My Thoughts on 13 Reasons Why, and what to watch out for.
To begin, 13 Reasons Why has a lot of sensitive material. Those who are sensitive to alcohol, sexual harassment, sexual abuse, rape, blood, razorblades, cutting, self-harm, suicide, wounds, or anything related SHOULD NOT READ THE BELOW STATEMENT OR WATCH THE SHOW. If you do, you will regret it and it WILL NOT HELP YOU.
**Spoilers and Graphic Content Ahead**
13 Reasons Why essentially follows the story of Hannah Baker. She is the narrator of the “13 Reasons”. But what are the 13 Reasons exactly? The reasons are all people, people who contributed to the suicide of Hannah Baker.
The 13 Reasons for Hannah’s suicide she all recorded on cassette tapes, and ordered to pass them on to all 13 persons (aka “reasons”) responsible for her death starting from #1 and ending at #13. There are 7, and all have side A and side B. 
There are several protagonists and plenty of antagonists, from Hannah’s perspective at least. The main protagonist besides Hannah herself is Clay Jensen. He is the 2nd major character of Season 1. 
To shorten all 13 reasons together: Hannah was bullied and harassed severely in high school. Starting from the day she moved even. Boys took advantage of her, even going as far to rape her, slut shame her, grope her, and take personal images of her unknowingly. Girls spread rumors about her, calling her a slut, poor, a loner and helped the bad images of her spread around the school. 
Hannah went through fake friends like tissues, unfortunately, as they all turned her back on her. All but Clay, at least, who stuck by her side even after death. He did make some mistakes, but not on purpose. Hannah even expressed her feelings for Clay in his tape and apologized for being so manipulative and confusing to him. Clay is the only person on the 13 Reasons who she apologized to and did not have any sort of dislike/hate toward. 
In conclusion, the 13 persons who were responsible for Hannah’s death all spoke out, although not all stood by Hannah’s side or told the truth. Only Clay told the complete truth and did not mask himself in lies.
**My thoughts**
Overall, 13 Reasons Why has a good plot. I do really wish they gave us some closure on the ongoing bullying case, or showed Hannah/Jessica’s rapist being arrested. I would’ve loved to seen that guy get taken in. Also they left it at Alex’s suicide attempt resulting in him being in ICU. They never said whether he lived or not. There was not much of a reaction from the tapes from the Bakers either. I would’ve enjoyed seeing their reaction of all 14 (yes, 14, don’t want to spoil too much) tapes.
As I stated above there are so many triggers in this show, that if you cannot handle any of them I wouldn’t recommend watching it. I didn’t even think I’d make it to Reason 13/14 but I did (I looked away for the gory part though).
Plot: 4/5
Storyline: 4/5
Explanation: 3/5
Trigger count: 10 or more.
Characters: 4/5
Overall: 4 out of 5 stars. Pretty good, but could’ve have some tiny plot holes filled in.
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Story Two-The Stage 7 Curveballer
Alright so if y’all were here for the crazy lying Latina in story 1, I have another crazy lying Latina for story 2.
However, unlike the last one, she has absolutely no record, doesn’t smoke and also... lies. Bucketloads.
Anywho, this girl is named Cat for this story. She’s from Her. What were you expecting?
We started speaking and she was really nice, a vibe that I usually don’t get from girls. However, she’s a horrible texter and a horrible planner. I didn’t know that from there she’d just be horrible in general.
We made plans to go to a iHop near her house, which is about half an hour from my place. I drive all the way there (and am very early) then I wait. No text, no call, no “I'm on my way” or anything. The time comes and goes when we are supposed to be eating pancakes and I just head home. 
When I get home I see that I have a message from her saying “sorry, I have babysitting” then later found out this bitch babysits every week. How the hell did you forget that you babysit on Mondays? Or were you drunk off your ass when you texted me?
Anyway, we make plans again for Friday and that is the only time in this story that this pro curveballer will ever show up.
She shows up to the date and HOLY HELL I am already drooling over this girl. Not only is she drop dead gorgeous like in her photos, but she also is shy which I loooove. 
I take her downstairs and set up Wonder Woman for us, as staring at a hot woman such as Gal Gadot must be one thing we have in common. We get pizza, popcorn, and coke then talk a bit. I make all of the moves, the hand holding, the cuddling, and I even kissed her thinking it’d stop at a smooch but N O P E. 
Cat decides to go 100 percent all-in on the first date which, I mean, she initiated so I had no problem with. But this girl starts groaning. Like, loudly. It’s obvious what this girl wants and me being the dominant yet polite person I am I ask if she’d like to take it further or wait, because it’s her fault now that I’m all riled up.
She shrugs and just keeps kissing me, then starts kissing my neck which btw will make me lose my mind virginity the second a woman starts doing that. Now, I’m even more riled up and well... yeah. We do the lesbian thing, and make out some more before she leaves to oddly go to a city that is about 2 hours away? I was utterly confused when she said she had to go there but who am I to judge.
