obsidian--oblivion 2 years
Hello! I've not been active on tumblr for over a year now... sorry about disappearing! I'm going to try and reconnect into some fandoms again as I'm (you guessed it) very bored and very lonely. Basically I need to keep myself occupied and have some form of social interaction!
Had a pretty rough time of things recently which has taken its toll on me physically and mentally. One of these days I'll blog about it more but I'm getting by at the moment.
I feel like I've missed a lot on tumblr so will be doing a deep dive into the bbc ghosts, good omens and the sandman tags another day which I'm very much looking forwards to! And a big blog post on Ghosts series 4 is imminent but take away is I absolutely adored it and s04e04 emotionally destroyed me for 3 days...
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obsidian--oblivion 3 years
hi there! question 2, 11 & 24 for the bbc ghosts asks
Thank you so much for this anon!! Apologies for the essays but I love a good ramble about Ghosts so please send more asks my way!
2. If you could see the ghosts like Alison, which one do you think would come the closest to making you want to leave the house?
In all honesty, I'd have to say Thomas... If I was in Alison's place, I genuinely don't think I could stand all the unwanted and one-sided attention! It would make me feel so uncomfortable and Thomas isn't a character can overly I relate to either so we'd have nothing in common.
11. What is a (popular or not) fan theory that you love?
I'm not sure who originally came up with this theory but I think it fits so well, especially after this series. I love the fan theory that the Captain's death had something to do with a spy at Button House. Alison alluded to this in s3e4 and it also fits with the Captain being so distressed when he received communications in s2e3. I feel like most of the ghost's deaths involve either an accident or betrayal so I think this theory could work around that.
I personally also have a few other theories about how the Captain died but I don't think they will be correct; not because they aren't plausible but more that they wouldn't fit the tone of a comedy.
24. Which lesser-seen characters would you like to see more of in future series?
Even though we got a decent amount of Humphrey content this series I'd still say Humphrey! I just adore his sense of humour and think he's brilliant.
Otherwise, if we're not including the main ghosts, I'd probably say Nigel the plague ghost. Some may call me biased to Larry's characters (you probably wouldn't be wrong!) but I'll forever be sad that Nigel was banished to the basement for Mick's trial so I think additional screen-time is needed
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obsidian--oblivion 3 years
I dunno if you've seen this, but BBC Points of View are asking for feedback about Ghosts on their Facebook page. I'm really hoping that they aren't waiting to commission (or not) series 4 based on what they get back, but it probably couldn't hurt to submit positive responses
Thank you for letting everyone know! I'm not on Facebook, so I haven't seen this.
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obsidian--oblivion 3 years
Bringing this back up as its honestly a massive problem... I'm literally exhausted from uni work but cannot sleep as from 10pm til 1am I am very hyperactive, overshare and will talk over people. I feel like absolute shit everytime I do it but I can't stop it.
It's been a problem for all my life. My parents couldn't calm me down at bedtime but thought I'd grow out of it... Turns out I haven't and it gets monumentally worse when I'm stressed.
Does anyone know why this happens or is the same?
Does anyone else feel exhausted during the afternoon but then it gets to 10pm and suddenly you're bouncing off the walls and hyperactive??
Surely I can't be the only one...
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obsidian--oblivion 3 years
Hi! I saw your post about possibly being on the autism spectrum in the Ghosts tag. I was diagnosed a couple of years ago at 20 and definitely think it's worth looking into! I would highly recommend watching or reading anything by Tony Atwood as one place to start. His talk on Autism in Girls was particularly revealing for me as to how much I related to it, but all his stuff is brilliant. I'm happy to answer any questions, if you'd like. Good luck with your journey, whatever the outcome may be!
Hello! Thank you so much for your message and I'm so sorry for not replying sooner; been a busy few days...
Okay, I'll definitely do a bit more research, look at forums and work that Tony Atwood has done so I can be a bit more informed. I was doing some searching on autism traits in females and honestly, I relate to a lot of them and a lot of my behaviours seem to stem from what I now think are sensory overloads. For example, I always thought I just was very irritable when it came to lots of sounds happening at once but it makes me feel physically uncomfortable and I can't focus.
Thank you once again for your lovely message 馃挄
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obsidian--oblivion 3 years
hiya, i鈥檓 18 and currently in the process of seeking my autism diagnosis. its never too late. and plus, even if you aren鈥檛 autistic, its worth knowing anyway to put your mind at ease. good luck!!
Hello anon, thank you so much for your message! That's very true... I might do some proper research into the diagnosis process and try and broach the subject with my parents somehow.
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obsidian--oblivion 3 years
Another one of my rambling posts incoming... So I was talking to my sister about Ghosts and Yonderland the other day and how it's so nice having LGBTQ+ rep in both shows which is done so respectfully. We then moved on to talk about the Captain (as always!) and how he's actually very similar to me in some ways.
This made me think as a lot of the times my sister mentions that a character reminds her of me, they are often at least coded to be neurodiverse. If anyone has seen me post a lot on Tumblr before, you'll know I struggle with my mental health, fitting in and being overwhelmed but she's kind of opened my eyes to the fact I could be on the autistic spectrum...
