thefuschiafiles · 6 years
My Latest Style: Pregnancy
If you follow me on any social media profiles, you know of my dear Miloh, my American Bulldog. He's my right hand man, my confidant, my snuggly business partner. I've had him since he was 8 weeks old so I know when he's acting any kind of funny. For a good week and half, he wouldn't even let me in the shower alone. He also seemed much more protective than usual.
Cute but WEIRD.
Add this to being about a week late and really only noticing after bae mentioned how late, because why would their be any issue right? 
After instantly brushing off the thought of a baking bun, I pulled a year old pregnancy test out of the medicine cabinet the next morning. Half asleep and waiting for my Bustelo to finish brewing, took the Clearblue...2 seconds later...one line...one minute later...TWO lines.
Time stopped, my fingers went numb and the room started spinning. It sunk in pretty abruptly that I wasn't the only being in that bathroom. After a spew of erratic SOS's signals to my mom and best friends, a sprint around my apartment and quick holler, I looked into the mirror hard. I was going be a mother, at a time where I'm working on my financial education, trying to figure out where to take my brand next and if I can sneak in another trip this season.
With no time to waste, I took my whole bag of nerves and hit my local clinic with my mother underarm, whom was basically already planning the menu for the shower in the waiting room. In under 10 minutes, I took an official urine test and it was confirmed to the 9th power that I was in fact pregnant and pretty far along.
My mistakes will no longer be my own, my choices will no longer be my own, my space is about to get tighter and I'm not a damn millionaire yet. I also realized I will never be alone anymore, I will never win or lose alone, I will have a family of my own, that I can build on my terms and raise this new life as colorful as can be. This may have started sounding really dark because I wanted to be super genuine to every 20-something year old out there whom finds herself in a whirlwind by an unexpected pregnancy. You are not alone and you are entitled to all your plethora of feelings that come with it.
My 4 year relationship with Zaddy has been a beautiful and imperfect one. We've had jovial conversations about what we'd name our children, what city we'd purchase our first town house in, while planning our next sporadic excursion. I knew that this news would also hit him like a bag of bricks. This is important because in all honesty, the last thing my relationship was ready for was a new kicking and cooing addition and if you feel the same, that's ok. What remains though is that you both are bringing a child into this world and you must support each other in this transition. In one of my baby books I read that whatever was bad in your relationship before will feel worse and what is good will help in getting through this together, this has stood to be true. Zaddy and I are consistently working on our balance, but one thing we can both agree on, is that we want our child to have a healthy home filled with love and that's priority.
After my initial doctors visit, I was scheduled for my first ultrasound. This would be the moment of truth and quite frankly what changed the game. I'd be facing the product of a whirlwind four yr. romance, an overlap of birth control, a night filled with Jack & Ginger's and soon to be the deepest love known to man. On the day of the ultrasound, we arrived at the clinic and watched as everyone in the room was called before me, as we twiddled our thumbs with anxiety. Room was spinning again.
Finally a nurse called my name and we looked like a clumsy couple trying not to trip over our own feet while walking into the biggest moment of our lives. After stripping down to my knickers, I jumped into a hospital gown and took my seat on the thrown of truth. The nurse was dry but it's not like we had much to say anyway right? She placed some cold jelly on my tummy and then placed the probe under my belly button. First, we saw a lot of black and white static on the screen as she traveled each corner of my uterus and then like a faint Christmas light, we met our baby. Time stopped again, miracles are real and new life is proof of so. This little light would soon become the reason behind severe daily nausea, outrageous consistent hunger spells and utter happiness from the time I woke until my eyes closed each day.
I couldn't explain where this utter sense of pure bliss was coming from other than divinity. I've felt things alike, like touching a runway edition Balmain double breasted blazer, dancing the night away at my first Target designer collection release party or treating my parents to the coolest restaurant in town. Nothing truly compares to the feeling of growing life right in your tummy though. Stress triggers like deadlines, lacking daily content to post or sitting in meetings or situations my heart wasn't totally invested in became things of the past quickly. Pregnancy has granted me so little f$%ks to give about anything that isn't fulfilling.
