Momus never knew when to quit. Or maybe the reverse, he never knew when to stay in the game. Emotions weren’t something he handled well. Never were. Especially when the emotions were his own. They cloud judgement, make you hope for things that would just end up disappointing you in the end. He’d seen it happen over and over to countless gods and humans alike, and it hardly ever ended well. No fucking way would he ever become some hope filled fuck head. At least, that’s what he said. Things changed when it came to Ava, and he had no control anymore. It frightened him, how easily she became the only thing that mattered and he knew he’d just fuck it up if he hung around any longer. Mo never stayed in one place for very long anyway, and attachments never seemed to work in either party’s favor. He thought it would be better for both of them if he left. 
“I was scared.” He stared at her, his eyes empty, any hope he held had shriveled away at her words. How could he have thought she’d even want to hear his excuse? It’s not like his explanation would make what he did any better. In all actuality, it would probably just land him another blow to the face. Coming back was a mistake. He was selfish and only succeeded in making Ava upset “You know what, never mind.” Momus mumbled, stuffing his hands in his pockets. “Just please know that I’m sorry. I won’t bother you anymore, A.”
Back in Business
He’d been expecting her to scream or something before resorting to violence, but it wasn’t as if the punch came as a surprise. Even though it hurt like hell, Mo felt lucky that was all she did. He was an idiot and there was no other excuse for it this time. He was going to lose his best friend and the love of his existence all because he had stupidly betrayed her trust. Mo knew Ava well enough to know that nothing he could say to her now would help his case. Of course, that didn’t keep him from opening his mouth anyway. 
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Momus grabbed her arm as she turned, trying desperately to think of a way to convince her to stay. “Sadly, I’ve lost the desire to fuck anyone who isn’t you.” His voice was low and sincere. He even attempted a smile, but the action looked far too pained to be mistaken for anything other than a grimace. He waited a moment, his mouth opening and closing several times before words finally came. “Please.” he whispered, his voice catching. “Please don’t leave, Ava. At least let me explain.” 
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I was trying to rewatch Buffy before oitnb and I’m juggling between that and Daredevil. But I ALWAYS love recommendations :D
I’m still on episode 8. I’m scared that I won’t know what to do with my life after I finish this season so I’ve been taking it hella slow. 
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I’m still on episode 8. I’m scared that I won’t know what to do with my life after I finish this season so I’ve been taking it hella slow. 
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thefaultinourgods replied to your post:MY NAME IS ALSO KATELYN AND I HAVE A PARROT THAT…
WHAT EPISODE ARE YOU ON????????????????
episode 12, season 3. i’m just crying abOUT DAYA. ALWAYS CRYING ABOUT DAYA.
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Your Muse and Mun Current Mood
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He’d been expecting her to scream or something before resorting to violence, but it wasn’t as if the punch came as a surprise. Even though it hurt like hell, Mo felt lucky that was all she did. He was an idiot and there was no other excuse for it this time. He was going to lose his best friend and the love of his existence all because he had stupidly betrayed her trust. Mo knew Ava well enough to know that nothing he could say to her now would help his case. Of course, that didn’t keep him from opening his mouth anyway. 
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Momus grabbed her arm as she turned, trying desperately to think of a way to convince her to stay. “Sadly, I’ve lost the desire to fuck anyone who isn’t you.” His voice was low and sincere. He even attempted a smile, but the action looked far too pained to be mistaken for anything other than a grimace. He waited a moment, his mouth opening and closing several times before words finally came. “Please.” he whispered, his voice catching. “Please don’t leave, Ava. At least let me explain.” 
Back in Business
Momus screeched and whirled towards the voice, his fingers curling into fists. The second he saw who had startled him, he relaxed. His eyes danced over her features and a slow smile spread across his face. “Ava.” He breathed, half surprised at how easily her name slid from his lips now, when a week ago he couldn’t even muster the ‘A’.  
Noticing her less than pleased expression, he remembered that he had just been caught following her. His smile turned sheepish, and her rubbed at the back of his neck as his mind fumbled for an excuse. “I, uh, was just in the neighborhood and I, um, thought I’d drop by?” He trailed off at the end, and tried his best to keep his head held high,  his eyes silently pleading for mercy.
