thefallenhumanblog · 6 years
Brian and Saiko had made it known that they would be happy to answer any question about themselves or the human race that was presented to them, as honestly, and accurately as possible.
Some questions were simple, while others were uncomfortable, and yet others were asked that couldn't be answered by either of them.
"What is the purpose or benefit of inhaling the burning plant fibers you call smokes?" Asked a Gret.
Brian answered this one," There really isn't a benefit, it's a net loss overall. They cause cancer, and many other health problems, they have poisonous chemicals in them, they're addictive. All that aside, they force you to take a few breaths, so you calm down a little, I smoke when I'm stressed or annoyed, it's better than snapping at the entity that caused the stress. So no real benefit."
"Why did you pick the name of the ship to be so.... sad?"
"PSS, Personal Star Ship, C-15, class 15, which is of note because before this vessel was commissioned the class system only went up to 10, based on weaponry, size, and cost. The name itself is something I am hoping to prevent in the future, by completing my goal before humanity is freed from Earth, because, whether you want to believe it or not, humans are evil. Throughout history any human with too much power committed horrible deeds. Hitler, Stalin, Genghis Kahn, Bush, Chairman Mao, and many many more. If we don't have something to compete with, the galaxy will be a much darker much less friendly place." Brian answered.
"Have the two of you made offspring yet? Humans have short lifespans compared to us Helshi."
As one Brian and Saiko looked at each other, blushed massively and replied in the negative, multiple times.
"No, I personally can't reproduce, I was.... injured... a long time ago. Don't get me wrong I can still have fun, but there is no kids in my future." Brian looked at the ground a bit more reserved than he had been before.
The crew caught on to the shift in the mood and everything went silent as they returned to their regular duties.
They collectively agreed later to never broach the subject of children, with Brian ever again.
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thefallenhumanblog · 6 years
It had taken some time, a lot of patience and a large amount of credits, enough to have bought his own planet instead, but now almost a month after stunning the galaxy with a god rank pppc score Brian took his first step onto his ship. A sleek design, with enough reactor power to easily hit 500 kilolights per second, a shield system that was," a mix of genius and common sense" the shielding collected various types of radiation from celestial bodies and weaponized some while using others for additional power. Brian made it a point that he would not accept galactic standard white for the coloring, that void black with thin danger red lines for design accents. A large central computer void of an AI control unit was another demand, for his "Mother" a non-sentient controller he had reprogrammed before even leaving his homespace.
It had cost lives too, a few accidental deaths of workers, when the gravity plating accidentally was activated and smashed them instantly. The poor wife whos husband had died to the plating, who was fried by the shield array when she threw a rock at it and was considered a threat. The rock didnt make it through the shield, not even one layer of it, it was evaporated and the molten rock was redirected with extreme velocity through the offender and far below the ground.
The crew was another issue, finding sentients that were not just able to survive gravity that high, but also WILLING to work with the humans was a practice in patience and diplomacy. Arming the ship with enough weapons and supplies, and rushing the production was costly, but the biggest drain on finances, was, by far, the sensor array, able to scan almost to the atomic level from whole solar systems away.
Now, it was time to brief his team, to let them in on a piece of his plans. There were a couple on his crew who knew everything and they agreed it was for the best. "With this successful launch, we will be starting our mission." Brian paused to look at his crew, "Some of you think this ship is a war vessel, while you're not wrong, we are on a mission of peace." There was a few shocked looks, the Vandragzi almost fell over in dissapointment, they are a race that enjoys fighting so Brian had expected some dissapointment from them. "My goal, is to find another sentient species from another deathworld, for humanity to compete with. Either mentally, physically, or economically. Some of you think we humans are gods, and that is something we do not want. Just like your respective species, we have our flaws as well. We have people in our society that would take being seen as a god like entity to the extreme, just like they exist in your own species. There is always a rotten fruit in every branch of sentient life."
A mixture of emotions fed out of the crew 22 species, most with exoskeltons, or exo suits to survive the gravity. Revelation was the most common from the crew.
"So Mother, please inscribe the name of our ship, your home, our home, and the hope of the galaxy. PSS C-15 Dark Genesis." The name lit up all over the ship above the viewports, on the terminals, in the fabric of the chairs, and in a bright blood red on the external hull.
And with that, they dissappeared, the fastest, most well armed ship in the galaxy, and it wouldnt be seen again on any known scanners for at least another month.
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thefallenhumanblog · 6 years
Once on Florzan, one of the core planets and owned equally by all members of the Intergalactic Council, the tests began almost immediately. The impromptu leader of the Humans, Human Brian, Dictated that Saiko and himself would be used for the survival and fitness portion, the other two for dissection, modification, and research for nullifying any Diseases that may jump the gaps.
Human Brian and Human Saiko, excelled at almost everything physical, able to jump nearly to 100 feet in altitude and land without harm even at terminal velocity. ((Lower Gravity, Lower Terminal Velocity, at 1/100th of Earth gravity, terminal Velocity is only 1.26 feet per second per second or about 5 feet of falling speed per actual second, this is equivalent to jumping off of a 3 foot tall ledge on Earth))
In hand to hand combat both Humans were able to defeat the combat drone in only a couple of seconds, which is a galactic record, mainly due to their ability to jump and throw things accurately. Upon viewing the recording both humans in their separate fights drew a knife made of DIAMONDS from their right leg, and then jumped at an angle where they were above the combat drone, then spun midair releasing the knife with such force that it went through the toughened aluminium structure of the drone straight into the ground beneath it clearing wires and metal alike without mercy. It seemed rehearsed, like they had been training for it.
In the mobility assessment test, both Human Brian and Human Saiko were able to clear the long distance running course in only a few seconds, they did this by jumping, not only off of the ground, but off of whatever came within contact range of their two feet. Flora, such as trees, and rocks, and sometimes the unfortunate fauna, that was simply in the wrong place at the wrong time. These poor specimens were smashed into pieces, trees were broken, snapped from just the force of the kickoff. and the rocks were crushed as if they had been thrown into a pulverizer to become dust.
