thefallenciel ¡ 6 years
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tries to be tough, fails 5 seconds later
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thefallenciel ¡ 6 years
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thefallenciel ¡ 6 years
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Shadow of the Tomb Raider
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thefallenciel ¡ 6 years
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I thought I knew why I came here. But now the truth feels further away than ever. I still have so many questions…
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thefallenciel ¡ 6 years
“If I could have it back, all the time that we wasted, I’d only waste it again.”
Arcade Fire, The Suburbs
I love this soooo much. This feels like one of the most loving and kindest thoughts someone could share with a person.  These words always make me cry because they remind me of loves lost and that time with people is, in the end, all we have.
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thefallenciel ¡ 6 years
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Zac Posen’s gown for Claire Danes for the Met Gala
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thefallenciel ¡ 6 years
Alexander: *says anything*
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thefallenciel ¡ 6 years
Finally 😂😂
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Shadow of the Tomb Raider will be featured on the next issue of PlayStation Official Magazine UK!
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thefallenciel ¡ 6 years
Hello again
Hello anon 😂
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thefallenciel ¡ 6 years
Hablas espaĂąol o sabes algo de espaĂąol .-.
Soy fluente en español jajaja ❤️
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thefallenciel ¡ 7 years
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Ladies and Gentlemen, The Toast of Mayfair; Fräulein Sally Bowles!
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thefallenciel ¡ 7 years
Find someone who supports you like this cat supports his owner’s music
via @sarperduman
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thefallenciel ¡ 7 years
Why don't you contact the person you hurt and let them know you're sorry instead of hoping they do? .. I wouldn't want anyone resenting myself so I would let them know directly I was sorry. Not that I know your situation, sorry for assuming, but thank you so much for replying it truly helped me.
I would if I could. Though, they have made it clear that they would not like to make any contact with me and I want to fully respect that. That's the least I can do, y'know? I'm glad I was able to help you ❤️ if there is anything else you need advice on, don't be afraid to message me personally!! Or if you would prefer to stay anonymous, I completely respect that. I just want you to know I'm always here for you 😊💕
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thefallenciel ¡ 7 years
I follow you on Instagram and on youtube and I love your content! Sorry if this is too much of an intimate question but I am curious; do you have anything you regret? Anything you regret doing? Because I do and I need advice how to get over it, get rid of the guilt :( no one feels comfortable talking about it with me so... guess you're my last resort. Sorry about this!
Hey, I'm not sure when you sent this considering I haven't been on Tumblr for a very long time... but I'll still reply for anyone who sees this and needs advice 💕Yes there are many things I regret doing... Several people I've met in my life that I regret hurting but, so much time has passed that I have learned to forgive myself for what I've done and move on with the lesson I learned. It's easier said than done. Trust me, I know. Though, only time can heal these wounds but I can guarantee that it's going to be okay. It took me almost three years to forgive myself for hurting the person I loved dearly. I thought I would never be able to live with myself for what I had done to them. I punished myself relentlessly till I no longer had a will to live... It had to be the darkest time of my life.... Not only that but even during the healing process (which was filled with so much resentment, pain and sorrow) I continued to hurt this one person indirectly. What I did was wrong. It was honestly so fucked up if I'm gonna be bluntly honest. It felt like a never ending cycle of destruction in my life. It was to the point that whenever something good came along, I managed to screw myself over because I had grown so obsessed with this image of how "bad" of a person I was. Eventually I noticed the patterns I continued to make and realized, "you know what? I'm better than this. I'm tired living my life like this." I completely cut out all the negative things/people in my life, cold turkey. Some things were easier to let go than others but, I did it. I started fresh and slowly learned to forgive myself for all the things I had done. And when I mean forgive, I analyzed what had been done, found the root as to why I did it, discovered the lesson from it, and slowly but surly moved on. I won't say my life is all flowers and rainbows now but those regrets I made are now a lot easier to carry. Hell, I still think about this one person every now and then. I do hope they're doing well and living their life to its fullest potential because they truly deserve it. Though I highly doubt her and I will ever speak again, all I can do is hope that she subconsciously knows that I'm sorry for what I had done. Anyway, I'm sorry for rambling.. but I know that everything will work out for you. I believe in you and I'm very proud for how far you've come. Things may seem rough at the moment but it'll push over. I promise you'll get through this and don't tell yourself you're a bad person because you're not. I'm sending all my love to you, Hun ❤
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thefallenciel ¡ 7 years
Why a lot of crimes occur and why a lot of victims suffer? the assaulter does not get the appropriate punishment and the victim does not get the right because most people are unjust people, most people are scum. if there is justice, murderers and rapists and every terrible person get the death penalty.
