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merlin meme ✔ [five relationships/friendships]: percival/gwaine
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"Uh.. no." Merlin said, looking at her hair in obvious fascination. "Camelot. What's Canterlot? Never heard of it." 
yaysmilesmile and babs-seed-just stopped by Camelot!
“Yeah, hi.” The pink haired girl greeted. “Camelot? Don’t’cha meet Canterlot?”
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Merlin chuckled nervously, rubbing the back of his neck. "The uh.. the full truth.. Well uh.. It's a long story.. and.. complicated. Really complicated, and only one.. maybe two people actually know it.. No, scratch that, almost every magical creature out there knew my story before I did, so having to tell it for once is.. a little new to me." 
Bunny nodded. “How about we both go into detail and tell each other the full truth?” He asked with a playful smirk. The boy reeked of lies and nerves; so perhaps he had his reasons for keeping his story to himself? Nevertheless, Bunny was curious.
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Merlin raised his eyebrows slightly. "Well, I'm not sure where you heard it, but maybe it will come to you!" he said brightly, though a part of him hoped it didn't, less it was another person who knew about his magic. 
He watched her quietly and patiently, glancing around somewhat and rubbing the back of his neck. Curiosity crossed his face at her words, along with a frown. 
"You lost your memory?" he asked slowly. "How? If you don't mind me asking, that is. Don't want to be rude or anything." 
He seemed even more surprised at her words and blinked. "I'm sure he will be.." he agreed slowly, and let out a nervous chuckle. "..Of course he's real. You're in Camelot, how can they not be real..?"
"How far back..?" he was getting more and more confused as she spoke. Perhaps she was somewhat addled in the brain. He should take her to Gaius. As she began to struggle again, and paused.
"Merlin," he offered, once more.
3 travelers stopped by Camelot!
“Heh, yeah. The name Merlin doesn’t seem like a normal name to use but I’m pretty sure I heard your name before! But…But…”
Her focus to continue her sentence were lost as she was more focused on digging in her memories.  
“Wait one second.” Ave alerted Merlin as she turned her head to the side a little to dive into her mind.
Every second that she failed to remember, she added more pressure on herself to get it because she knows it’s buried somewhere in her mind. She knows the memory exist but she just can’t grasp it to pull it out.
“Gah! I just can’t remember! Stupid memory. Times like this I wish I hadn’t lose it in the first place.” Ave growled at herself, temporarily forgetting where she was. People stared at her outburst and mothers would pull their curious children away from the what they thought was a mad woman.
But she remembered soon after she was done complaining to herself.
“Oh, ah…Sorry about that. Ahah.” Ave apologized to Merlin sheepishly.
“You must really love this place.” She noted when she saw Merlin brightened up and couldn’t help but return his contagious smile.
“King Arthur and Queen Guinevere, huh? At least I can remember King Arthur. Heard he was one of the greatest Kings of all time. This must be a good Kingdom.” 
Her brain must have been too stressed for it to process this slowly in her mind before it clicked.
“Wait, wait wait. King Arthur is alive…? And real? And he-he’s h-here? And, and…”
She rose a hand to her head, feeling a little faint from the shock from this discovery. She took a step back and breathed shakily.
“Oh God, how far back am I?” Instead of giving her the answer to this question, He gave her the answer she had tried to hard to get before.
Then, her eyes focused on Merlin. She lifted a finger up and tapped the air as her memories started to reveal a little more information to her, a proud smile of achievement slowly formed.
“You..You are….”
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yaysmilesmile and babs-seed-just stopped by Camelot!
"Hello!" Merlin said with a wide smile, raising a hand in greeting. "Welcome to Camelot, it's been a few days since I've seen some new faces around here!" 
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Merlin watched her for a moment before he began to search around himself, not knowing what he's looking for, but feeling like he has to help nonetheless. 
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Isabeltane stopped by Camelot!
“Oh… It’s around here somewhere… hmmm….” Isabeltane searches around for the ivy covering over the tunnel she knows leads to her garden.