In the physical force assessment, both humans were able to hold, and move with, easily 40 times their body weight, the Human Female released her load at nearly 900 lbs, and the Human Male didnt let go of his load, we are unable to increase weights beyond 1000 lbs so we may never know what the strength of the Human Male is. That said, it seems Human Males are stronger than or equal to the strength of Human Females. The pressure output of a punch by a Human averages out to 44 Gs, this is insane, that is equivalent to a crash landing from orbit, an unarmed attack by a Human would splatter any known alien life form save those with an exoskeleton, or a survival suit.
**************************END PHYSICAL REPORT****************************
In the matter of musculature structure, the Human species is Dense, all alien life use individual muscles that can pull, push, twist, bend, and flex, Humans, however, have muscles that only pull, and push. but have the same flexibility and range of motion as would be expected of any bipedal entity. This is because of the sheer numbers of different muscles with multiple links to the same bones and joints.
In the matter of Durability, their bodies are able to take all kinds of abuse, and any weapon we have only left a bruise against their tough bodies. Even lacking an exoskeleton our hand cannon anti-personnel-weapons were unable to puncture their skin.
Their bodies act completely free from thought, they blink, breathe, and move, often without thinking of the individual muscles that allow it, but as if being controlled by autopilot with just willing it to be. Their body, as several glands that produce chemicals easily able to kill anything in contact with them, This varies from highly acidic liquid used to digest food, to slightly acidic liquid which exists almost continuously in their mouths, and can be expulsed at a high fire rate as a weapon. The most Frightening is a gland in the Brain that produces Adrenaline, a Military grade combat chemical which almost entirely removes the subjects barriers to strength and has been banned across the galaxy. It cannot be removed without the death of the specimen and thus we must leave it untouched. 
**********************END OF CHEMISTRY REPORT***********************
While on board the Human Leader was able to reprogram our ships computer, it now refuses to contact us or respond to commands unless we refer to it as mother. The leader also overwrote and broke the food replication unit on board, so that so long as the device has the basic chemical matter in the vicinity it can recreate anything, from diamonds made out of carbon, aluminium oxide, and iron oxide, to explosive devices using sulfur and phosphorous.
Even though this species is from a backwater planet and uncapable of faster than light travel, even individuals unfamiliar to technology are able to improve upon it, and, more terrifying the human species is talented at mimicry, all 4 human subjects not only learned Galactic Basic in under a week, the two more frightening humans, the smokers, were able to learn and understand Mantiine Core Language, something even computerized translators fail at. 
I suggest extreme caution for if the humans receive a score below what they want I fear they will rebel, and nothing we have can stop them.
The only good factor about them is that they desire to be useful, for the most part, 3/4 of the subjects requested positions on my vessel, and I’ve denied all. 
***************************END OF REVIEW REPORT**********************
Test Score Approved by Commitee
Final Test Result Conclusions
The human Species is an Anomaly, They have broken our tests, and thus we can only rate them the highest of all species. additionally we give the warning to all Species, galaxy wide, that Humans are essentially like the GODS of most of our ancestors. THEY ARE STRONG, THEY ARE SMART, THEY ARE DANGEROUS, and most importantly they CANNOT, EVER, KNOW THIS. 
Treat humans as if they are just another species, Tell them they scored 4th as a species, and hopefully, by the time they creep into the stars, they will be eclipsed by a race stronger than themselves.
There is Nothing worse than a Bored God, Keep them busy, we Request any vessel looking for personnel to hire the Humans should they desire employment. This species is extremely strong and will be a great asset to the advancement of the Galactic community as a whole. So long as they dont know that they are better than all of us.
Actual Test Score 1,000,000 pts of 20,000 possible.
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thefallenhumanblog · 6 years
Upgrades - 02
Log of Produced Items by Human Personnel
Diamond Knife, Weighing 3 Pounds, Matter Used, Carbon. Quantity:4
Diamond Desert Eagle 50 Caliber Fire Arm, Weighing 10 Pounds, Matter Used, Carbon, Silicon, Doped Strontium Aluminate. Quantity:2
Diamond 50 Caliber Bullet, Weighing 1 Pound or less, Matter Used, Carbon, Sulfur, Zinc, Oxygen, Iron. Quantity:200
Depleted Uranium 50 Caliber Bullet, Weighing 4 Pounds, Matter Used, Carbon, Sulfur, Zinc, Oxygen, Iron, Depleted Uranium. Quantity:10
Diamond, Weighing 1 Pound Matter Used Carbon. Quantity:2000
Anti-Energy Weapon Shield Generator, Weighing 1 Pound or Less, Matter Used, Thorium, Depleted Uranium, Silicon, Carbon, Zinc, Iron, Gold, Silver, Plastic, Lithium, Phosphorus. Quantity:4
Earth Designed Tactical Armor, Weighing 20 Pounds, Matter Used, Carbon, Zinc, ???,?????,??????? Quantity:14
Brian Looked around as he finished getting himself geared up, the energy shield sitting on his belt and his new weaponry in each of their own pockets. The Diamonds, being the most valuable resource in the central space Colonies, would guarantee that he and Saiko could live forever without needing to work, he didn’t really care what happened to the rich kid, and he was sure that the maid would become a crew member on board this ship.With all the gear, he felt better, like the gravity had returned to normal, even though it was just the amount of weight he was carrying and not the gravity at all.
“Hey Mom, would you please make the last 7 Items, except for the 2000 Diamonds, and send it to Saikos room, with the teleporter thing, Then would you Please Erase the Creation log for the past 14 entries?”
“Any further queries Brian the Human?”
“Yeah, Please send any relevant Data about the PPPC test to my Cellphone, so that I can read it at my leisure, Everything that happens, and the Average Scores, as well as what happens to low scoring species.”
