me: today is going really well and i don’t trust it some shit: *starts happening* me: ah there it is. the Fuckening™
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I love war and starbucks and lion king live action remakes
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OK, so, I'm trying to get back to things soon, but I'm having a bunch of issues with the laptop that I primarily use for writing (and, in relation, doing RP). Between a bunch of personal things and that, it's been kind of hard, but I'm hoping to be back soon.
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I'm coming back. I promise. Things have just been especially difficult these past two months.
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you ever been 24 minutes into a 47 minute long youtube video and you're randomly like wait i dont care about this at all. and just leave
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High chance we are in the evil dimension, guys.
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Bash is so Gale coded except for the start of the show because he was more flirty with everyone but then got better about that.
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Reblog if you didn’t write My Immortal
We’re going to find the author by process of elimination.
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whenever i complete chores i get an achievement banner pop up in my head dark souls style
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a new concept: idiot academia
where u have book smarts but have absolutely no common sense
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I'm still alive and I haven't done my disappearing act, I promise.
I just have a lot going on right now with work, home, and my mental health.
I know I posted about it on Trello, and explained that I'd be replying like molasses, but I just wanted to pop in to say I haven't forgotten and I'm still around, just barely at the moment.
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Sorry I've been so fucking absent. I swear this isn't one of my "disappears for a year or more and then pops back up randomly" things.
Been dealing with a lot of mental health shit and, also, some stuff at home, so I'm exhausted and the brainfog has been catastrophic. I typically lose track of days, but I'm usually pretty good at at least remembering to go to work when I have a shift. The past couple of weeks, I've had to constantly check both the calendar and my work schedule to make sure everything lined up. And I've been making silly mistakes at work.
I'll try to reply to stuff as I can, but it's going to be fairly sporadic for a few weeks at least.
Also, I'm slowly starting to work on my character profiles for @casperscharacterbin and I'm hoping to start getting characters on there soon so that I can start writing on there, too, when I'm back to (relatively) full capability.
As always, check my Trello board to see any updates because, even if I don't go on Tumblr, I usually post something there to give my updates across all the blogs.
Thank you for being patient with me.
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psa:  your writing is better than you think it is
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I need to say something and I need y'all to be calm
if it isn't actively bad or harmful, no representation should be called "too simple" or "too surface level"
I have a whole argument for this about the barbie movie but today I wanna talk about a show called "the babysitters club" on Netflix
(obligatory disclaimer that I watched only two episodes of this show so if it's super problematic I'm sorry) (yes. I know it's based on a book, this is about the show)
this is a silly 8+ show that my 9 year old sister is watching and it manages to tackle so many complex topics in such an easy way. basic premise is these 13 year old girls have a babysitting agency.
in one episode, a girl babysits this transfem kid. the approach is super simple, with the kid saying stuff like "oh no, those are my old boy clothes, these are my girl clothes". they have to go to the doctor and everyone is calling the kid by her dead name and using he/him and this 13 year old snaps at like a group of doctors and they all listen to her. it's pure fantasy and any person versed in trans theory would point out a bunch of mistakes.
but after watching this episode, my little sister started switching to my name instead of my dead name and intercalating he/him pronouns when talking about me.
one of the 13 years old is a diabetic and sometimes her whole personality is taken over by that. but she has this episode where she pushes herself to her limit and passes out and talks about being in a coma for a while because of not recognizing the limits of her disability.
and this allowed my 9 year old sister to understand me better when I say "I really want to play with you but right now my body physically can't do that" (I'm disabled). she has even asked me why I'm pushing myself, why I'm not using my crutches when I complain about pain.
my mom is 50 years old and watching this show with my sister. she said the episode about the diabetic girl helped her understand me and my disability better. she grew up disabled as well, but she was taught to shut up and power through.
yes, silly simple representation can annoy you if you've read thousands of pages about queer liberation or disability radical thought, but sometimes things are not for you.
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I had a meatball parm hero (about to finish it, actually) and I still feel super hungry.
How? I actually ate the bread this time and everything!
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u sure u don't want me to stay?
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