thegreatmayhaps 12 days
It鈥檚 been the kind of day that culminated in my telling someone moments ago that the date was the fifth of Wednesday.
I hope you all have a really good fifth of Wednesday.聽
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thegreatmayhaps 17 days
Oh boy, if you think it's bad to have an ethnostate, do I ever have solidarity movement for you!
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These were handed out at a protest in the Netherlands.
Tell me again how "From the River to the Sea" isn't a call for genocide of 7 million Israeli Jews. They aren't even chanting the shortened version with plausible deniability anymore. They are doing the full genocidal version in English and Arabic .
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thegreatmayhaps 18 days
It's so wild to me when traditionally oppressed groups embrace fascism. Like, do you really think they won't put you against the wall?
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thegreatmayhaps 28 days
Damn. Grow up
At what age does one start to feel that killing civilians is Good Actually?
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thegreatmayhaps 1 month
Theres a common argument that goes like "how can you say the threat I fear isn't real, look at all the things I do to protect myself from it!" And it's not clear how you even counter it. Except just saying "I think you are bad at assessing risk"
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thegreatmayhaps 1 month
when someone asks my political views
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thegreatmayhaps 1 month
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thegreatmayhaps 1 month
They cannot. Like people of all faiths who have a commitment to violent racism, they are not able to separate their religion from their ethnosupremacy
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thegreatmayhaps 1 month
Literally just a continuation of Minouche doing dumb things because she got beat by a handful of kids and she's mad about it
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oh okay so this award just doesn't mean anything
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thegreatmayhaps 1 month
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thegreatmayhaps 1 month
"The Geneva Convention is a treaty and if we decided that we had to start honoring treaties, the character of our country would change dramatically overnight. Honestly, better demand that other countries refuse to honor treaties as well just to be safe"
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"We don't want our politicians and military officials to be held accountable for war crimes! :("
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thegreatmayhaps 1 month
whatever at least I give good head
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thegreatmayhaps 1 month
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thegreatmayhaps 1 month
maybe whistleblowers just happen to come forward around the time they're about to die. no one ever considers that
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thegreatmayhaps 1 month
Me, getting beaten by protesters and police in unison: but have you considered that the implications of your beliefs are inconsistent??
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thegreatmayhaps 1 month
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Mai Masri - Frontiers of Dreams and Fears (2001)
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thegreatmayhaps 1 month
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