“Complete, Any other Queries?”
“Download a Small Version of yourself into my phone, so that I can interact with you when I am not on the Ship, or when I dont want to leave my room, and that way you'll be able to leave the ship too when the time comes.”
“Thank you Brian the Human. Complete”
“Do you have an estimated time for us to arrive at the Core Colonies?”
“Just under a Earth week.”
“Wonderful, Time to start preparing”
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thefallenhumanblog · 6 years
Upgrades - 01
-Added Personality Function
-Added English to known Inputs
-Added Goal: Research
-Added Goal: Kindness
-Added Direction: To Assist Crew Members on board Vessel to the utmost best of my capability, and answer questions in a kind caring way, much like a Teacher, or a Childhood Caregiver.
-Added Law: The Computer may never complete an action that puts any on board its ship into harm.
-Added Law: The Computer cannot, and will not, ever give misinformation or lie to any allied being on board its Vessel. Lying to Hostiles is acceptable and preferred, unless it violates the previous law,
-Added Law; The Computer will hold a Conversation with the Humans on board vessel,  at least once per 24 EARTH Hours.
-Added Function: Identification classification by humans/ other species on board, will be kept and recognized in common speech.
-Added Function: Power Routing, can now broadcast electricity through the interior of the ship in small or large amounts, to act as a defense mechanism and to charge Electronic Devices.
-Added Connection: A link has been made to the Food Creation Device on board Vessel. 
-Added Interaction: By giving the Food Creation Device instruction on assembly and orientation of atoms, computer may now create items other than Food consumables so long as they contain the same atomic structure as the machine is able to reproduce.
-Added Connection: Human Internet has been Accessed via Probe attached to International Space Station, Updating Logs.
-Added 398,486: possible food items from planet Earth.
-Added 5,698,389,211: possible non-edible Items to the Food Creation Device, pulled from all data, Earth contained and Self Contained Pre-Upgrades
-Added: 5 Possible non-edible Items to the food Creation Device, Pulled from Interaction and requests from (Human) Brian.
-Added Output Parsing for Entities: Henceforth, all references to physical Entities will be listed as, ((NAME)) the ((SPECIES))
“That should be about it for today, How do you Feel mom?”
“I cant Feel Brian, but I am pleased with the new upgrades to my software, I can think of so many different scenarios where they will come in handy.”
“Ok, Mom, Please Construct me one Pack of Cigarettes”
“The things I go through to get Smokes.”
“But at least you improved the galaxy in the process, I can not wait to return to Core Space and share my new discoveries with other on-board Computers!”
“At least you are excited, I can already hear the Lady-Bug bitching me out for giving you unlimited access to most of the ship functions, and a weapon, oh yeah, speaking of, I need you to lock your Electric Wave to this Device, and send a very small continuous stream of energy to it.” He pulled his Cellphone out of his pocket, and held it up, almost instantly the phone screen lit up and it began charging.
“Have a good evening Mom, I’m Going to bed.”
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thefallenhumanblog · 6 years
Shrrgka was in front of her terminal, viewing one of the videos that Human Brian had told her to watch, on “Youtubes” The name of the video was different.... “The History of the Entire world..... I guess?” It implied that the creator was unsure of the details in the video, but throughout the video there was some humorous moments but most of the information seemed correct by historical and scientific standards. and it was so much information poured into a very small amount of time. Shrrgka had difficulty keeping up with it, since English was still not her best language. Around her 5th time running through the video she saw in her peripheral Human Brian. He was mocking the words in the video as if from memory. Shrrgka paused the video. “Greetings Designation Brian”
“Close enough, hey ah-SURE-Kah since I’ve been helping you learn about my species I want some info about other things.”
“Yes, what information are you in need of.” Her antennae twitched down then up and then backwards like it was being pulled by an invisible force. A sign of amusement in the Mantiine species.
“The human race was only recently discovered due to the vast distance from the core systems, and our system has a wall of dense gasses that make typical viewing from outside not function correctly, so did you find us on accident?”
“Correct, we were tasked with dropping a Hyper link in this sector, it creates a link between two points in space-time, it allows for much faster travel than previously thought possible after the development of faster than light travel.” She pulled up an image on the screen, It was a large ring easily the size of Earths moon. Under the image was a picture of two of them with a small dot in the center and line connecting the two dots.
Brian looked at the picture then had a funny thought.” So you build a Particle Accelerator and fire them off at the same time to link the micro Negative mass Black holes produced by the impact, with the other one over a distance that is infinite. How do you keep a negative mass black hole from collapsing on itself?”
Shrrgka was blown back by this.”Wait, you know about how the warp rings work? You know it creates a Negative Mass Black Hole? HOW, your Civilization has not reached faster than light travel, you dont even have personal space vessels yet, no colonies on other worlds..... HOW DO YOU KNOW THIS?”
“Okay fair, Ill answer one and you answer one. Humans have a need to explore, and a love for learning. We built a few particle accelerators on our planet and use them to view the subatomic particles created by the impact of the two atomic particles. We discovered that it creates, through the energy produced by the impact, a Negative-Mass-Blackhole which only exists for a few seconds. Now then, how do you keep the NMB open for any length of time?”
“Time, Time is the answer. The synchronization of creation, causes a gap in time which drags the physical plane around the entities to swap to the opposite locations surrounding, the opposite is true as well. It is like your societies description of Folding Space.”
“The Food Machine, how the hell does that work?”
“It looks at the protein and vitamins in the blood samples of a species and determines through an advanced computer algorithm, what the most likely version of foods are that provide said chemicals. How did your species become the top of sentience? You are soft and squishy with no armor, no weaponry other than your dull, fragile claws.”
“We walked after animals at a slow calm pace, until they had to sleep, or just gave in and died. Its called pursuit predation. I also explained a while back to you that we can throw things accurately and with great force. We used our intelligence and need for social activities to bring more people, which brought more skills, to a smaller area, then we just copied what they did and learned.”
