thegirlwhodesigns · 8 years
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Brief 3 - Monograms
These are my three final designs for the brief.
The one on the far left uses the Typeface ‘DS Arabic’. I used this one to represent Dani’s life in Dubai. It has a flair and a flowing style to it giving it a lively representation, which she mentioned during the interview how she loves the life style she has back home.
The middle Monogram uses the Typeface ‘Photonica’. This one was worked with due to its title and appearance. I wanted to use something to represent her creative side, the direction she's decided to take in life. I enjoy the mix of curves and straight sheer edges as it shows her passion to succeed while still showing her enjoyment of the world of design. The title also represents her love for Photography and the school competitions she entered.
The final monogram on the right hand side uses the Typeface ‘Sherlock holmes’. When asked what her favourite movie was dani gave this title answer, so i had a look on Dafont.com for something relating. It gives a clear and easy to read message allowing you to still be able to clearly make out each letter. On the other hand it has nice stand out unexpected curves in places. This represents a first impression of Dani well as she comes across as knowing what she wants in life while having fun and enjoying things to the full along the way.
For my final Monogram i am going to take forward this last one.
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thegirlwhodesigns · 8 years
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Brief 3 - Monograms
For these Monograms i spent time following up on the information Dani had given me. I researched typefaces linked with Dubai and its cultural events as it is the country she grew up in. I also looked into her likes and hobbies including technology, cats, sherlock Holmes and Sports.
Here are the list of typefaces i found :
I used these, as seen in the designs above, to represent Dani’s Persona. My least favourite designs are the ones created in the typeface ‘Pixel Technology’(Left hand side of bottom picture). I used this font to represent her love for technology, however as a Monogram i don't believe it works due to its chunkiness, the shapes become a black blob which is quite difficult to read.
The ideas i want to take forwards towards the final Monogram are ‘DS Arabic’ (Pictured near bottom left, top picture) representing her Dubai roots, ‘Photonics’ (pictured right hand side, top image) representing a love of photography, and ‘Sherlock Holmes’ (pictured Right, Bottom image.
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thegirlwhodesigns · 8 years
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Brief 3 - Monogram
The task for this brief was to create a Monogram that would represent the person you were paired with at random. I got placed in to a group of three with Danielle Van Esch and Anita Halouzkova, because there was three of us instead of two we interviewed each other as a group. We used the time wisely finding a lot out about each others backgrounds and interests, which i noted down in mind maps.
I now have the opportunity to design the Monogram for Danielle. The rest of the time in the session i used as a way to get some design ideas out of my head and experiment with the initials she had given me to use. I tried out different ways of setting the letters up and seeing how i felt when they were placed a certain way. The designs i believed worked best were when the letter ‘V’ joined the other two together as the word ‘Van’ is used as a connector.
Going forward i am going to use the information given by Dani to find type faces that would be a good representation of her character and background. 
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thegirlwhodesigns · 8 years
Nazar Bilyk is a sculpter who has completed a project working with counter forms. Its an interesting thing to see the technique being used in a 3D form.
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thegirlwhodesigns · 8 years
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Brief 2 - Forms and Counter-forms
Similar to the previous brief, except this time the main focus was on the negative space.
For this brief i decided to have a hunt on http://www.dafont.com to see if i could find some fonts with some really interesting sections that i could use to create bigger pieces of Art. Through my hunt i came to discover the typefaces; Rustler, Riesling, and Chicago Express.
The last image is the first piece i created. Ive been having a hard time with my marker pens, so i used this piece to experiment with which ones work better. The only problem is the inks were different shades of black causing my work to be patchy. In other places the pen bled causing any hope of staying in the lines to disappear, cutting my letters off in incorrect places.
However for the last two, after my experimenting, I've managed to achieve 99% perfection with the lines and the blank spaces. The effect of this means that my work is crisp and sharp, giving it an edge that i haven't previously been able to obtain due to sloppy techniques.
In this session my time management was a big improvement from the last session, managing to create 5 of the 9.
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thegirlwhodesigns · 8 years
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Ive recently came across an Illustrator called Darren Booth. He’s done a lot of work for some very big names, and has an equally as big a hand in the world of Typography.
I just want to bring some attention to this particular image titled ‘Self portrait’. Here he has enlarged the letters of the word ‘maker’ and abstracted them to work in form with the shape of his own head. So its as if this term is apart of him.
The use of the collaged pieces are so clever. It brings the letters out while at the same time still blending the head together as a whole. The tones on his head itself are a bit darker compare to the ones used on the type. This could be an expression of how he himself finds himself a bit dull without the light of his talent. The thing he enjoys the most.
You can also see that the lines aren't perfectly straight. In some cases this could be the difference between how the whole image is read, but in this case it seems to add a personal touch which is of course what is expected in this line of work.
You can find out more here: http://darrenbooth.com or at http://darrenbooth.tumblr.com
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thegirlwhodesigns · 8 years
Found this a good light in the dark.
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thegirlwhodesigns · 8 years
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Week 2 - Graphic Design Software
I had my first lesson in Graphic Design Software today. 
We were given a brief tour of how to use the ‘pen tool’ on Adobe Illustrator, and then left to experiment with the tool following pre-made exercises. I found this quite easy as I've had 3 years previous experience with the software. However it was a great reminder of some forgotten skills. I also learnt one or two things that previous tutors had failed to disclose.
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We then had to take our newly learnt skills and transfer them. To do this we had to sketch out our previous work from our Graphic design Brief ‘Magnify and Abstract’.
Its actually quite hard to get the tool to be 100% accurately smooth when tracing, i found. Especially on the curved letters such as ‘b’ or ‘o’. As you can see from my work these are still a bit bumpy, so this will need to be something i play deep attention to in the future. Trying more marks as i go should create a smoother all round effect. 
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thegirlwhodesigns · 8 years
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Brief 1- Magnify and Abstract
These are my final designs for the brief ‘Magnify & Abstract’. 
I started off shakey after a whole summer away from marker pens but by the end i feel like I've managed to regain control of my equipment. To produce 99% accurate pieces of work.
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thegirlwhodesigns · 8 years
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Brief 1- Magnify and Abstract
In my first brief at University we were given the task of creating nine compositions using parts we found interesting from various typefaces. We had to be as accurate as we could just using traditional hand skills.
For my personal compositions i made the decision to use the typefaces of Baskerville (regular & regular italic), Rockwell (regular), Helvetica Neue (ultra light & regular). I went with these as they gave me enough variation to allow me to find interesting parts that weren't all repeats. Giving me the opportunity to experiment with curves, flicks and straight edges.
In the session its self i managed to get my first two ideas created, which i was slightly disappoint with myself about. My first one using the Baskerville typeface. For this type face i wanted to focus on the curves and flicks this traditional type gives off by joining the all into a composition. Over lapping them all did this amazing swirly piece. I used a mix of thin and thick black lines to allow each letter to still be clearly visible in its own right but still work in uniform.
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thegirlwhodesigns · 9 years
Monogram - a motif of two or more interwoven letters, typically a person's initials, used to identify a personal possession or as a logo.
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