thegreyestoffaces · 11 years
Loud. The bot is so obnoxiously loud, and a hand that is decidedly not Rose's clamps over Nemo's mouth. The shadows surround them, wisps at first, and then thicker, like a black fog. The creature seems to disappear in the inky darkness though its grip is as firm as ever.
When the darkness recedes, it is not the penthouse it reveals, but a darker, morose sort of place, a dank building that feels rather like a crypt. Something drips in the distance, echoing through stone halls, and the floor underneath is cold and damp. 
"Home sweet home," it hisses to the bot. 
  "PLEASE ANYONE BUT HER" he shrieks, shutting his eyes tight, turning any head away. It's not Rose. This isn't Rose, it never will be, he has to cry a little just to make sure this isn't some horrible, burning nightmare.
His neck hurts, he's bleeding that golden discharge, and thrashing about, shoving it off. Waste, help him-- somebody, anyone....
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thegreyestoffaces · 11 years
Delicious. The creature fed off fear, and Rose’s face only came closer as Nemo begged it to stop. 
"Shh, be still," Rose’s voice carried softly in the scant space between them, at odds with the brutality the creature expressed. "I promise you, it’ll all be over soon."
A smile creased the girl’s lips, and the creature sagged a little against the bot, focusing its efforts on calling up the shadows that had given it passage here. A few moments longer. He only had to be still a few moments longer. 
  He screams, he tries to kick the thing off him, his throat burning— “GET OFF ME” he shouts, his valiant efforts getting him nowhere. God this thing reeked, he looks at it And only see’s a face, soft, round…
No, no she’s….
"Please, jus’ go away, not like this— anyone but her, please”
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thegreyestoffaces · 11 years
It kept a careful distance, melting into the shadows as if it were made of them. A wicked smile creased its lips, as it watched its prey. The joy, after all, was not so much in the catching, but in the hunt. Just the right moment, it would patiently anticipate the perfect moment when it could take what it had come for. For the moment, the creature watched and waited. 
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thegreyestoffaces · 11 years
"Come now. I only want to borrow you for a while," It no longer seemed intent on causing further damage, only waiting. This went so much easier with an entirely flesh and blood victim. It's venom could have paralyzed a human in seconds, allowing the creature to bide its time until could focus enough power to return them to its own plane. It needed him still... or at least quiet, just for a moment or two. Well, worth a shot. It bit down at his throat, venom mingling with its saliva. Perhaps it wouldn't work, but it liked this part anyway.
"Would it go down easier If I gave you something nice to look at?" The creature asked as it hovered over him. It came nose to nose, willing its features to take the form of someone more familiar. 
  He’s screaming, shouting for anyone to hear, simply because he needs someone to hear him. He kicks, he claws at and does his best to flee, simply because he needs to get this thing out of here as soon as he can.
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thegreyestoffaces · 11 years
It's relentless, bounding after Nemo. It pounces on him as soon as it catches up, clawing at the wings he's got wrapped around himself. Oh this, this is the best sort of prey. It rather enjoys when they fight back. Leveraging its weight, it tries to pin Nemo to the ground, claws and teeth finding their mark wherever they can. 
  He shouts, shoving the thing off his now bleeding shoulder, pulling the appendages in to protect himself. they didn’t act quite as a shield, but it would be enough for now. He turns, and bolts for the weapons stash, for Plappy— anything to get this creature out of his home.
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thegreyestoffaces · 11 years
"Aren't you though?" The creature grins, barely resisting the urge to lap at Nemo's wings with its tongue. Later. There will always be later. There's a misstep, enough for Nemo to get a hold on him but it thrashes against him, close enough to sink sharp teeth into his shoulder. It wants him alive, but it has no qualms about leaving Nemo in bad shape to do it. 
  He yelps, trying to throw the damnable thing off of him as gold fluid starts leaking from between the feathers, puncturing his skin— he reaches forward, trying to grab any part of it’s being and throw it aside. “‘M not goin’ anywhere!”
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thegreyestoffaces · 11 years
The thing is as fast as it is vicious. It's all but immortal, but it reaches to knock the gun from Nemo's hands with one hand, the claws of the other sinking well and truly into the bot's wing. 
"I said come along," it commands again, using its sharp claws like an anchor to drag Nemo by. 
"Does it? My mistake." It brings its foot down harder, pressing that part of the wing harshly to the floor. Giving Nemo a cruel smile, it reaches out, sharply clawed fingers dragging through the bots feathers, scraping the surface beneath. 