Even leading me to a complete brand plateau (that we'll discuss later). Real-life shifts seem to put things in perspective in such a beautiful way, we are all so caught up in the hustle and bustle of our digitally glamorous lives that a new sense of purpose can even be quite refreshing. 
Once we shared the news with our closest family and friends, the support and love we received was astronomical. I still have days when I awake ridden with anxiety about how a budding mommy-boss can provide a whole life for a new child but there is always a text or incoming call to check on my well being. This leads to my next point, find your tribe in every chapter of life, especially one like motherhood. Mine has become the friends that beat me to the delivery room and family members who I barely sat down to chat with before because of my busy lifestyle. Maybe you don't have either, and that's ok, I've also sought out mommy groups online that have helped answer questions at 3am when i'm panicking over a growing ligament cramp. There are a handful of apps like Peanut and Baby Center that can make you feel like you've found a new set of gal pals in your same position, even down to matching due dates.
One thing I couldn't anticipate is how much my body would change week to week and how amazing it would be to embrace it. The female form is such a wondrous vitality and being so WOKE to how it naturally gets ready to bare this baby has been so dope. With body changes has come wardrobe changes right?
Maternity jeans from Target's Ingrid & Isabel have saved my daily uniform, knit dresses from Boohoo and bold mules from Shoedazzle have become my staples. T-shirts are still very much in my usual rotation and with the summer heat, alternating with tanks. Throwing on some hoops or bangles make me feel like I'm still making a statement when I have little energy to. I've been able to still throw on a heel but they usually come off before going up the stairs of my apartment. 
I'm currently building my transition wardrobe for next season, which will be gracing my third trimester, it's filled with oversized tees, dusters and midi knit dresses. Oh, and PLENTY of leggings, really cute printed ones from Joy Lab or Fabletics.
We are currently in full baby moon mode, reading books like Your Baby's 1st Words Will Be DADA by Jimmy Fallon and playing Mozart every night until we both fall asleep. At this stage, our baby is very active throughout the day and we even know the gender. If you didn't see our reveal, i'll be doing a separate post on that, because my Dominican mother...you know how it goes. #TeamDoTheMost. Time is flying and it feels invaluable to be present in it.
In essence, it may take having your world being flipped upside down for you to be really be embracive of where your standing in life. Baby's or unexpected life-altering situations won't erase all the issues you had before them but be nice to yourself, go through the motions because you have everything it takes to prevail from this too. You were made for this. 
 Photos taken by H. Medrano
Wearing Naked Wardrobe
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thefuschiafiles · 7 years
Street Art + Food: Cartagena Edition
Visiting the city of Cartagena in Colombia is like taking a plunge in the waters of history and resurfacing to find a refreshing new view on life and the world. Here I share with you the street art and food found through the magical streets of Cartagena- a place full of wonder, deep history, and a past that shapes its modern trials. 
After a full day of art and food immersion, striking a pose! Bright colors and sandals to mix with the Cartagena hot summer heat. Don't be afraid to go BOLD while on vacation. My travel bae + partner in crime Cille is rocking a pink jumpsuit, while I opted for an orange hued sundress. 
The Getsemani neighborhood of Cartagena represents the city’s first freed African residents. After the crush of the Spanish, Cartagena slowly began its turn into a normal life. Getsemani represented freedom from bondage by its early settlers and soon became a working-poor neighborhood full of families and all who chose Cartagena as a home. Fast-forward to today and Getsemani continues to reinvent itself. Fighting displacement and gentrification, it's ever-defiant residents are exploring creative protests to the changing demographics of their beloved neighborhood. Through the political messages of its art, Getsemani pays homage to the African influences of its colonial era and continues to pour its heart and soul into shaping Cartagena’s history through art and storytelling.
We stumbled upon this beautiful mural and went for it! Being two natural chicks with a love for afros, we really connected to this piece! Cille is wearing a light denim dress and short white sneakers, while I went for a cas' look with sandals + denim and vintage tee. 