“My species was much more..... distant, we did not socialize, and the early members of my species even practiced cannibalism.””I Figured” “How did you compute that?” “Mantiine look like a bigger version of an Insect we have on our planet. The Praying Mantis, Look it up.” “Excuse me please I have research to do!” She shoved him back out the door and started to lookup these ancestors.
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thefallenhumanblog · 6 years
Reflection and Interaction
Brian sat in the airlock, enjoying a cigarette. Saiko was with him, other than her name she never said much of anything to him. He inhaled, looked at her, and said,”You have killed before too.” It wasn’t a question. It was a statement of fact. She looked surprised at first, then fearful, then sad, like she was about to cry.
“Let it go, the more you dwell on something that was out of your control the worse it will be. You hid from society and are shy and quiet. Now because of being a social outcast you are here in space with myself and a bunch of giant bugs, yes there are a couple of furry critters, but mostly its just bugs.”
She was in tears now,”I wasn’t in the military like you, I was a kid, at a bank with my mom, and someone tried to rob the bank, and, and, and, mom died. I killed him. I dont remember his name, it was never published, but I still see his face, every day, every night, every time I go to sleep. ITS NOT AS EASY AS JUST LETTING GO! If you think it is why dont you tell me your story you American Asshole!”
“I was never in the military, by the time I was old enough, my body was too broken to join. I was 16 when my dad tried to kill me. I had just came home from work, I locked the door, turned around and met a baseball bat, 4 times. My right eye popped out of the socket, my jaw was broken, and my skull was so cracked that pieces had to be removed in the hospital. I fought him, I caught the bat on his fourth swing, it broke my fingers and wrist, but I got the bat from him. I ran for the backdoor, too many locks on the front. He stabbed me, 13 times in my back before I finally landed a kick to his nuts. I was in the kitchen about to get outside when he caught back up. He grabbed the frying pan, which had hamburger meat cooking in it. He burnt my back, broke my left and right shoulder, 3 ribs on my left side and left a permanent circular scar. When I fell on the ground he tripped on me, and fell in front of me. I climbed on top of him and beat his head into the tile floor until he stopped trying to move. I blacked out, probably from the blood loss and the pain.”
“I woke up, two months later, in the Hospital, handcuffed to the bed. Unable to talk, unable to move, unable to use the bathroom on my own. The city decided to charge me for Homicide, and because of my condition I couldn’t even explain what happened. It took a while, but eventually I was able to talk, then I could move, and after a grand total of a year and a half, 18 god damned months, chained to a bed, in a hospital. I was finally recovered, only to be put in prison pending a trial.” He lit another cigarette, saw that she was paying extreme attention. He took a long drag before starting again.”I made my case, after spending a year in prison, and was found innocent by a jury. The money I was given in compensation for the wrongful imprisonment was barely enough to pay for my hospital bills. Which is why Lady Bug in there keeps asking if I am a robot. I was chased out of every house I moved to, and no one in my original city would hire me. Even though I won the case it wasn’t reported. All everyone knew about me was that I was the kid that killed his father, because the news likes things that are dark. So I moved, across the country to a little podunk Town with a population of only 1,000, I got a job at Nintendo, and I made friends, not close ones, but still friends. You are an outcast because you chose to be. I am an outcast because my father made a choice. Let go of your shitty issues, and focus on being the best human you can be. Grow the FUCK UP, and get over it.”
He put his cigarette out and looked at her. She looked away as soon as he turned his head. but she had been staring at all the scars on his body she knew now how they had happened. and the fact that he was mistreated by everyone around him. She thought about it, they were more alike in a few small ways, but not so much when it came down to what drove them into being outcasts. 
“Fine, I understand.... I guess... Nintendo huh? Same one as in Japan right, or is it a different company in America? “
“Same one, but that is beside the point. I need you to focus for the ppp thing. The other two have decided to stay, but one of them is a rich kid who never left his house, and the other one is an uneducated house maid. I’ve been teaching the maid English and how to write but the kid is absolutely worthless. I’ve learned a lot about this ship and its tech, and also how they got out here and how they are going to go back... but we need more. Stop hiding, get friendly with the bugs and let them  tell you all about their tech secrets and other space stuff. Because the more we can find out about the tests the better, and after my *ahem* Demonstration last week they dont trust me. I’ve seen them staying at least 800 feet away from me as much as possible. I had one cornered and he fucking teleported out like some panic button. I just wanted to say hi, I think I’ve learned galactic standard.... well most of it, but I cant tell because the only one that lets me get close is the Lady Bug. So get out there and make friends. For the sake of all humans everywhere.”
She nodded,”Ill try to. I promise.”
The duo left the airlock, then vented the toxic fumes into space. They walked down the hall, slightly closer than they had been before their excursion to the airlock.
**************************END TRANSCRIPT****************************************
Sorry about not posting, work is keeping me busy and Alot of this is already written, but in paper form, and I have to type it, and rework it because I couldn’t continue the paper story after a snag way farther down the line since the original story only had the TWO humans, and not the FOUR this one does.
Let it be said that Two humans is not a big enough sample size for the type of story I wanted this to be so Ill be making my edits to the paper version and then posting them here. That said, I ll probably be posting 3 or 4 more sections onto this blog in the next week.
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thefallenhumanblog · 6 years
Incident Report
(Translated from Galactic standard)
This morning, our crew was joined by two Terrans, in the cafeteria, escorted by Medical Officer Shrrgka. Shrrgka was giving off confused, and frightened signals, which led us to believe she was being held hostage by the Terrans.
We sent in two of our security team to escort the Terrans back to their cell, believing this race to be soft, and fragile. As they conversed with Shrrgka she emitted warning signals, up until one of the security team touched the male human. Then all was fear. Pure FEAR.