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“Do my ears deceive me?” He gasped, his hand grasping dramatically at his heart. “Did you just say you missed me Oizys? And here I thought you hated me.”  It had been far too long since the last time they crossed paths, and to say Momus missed his twin was an understatement. They had always been two parts to the same whole. Yin and Yang incarnate. You couldn't have mockery if misery wasn’t involved, after all.
He shook his head, a small smile spreading over his lips at her question. “I’ve been spectacular, never better in fact.” He paused, eyeing her. “How have you been, sister dear?”
Mockery and Misery
Oizys would be lying if she said she didn’t miss her twin. She missed him a great deal, though she also avoided him these days. She couldn’t avoid him forever though.
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“Momus, I have missed you being around. I think you should come around more often..”
She did want him around, it was just hard because she loved him so much, and she really didn’t think she could be with him.
“Have you been well? I hope so, I want you to be happy.”
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Momus screeched and whirled towards the voice, his fingers curling into fists. The second he saw who had startled him, he relaxed. His eyes danced over her features and a slow smile spread across his face. “Ava.” He breathed, half surprised at how easily her name slid from his lips now, when a week ago he couldn’t even muster the ‘A’.  
Noticing her less than pleased expression, he remembered that he had just been caught following her. His smile turned sheepish, and her rubbed at the back of his neck as his mind fumbled for an excuse. “I, uh, was just in the neighborhood and I, um, thought I’d drop by?” He trailed off at the end, and tried his best to keep his head held high,  his eyes silently pleading for mercy.
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Back in Business
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Momus peered around the corner, trying his best to remain out of sight. To any third party observer he must have looked like a huge creep. Actually, even he had to admit he was toeing the fine line between concerned brother and stalker. His eyes were glued to Avalon’s back as she walked down the street. It had been three days since he’d been back to the city, but he didn’t know how to reveal himself to her. What could he say?
 ‘Hey love. Sorry I disappeared again, even though I swore I wouldn’t. Whoops, it probably won’t happen a third time.’ 
Like that would go over well. Momus wasn’t a a complete idiot. He had to plan this properly if he wanted her forgiveness. 
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underworldbrothers started following you
Momus sat alone at a booth in the rear corner of a small diner, his interest focused on the only other patron in the joint. The man was... odd. It was the only word that seemed to come to mind as Momus watched him from the corner of his eye. He hadn’t ordered anything, from what Mo could see, and all that was on his table was a bottle of water. 
Mo’s eyes flickered from his cooling cup of coffee back to the man one more time before he decided to rise, his curiosity eating at him. Slipping from his seat he sauntered to the man’s table. Without a word he slid into the empty seat across from the stranger. Making sure he had the mans attention, Mo picked up his water bottle and began to chug.
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“Nice weather we’re having today, huh?” 
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thefaultinourgods replied to your link:Μῶμος
I FUCKING HATE YOU (But love you as well <3)
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Back in Business
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Momus peered around the corner, trying his best to remain out of sight. To any third party observer he must have looked like a huge creep. Actually, even he had to admit he was toeing the fine line between concerned brother and stalker. His eyes were glued to Avalon’s back as she walked down the street. It had been three days since he’d been back to the city, but he didn’t know how to reveal himself to her. What could he say?
 ‘Hey love. Sorry I disappeared again, even though I swore I wouldn’t. Whoops, it probably won’t happen a third time.’ 
Like that would go over well. Momus wasn’t a a complete idiot. He had to plan this properly if he wanted her forgiveness. 
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"It's been twenty minutes." He stated simply, walking a bit closer to his sister and plopping into a chair across from her. His mind was racing as he tried to think of some reason she'd be cross with him. Even if she was, he was sure she wouldn't be silent if she was mad. Something was fishy, and he wasn't particularly fond of fish.
"Twenty whole minutes and you haven't once poked fun at me. What's wrong with you, Avie?" His tone was light, but he never broke his stare.
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The way the guy kept staring was beginning to agitate the woman, fingers tapping against the wood of the table as she tried, and failed, to fix her focus on the paperwork before her.
"Is there some reason you keep staring at me, cookie?"