Nothing better than a romantic, candlelit dinner with your best friend! LOL. Cille got the whole scarf look down on this vacay, and she decided to throw it up around her neck to help complete her look. Don't be afraid to be edgy and experiment. Silk scarves can be such a versatile accessory for your hair, and in this case to add shock-factor to your look. 
Juan Del Mar was recommended to us by an enthusiastic and friendly Uber driver. Me, being the forever skeptic, decided to go with the flow and give it a go. We arrived to find a pleasantly lit al fresco restaurant. We were instantly in love with its romantic ambiance, live ballad music playing by a solo performer, and impeccable service by the staff. We decided to go with a bang and ordered their famous Pargo al Caribe (Caribbean Snapper). What came next was an array of flavors that took us OWT! The fish was fresh, with a hint of lime. The arroz con coco (coconut rice) is a staple in Colombia, and hit so well with the zest of the fish. In all, I highly recommend you visit this gem. The restaurant is located in the Ciudad Amurallada (The Walled City).
Quick Tip: Always add a statement piece! In this case, make it two! A wrap blouse + red stunner necklace had me feeling godly while exploring Cartagena. 
This street art is found in the Getsemani neighborhood of Cartagena. The artist is unknown. The message once viewed closely features fish swimming, and interlocked by plastic rings similar to those we find from a six-pack can of soda. My loose interpretation automatically geared towards our environmental challenges, and how our responsibility with nature is colliding with our use of materials such as plastic that are harming our ecosystem. Deep AF!
You can just see the food orgasm on my face! I’m a huge fan of Anthony Bourdain and his travel and food show on CNN "Parts Unknown". Needless to say, when we had the chance to visit a restaurant in Cartagena which had his cosign, we jumped on it!
La Cevicheria is known for its fresh ceviche, a seafood dish popular in Latin America. We arrived on a hot day after touring the city and sat to enjoy a meal al fresco with a cold beer. To my surprise, the waiter recommended the Peruvian ceviche claiming it to be their best option from any of the local Colombian ceviche dishes. His recommendation did not disappoint! Served with guac-filled tostones and maize, the Peruvian ceviche was tangy, fresh and so filling!
Sidenote: Having long braids during this trip was really a lifesaver! It was 90+ degrees each day and not having to fuss with my curls really saved me. I added some gold accessories to make my braids pop a bit more, and it really brought out my full look. 
This mural represents the current battle with gentrification and displacement that the residents of the neighborhood of Getsemani are facing. In this depiction, a mullatto woman holds on to a candle with an image of a home- the representation of freedom for many of the early Afro-Colombian settlers in Cartagena. 
 With Cartagena continuing to attract foreign investment and more foreign influences to the region, working-class neighborhoods like Getsemani are changing at an ever growing pace. Unfortunately, for working-class families and individuals residing in the neighborhood, high costs have not equated to higher wages. Struggling to hold on to their identity, Cartagena artists have chosen art as an outlet to depict their stories and continuous battle to remain housed.
Alquimico is located within the famous walls of the city. With its collection of infused rums and open deck rooftop, Alquimico is a must-visit in Cartagena. We enjoyed cocktails made from Passion fruit-infused rum and local Colombian bites: munuelos (crunchy corn balls filled with cheese), arepas (a Colombian favorite with fried egg and pork inside) and meatballs with maize. Yum!
All in all, Cartagena filled my days with art, culture and world history. I could not have imagined a more fulfilling trip. I came back feeling refreshed and replenished from my travels, and I recommend to put this beautiful city on your bucket list! What city in your travels stole your heart? 
Leave us a comment below and share with us! 
Photos: Taken with Iphone 7 Plus (My dear ole faithful Canon died halfway through our trip!) All Original Content. 
About writer: Beya J. is a city planner, interested in travel, writing + urban settings. Through her travels, Beya has been able to explore and participate in extensive cultural immersions to learn more about world religions, politics and music.