I hadn't really considered this before but I feel that if I were to be on the autistic spectrum, this would explain a lot in terms of me now and things that happened when I was growing up.
Essentially was just wondering if anyone knew what I should do and if looking into a diagnosis could be a good idea? I'm 21 now which seems late for a diagnosis or maybe I'm not autistic and just have a mix of mental health conditions instead (which I'm currently diagnosed with).
My ask box is open and on anon if anyone would be happy to share advice with me xx
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obsidian--oblivion 3 years
I've absolutely had it today. I just want to sit in a dark room by myself in silence for 2 hours and calm down.
There's way too much noise going on down my street and I can't fucking think straight. It's driving me absolutely up the wall. Motorbikes revving, lawnmowers, drills, kids screaming.
I know this sounds totally irrational but it makes me want to scream and I feel so on edge. I just hate it
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obsidian--oblivion 3 years
Does anyone know how you go about accessing therapy in the UK? I think I could really benefit from speaking to someone but don't really know the process that needs going through...
I'm diagnosed with an anxiety disorder anyway and think I may have depression too. I've not spoken to my GP about this (essentially I don't want to be put on meds and that's what nearly happened last time) but I'm pretty certain that's what it was.
I'm coming towards the end of my uni degree and I cope really badly with change and uncertainty. I worry that I could relapse or get worse so want to have someone I can talk to about how I'm feeling rather than burdening my family.
Any advice would be great - my asks are on and with anonymous too
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obsidian--oblivion 3 years
Happy International Asexuality Day
to me and all ace umbrella peeps out there!
Tumblr media
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obsidian--oblivion 3 years
I love liv and think she is such an important character I鈥檇 be really sad to see her go. I hope they don鈥檛 kill her off I really want to see more of her.
Me too! I feel like her character has so many facets that haven't been explored enough yet so there's still a lot of potential
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obsidian--oblivion 3 years
Personally I really like liv, I think some people don鈥檛 but a lot of the time I think it鈥檚 down to the show being quite inconsistent with her character sometimes!
Thank you for your message anon!
Yeah, I really like Liv too but I feel like that is quite a controversial statement at the moment! I think a lot of emmerdales problems come down to inconsistent writing if I'm honest!
I see the argument going round that Liv's character hasn't matured or developed as much as Gabby's has for example and its not representative of her age. I would personally argue for the reverse of this... I feel like after all what Liv has been through, her showing family loyalty and coming to terms with her identy and what that means to her shows how much her character has changed and evolved.
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obsidian--oblivion 3 years
So I watched a bit of emmerdale again over the past couple of days after seeing the influx of posts on Tumblr!
What I wasn't expecting to see was at least 3 instances of acephobia... Made me feel quite sick if I'm honest. I cannot fathom why sexuality is ever treated as an insult or a valid point in someone's argument. Surely the writers can come up with something more creative than calling their only asexual character a freak or frigid?!
As an asexual person, this is so hurtful. I was delighted when I found out Liv's character was ace as there was finally someone like me on TV which I think is what makes it even worse.
I've also been scrolling through the emmerdale tag on tumblr and I am genuinely wondering why everyone hates Liv so much and wants to see her killed off...? From a personal point of view I'll be gutted since I feel at this point, actually having an asexual character on a mainstream show is opening conversations for a lot of people and allowing people to see asexuality as an identity for once.
My ask box is open (and anon is on) if anyone wanted to send their thoughts on this - I'm really open to having a discussion or seeing if anyone relates to how I'm feeling.
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obsidian--oblivion 4 years
Does anyone else feel exhausted during the afternoon but then it gets to 10pm and suddenly you're bouncing off the walls and hyperactive??
Surely I can't be the only one...
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obsidian--oblivion 4 years
I don't know what is going on in the bbc ghosts tags today?! It was all going so well before Christmas with everyone being lovely and now there's disagreements everywhere! Hope it all settles soon cos I've been in a few fandoms which have turned toxic pretty quick and I'd hate this to happen to us 鉂わ笍
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obsidian--oblivion 4 years
What can I say?! The Ghosts Christmas special was just wondering - I don't think we could have asked for anything better! I loved it from start to finish. I was a bit unsure how a Julian centric episode would go but it was done so well... I actually did feel quite emotional in some of his scenes which I wasn't expecting.
I really loved how Alison included the ghosts in her Christmas plans with the presents, game of twister, and TV. And the carol at the end... MY HEART!! I wondered how long it would be til the cast sang in an episode and this definitely didn't disappoint and it was a really emotional ending to a fabulous episode.
Got so much to say but my brain is not working logically as I'm still a bit emotional from the episode. I've been in a bad place mentally recently that so this episode tonight was really what I needed to just feel happy and relaxed for a bit.
Also, I just want to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas in case I don't post much over the next few days 鉂わ笍
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obsidian--oblivion 4 years
if anyone has any asks for me (about ghosts or HH) i鈥檓 super happy to answer! (also i鈥檓 kinda bored atm because homework sucks RIP)
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