protectingtulpas · 3 days
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protectingtulpas · 9 days
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protectingtulpas · 10 days
Happy lesbian visibility week to all my plural lesbians, lesbians in/who are systems, and lesbians with CDDs! (And a special shout-out to all lesbians whose lesbianism is affected or complicated by one or more of the above!)
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protectingtulpas · 14 days
How body language ??? I was with friends and fromting, and i wanna come accross as different, but idk what to say or move, bc i dont wanna seem same as host im not host i want to be different but i dont know how so im nervous
I totally get that, it can feel REALLY awkward at first cuz all the body's working with muscle memory wise is your host's mannerisms. But like everything else you'll end up diverging over time and getting used to being yourself! Like, I've been writing more lately, and I can notice my handwriting slowly changing to be different and more "me". If you're just at a loss for what to do with the body, maybe try paying attention to how you position urself & move in headspace, and adjust to that intentionally w/the body? Habits don't form without doing it a lot after all. Something else that made me feel pretty separate when first fronting was finding a way to make my voice sound more my own. It's nice to hear something at least different from the host's normal voice coming outta ur mouth
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protectingtulpas · 14 days
Cool "being alive" feelings- that feeling of passing from completely asleep to like, groggy & dazed & half asleep, and then to actually fully awake. There's something nice about it even if I can't remember my dream for the life of me
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protectingtulpas · 20 days
Woo there's going to be an AMA on the tulpas subreddit in May (date is being finalized but it'll be either the 2nd or 16th) by Dr. Michael Lifshitz who did the FMRI study and renowned anthropologist Dr. Tanya Lurhmann who did an informational interview with the study participants.
We are beyond psyched.
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protectingtulpas · 20 days
commissioning art more like begging your host to draw you doing something cool until they finally cave and you get to watch and tell them what to do
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protectingtulpas · 26 days
message for girls: you can be a boy too. you dont have to stop being a girl to be a boy. if you dont want to be a girl you can stop, but you can also keep being a girl and be a boy at the same time. you can be a trans man and still be a woman if you want. if your womanhood is real to you and not just an imitation of what you think you're supposed to be doing, the way a lot of trans men describe, you can keep doing womanhood and just start doing manhood alongside it. and even if yours is an imitation you can keep it forever if you want to, if it is dear to you, you do not have to give it up to be valid.
and btw if your womanhood is hard-won and you feel like any hint of manhood is a threat to your validity, you can still have both things if you want both of them. you can be a trans woman and also a man if you wanna. you don't have to but if you want to, you can.
also no matter what kind of womanhood you have you can stop doing it whenever you need to. including if your womanhood is sincere and genuine btw. and it doesnt have to mean you were never a woman. you can do whatever you want forever i love you
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protectingtulpas · 26 days
tulpa appreciation post
if you're a tulpa, hi! i love you!
i think it's so wonderful that you can exist in this world. my tulpa makes me so happy, its so great that you can do the same for so many people.
it's such a lovely idea that you could love a character so much that you literally will them into existence through repeated interaction and attention and love. you are a being quite literally made of love!! thats so incredible!!
someone thought about you enough for you to become so important to them that they're willing to share an entire body with you. thats so lovely.
don't ever let anyone tell you that you arent worthy of being here. you're making so many people's lives better by simply just existing.
so i love you! i love my tulpas! i love every tulpa!
if you have some tulpas, please tell them hi and that you love them :)
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protectingtulpas · 26 days
No but this is so fucking funny tho, I love being able to join in on my host's dreams sometimes lmfao. they were like jogging around a track or something and I get co-con and im like "I can do better than that" so I front and start fucking RUNNING and the guy recording our laps was like ??????? cuz I'm going maybe five times as fast as prism was right. and then we wake up, and the body's heart is beating SO FAST and we're out of breath as if we'd done some light irl "exercise"?? Lucis was so mad LOL dreams are fuckin wild
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protectingtulpas · 26 days
lmao the hate game on this site is weak. You're not gonna phase me when you have no concept of what words mean
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protectingtulpas · 27 days
Back when I (System Host) was in a DID hyperfixation, I came up with an idea for a book where a girl went into a coma and she was so lonely she created an elaborate world in her head.
