Send in requests to help a bitch out with writers block . ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
Let your imagination with BTS run wild.. I’ll write it 
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could you do “dating steve rogers” and “dating peter parker/spider-man”
Sure, I’m so sorry I only seen this now ^^ I’ll get started asap
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Being Married to Loki
requested by @ei77777
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Waking up every morning to his beautiful face
Most days you'd wake up with him having you pulled to his chest holding you with your head under his chin
Some times maybe your back to him, him holding you close
Even though you're married he'd still be terrified he would lose you
He would never let you be in a bad mood or upset
And if you were he would shower you with kisses and affection until you were okay
The off chance you would have children
And then the day comes where you let him know you're carrying his child
Seeing the pure joy on his face when you tell him
He would never stop pulling innocent little tricks on you though
And on your kids
He would never let you down
If he did, he wouldnt forgive himself for a long time
Just knowing the fact you have the rest of forever together was enough to get him through the pain of his life
Sorry that sucked, I'm super tiredddd
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Hiii can i request about married life with loki pleasee thank you so much
Sure! I'll try have it up tonight ❤️
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Dating Thor ⚡
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At the start he would never show his softer side
After a while he would basically be a huge teddy bear
Taking you on trips to Asgard, no matter what his Father said
Keeping you safe at all times
Would always try his hardest to never fight with you
But if he did it would be a short argument, him quickly shutting it down with just the tone of his voice and regality
This one sucked I'm so sorry, send in requests and inspo, I've hit a wall 😭😭
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Bucky Barnes. I'll take it.
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Dating Bucky Barnes
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Being worried about him going off on missions, even though you know he's safe
Praying HYDRA don't some how get into his head again
Having to hold him close during the night when nightmares come because of what he did under mind control
Reassuring him it's not his fault
Holding his shaking body until he finally falls asleep with his head on your chest, your heart beat soothing him completely
Also him having to hold you, with all he's been though sometimes even you cry in your sleep, having night mares about the man you love never coming back from a mission
But to only then be quickly pulled into his chest
Listening to his soft confirmations that he's there, and always will be
The talks about getting married one day
Although not every relationship is perfect
You do fight
And when you two do fight it's basically a screaming war with you two seeing who can out anger who the most
Probably throwing things, but you would never hurt each other physically
He would feel so bad for the arguments l, as would you, he would refuse to let you leave and wants you to just sit on his lap, curled into him with his arms around you until you both felt okay
Or sometimes the fights would just lead straight up to angry sex. Which happened most the time
But always cared for you after
Forever will treat you like a princess ,
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Gonna start writing fanfics, preferences, imagines etc for Marvel. Send in your requests to my ask or messages!! Starting now!
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