Little did I know this gal here would be the best curveballer I’ve met.
I tried my best to make a second date for the next weekend, and kind of did. However, she was sort of vague about the plans so they fell through. That’s normal. However, the 2nd try... we made plans to watch lesbian movies and make out... and she never showed. 3rd time? Never showed. 4th time, never showed. Get the gist?
I tell her by the 4th time that she needs to stop it or else I will just knock her out of my life like a home run but she promises that she will stop. 
So our fifth (and my final attempt at) try was me tagging along with her to go to a meeting. We made plans, a time, everything. But at the very end when she was supposed to tell me her address she flaked out and said “I will tell you later” which I knew right away meant that she was never going to tell me and she just curveballed me again, which was true. She didn’t answer my texts, and also she left me on read.
Forgot to mention that she left me on read a lot when I asked her important questions.
Anyway, I lose my patience and post something about sWooZie and him explaining what a curveball is in your dating life, and I say “ha, this reminds me of the chick that never shows up to my dates!” 
Guess what, she for once in her god damn life happened to READ MY FUCKING STORY and see it. She never reads my story, ever? So why now, when I’m talking about her?
I apologize to her saying she never reads my stories so I didn’t expect her to see it and of course she throws the original “It is fine, I don’t like you anymore ANYWAY.” 
Yep, mhm. So I threw “did you ever like me tho” and I was BLOCKED AF from this girl.
Let’s just say I dodged a bullet on that one.
Stick around for story 3! c:
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Story One- The Gal In Jail
I will say that I have to leave HER with negative ratings because every lady I’ve found on there happened to be batshit crazy in the end.
Let’s get on with it.
So, the first girl that I ever met on the Her app was named lets say... Nikki. Because it’s close enough. 
Anyway, she seemed amazing. Besides the immediately asking me to be her girlfriend after showing her my face incident, amazing.
People fail to disclose several objects of rather important matter on dating apps, which I found out happened to be packaged in just one person.
At the time I was freshly 18 years old, I just turned the age about 2 months prior. I went on Her to see if I could find anyone between the ages of 18-21 that would be interested in me and as I said Nikki was very much so.
So, we planned our first date and guess what folks- she cancelled a few hours before. That’s better than not showing up or cancelling last minute, but I was disappointed. 
“Why’d ya cancel?” I asked, creepily scrolling through her Facebook. 
“Oh, um.” she seemed to be reluctant to tell me when I happened to stumble across a picture of um-
Her kid, that she never disclosed to me about. Remember, I’m 18. I’m not ready to be mami to this latina’s child yet. 
Oh forgot to mention she is Latina, btw that has nothing to do with her going to jail you racist fucks I know your brain jumped there.
Anywho I got pretty ticked off that this chick failed to tell me she had a child with her most recent ex boyfriend. What was she thinking I was gonna do? I’m not some stereotypical Sims 2 lookin ass who will ditch you and go make out with Shauntel over there.
I hate lying, and I told her that right after she explained herself and who the motherfucking babydaddy was. I just said if the guy is an asshole and no longer part of your life I’m still in this 100% because hey, I don’t ditch girls because they’ve got a kid alright that’s cruel.
Aaaaand she said yes, so I stuck through for a month.
Now, here is where we come to the next referendum. We were officially dating now, so I figured she’d tell me the truth about everything. She already told me that she was a pothead, and that’s why she lost custody of her kid. But she didn’t say there was other reasons.
This lady went off the grid for about 2 weeks, without letting me know by the way. So I was just there freaking my ass out and texting everybody she knows to know where she was. In the capital of my state. Yea, alright what the fucking hell are you doing in the middle of the goddamn state??
All I figured out was it was some dealing business, and also that her roommate was pissed as fuck that I kept asking if she was alive or nah because she hadn’t shot me a text for 2 weeks. So, this chick nearly dumps me.
Next day, I find out from a friend that Nikki actually has a record. I mean, I thought that it’d be small but NOPE.
Nikki had a probation violation charge and a warrant for her arrest. She was in HIDING. Well now that fucking explains it all doesn’t it? Mhm, keep reading.
I asked her about that and you know what she does? Yell at me, scream at me, say “wtf are you doing creeping around my records” and doesn’t believe me that I’ve got intel (a lot of my friends deal weed). 
I was dumped that day.
We were supposed to talk on the phone about it the day before but I called her the next day, and this bitch is RUNNING FROM THE POLICE as we are speaking. I can hear it all, I can here her cursing her ass out in Spanish. I mean jesus Christ.
I hung up because I don’t want to be involved in that.
1 week passed and I don’t hear from her, finally I send her a text and ask what is going on. She said she was getting arrested that day, that there is absolutely no way after last week that they won’t find her.
Another week passes before she shoots me a “goodbye” text and gets arrested.
Funny thing is that I cannot find any information on this girl so I don’t even know if she was telling the truth or not, but stay tuned for story number 2! :D
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