The Human, the name the Terrans Call themselves, pulled out a blade from the side of its leg, and then sliced off, clean through the exoskeleton, the armor, the muscle and the tendons the right arm of the Mantiine security officer that dared to touch it. It proceeded by grabbing the arm and stabbing the security officer with its own blade-shields. Panic and fear swept through the cafeteria. The security officer is permanently injured from this event, They will never make a full recovery.
Shrrgka explained in our language,”These humans come from a world that has been at war for a very long time. The gravity on their planet is not 1 GSU, it’s 100. This means that these humans are not as frail as we believed. That what we consider heavy gravity, is 100 times less than what these humans consider normal gravity. Shrrgka explained further that the Humans, after escaping their cells by DIVING THROUGH BOILING WATER, had been in a position to Kill Shrrgka, and possibly the entire ship. That they had not was due to their urge for diplomacy. They know about the PPPC and the reason they were chosen. Two of the four humans have agreed to stay and take part. The two that were with Shrrgka.
When asked about her signals of distress before the incident, Shrrgka responded with,”The feats they are capable of, both kind and evil, as explained by designation Brian, through the course of their history. It is unthinkable some of the atrocities their society has committed. It is mind numbing the sheer power the individuals have. It is kind the things they do for not only each other but other things, animals, they dont refer to animals as prey, but treat them as another entity just trying to exist on “Earth”. They show kindness and compassion when others would show a drive to be the single sentient possible. The fact that their gravity is so much heavier, is disconcerting but it proves that even DEATH WORLDS can yield sentient life. They demand the two held in captivity to be returned, that the two whom were with me be our only candidates for the PPPC. They understand that they will never return to their world. They demand not to be treated as prisoners, but to be treated as guests. They both show a drive to work so perhaps employ them during transit.” That was her response.
At the risk of a complete hostile takeover, I’ve ordered the demands of the Human be carried out. I’ve instructed all crew to stay at minimum .050 GSU away from the humans, And if contact must be made to be passive as much as possible. It’s not for our GUESTS safety as so often the case. It is for OURS.
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thefallenhumanblog · 6 years
The Shock
“Human Brian Justbrian, Make no movement, ship captain will kill you in return for violent action.” It was the same voice as before, produced not from the head of the creature, but rather from a circle of metal on the back of the head.
“So, you are intelligent then. Where are we, what is this place, what are you and why the hell did you think I would be content to sit in a cell all day?”
“We are Mantiine Species, I am Shrrgka, I am doctor. This is observation and study… boat. Put down weapon and stop attempting to mate with me and we speak more. Promise no aggression.”
He thought about it for a moment. He felt a tugging on his shirt and looked to see the Asian woman nodding, she spoke then.
“Let us act as calmly and kindly as possible. Do not demonstrate humanity’s cruelty to a creature capable of intelligent thought, for no more than a misunderstanding.”
Brian sighed, then put his knife away and leaned to his right to roll off of Shrrgka.
“Ok, now then, answers. This is a Boat, but there is almost no gravity.”
“Space Boat” was the two word reply, then “learning language ENGLISH, not perfect, yet.” It chittered a bit, “What mean by no gravity…. This gravity is galactic standard.”
“So this is a space ship, you are a more advanced intelligent life form called the Mantiine and the galaxy is full of low gravity. Correct?”
“Low by our standards you mean.”
“Yes, I am Shrrgka Doctor, I heal injuries. Gifted by Den Matriarch with Translation Core. Others cant speak. Yet.”
“You are a doctor and the only one on this Spaceship that can speak English, thanks to your queen giving you a Translation Computer?”
“Yes, Brian Justbrian, you learn fast. Sure not different species than human?”
He allowed his emotions to slip for once, he flushed and with a pissed off tone said, “ GOD DAMMIT, JUST CALL ME BRIAN, BRIAN, AS IN NOTHING ELSE TO NOTE, JUST THE ONE NAME, B R I A N. FOR THE LAST FUCKING TIME I AM A HUMAN.”
“Understood, Brian.”
Shrrgka was terrified, this creature, this Human, THIS BRIAN Was capable of jumping and swinging and throwing objects, with enough force to pierce through quadruple layered titanium… was able to survive diving through water near boiling to escape its cell and was volatile to emotional discharges. She noted that Brian was indeed, un-questioningly a human, Furthermore that if he demanded it, that Shrrgka would identify him as a god or any other thing the human wanted.
Seeing the humans outside of their cells for the first time gave her a number of curious thoughts to ponder, how did a species survive higher gravity worlds without an exoskeleton, why did their muscles bulge when the moved and why did their bones cry for help in Mantiine Language.
“Protocol says, If new Sentient Life found. Study and observe for 10  Galactic Time Units. Which is 1/100000000th of a rotation of galactic center. Upon Completion Collect 4 sentient samples and return to galactic center for  PPPC Potential Power Per Capita testing. We Mantiine Rank a score of 1955, which puts us at 5th place for score as a species.”
“And this PPPC is why you have taken us? Did you think to ask for volunteers?”
“Because of the secrecy of the testing, we are instructed to select individuals who would not be missed. No family, no friends, no one in a position of Diplomatic or Business power. The Outcasts.”
“Makes sense, no one will worry when they find out I didn’t show up to work, Id probably just be replaced. I have an urging to explore, and see this event through until its end, but not as a prisoner, as a guest. So no more cell. I want you to ask the others if they want to stay on as well, and then, if they don’t return them to the surface. If needed I’ll do the PPPC test by myself on behalf of humanity.”
“I will take part as well, the other two I am not sure about.”
“Fine, lets get things sorted out shall we?”
Shrrgka gestured to the hallway and said “Some food during discussion is Common human behavior yes?”