Instagram: @plump_lips
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thefuschiafiles · 8 years
#WCW: Q&A w/ The Style Operator
So, I LOVE STYLISH WOMEN. We've been over this before though, in saying so I think it's my birth-duty to scream out into the sweet universe the names and entities of all the fabulous felines my line of work has allowed me to meet. This is one of several opportunities to meet real-life-ultra-mega-styling girl bosses under my radar. This time, I picked the brain of NYC bound glamourista, Rose Chevalier of blog The Style Operator. I stumbled upon Rose through her Instagram account (which you need to be blessed with.#thankmelater) and I've followed her posts like it's my business ever since. Her style is bold but she's oh, so natural at her swag and tips of the trade. 
Tell us a little about The Style Operator and it’s origins? Style Operator started as a project for a media class during my senior year of college. The professor asked us students to write articles on a topic we were passionate about—mine was fashion, obviously—and I enjoyed it so much that I stuck with it after the class ended. Eventually I started sharing photos of my own style. My parents got me a DSLR camera for my birthday, and I conned my younger sister into taking photos of me. Fast forward to five years later, Style Operator continues to be a creative outlet for me.
2. Tis the season for newness. What’s your favorite wardrobe piece right now? Why? I’m currently having a moment with kimonos. My obsession first started with this picture of Tracee Ellis Ross (one of my style inspirations), and I’ve been on the hunt for a similar one since. Not only is it an outfit finisher, taking your jeans and a tee to the next level, but it’s also the perfect transitional piece—throw it on as an extra layer for those cool summer nights.
What’s your style mantra? Dress for the job you want, not the one you have. Though I’m still working on it, adopting this credo has really helped me step outside my comfort zone and take my style to the next level.
You’re a conquistador of your own look. What’s your tip for women trying to conquer their own personal style? If you don’t feel comfortable in it, don’t wear it. It’s really that simple. Sticking to this rule has significantly changed my style (for the better), and upped my confidence, like, a lot.
What’s your go-to styling technique to customize any look? Ex. I’m an avid cuffer. I cuff everything! I’m a cuffer, too! But I also love a good half tuck! My go-to look is boyfriend jeans and an oversize blouse—tucked in the front, and loose in the back.
One word to describe your personal style? “Conversational” is the first word that comes to mind. For every outfit, I try to incorporate at least one conversation piece—whether it’s an interesting piece of jewelry, funky shoes, or a vintage silk scarf. It’s what makes my style, well, mine. To me, that’s the fun of fashion and why I blog in the first place—how others interpret it, the feelings it evokes, and the conversation that takes place around it... that’s what it’s all about.
What’s the next step for TSO? There’s so much I want to do with SO! If only there were more hours in a day, days in a week... But coming soon, you can definitely expect to see videos! I’m hoping by the end of this year, I’ll be in a good place to give SO my all and put out really great, quality content.
What do you think are wardrobe staples? For me, a complete wardrobe includes: a denim jacket, a leather pencil skirt, a crisp white blouse, boyfriend jeans, made for walkin’ sneakers, and a slip dress you can wear day or night.
9. What’s your personal mantra?
Live what you love. To me, it means taking “do what you love” a step further and really going for it—giving it your all. 
Follow Rose's outfits and adventures on Instagram and Snapchat (styleoperator). Stay tuned for more features on my favorite girls and support your fellow boss babes too, after all #weruntheworld.
w/ love & fash,
C. Pimentel xo
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thefuschiafiles · 9 years
#wcwseries: The Fluorescent Writer
So I have a thing for women. Women in charge, women making strides and women who are just proud to be whatever the title entails them to be. So I decided  to pull from my own pool to create a series of #girlchats, if you will, to highlight their proudest accomplishments, what they won't leave the house without, and `what drives them to be relentless with purpose. This marks the first of several features of trailblazing women making a difference in their field and conquering the world flawlessly meanwhile. I ask them 5 questions, in which they answer personally, professionally, and colorfully. Meet my women crushes.
First,  Jessica V. She's a literature aficionado, created a writing club in her hometown that has made headlines from scratch for it's radical reaction in the community, got her Master's at Merrimack College this year and enjoys nights filled with Salsa. 
