thefage · 23 hours
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Gerard P Donelan
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thefage · 23 hours
white people go like “is anyone going to redesign this nonhuman evil character as a poc?” and not wait for an answer
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thefage · 23 hours
I would like to curse the gods, the stars, and my parents for bringing me into a part of the world where I learned the language skills to understand this post.
one thing i hate about english is your open compound words. what do you mean it's a light switch and not a lightswitch or a water bottle instead of a waterbottle. get real
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thefage · 24 hours
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thefage · 24 hours
Fuck you, now you get to see it in video form, because fuck you.
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thefage · 24 hours
1. I want this piece of media to exist
2. The original owners of the media it would be based on are not going to make it so the only way it'll exist is if a fan like me were to make it
3. I can't just sit around waiting for another fan to make it because that may never happpen
4. I could make most of it, I possess most of the skills required to make it, but I desperately don't want to be the one to make it because I don't feel like I could do it justice and I don't want to get hate from the other fans
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thefage · 2 days
I think it is important to remember that Tumblr's user base being largely queer does not automatically make the app itself queer-friendly
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thefage · 2 days
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the iconic meme that made it to british parliament last year
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thefage · 2 days
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thefage · 2 days
Whatever happened to "Never Again"? Was nobody else taught in school that we should do everything in our power to prevent ethnic genocide. Sure, it was specifically referring to the Holocaust, but wouldn't it be absolutely pathetic of us to just defend one ethnic and religious minority from the brutality of others when they're not the only ones to be victimized on these grounds? I remember learning about that phrase in school and not thinking much of it at the time because I, being the naive child I was, never thought there would come a day where the people running the world would forget and not only allow similar horrors to happen, but actively participate in them. Silly me I guess.
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thefage · 2 days
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I'm creating a Disability Fantasy Anthology!
This intersectional anthology will feature 12 stories from 12 different authors of different disabilities and experiences, set in different worlds with different narratives and perspectives.
Please like and share to spread the word, and donate if you can. We're so excited to bring this anthology to life 🥰
The submission call will be put out soon as well, if you or someone you know would be interested in submitting! I'm posting updates on my twitter.
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thefage · 2 days
So true
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thefage · 2 days
now im imagining what pride events in ankh morpork are like
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thefage · 2 days
Some people die with nary a whisper, while others die and take whole universes with them.
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thefage · 2 days
TW: Mental health awareness issues
Sometimes it is all too apparent the consequences of how poorly understood mental health issues and mental disorder were just 10, 20, 30 years ago, and how profound an impact that has had on literally every living person today. Even if you grew up raised by people whp were heavily for mental health awareness it's inpossible to escape the negative impacts of how poorly understood mental health issues have been until now. The world is run by people who grew up in a time when psychologists didn't believe in borderline personality disorder and people that believed that corrective therapy could cure autism were allowed to cause immense trauma to every autistic person they got their hands on. I was raised by the generation that likes to claim that ADHD is overdiagnosed and something that can be overcome with sheer willpower. Even today the lack of mental health awareness until recently means we still don't fully understand many mental disorders or how to properly treat them. It is quite obvious that this will have a lasting impact for generations to come and we really need to address this more.
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thefage · 2 days
Hot take, but I think we should be allowed to enjoy media from problematic artists. Yeah, they are an absolutely horrible human being, but that doesn't change the fact that their early content slaps. I can think of no better use of both piracy and separating the art from the artist than consuming banger content from someone you wish the absolute worst for guilt free.
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thefage · 3 days
WTF I MISSED THIS????? I fucking hate living in the city. Light polition and clouds can both go suck a dick
sorry what
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