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List of Drabble Prompts
Scream: My character has caused yours to scream out for some reason
Graveyard: My character will visit your character's grave
Spectre: My character will be visited by your character's ghost or vice versa
Dream: My character will have a dream about your character
Nightmare: One of our characters will have a nightmare
Busted: Your character will catch mine doing something they shouldn't be
Break Me: I will write an angsty drabble about our characters
Comfort Me: I'll write a drabble about my character comforting yours, or vice versa
Drink Me: I'll write a drabble about my character taking shots with yours
Dominate Me: I'll write a drabble about my character dominating yours, or vice versa
Embarrass Me: I’ll write a drabble about my character saying or doing something embarrassing to himself or to your character.
Haunt Me: I’ll write a drabble about my character watching over yours [as a ghost, watching from a distance, or otherwise, feel free to specify.]
Hunt with me: I’ll write a drabble about your character and mine on a hunt together.
Join Me: I’ll write a drabble about my character giving your character an offer
Kill Me: I’ll write a drabble about my character killing yours
Nurse Me: I’ll write a drabble about my character healing yours
Raise Me: I’ll write a drabble about my character resurrecting yours, or vice versa
Surprise Me: I’ll write a drabble about my character surprising yours or vice versa
Save Me: I’ll write a drabble about my character saving yours or vice versa
Shoot Me: I’ll write a drabble about my character shooting yours or vise versa.
Torture Me: I’ll write a drabble about your character torturing mine or vise versa.
Deny Me: my character will either deny your character’s advances or deny them a ’ happy ending’
Lick Me: my character will lick yours in any specified place or manner.
Suck Me: my character will suck on any body part of your character
Tease Me: my character will tease yours, whether in a friendly or a sexual manner
Bite Me: my character will bite yours on any part of their body
Blindfold Me: my character will blindfold yours in order to have their fun
Meet Me: My character is meeting yours either for the first time or just causally.
Slap me: my character will slap yours. In the sexual manner, or of anger. specify.
Call Me: My character will call your character for whatever reason.
Hug Me: My character will hug yours. Either by surprise or for a specific reason.
Give Me: my character will give yours a gift
Sleep: My character needs to stay at your character’s house for the night, or vise versa. Specify.
Drink: My character will call, text, or show up at your character’s house drunk. Specify which of the three.
Heal: My character will tend to your character’s wounds, or be at their side when they’re sick.
Protect: My character keeps yours safe from harm.
Kiss: My character kisses yours, or vise versa. Specify.
Dream: My character wakes up in the middle of the night because of a dream with your character in it
Revenge: My character will get revenge on yours
Jealousy: My character gets jealous over yours
Hallucinations: My character will have hallucinations about your character
Candle: Our characters spending time together by candle light
Gift: My character gives your character something special. Or vise versa. Specify.
Spell: I’ll write my character putting a spell on yours. Or being under a spell/curse.
Song: My charcter singing a song to yours, or vice versa.
Gloves: How my character deals with news from yours, Specify
Snow: Our characters in the cold together
Rain: I’ll write a fluffy drabble of our characters kissing in the rain
Kill: I’ll write a angst drabble of my character violently killing yours
Love: I’ll write a drabble of my character admitting they love yours
Lust: I’ll write a drabble of our characters making love together
Date: I’ll write a drabble of my character taking yours out on a date
Defend: I’ll write a drabble of my character protecting yours
Fight: I’ll write a drabble of my character fighting with/against yours
Trick: Your character and mine being sneaky together
Treat: Your character and mine being sweet to one another
Costume: Your character or mine, dressing up for the other
Stars: Our characters under the stars together
Snow: Our characters in the cold together
Scarf: Your character or Mine borrowing/stealing clothes from the other
Hot Cocoa: Our characters enjoying a hot moment together
Candles: Our characters enjoying a moment by candlelight
Gift: Your character or mine, surprising the other with a present
Bows: Your character or mine, dressing/undressing the other
Peppermint: Your character or mine, sharing a sweet secret with the other
Credit: //From iced-royalty at http://iced-royalty.tumblr.com/post/41018235374 (because this showed up botch-y when I reblogged it)
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Collection of Drabble Prompts
(none of these are mine shh)
War: Your character and mine have been assigned to the same unit in a war. They are also battle buddies.
