage service is a basic need for everyone. Even though the pandemic seems to be over, so many of us still prefer to work from home due to personal reasons. Therefore, everyone wants their data to be stored safely with them. Read the full article
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theencrypt · 1 year
Top 10 Blockchain trends in 2023
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Blockchain trends can change many sectors, such as banking, health care, education, and e-commerce. Adopting this technology can take some time and work, but it can put companies on the cutting edge and change how things have always been. #AI #blockchain #blockchaintrends #crypto #dApps #defi #NFT #web3 Read the full article
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