thefauxfox-blog · 7 years
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Behold: the first written use of fuck, from 1528, inscribed by a monk who seems to have been pretty pissed off with an abbot.
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thefauxfox-blog · 7 years
She’s procrastinating
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thefauxfox-blog · 7 years
me: has a breakdown because mental illness has ruined so much for me
also me: but am i really mentally ill tho?? how can i be sure? how do i know i’m not faking and making things up for attention?? i’m probably exaggerating because i want to be sick
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thefauxfox-blog · 7 years
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does anyone even get the reference lmao
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thefauxfox-blog · 7 years
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egos textposts: wkm edition (11/?)
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thefauxfox-blog · 7 years
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thefauxfox-blog · 7 years
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thefauxfox-blog · 7 years
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From 14 Minutes by Alberto Salazar
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thefauxfox-blog · 7 years
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thefauxfox-blog · 7 years
Fun statistical fact: Cows are about 300 times more likely to kill you than coyotes.
Minor sidenote to statistical fact: If it was common for people to keep several hundred coyotes on their property and routinely chase them into a corral and handle them, this statistic would be different.
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thefauxfox-blog · 7 years
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thefauxfox-blog · 7 years
American youths: hey can we maybe learn how to have safe sex
Conservatives: no cause sex education is immoral and pagan. So instead of teaching you to be safe we would rather just pretend you’re not having sex.
Poor women: could we maybe have easier access to contraceptives
Conservatives: Hell no
Poor women: well shit I was never taught about safe sex and I don’t have access to contraceptives so now I’m pregnant what do I do
Conservatives: no matter what, keep the baby. Even if it kills you. Abortion is bad!
Poor women: ok I kept the baby but I’m poor so I need help providing for this child
Conservatives: maybe you should’ve had safer sex! Or used contraception!
Women: but you wouldn’t teach us how to-
Conservatives: why is the walking baby machine still talking
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thefauxfox-blog · 7 years
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thefauxfox-blog · 7 years
everyone’s having their mid-life crises at like 19
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thefauxfox-blog · 7 years
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thefauxfox-blog · 7 years
Today one of the temps brought homemade chocolate truffles and I had this weird scared feeling but couldn't quite figure out why. Then this afternoon my dad texted me and asked what I wanted him to do with my salmon thawing in the fridge, nicely offering to prepare it so it would be ready for me after workout class, and I got that same awful scared feeling. So now apparently I've developed a complex about other people touching or preparing my food, which is new and awful. Restaurants have made me really anxious and paranoid lately but I can usually push though it, but at the moment, the very idea of eating out makes me horrified and suspicious. It'd be great if amalgamation of unspecified eating disorders would stop mutating and multiplying thanks.
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thefauxfox-blog · 7 years
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Some Wolf 359 quote desktop and mobile wallpapers I made. If anyone wants me to make more and has any suggestions for character quotes/photos for the background, feel free to message me!
Please like/reblog if you use!
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