Lost: Your character took a wrong turn at Albuquerque - my character is going to try to guide yours home
Shipwrecked: We were on a three hour cruise, now we're the only survivors.
Zombie Apocalypse: That's it, they're done for. Might as well go down swinging right? Or maybe they can beat this thing....somehow
Medieval Court: Avoid court scandal? Is your character a prince and mine a princess from a far off court, are they courtier friends? Sky's the limit.
Revenge: Your character has called on mine to exact revenge on someone for something (npc or third character, or fourth welcome)
Absolution: Something terrible happened, and our characters were the cause. Guilt eats away at them every day. Do they find a way to make things right? Or spiral into darkness?
Broken Home: They were happy once, and then they weren't. Our characters are in an abusive relationship.
Take it and leave: Our characters are part of a hold up, are they victims or perpetrators? Worse yet - are they on opposite sides of this equation (best suited for 3+)
The Asylum: One of our characters has been deemed "mad", and the other is the assigned Physician to cure them of this madness.
Stepford: A hoity toity gated community has extended an invitation for our big wig characters to move in. What happens when the wife becomes...perfect?
Saying Goodbye: One of our characters is dying, and instead of just telling the other, they take them on a whirl wind travel tour - ticking off things on their bucket list with their best friend.
You Owe Me: Mafia families with two kids who are best friends. Merger in the making, or war?
Shackled: My character finally got caught, and the only way to save them is to have them shackled to yours for a month.
Star Struck: Our characters space craft has broken down, and life support is on the fritz. Can our character's fix the problem or will they die in space?
Glitz and Glam: Personal assistant to the rising Star. Are they friends? or do they hate each? Are they lovers?
The Crash: 30's Depression Au
I'm Sorry: My character feels guilty for being behind the wheel during the accident that left yours in the hospital.
Drunken Mistakes: Did they get married? What's going on? Our characters can't remember and have to piece together the night before.
Dark Siders: Flip character alignments
Scream: My character has caused yours to scream out for some reason
Graveyard: My character will visit your characters grave
Spectre: My character will be visited by your character’s ghost or vice versa
Dream: My character will have a dream about your character
Nightmare: One of our characters will have a nightmare.
Busted: Your character will catch mine doing something they shouldn’t.
Break Me: I will write an angsty drabble about our characters.
Comfort Me: I’ll write a drabble about my character comforting yours- vise versa.
Drink Me: I will write a drabble about my character taking shots with yours.
Dominate Me: I’ll write a drabble about my character dominating yours. Or vise versa.
Embarrass Me: I’ll write a drabble about my character saying or doing something embarrassing to himself or to your character.
Haunt Me: I’ll write a drabble about my character watching over yours [as a ghost, watching from a distance, or otherwise, feel free to specify.]
Hunt with me: I’ll write a drabble about your character and mine on a hunt together.
Join Me: I’ll write a drabble about my character giving your character an offer
Kill Me: I’ll write a drabble about my character killing yours.
Nurse Me: I’ll write a drabble about my character healing yours.
Raise Me: I’ll write a drabble about my character resurrecting yours. Vise versa.
Surprise Me: I’ll write a drabble about my character surprising yours. Vise versa.
Save Me: I’ll write a drabble about my character saving yours or vise versa.
Shoot Me: I’ll write a drabble about my character shooting yours or vise versa.
Torture Me: I’ll write a drabble about your character torturing mine or vise versa.
Deny Me: my character will either deny your character’s advances or deny them a ’ happy ending’
Lick Me: my character will lick yours in any specified place or manner.
Suck Me: my character will suck on any body part of your character
Tease Me: my character will tease yours, whether in a friendly or a sexual manner
Bite Me: my character will bite yours on any part of their body
Blindfold Me: my character will blindfold yours in order to have their fun
Meet Me: My character is meeting yours either for the first time or just causally.
Slap me: my character will slap yours. In the sexual manner, or of anger. specify.
Call Me: My character will call your character for whatever reason.
Hug Me: My character will hug yours. Either by surprise or for a specific reason.
