thefreakinasheet · 9 years
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“Oh? Were you not told? I wonder... I don’t need to fight you to copy your style. I can do it straight off memory now.”
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[火災]➥         ❝…..❞ What? ❝What?❞ That was literally all he could manage. Doopliss didn’t wanna fight…?
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thefreakinasheet · 9 years
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“Ah. It’s you Slick! I’ve come to get my revenge!... At least that’s what I want to say.” He chuckled. “See, I don’t need to fight you anymore.” 
thefreakinasheet  liked for a starter!
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[火災]➥         ❝…..❞ Doopliss. This wasn’t good….. Then again, when was it ever good? The first time he encountered Doopliss he lost his body. He swore to never let that happen again.  ❝ Doopliss! Back for more fighting?! This-a time I won’t let-a you switch-a bodies! ❞ He replaced his confused expression with a challenging one.
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thefreakinasheet · 9 years
((Sooo.. I might have to slow my activity down a bit and go on tumblr less often. I find myself in a predicament where I definitely need to look for a job. I wish I can keep my activity where it’s at but life really has to take precedence.))
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thefreakinasheet · 9 years
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“Hey there slicks! Guess who’s back and ready for showtime!”
((Sigh Doopliss it’s not for sure. I’d just like to give it another try Either way like for a starter?))
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thefreakinasheet · 9 years
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“If worst comes to worst, I can just transform into another person. Maybe like a neighbor or something.” Doopliss spoke as she followed the idol to the lounge area
"How'd we get in this mess?"
11. got locked out
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“I don’t know, but if I’d remembered to bring my house key, we wouldn’t have to worry about this…! Ahaha…”
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thefreakinasheet · 9 years
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“Hey there slicks! Guess who’s back and ready for showtime!”
((Sigh Doopliss it’s not for sure. I’d just like to give it another try Either way like for a starter?))
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thefreakinasheet · 9 years
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“I have to do that?” Doopliss seemed a little embarrassed by the action.  A nervous laugh then slips out. “F-Fine then. Here goes nothing..” Doopliss then repeats the action made by the idol. Though he seemed to be extremely shaky while doing it.”
Askbox Roulette
((From thefreakinasheet!))
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“Alright! If you’re gonna go out there as me, you’ve got to be able to handle performing innocent acts of affection, like a kiss on the cheek for instance. No hesitation! Just like this.” The idol leans in and performs the aforementioned act without a second thought.
“Think you could do something like that?”
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thefreakinasheet · 10 years
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"Well, I guess that works out pretty well then. I thought it'd be hard to explain" A laugh came from Doopliss. "Turns out, it'll be the EXACT opposite!"
"How'd we get in this mess?"
11. got locked out
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"I don’t know, but if I’d remembered to bring my house key, we wouldn’t have to worry about this…! Ahaha…"
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thefreakinasheet · 10 years
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Doopliss was about to transform into the iron knuckle before a plan came into the duplighost's mind. "Hey slick. I got an idea. You said you were taking over the kingdom right?" A smile came to his face. "Why don't I steal the body of some type of leader?"
thefreakinasheet has entered Hyrule
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The king gave a short chuckle and ordered a Iron Knuckle into his chambers, “Something similar to this,”
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thefreakinasheet · 10 years
Sonic 2 Test run?
((Hey I’m doing a Sonic 2 speed run if anyone wants to watch it.))
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thefreakinasheet · 10 years
Sonic 2 Test run?
((Hey I’m doing a Sonic 2 speed run if anyone wants to watch it.))
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thefreakinasheet · 10 years
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"Sinister. Define something more sinister. I mean. I need some guidelines Slick!"
thefreakinasheet has entered Hyrule
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"Excellent. Now then, you will need to transform into something more…sinister. The people of this land would not be threatened of you as you are,"
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thefreakinasheet · 10 years
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It was a tempting offer for Doopliss. The thing that got his attention was the 'anything you may wish from any citizen.' "You got yourself a deal, slick.
thefreakinasheet has entered Hyrule
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"Excellent, I would be willing to pay of you of course. Should you work for me you will help rule over this land and have anything you may wish from any citizen. You will be a solider of my army, no person will stand in your way,"
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thefreakinasheet · 10 years
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thefreakinasheet · 10 years
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"Your... dad?" Doopliss didn't realize the other had a father. "Wouldn't he realize that there is two of you?" The Duplighost didn't mind the plan, it was just that the dad could notice they were the same person.
"How'd we get in this mess?"
11. got locked out
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"I don’t know, but if I’d remembered to bring my house key, we wouldn’t have to worry about this…! Ahaha…"
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thefreakinasheet · 10 years
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"Well You would be my first couch, so I can't have a proper opinion." A smile came from Doopliss. "About time, I was thinking we were in a different country or something." A joke of course.
New Aquaintances! (5)
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"I probably won’t be the best coach for the job, but I’ll give it my best shot…! And hey, take a look! We finally made it! I hope you’ll be comfortable living here for the time being."
The limo pulls into the driveway of the Maizono residence, which was a large, white, modern-styled home.
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thefreakinasheet · 10 years
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"So Slick.. Since it wasn't highly regarded, there probably won't be another Mario movie huh." Well What a shame. Nothing he could do about that.
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∞} “Most people don’t accept it as canon, And I can see why, but as a child I remember enjoying it for what it is. It was set in Castelia and the story didn’t really match the usual, But Ah. I dunno, Maybe I just like to recognize and acknowledge people’s work. I think the dinosaurs were neat!”
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