Life is beautiful but not always easy, it has problems, too, and the challenge lies in facing them with courage, letting the beauty of life act like a balm, which makes the pain bearable, during trying times, by providing hope Happiness, sorrow, victory, defeat, day-night are the two sides of the me coin. Similarly life is full of moments of joy, pleasure, success and comfort punctuated by misery, defeat, failures and problems. There is no human being on Earth, strong, powerful, wise or rich, who has not experienced, struggle, suffering or failures. ©http://www.shareyouressays.com/84262/short-essay-on-life
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Try to watch this video to keep motivated! 💗😇
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What I Want! I Am Powerful! Whatever I set my mind on having, I will have. Whatever I decide to be, I will be. The evidence is all around me. The power of my Will has brought me precisely to where I am right now. I have made the choices. I have held the thoughts. I have taken the actions to create my current reality. And I have the power to change it into whatever I want it to be. With the choices I make, I am constantly fulfilling the vision I have for my life. If that does not seem to be the case - Then I am deceiving myself about what I really want. Because what I really, truly want, I will get! What I truly wanted in the past, I already have. If I want to build a billion-dollar business, I will take the actions necessary to do it. If I want to sit comfortably watching TV night after night - I will take the actions necessary for that. Don't be disappointed in my results - they're just the outward manifestation of my priorities. I will be sure of what I truly want, because I am sure to get it! ©http://www.wow4u.com/poems/
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Feeling down or hopeless? Try to listen to this song and think all the positive things happen in your life. Think of all the people who love and support you. You may have a lot of reasons to walk away but God will give you one good reason to stay.
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Dogs can always be our source of happiness. They can just simply take all the bad vibes you feel with just they're cute barks and gestures. Love your dogs everyone! They are your happy pill! ❤️💝 #dogs #dogsforlife #happypill #thegreatnessgalore
The Candidates for Presidency
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When Bifee gave birth, it was a the day before the elections which is May 8… The timing was so perfect because the puppies consist of 2 girls and 3 boys. So yeah…We all named them according to the candidates for presidency whcih is Miriam, Grace, Digong, Mar and Binay.
/photos of Grace, Digong and Binay
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Keep in mind and follow this 7 Rules of life Fellas! ❤️ Surely this will make you a more happier and stress-free individual. #life #thegreatnessgalore #rules #follow
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Being different is one of the most beautiful thing on earth. Don't be afraid to embrace your "YOU" ness. People may hate you for being different and not living to the society's standards, always remember that no one is allowed to limit yourself in exploring the world. You have all the freedom to be who you want to be. They may speak bad towards you but the thing is, you are being care free and beautiful enough to show the the world real you. In this world full of chaos and criticisms, there's nothing wrong with standing out and being different.
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This blog was made to share my thoughts and perceptions about life. I’ve been through a lot. Through this blog, I want to inspire and motivate others that even how hard life is, we should always achieve for greatness. Turn your dreams into reality. Don’t let failures bring you down. Instead, let failures pulls you up. 
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To achieve what we dream for in life is not that easy. We have a very rocky road ahead before we reach the flat way. Problems are there to challenge us whether to go on or hold back. But, always remember even how hard the way is, keep on reaching your dreams. Prove that you deserved that dream. Prove everyone that you have something to say.
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Don’t be afraid to step forward. Every step we make can lead us to the greatness we always dream of.
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