Give Me: my character will give yours a gift
Sleep: My character needs to stay at your character’s house for the night, or vise versa. Specify.
Drink: My character will call, text, or show up at your character’s house drunk. Specify which of the three.
Heal: My character will tend to your character’s wounds, or be at their side when they’re sick.
Protect: My character keeps yours safe from harm.
Kiss: My character kisses yours, or vise versa. Specify.
Dream: My character wakes up in the middle of the night because of a dream with your character in it.
Revenge: My character will get revenge on yours.
Jealousy: My character gets jealous over yours.
Hallucinations: My character will have hallucinations about your character.
Candle: Our characters spending time together by candle light.
Gift: My character gives your character something special. Or vise versa. Specify.
Spell: I’ll write my character putting a spell on yours. Or being under a spell/curse.
Song: My charcter singing a song to yours, or vice versa.
Gloves: How my character deals with news from yours, Specify
Snow: Our characters in the cold together.
Rain: I’ll write a fluffy drabble of our characters kissing in the rain.
Kill: I’ll write a angst drabble of my character violently killing yours.
Love: I’ll write a drabble of my character admitting they love yours.
Lust: I’ll write a drabble of our characters making love together.
Date: I’ll write a drabble of my character taking yours out on a date.
Defend: I’ll write a drabble of my character protecting yours.
Fight: I’ll write a drabble of my character fighting with/against yours.
Trick: Your character and mine being sneaky together
Treat: Your character and mine being sweet to one another
Costume: Your character or mine, dressing up for the other
Stars: Our characters under the stars together
Snow: Our characters in the cold together
Scarf: Your character or Mine borrowing/stealing clothes from the other
Hot Cocoa: Our characters enjoying a hot moment together.
Candles: Our characters enjoying a moment by candlelight
Gift: Your character or mine, surprising the other with a present
Bows: Your character or mine, dressing/undressing the other
Peppermint: Your character or mine, sharing a sweet secret with the other.
A Little Sleepy: Your muse falling asleep on my muse.
Cuddles: Our muses cuddling.
Mmph!: Our muses accidentally kissing.
A Little Messy!: Our muses being adorable cleaning up a mess together.
Hold Me...: Your muse has had a nightmare and comes to cuddle mine for safety.
I Kind Of...: My muse confessing that they love yours.
Don't Leave Me!: Your muse is dying in my muses arms and mine is frantic, doesn't want to lose you, and doesn't know what to do about it.
Better Me Than You: My muse sacrificing themselves to save the life of yours.
Goodbye: My muse dying in your muse's arms.
A Click And A Bang: My muse accidentally killing yours.
Together Or Not At All: Our muses dying together, telling all their secrets and confessing things.
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I'm in the mood to write drabbles so I'll be posting a ton of prompts.
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//SOOOOO I'm a dumby who forgot to track the tag for Momo and just realized I had missed starters. I AM SO FUCKING SORRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! D: If you guys still wanna rp message me and I'll make a starter. K? K? SDFGHJ
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Avalon and Momus -throws confetti-
Name: Valencia
Gender: Female
General Appearance: Brown hair, slightly wavy and brown eyes
Personality: A manipulative little shit that knows how to get what she wants with a pout and small whine. Generally a sweetheart, but she has her mother’s temper.
Special Talents: Does extreme sarcasm count? She can also tell if someone is close to death.
Who they like better: Momus because he spoils her.
Who they take after more: Avalon by and far.
Personal Head canon: She likes to watch chick flick movies with Macaria.
Face Claim: Haley Pullos
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There was a flash of light that momentarily blinded the god. For a minute he had panicked, recalling the sting of Zeus’s lightning bolt, but no pain followed the bright light.
"Meg? Are you all right?" Momus called, though his voice was much higher than it should have been. Blinking so his eyes would readjust, Momus focused on the girl who was in front of him, or he would have if she was there. His own reflection stared back at him from where she had been moments ago. 
It took him a few seconds to realize that he wasn’t looking in a mirror. Glancing at his hands he took in the slender fingers, the smaller wrists. His gaze trailed upwards before landing on her, or rather his, cleavage. 
"I don’t know what just happened, but I think I like it." His mouth curled into his signature smirk while he waggled his eyebrows at her.
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