I just want “Thank you” to be a socially acceptable response to “I love you” is that too much to ask
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me after taking a shower for the first time in a week: I CAN CONQUIRE THE WORLD
me thirty seconds later: soooooooooooo tireddddddddddddddd
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So I found this cool website for learning ancient languages
go wild
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May the 10 of Pentacles bless your account with more money than you can spend. 💵✨
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Just in case you forget this exists.
It exists.
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Respect to Portland:
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This is all from yesterday evening (7/18/20). Don’t let anyone think the BLM protests have died down or aren’t well-attended anymore. Thousands of people are still gathering on the streets in many cities to demand abolition of the police and accountability for victims of state-sanctioned murders.
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Sometimes I say self loathing things to my therapist and he looks at me dead in the eyes before saying “You fucking moron.” and tbh same
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I’m curious! 🤔
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sometimes a family is a single mother, a #woke lesbian, a dumb teenage boy, a gorgeous 25 year old dancer, a rich canadian, and a sad jewish doctor
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“whos your main” is like “whats your sign” for gamers
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Cookie in a milk cup.
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Milk in a cookie cup
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what is it about me sitting in my little corner of the Internet and saying “I actually don’t hate myself as an adult now and I want to be nice to people and that’s my entire thing” that makes these anons start foaming at the mouth
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I figured out a simple guide to the alignment chart last night
Lawful: Rules matter more to me than individuals. Chaotic: Individuals matter more to me than rules.
Good: Other people’s well-being is more important than my own. Evil: My own well-being is more important than other people’s.
Neutrals: My opinion of what is more important is determined on a case-by-case basis.
So a Lawful Good character’s guiding moral philosophy might be “I follow the rules because the rules keep people safe, even if they are sometimes inconvenient or harmful to me or other individuals.” A Chaotic Evil character’s guiding moral philosophy would be like “Screw the rules and screw you.”
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This is the Lucky Ace. Reblog to recieve a wad of cash that is oddly specific to your current needs.
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I’m a cis-gender man which basically means that, when I was born, the doctor went “It’s a boy!” and when I was old enough to understand I agreed with him.
The thing is, I don’t know why I feel like a man.  I was teased and bullied for it a lot when I was little.  I’ve never had stereotypically American male interests.  I never cared about sports or cars or guns.  I was more interested in music and cooking and the arts.  I’ve always been emotionally in tune and sensitive, even when I did my best to suppress my emotions to survive a childhood of abuse from other children.
It’s not physical either.  I don’t feel like a man because I have a penis or a beard.  If you put my brain in a robot body or any other body, my essence would still feel male (I assume).  I literally can’t imagine what being any other gender would feel like, since I feel so acutely male.
I think that’s why the concept of being transgender always made sense to me.  I’m a man.  I don’t have any bloody clue why I feel like a man, but I don’t feel that it’s tied to my body or my interests or the way that I’ve been treated.  I feel like a man because of something beyond that.  Something ephemeral.  So, why couldn’t others feel the same?  Why couldn’t a person who’s been misidentified as a girl feel like a boy for the exact same nebulous reasons that I do?
And, since gender really doesn’t make any sense to me anyway, why couldn’t there also be people who feel as if they don’t have one?  Or who flow across genders like a ship on a map?
Are there people out there whose sense of their own gender is inseparable from their physical form?  If you put those people into robot bodies or, simply, other physically different bodies, would their gender identity also swap?  If so, why?  Are they actually more lost in their gender identity than I am and they need to hone in on the physical in order to anchor themselves?
Why do people feel like they are the gender that they are?
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talking to a guy who works in tech about phones and mentioned how i didn’t like the new iphones or androids bc of the size and he was like “yeah i’ve noticed quite a few women feel like that idk why bc it’s so good having such a big screen” and i was like “it’s literally bc our hands are too small, i can’t reach across the screen” and he was shocked and had never thought about it and i had to explain to him how many things aren’t designed for women and he was truly astonished 🙄🙄
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