Because life is fucked up 😕
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thefallenciel ¡ 7 years
Literally just all the sexual things Alexander Hamilton sent to John Laurens
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“I love you.”
This one is pretty self explanatory. Men were much more intimate back in the 1700′s, forming bonds that seem very ~gay~ in today’s light. Homosexuality wasn’t a very understood thing back then because rigid moral codes and censured education prevented people from learning more about sexuality.
 But Alexander Hamilton knew.
 He grew up on an island where ‘Sodomites’ (gay people) were dumped and  allowed to mingle with the island population. Alex knew that there was a certain zone of interactions between men that went from being merely friendly to sexual. He clearly steps into the bounds of sexual while fully realizing it.
“In drawing my picture, you will no doubt be civil to your friend; mind you do justice to the length of my nose and don’t forget, that I [- - - - - -].”
Ahhhhhhhhh my son Alex, could you be more explicit? Alex here is obviously referring to his something else (you know) with the knowledge that John Lauren’s knows the size. This sentence right here is basically just one long ;).
 “Your friend” seems to be written teasingly, as if they both know how far from friends they are.
And we can only guess how dirty Alex got in those last six  CUT OUT words.
“Dear Boy” [sent by John Laurens]
John laurens calls his wife his ‘dear girl’, and here he calls Alex his ‘dear boy’.  Moreover, Laurens did not call any other man he ever wrote to as his ‘dear boy’. Laurens seems to see Alex as on the same level, if not higher, as his own wife.
“Did I mean to show my wit? If I did, I am sure I have missed my aim. Did I only intend to [frisk]? In this I have succeeded, but I have done more. I have gratified my feelings, by lengthening out the only kind of intercourse now in my power with my friend.”
This phrase right here I unfortunately do not see a lot when people talk about Alex and John’s letters. This, to me, is one of the most explicit. “Wit” also mean one’s you know what (here I give a nod to the Ravenclaw moto), so Hamilton’s saying he was pretty much just messing around with John the last letter he sent. This is the only sort of “intercourse” he is able to have with John, as they are both so far apart. He is incapable of ‘sexual’ intercourse because of their distance, so he feels he must, in the 18th century way, sext.
“I would invite you after the fall to Albany to be witness to the final consummation.”
As you might have already guessed, Alex is inviting John to a threesome on his wedding night. The idea that Alex feels so at ease inviting John to a threesome with his wife suggests they have already had something going for a long time now. 
“But like a jealous lover, when I thought you slighted my caresses, my affection was alarmed and my vanity piqued. I had almost resolved to lavish no more of them upon you and to reject you as an inconstant and an ungrateful –”
Here Alex compares himself to John’s lover, and a jealous one at that. John seems to be shying away from Alex’s bawdiness, as if realizing how strange their relationships is in retrospect. Alex is scrambling to hang on to him, even though he knows well what are and what happens to Sodomites. He would do anything for John while knowing the consequences. And John is too afraid to join him. And who the hell knows what the last word was.
“And believe me, I am lover in earnest,”
*cough cough* looks like John knows exactly what happens when Alex’s feeling frisky.
“She [Eliza] loves you a l'americaine not a la francoise.”
The French were renowned for their relaxed stance on extramarital love affairs, while Americans were more Puritan-minding and thought love affairs only should happen in church-sanctioned marriages. Thus Eliza has an a l’americaine love of John Laurens, rather than an a la francoise.
“You will be pleased to recollect in your negotiations that I have no invincible antipathy to the maidenly beauties & that I am willing to take the trouble of them upon myself.”
*cough* this sentence is a bit confusing, and could be taken a few ways. What I infer from this is that Alexander Hamilton is willing, and John knows this, to assume an air of femininity because he finds no fault with it. It was commonly noted by people who wrote of Hamilton that he was very feminine in comparison with other men of his day. Alex’s femininity seems to please John, the topic even having been discussed between the two in ‘negotiations’.
“Yrs for ever”
Ok, this one isn’t sexual, but I had to add it because it is so heartbreaking. This was Alex’s last farewell note to John. That is, if he even received it. He died shortly after Alex sent the letter; whether he read the farewell or not is all lost to history. Alex loved John so much, despite the fact that both already had a wife. He would have always loved him, even if they had grown apart…
That’s it folks: time for me to cry.
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thefallenciel ¡ 7 years
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Lin is a cinnamon roll we must protect
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