theficreader · 6 years
Break Away - autumnjade
Completed - 86000w
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Abuse / rape / healing / Yoongi is a saint
AU. Jimin had been orphaned at a young age. He was passed around foster care for several years before eventually getting adopted. He thought he’d finally found a family to call his own, but as the years passed, his adoptive parents grew apart, then separated, and he was left with his adoptive father. Still, he didn’t realize how big of a problem this was until his father pulled him out of school at the age of seventeen…and forced him to become an internet camboy. A couple years later, just as his life was about to take a turn down an even worse road, he was offered a chance to break away. But would it even be possible at this point?
I honestly didn't like the first 2 chapters. Jiminy was abused, and while it is important for us, readers, to know what happened, the scenes are too much, it bothered me. BUT -and this but is very important - their relationship is SO fun king beautiful! How not to love Yoongi in this fic? No way, he's just very lovable. I honestly recommend this very much, and if do a fast reading of the first chapters, it won't be a problem for the plot, really.
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theficreader · 6 years
The Songbird and The Sea - MissterMaia
Completed - 256000w
(...) but when his island is attacked by pirates, Jimin will have no other choice than to do as they command and leave all thoughts of peace behind in favor of boarding the Agust, a pirate ship captained by the infamous Min Yoongi, Black Fox of the East.
OK, this fic was reviewed like, for everyone. It's the BTS fic with more kudos in Ao3, and like, probably the most known fic in the Fandom. I admit that is not my favorite of all time in this fandom, but just because I like more dark and full of smut fic. The Songbird and the Sea is the most famous fic because it's that good. I was so addicted while reading that I would go to the bathroom while on work hours just to read more and more and more. The fantasy world she built is original and full of details. The way she developed the characters is awesome, and the romance, God, so, so beautiful! If you are new to the Fandom go there and read it now!
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theficreader · 6 years
Warm on a Cold Night - Sharleena
One Shot - 23000w
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Breakup / get together / university
Grab your heartbreak and scribble it down with a sharpie: Bathroom Wall Poetry.
That kind of fic that really warms your heart. Such a pretty romance!
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theficreader · 6 years
oil, lube, service - embryonicgrip
Completed - 53000w
Yoongi x Jimin
Mechanic Yoongi + Dancer Jimin getting together
This is what a real relationship feels. Honestly, I love fanfics because of the options we have that we can find in other medias - not in movies, books, series. I love a/o/b, poliamory, dark fics, and sex of all kinds. Nothing better than a good story with good smut.
But this story is much more real than what we usually find in fics. Their relationship, the sex, Jimin fears... Yoong patience remembered me an ex boyfriend. And is so hard to find it in a fanfics, specially in a new Fandom like BTS, that this story is refreshing, and off course, very well written. It's a very much favorite, and one of the few stories I ever read in this Fandom where you can relate to.
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theficreader · 6 years
Sexy Series (Sexy Mochi + Sexy Kumquat - embryonicgrip
Completed - 38000w
Yoongi x Jimin
a/o/b + kinda high school
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Yoongi’s never really understood why it’s a stereotypical thing for alphas to have some obsession with omega’s necks. He’d always thought that was kind of weird and just some macho ‘make your mate submit by biting their throat’ thing until he’s alone in the kitchen with Park Jimin and his damn shirt falls down his damn shoulder.
Very cute, very hot, very sexy.
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theficreader · 6 years
everyone is always up in arms about the morality/immorality/virtuousness/wickedness of reading/writing about certain subjects but for some reason there’s never any attention paid to the morality/immorality/virtuousness/wickedness of being responsible for your own behavior and owning your own emotions. i’m really sick of the culture on here that acts like it’s some heinous crime to expect adults capable of searching out hobbyist fictional material on the internet to also be capable of monitoring their own consumption of said material and their own internet use. you used to have to wade through endless LJ/AFF.net/fandom-specific-archive/personal-geocities-page fic descriptions on the off chance of finding that rare fic you actually wanted to read. and yeah, a lot of it was disturbing, even triggering (AFF.net was a cesspool of untagged scat, rape, abuse, necro, etc), and not written well, and in poor taste. so you didn’t read it, and if you read some of it by accident you closed the tab and went outside, because you understood that by entering your birthdate at the welcome screen you were acknowledging that you were an adult who was capable of managing their own internet activity.
now a great deal of the material global fandom has produced over the last 10 years is in ONE place, with a standardized, readable format and an extensive tagging system that is wrangled/curated by fellow fan volunteers. it’s a god damn wonderland, and if you occasionally stumble upon something that wasn’t warned ‘correctly’ (because who gets to define what is sufficient or correct? who gets to decide?), and makes you feel sick, and you suffer legitimate distress from that, maybe you should reconsider whether reading hobbyist fictional material on the internet is a good choice for you.