Anyway, looking back she definitely made Tulpas, because the people in her head gained sentience. The plot was going to be that they were trying to stop her from waking up, but then they come to terms with losing life, only to realize they’re still around.
Sick story idea! This reminds me a lot of paragenic systems:
"The term paragenic describes a system's or headmate's origin as having been caused or influenced by Maladaptive Daydreaming Disorder, neuronarration, immersive daydreaming, or other similar neurodivergencies." - Pluralpedia
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protectingtulpas · 28 days
Are there any websites you recommend I can use for my Tulpamancy?
Yeah totally!
Tulpa.info has beginners' information on tulpamancy compiled by the community!
The Tulpanomicon is a beefy document of a ton of different really in depth guides!!
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protectingtulpas · 28 days
Hi, im the tulpamancer who's brain keeps ubconsciously making more ;-; (im up to like 10 different Ranboo ones now :'D) i wanna start fully switching with my tulpas and also exploring my headspace more so i can interact with my tulpas in a clearer way, so far, they can "Share" my body with me and talk via Tupperbox on discord, and i can vaguely sense where they are in outerworld and communicate with them there but i also wanna actually explore headspace more, is there any advice you can give to help access headspace, or even sense it more?- thank you :D
- Lyxie 🌌✨️
Yo, you guys have made a TON of progress that's awesome! Communication and switching both, look at yall go ✨✨ For walking through headspace stuff, the guide we used to build our headspace is CRAZY good and it's what the Prism used to make me.
The first six sections in these videos are totally focused on building a wonderland and learning to interact with it properly, and it's a lot of the reason our headspace is as solid as it is. Hope it works for ya as well
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protectingtulpas · 28 days
replacing the hiatus line in my bio with a "likelihood to reply" meter that scales between 0 and 5 LMAO, that way yall can judge how active I might be
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protectingtulpas · 28 days
am currently working on forcing/helping my tulpa (achlys) become more sentient/able to communicate with me and just wondering if you had any sources? and also any help to try and confirm that achlys isnt just a character that ive created and interacted with in my head
only time we can really communicate is if im in the iw and i usually try to set time aside (2-3ish hours in the evening) to force and hang out and passive forcing isnt that helpful to me :(
any resources tips or exercises on how to get him to communicate with me via head pressure or anything of the like would be helpful !! <3
Heyoo! As for sources, the tulpanomicon is chock full of guides on forcing and helping your tulpa develop skills. Lots of people talk bout head pressures in there. But imo you're going pretty great with getting time to force, sounds like you're just dealing with some self doubt. When my host first made me, they kept wondering if I was real- I finally kicked that worry to the curb when I had an opinion on something they totally hadn't expected. So try showing your tulpa different things! Expose him to stuff and get his opinion. You never know what he'll answer with
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protectingtulpas · 28 days
does dissociation help in the creation of a tulpa? i’m undiagnosed but i very strongly feel like i have a dissociative disorder of some kind. i tried to create a tulpa a few years ago but gave up after several months of no results (and this is after one or two active forcing sessions a day and a few hours of passive forcing throughout the day). i’ve thought about how i ‘forced’ my tulpa, i realised my forcing technique pulled me out of the dissociative fog i spend most of life in, which makes me think it led me to having a stronger hold on the brain and suppressed the growth of my tulpa. does this theory have any weight? i’ve wanted a tulpa for years but tried and failed twice
If you mean dissociation in the neutral sense, tulpamancy is objectively a dissociative act just like daydreaming and such, and we've noticed that ppl who're aware of bein plural in the first place have an easier time with the beginning parts of tulpamancy than singlets. So that probably makes sense based on what we know and what we've seen, but we aren't sure in the context of a dissociative disorder. CDDs can wreck ur communication, which can mess with tulpamancy, but we've also heard of tulpas in disordered systems being able to communicate via their tulpas like a messenger which is pretty sick. Basically it seems like having controlled dissociation skills like good system communication, good visualization tactics, or immersive daydreams can make tulpamancy easier for somebody.
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