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Merlin laughed, nodding his head. "It is!" he agreed, grinning, before pointing up at the large stone structure ahead. "That's where King Arthur, Queen Guinevere and the knights of the round table all stay."
2 travelers stopped by Camelot!
Jack looked around. “Wooowww, this place is cool!” he exclaimed, looking at everything curiously. 
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Merlin watched him curiously and then let out a soft laugh as it began to snow, a grin forming on his face. 
"Was that you?" he asked, excited. "Did you do that!" 
"Nice to meet you too, Merlin." Jack said, grinning again.
"I'm here because...well, this." 
He looked up to the sky, grin widening as the temperature dropped, and snow began to fall. After a moment, he looked back at Merlin.
"What do you think?" He asked.
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"Uh sure, but just do me a favor.. and yourself.. Don't talk about my.. magic, and don't say you're from the future," Merlin chuckled nervously. "I really don't want to be imprisoned and executed on the grounds of being a sorcerer, and I doubt you do either."
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sexykills stopped by Camelot!
“Would you mind showing me around? I would love to see Camelot! I mean it’s not everyday that i get a chance like this to go exploring! Oh! We might have to get me in some new clothes. I’ll probably stick out if I go walking around in this. And maybe I can meet King Arthur and Queen Guinevere! ” Natalia clapped her hands excitedly at the possibility. 
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"Nothing special," Merlin shrugged. Big lie. "I decided to come to Camelot to become trained under Gaius, the royal physician. Long story short, I ended up saving Prince Arthur's life, and was granted the honor of being his manservant as a reward," Merlin looked amused. "Now of course, Arthur is king, and I'm still his manservant." 
He smiled back and sat down. “What about you, mate? What’s your story?”
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Merlin grinned somewhat. "He's growing out of it, slowly." he chuckled, shrugging his shoulders. "I don't worry, he's not that bad, really." he smiled slightly, and then rolled his eyes. "I don't complain!" he paused. "Not that much, at least." 
3 travelers stopped by Camelot!
“Arthur is still a prat? Well, that will mostly go away in time. He’s less of a prat when he gets older. So don’t worry so much about it.” Chariton shrugged and drank his ale, then ate as the food was placed in front of him. “Besides, I have a feeling you would find something else to complain about if the King stopped being a prat all together.”
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At the mention of magic, Merlin stiffened, and his eyes glanced around warily. "M..Magic huh?" he chuckled nervously. "Can't imagine why! Does magic even have a smell? Uh well I'm just going to.." he backed up, almost tripping over his own feet. "Uh.. go over here.."
6 travelers stopped by Camelot!
“I’m sorry.” Baccant managed to growl out a reply as his head began to throb fiercely, filling with the thoughts of his Spirits. “You reek…but not of body odor.” He started to rub his temples, eyes closing. “You reek of magic, practitioner.” He blinked as his headache vanished. “Uhhnnnn..I hate it when they do that…” Baccant sighed as a small flame peeked out of his collar, watching the exchange.
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Merlin, you are more than a son of your father. You are son of the earth, the sea, the sky. Magic is the fabric of this world and you were born of that magic. You are magic itself. You cannot lose what you are.
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Merlin chuckled nervously as she bowed, lightly scratching the back of his neck. "It's uh.. it's okay, it's no big deal, really," he tried to assure her.
4 travelers stopped by Camelot!
Kathryn was speechless. “Y-you….you did that for me?” She needed to do something in return for him, no matter what he insisted. “T-thank you v-very much!” She got down on her hands and knees and bowed from there. “Please, let me do something to repay you. I insist.”
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Merlin grinned at his excitement and began to lead him into the citadel, finding the child's enthusiasm catching. 
2 travelers stopped by Camelot!
Jack took his hand, bouncing up and down in excitement. “Yay!” 
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"I see your point," Merlin noted, and nodded his head. "You're there to make sure that balance isn't tipped, then. I get it," he smiled somewhat and nodded his head. 
“Oh yeah, we agree with that but it’s when that fear is so powerful that it stops ‘em sleepin’ well. Kids need sleep ta stay healthy and it also gives us the chance to do our jobs and remind ‘em that there’s always things ta counter that fear.”
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