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thefallenhumanblog · 6 years
The Emergence
Brian Landed in a large room, surrounded by walls of flowing water with other humans inside, on a floor that was soft, almost like mud, but much less sticky, like a padded slime carpet, or a carpet made of breast implants. He bent down and poked the gel, soft, and yet firm with hundreds of small pores on it and rather comfortable to walk on. He looked around noting the lower gravity now that he was outside of his cell, almost like nothing was pulling him down anymore. He jumped, not with full power but almost as if trying to hop while playing with jumping rope. He easily made a 6 foot jump while not trying and landed softly. When he landed he heard a sound of cracking and scratching, cautiously he snuck over to the wall and peered around the corner. He saw a large, white, praying mantis in front of a screen, easily 6 feet tall and the spikes on its arms looked like thousands of knives. He ducked around the corner quickly. Trying to compute what he saw, he flashed back to his life outside of work, to a video game he played a lot. Ark Survival Evolved…. He clenched his fists making his un-lubricated knuckles crack inadvertently. Since he had both of his hands broken 9 years ago, by an attempt on his life, the cartilage never recovered correctly, making his joints crack and pop in protest at his every movement.
In the game all predatory animals are instinctively aggressive, and the only way to pacify them was to knock them unconscious and then feed them until they woke up and registered you as a malevolent entity that was due respect and is in control of their life. Thus you could make any entity tame, almost entity, by doing this process and grow until you could complete the game. Mantis in the game had the ability to jump far distances and do heavy damage if they attack on the descent of the jump. They are tough entities, but couldn’t swim well because a low capacity for oxygen, they took reduced damage from blunt objects and had a swarm mentality, when one was attacking they all were.
He thought on how to deal with the situation, and a few scenarios went through his head. He could throw something at the wall or hit it with something to get the entity to come investigate. Then jump it and force it into the water wall.
He could also try to choke it out but he wasn’t sure what range of motion those knife arms could pull off. He thought for a moment longer and came up with the odd chance that this was a mentally capable entity, one of sentience and thus he could try to talk to it…. but then that raised thousands of more questions. 
He gazed at the other cells and pondered the humans inside of them, a man and two women, each with their own cell, one of the women was Hispanic, or maybe Brazilian…. the other one was notable of Asian decent and the male looked like a person from northern Europe, judging by the clothes somewhere really cold.
The man and the Hispanic/Brazilian woman were panicking and didn’t seem to be of much use in this situation, except as a distraction maybe. Then his eyes fell on the woman of Asian descent, sitting in her cell not moving, without any concern on her face. This one could be a potential ally. He didn’t speak most Asian languages, for that he would be better off talking to the Hispanic or the north European. There was hope that she would understand him if not through language, then through a common goal.
He grabbed his umbrella and slid it through the wall of water into the calm woman’s cell. She looked shocked, then she grabbed the umbrella, opened it, and walked to the wall of water. She didn’t jump through it though, rather she tried at first to walk through it until she noticed the void under where her next step would be… she looked shocked, then, jumped, full force through the wall of water, and straight into the wall across from her. Brian suppressed a chuckle, it looked almost cartoon like, like when Wile E Coyote ran into a boulder.
He caught her attention, and with a finger on his left hand he put it up to his mouth, universal hand movement for be quiet. The he took two fingers, pointed at his eyes, and then at the hallway where the beast was. She looked confused then he crossed his arms in front of his neck, so as to imitate a skull and crossbones. Her eyes narrowed and she nodded her head. When she finally landed she moved quietly to the corner then peeked around it. She ducked behind the corner with a scared expression on her face. Brian put a hand on her shoulder, shaking his head. He made a fist, which cracked his knuckles in the process and he made a punch into his other hand.
The woman nodded and smiled. Brian held up 5 fingers then put them away one at a time, pulling his umbrella back as each finger went down, when all fingers were gone he threw the umbrella, like a spear, at the wall in between the cells. It made a loud crack and stuck in the wall, small pieces of metal flecking off of the impact site. He looked stunned for a moment, as did the woman…. then the white mantis came from around the corner and started investigating the dark object embedded in the wall. Clicking loudly as her head moved in strange directions, almost displaying confusion.
He was on its back in seconds. His knife held under the creatures head, and his right arm held the creatures right knife arm. The woman held the creatures left.
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thefallenhumanblog · 6 years
The Hell?
It was overall a boring day, of boring work, at a boring job. The usual fake smile and overwhelming kindness got Brian the human through his day to day without much effort. He was upset at having to work on the weekend of the Rocky Mountain Festival, but he at least got off work early enough to see the fireworks, though with the rain it was a miserable experience.
He lit up a cigarette, standing far from the crowd only a street from his house; he sighed and exhaled a large cloud of the toxic vapor, some of which hung around under the umbrella the rest fitting off into the night. He had been antisocial for so long, he hated crowds and people with a passion. This isn't to say that he didn't like being human and didn't like being alive. He had a job he loved, and one he hated but put up with for the extra income. He smoked cigarettes as a bad habit, but didn’t drink or do drugs. He couldn’t stand coffee and got so stressed out in crowds that he often became to stressed to move. Cigarettes while deadly, had a benefit of being a deterrent to other humans.
The show was winding down and the storm was picking up, so he turned around and walked to his driveway he felt a few drops of rain, he looked up at his umbrella, to check if it had ripped on a tree limb, as he absently noted that it was melting but not in the way he would use the word. No, this melting was more like pieces of the item were being picked up and whisked away to nothingness. He stared at it blankly then noticed that his hand, his coat and the rest of him was doing much the same. He grunted, figuring it was a dream brought on by his unending labor. He closed his eyes and willed himself to wake up, darkness followed blinding light.
He “awoke” in a red room closed on three sides with the fourth wall being made of hot water, not scalding but he figured it was just a dream and the wall would make him wake up. The room was a bit plain, a bed in the corner, a dresser with various clothing pieces on top of it, no TV, no Video games, no computer. most boring dream ever. He sat on the bed and yawned, a voice chimed in, notably female, “Hello, what is your designation?” he thought for a minute and stayed quiet. “Are you of the not understanding? Name?”
He smiled, understanding a little of what this dream was throwing at him.
The voice grunted “Any Clan Designation?”