 1.) Who, what, WHERE?, why:
Jessica, Jessie, Jess. 30 years young and still feeling like I'm 21 :-)
I'm the daughter of two hard working parents and sibling to three sisters--all with very different personalities! I've been blessed to have a tight knit family and to have grown up with values that I uphold today. My style of dancing will reveal my Puerto Rican roots if my curly hair and mocha skin does not give it away. I'm also a Lawrence kid. I grew in a city with a lot of potential and am finally seeing that potential come to life.  Through my professional work as well as my organizing efforts, I can say that I am a part of positive change in my community. I was not always this involved in my city though--it took moving to LA for a couple years and coming back to see with `new eyes where I really came from and to be proud of that. 
Being a Lawrence kid or an urban kid puts a label on you when you are growing up. So many challenges and stigmas to overcome--it almost becomes normal for people looking in to not expect much from you. But my story is a bit different. When I say I am a Lawrence kid, I am also proud to say that as a Lawrence kid that went through the public school system, I also went off to college, studied abroad, traveled far, went to grad school and am always looking for ways to keep on growing.
People always ask me why do I dedicate so much time to the community and my answer is this. It's my home--my backyard. An extension to my family. We take care of those we love and so why wouldn't the community you live in count? I want to be able to make my living environment better but also be able to walk down the street and feel comfortable in my surroundings--getting to know many people in the community has allowed me to reach that place.
2.) What's your definition of a woman?
First thing that comes to mind is Maya Angelou's Phenomenal Woman-
Now you understand
Just why my head’s not bowed.   
I don’t shout or jump about
Or have to talk real loud.   
When you see me passing, 
It ought to make you proud. 
I say, 
It’s in the click of my heels,   
The bend of my hair,   
the palm of my hand,   
The need for my care.   
’Cause I’m a woman
Phenomenal woman, 
    That’s me. 
I've grown to be confident in my own skin, not focusing on what others think of me but instead, constantly reflecting on what tools I need to grow and be the best me, for me. The definition of a woman will be different for different women because we have all arrived to this status differently. to me, a woman is someone who embraces her flaws, smiles at her critics and is not dependent on anyone's approval. She's simply unapologetic with being herself. 
3) What are your essentials? 
My faith. Coffee. Lipstick. A good book. Good friends. Notebook and pen. And a dream. Can't leave the house in the morning without a dream. 
4) Where will you be in 5 years?
Funny how I was asked this question recently by someone I just met. I don't know the answer to this. I suppose I can give a calculated answer and say that I hope to be married with two kids, own a home and be traveling the world. But I've learned through experience that so much planning can result in so many disappointments and missed moments. I am choosing to be content with now and I like how that is going for me. At my age, I have found success in completing a masters program before the age of 30, getting a glimpse of the world, building strong relationships and being an active citizen in my community--although I realize that is not how everyone measures success. I'm ok with that. I'm content and that's all that matters. Being content is a success in itself! 
5) What's your greatest accomplishment?
Every week I reflect on the ups and downs and take note of the things that worked and didn't. I'm proud of moments where I stop procrastinating and send that email and get things moving. Mini accomplishments do it for me. I've had milestones like many people like school graduations and getting the job but those will always be milestones for me and not accomplishments. I feel accomplished when I see change happening around me and I had a part in it-- like building community though The Common Sage, a community writing club I founded a year ago. That was never a planned out initiative- it just happened. Organic growth through true relationship building, one week at at time. 
Follow Jess and her whimsical endeavors on her Facebook or reach her here ([email protected]). Take it all in. These kind of women really do exist and they're all around you. You can also find them here, next week and the one after that. Let's celebrate, because who run the world? #GIRLS
w/ love & fash,
C. Pimentel xo
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thefuschiafiles · 9 years
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Make sure there's an element to your look that feels special. Be it a select color, a perfect fitting garment or a shoe that goes the extra mile as eyecandy. It'll deliver some serious confidence to your stride #alldayallday. ✨✨✨// #yourpersonalstylist #stylesuccess #tfftips (at Wardrobe tips)
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Roksanda Ilincic Pre-Fall 2015
Courtesy Photo
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www.fashionclue.net | Fashion Tumblr, Street Wear & Outfits
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You heard it here!
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