when did it become cool to be so helpless and victimized by the mere existence of another person’s words, which are available to you at your leisure, which have nothing to do with you? whose author does not even know you exist? it indicates a serious lack of emotional resilience and boundaries, and to take your own shit out on authors is not cool, it’s not going to help you, and all it shows is that you cannot control your own behavior enough to close your browser when you know you need to. and if you cant do that, you have a problem, and should take a break from the internet.
fanfiction is free, it takes work to make, and we publish it as a favor, because we want to share it with other interested parties. the amount of entitlement and childishness around this is really stunning, and it’s not doing anyone any favors, especially people who are using social justice language to get out of working on their own emotional issues.
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theficreader · 6 years
Magic Appa Love Scone - embryonicgrip
Completed - 90000w
Yoongi x Jimin
Getting together - domestic bliss - little magic - maybe time travel?
The one where Park Jimin thinks he mostly has his shit together until he wakes up married in a future universe that tells him otherwise.
AKA the one where fate slaps Park Jimin across the face.
The author comments more than once that the fic was going to end in the next chapter, that it was supposed to be a one shot, and iron makes sense. It could have ended sooner - but God, I'm so happy it didn't. This fic remember me the Nicolas Cage movie where he goes into his future and finds he's a family dad, and in the end he loves it. Jimin is not a asshole who need a lesson, but the premise is the same. Something magic happens, he finds so much love, and starts to think how to get all that love. And guys, the journey is fantastic! It's a story about love and relationships, an even when it gets a little angst, it's not heartbreak. It's beautiful all the time. Honestly is one of my favorites in this fandom, and warms me so much. Please, read if you haven't, it deserves all the kudos and bookmarks and much more!
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theficreader · 6 years
Rich Bitch - mindheist
Kookie x Tae
Liked very much
Rich Sad Kookie + Poor Happy Artist Tae
Cute, cute, cute!!!! All mindheist does is very well written, and I honestly love all their fics. This is a cute romance about a hookup that turns love, and it's very light and beautiful.
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theficreader · 6 years
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© DTownsonic | Do not edit.
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theficreader · 6 years
Make it to me - thestarsabove
Completed - 51000w
Kookie X Tae
Rich Kookie / Designer Tae / Modern Pride and Prejudice
Liked Very Much
When I read the synopsis, I admit I was waiting something different, but I liked this even more. Cute romance, nice friendship, the parallels with Pride and Prejudice are very cool. This will go to my list of fics to read again and again, it's that kind of nice romance that stays with you. I was smiling practically during all the reading.
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theficreader · 6 years
Fever started not long ago - thestarsabove
Completed - 22000w
Kookie x Tae
Liked very much
Magic - Canon Compliant
HOW not love Tae??? HOW??? This is SO cute, so, so cute, that I can't find another good adjective to describe it. Just go and read, it's a classic, and so lovely!!!!
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theficreader · 6 years
White Summer - dawnstruck
Completed - 25000w
Teen and Up
Gen + Yoongi x Jimin
Canon Compliant - Diversity
OK, this is like my second favorite fic in his Fandom. It has everything - is very well written, the lyrics created by the author are stunning, their relationship is very real, and you forget while you are reading what is canon and what is fanon. The yoomin is so beautiful it hurts, and the best part is that even having a little drama, all the time is a happy story. And I'm always complaining how the fics should be bigger - but not this one. It's is perfect the way it is.
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theficreader · 6 years
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“the realms of day and night. two different worlds coming from two opposites poles mingled during this time.”
- herman hesse’s demian
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theficreader · 6 years
Same Logic
Kookie x Jimin
Liked very much
Smut + feelings - angst = this fic. It's SO cute!! I kept waiting for something really bad to happen, but it doesn't. There is some familiar drama, true, but their relationship doesn't suffer for it. As with the other works from this author, I wanted more. Such a cute couple!!! Warmed my heart!
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theficreader · 6 years
I was lightning before the thunder - bambambams (phanjessmagoria)
7 Chapters
Completed 27000w
Liked very much
Explicit - NamjoonxJimin
Supervilans and tentacles
So. Do you know that kind of fic you read and gets to the end thinking of how much you wanted to read more? This is one of them. The supervilans (superheroes?) are fantastic, and I loved Jimin. I wanted to read so much more - I wanted fights, and super plans, drama and blood! But is a very good fic even without it.
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