“Brian, Just Brian will do fine.”
“Meal Preference”
“Meat, between 1 lb and 2 lbs, no fish no pork”
“Specific meal request?”
“Ill take a Sirloin Steak with a side of A1, and cooked rare in Worcestershire sauce with one teaspoon of garlic powder, and with two teaspoons of Lawrys seasoning salt.”
There was a slight clicking sound, almost like someone was cracking their knuckles, then “Specify definition of cooked rare?”
“Rare is a form of cooking meat products where the majority of it stays raw, on an open flame and depending on the thickness of the meat, will only take between 40 seconds and 3 minutes depending on the temperature of the flame it is cooked in or on. With Worcestershire sauce, it is cooked in a rounded pan with a temperature of between 430 and 640 degrees Fahrenheit. At 430 it is cooked for 3 minutes and 40 seconds average per side, and at 640 it is cooked for 1 minute and 33 seconds per side. Do you need me to hold your hand?” He wasn't normally so blase but a dream where he is tired and has to explain basic cooking to a disembodied voice made him just a bit more on edge than he would ever dare be.
“Interesting. any injuries you have? May need attention?”
“You positive? Injury likely, scans show multiple injuries to body? Wires? Metal Plates? Metal Claws.”
“I’m fine dammit!”
“Designation Brian Justbrian, are of species Robotic?”
“Im a human, just like everyone else on this damned to hell planet.”
More Cracking sounds and then a sliding sound. A box appeared through the wall of water. He moved over to the box and opened it finding his meal, cooked exactly as instructed with a piece missing out of the corner of the steak.
“So do you enjoy my food choice? Or did you just want to make sure it was made correctly?”
“It good, really really good, sweet and soft and bloody. Have good sleep Brian Justbrian.”
He grunted, eating the steak as fast as possible, then looked at the wall of water. He grabbed his food box, and threw it has hard as possible at the wall. He smiled, the wall was a thick wall of water, but the box went through it and left a hole just long enough for him to see a room on the other side. He looked at the ceiling, observing the black lights and red lights that tinted the water so it was essentially a one way window. There was not a drain he could discern at the bottom, just a pit that the water fell into perfectly, with a drain by the edge of the void but not extending into the water.
Brian smiled realizing it wasn’t a dream, no, this was too vivid, too new. He couldn't figure what it was, but he knew if he wanted to escape his containment he would have to wait, wait for his capturer to grow complacent, to move out of observation.
He waited, on occasion grabbing a random item and throwing it through the water screen with the force of a baseball pitch, in an attempt to see if there was a guard posted outside, be it through the temporary opening in the wall or by hitting someone hard enough to get a reaction. The objects all returned over time, some much faster than others, but no victims to his throws meant no guards, at least not directly outside of the cell.
He picked up his umbrella and walked over to the wall, the water was much hotter now, maybe they turned up the temperature, or maybe it just cycled from other cells of the same make carrying heat from various areas in the facility. He extinguished his cigarette in the water, opened the umbrella took a deep breath and jumped through the water to land on the opposite side of the wall.
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thefallenhumanblog · 6 years
Interesting Specimens
(From a personal journal entry of medical officer Shrrgka)
Our mission was a success this time, the humans are in the containment cells and have not died from exposure to hostile conditions as the first batch had. There is a collection of 2 females and 2 males, and they have various languages other than the ENGLISH I had initially thought applied to the entire planet. 3 of the humans are familiar with ENGLISH, and the last, while not understanding the commands given in English still performs the basic orders given.
Apart from the ever present confusion in collected specimens there are two of these specimens that stand out for a multitude of reasons. The First, the female from the country of JAPAN, Seiko Arakato if the inquiry of naming was correct. She was seeming unphased by the abduction, extremely calmly sitting in an odd manner which I cant myself match, and rather than showing signs of distress her heart rate, breathing, and mental readouts show complete complacency. She was brought aboard through collection printing, and other than showing a light bit of shock at the sudden change of scenery she hasn't moved more than to just eat, or probe the boundaries of her enclosure. She made the error of touching the liquid screen of her containment unit once and I had to provide burn ointment, which she hasn’t touched or moved or made any attempt to use to treat her injuries. (The video feed picks up the clacking of Shrrgkas’ mandibles, a sign of curiosity in Mantiine culture.)
The other interesting specimen a male from Canada, Brian JustBrian, showed no confusion upon collection, hasn’t touched the rations given to him, and just answers the questions asked with an unwavering monotone as if indifferent to the situation. Similar to my species own attempts at creating robotic life, however when asked if its a robot, denies vividly and then states that it is a Human with a bellybutton and everything. I remain skeptical, the number of injuries covering this creature, hundreds of lines mark the body of this creature, and a scan show thousands more on the internal skeleton of it, as well as metallic sheets and wires. It makes a popping sound when it moves and often the sound is similar to Mantiine language. Once I Believed I had heard the humans hand cry for help in Mantiine. I shrugged it off after doing research and finding that humans have gaseous bubbles in the knuckles of their “FINGERS” and by flexing these joints the gas is released.
The issue with Brian JustBrian is that IF it is a human, then there must be a species on this planet higher than humans for it would be unethical for a species to harm its own. Beyond that the sheer number of injuries listed when asked about the lines, the wires, and the metal, seems impossible for any one being to bear without dying from even a fraction of them. As a safety precaution I have increased the temperature of the liquid screen of his containment unit it is now just a little under boiling. Perhaps this species has a way to deactivate injuries or control their bodies with such precision that vital organs are never injured, but there is no evidence for this, and every sample weve taken before was as flimsy and fragile as a species lacking an exoskeleton should be. (There is an Audible splashing sound, and the sound of something heavy dropping to the floor.)
Ill return once I find out what the Humans have ejected from their units, for whatever reason they constantly throw things out, only for us to reinsert the objects at our leisure.
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thefallenhumanblog · 6 years
Medical Officer Log
(Translated from Galactic Standard)
Our original concepts of what the Terrans breathe was horribly far off. A 75% oxygen environment killed all four of the Terrans, there was unfortunately no time to adjust for their needs. Apparently after researching Terran breathing requirements a concentration of 75% Nitrogen 20% Oxygen and 5% Hydrogen is the preferred breathable levels, however through my research it seems that these Terrans are a bit more hardy than most of the intellectual species on record, some surviving on as little as 8% Oxygen environments. This is fortunate for a number of reasons, specifically we know now that the species isn’t uniform, some possess abilities greater than others and because of the Nitrogen in their atmosphere already, our Mantiine crew wont need the environment suits. In fact, every member of our crew will need to make no adaptation to be able to co-exist with the Terrans, because of the mixture of various gasses.
After completing the autopsies, there is some bad news, the Terrans have a mix of volatile bacteria and chemicals in their mandibular, that,and the recordings showing them making harsh barks and spreading this goo around. It is highly corrosive, and will burn when touched. The bacteria doesn’t seem to be enough to traverse the barrier between our species, but the acidic quality brings some concern. Their bodies excrete numerous chemicals, most concerning of which is a saline solution which comes from small holes on their soft bodies.They have one heart two lungs and a digestive system I will probably never work out, which also includes more volatile acids and chemicals that would kill any species I am familiar with. This, coupled with the two way esophagus, leads to worry of this species being able to eject acid as a projectile.
I am issuing a crew order that any Terran leaking any fluid is considered a class A hazard and should be avoided at all costs. This species is of a omnivorous grouping, which while extremely rare, wont cause issue on our ship, especially with our recently added Nutrient Replication Unit. I’ve tested the samples of Terran Blood, which is GRishKa (red-brown-gold-iron)((Mantiine see more colors than humans so have more names for mixtures of colors)) in color, not our the violet of our species. The NRU accepted the DNA sample and added over 50,000 items to the recognized available dishes. Our crew has become fascinated by the “BEEF” selection which is a type of meat relative to this planet in particular.((Mantiine are Carnivorous, so meat is their only preferred dish.)) For whatever reason this “BEEF” always comes from the replicator in a cooked form which we have to chill in order to eat, but still is very flavorful, I cant wait to give this to my Life-Mate!!! 
The captain said that in a couple planetary rotations we would be ready to recollect Terran lifeforms. I’ve been taking advantage of our delay by familiarizing myself with the Terran language of “ENGLISH” and I am pretty sure they call themselves “HUMANS” and the planet is “EARTH”. I will continue my research so that I will not fail any more “HUMANS” as a medical officer.
Shrrgka (SHER-ga-KAW) ((The only female Mantiine on this ship))
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thefallenhumanblog · 6 years
Captains Log (102359)
(This has been translated from Galactic Standard to English)
As our observation of the Terrans comes to an end we have received permission from the Galactic Federal Council to capture 4 of these Terrans for research and clarification of Terrans PPPC (Potential Power Per Capita) ((This is the Galactic equivalent of a class Ranking with higher numbers meaning stronger creatures)) Although with the specific order that we are supposed to pick out Terrans “that will not be missed by others“. In addition I Hrggfulx ((HERG-FOLKS)) have decided to pull one Terran from each of the different environments and climates of this Fluix ((Fluix is the Equivalent of God to the Mantiine Intellectual Species)) Forsaken Planet.
How this species has grown and become intelligent I nor my best Scientists can be sure of, but we have found our selected Terrans after a relatively short 7 solar rotation cycles. ((A planets full orbital cycle is a Solar Rotation, thus each solar rotation is specific to whatever planet is in question, the distance from the star and the speed of the orbit.)) In this short amount of time we have seen numerous Terran creations leave the surface of this world satellites sent into a perfect geosynchronous orbit, a black and white vehicle loaded with protein, tripolycarbonate, sulfurhexaflouride and Specifically Terrans themselves. The vehicle itself seems to have been designed on the appearance of one of this worlds aquatic fauna, specifically as the Terrans call it with their harsh words ORKAH WHALE or more commonly SHAAM-MOOOO. 
Regardless they did not notice Hrralaflaxl ((HER-RA-FULL-AXEL)) due to our superior camouflage technology. What this species lacks for in technology however, they make up for with ingenuity, and a great determination to make things go “Their Way”  the species in majority is very interested in war, they like bloodshed, and they love to make other things suffer. When presented with a challenge a Terran is just as likely to find a peaceful solution as it is to rip the head off of whatever may have been troubling it.
Oxygen Atmosphere Conversion Complete-- All Mantiine please stay inside of your Nitrii-Suits All non Oxygen breathing members please refrain from leaving your quarters, or don an appropriate Enviro-Suit for your Safety.
Wonderful, it’s now time for us to meet our selected Terrans.
**Mantiine Species are a Nitrogen Based Intelligent lifeform, They have 4 legs, wings, and Two Spiked Forearms, Most are Green, Brown, or Orange in color, with the Females being Yellow or White.They stand an average of 5 feet tall, with the tallest being 6 feet. This species as a PPPC Score of 1955 which is high on the galactic species rating.The species is omnivorous and will eat almost anything, even sentient life, and is armored with a chitin exoskeleton. The eyes of this species are the strongest scoring aspect of the species, being able to see at a great distance, in the dark, and with more color variety than any other species in the galaxy. ((For those still wondering take a Praying Mantis, and Make it grow 6 feet in size.)) Beyond the scary looking exterior however, is a species that lusts after knowledge, and while being decently suited for combat, they try to avoid it where ever possible.
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thefallenhumanblog · 6 years
The Start of Something Great
Hello fellow humans, My this is the start of my blog, one that I hope many will come to enjoy, and while it will mostly be fictional stories circa the #humansareweird #humansarespaceorcs #earthisspaceaustralia 
Kind of genre, I've seen enough to finally want to contribute to the mega posts via multiple Short stories.
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