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thegreyestoffaces · 11 years
The creature laughs at him and his petty weapon, only egged on by the threat. Claws sink in, just a little, and it bares sharp teeth at the bot. "Do you think that's going to hurt me? You're very cute. Come along, pretty thing, before someone gets hurt."
"Does it? My mistake." It brings its foot down harder, pressing that part of the wing harshly to the floor. Giving Nemo a cruel smile, it reaches out, sharply clawed fingers dragging through the bots feathers, scraping the surface beneath. 
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thegreyestoffaces · 11 years
"Does it? My mistake." It brings its foot down harder, pressing that part of the wing harshly to the floor. Giving Nemo a cruel smile, it reaches out, sharply clawed fingers dragging through the bots feathers, scraping the surface beneath. 
thegreyestoffaces replied to your post “Wings. Oh the wings were quite lovely. It stalked silently closer, seeming to seep right out of the walls when it finally showed itself.”
It finally emerges from the shadows with a low, sinister chuckle, something like a foot pressing down on one of Nemo’s wings. “They’re a nice addition,” it rasped. “You should keep them.”
He yelps as he’s stopped in his tracks, looking down and backwards towards the greynon, new feathers bristling— “Ya need t’ step off fer a bit, mate— that hurts”
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thegreyestoffaces · 11 years
"Zoo? Oh no, Time Lord, that's not what I meant at all." The creature ignored the sonic, prowling closer to the Doctor. Up close, it was more sinister, inky and cold like a clawed shadow, brought to life. "It's cute how you think you get a choice in the matter, though."
"Put your toy away, Time Lord. It will do you no good anyway," the creature cautioned, lips peeling back to reveal a line of sharp teeth that gleamed in the shadows. "I’m… shall we say… a /collector/ and I’m afraid I’ve never had a Time Lord."
The Doctor frowned, keeping his sonic out and pointed at the creature. He really wasn’t in the mood to deal with something like this, but it seemed he had little choice in the matter. “Well, we are a rare breed. I’m a one of a kind these days, and I don’t intend on living my life out in some crazy, faceless one’s zoo, so you can kindly move on before we have a real problem, eh?”
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thegreyestoffaces · 11 years
Family, friend, or lover? Oh, that was a deliciously hard choice. It could leave Campbell never again feeling safe in his own home, or perhaps terrified of every face in the crowd. Assuming, of course, it let the young man live. The face it chose, in the end, was not so unlike Campbell's own, accompanied by the gaudy garb of Giacomo Casanova. 
It stepped out of the places it hid, schooling a face it wasn't used to into a friendly smile. It feared it would not fool him long, but then, it didn't intend to have to. Unsure it knew Casanova's speech patterns well enough, the creature instead presented itself with open arms, avoiding speech by way of a tender kiss. 
  It looked like it would be a typical weekend, really. The typical sort of weekend that meant doing a week’s worth of dishes (unless.. didn’t he still have plastic cutlery somewhere?), sending out a couple of open job applications to things in the newspaper that sounded interesting enough, maybe calling a friend or two over to go out and do something or stay in and do something or..
Maybe he should just flip a coin. Or stay in, because the weather was still ghastly and warm.
Campbell had no choice, though, he did have to go get groceries because he was even out of tinned beans and, more importantly, out of coffee. Well. At least if he went to the Coop for useful things anyway he could pick himself up a bucket of ice cream or something, as a treat, and to make sure he stayed alive with this weather.
At least going shopping in this weather was good for his wallet, because he wanted to have to carry as little as possible.
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thegreyestoffaces · 11 years
((I am pretty much cackling forever, especially because the mun is about as terrifying as a kitten. I am not here much because my Master blog keeps me busy, but this is way more fun than it has any right to be. At any rate, if you ever want to play, drop me a line <3 I pretty much love everyone, despite how awful he... it is))
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thegreyestoffaces · 11 years
It lurked in the shadows, watching its latest obsession. It did so love new playthings. Timing, of course, was going to be paramount. Surprise was the creature's ally, and now was no exception. Stalking quietly nearer, it blended in, only its bright eyes gleaming as it crept near to its prey.
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thegreyestoffaces · 11 years
It kept a careful distance, melting into the shadows as if it were made of them. A wicked smile creased its lips, as it watched its prey. The joy, after all, was not so much in the catching, but in the hunt. Just the right moment, it would patiently anticipate the perfect moment when it could take what it had come for. For the moment, the creature watched and waited. 
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thegreyestoffaces · 11 years
Oh this... this was going to be the best game yet. It watched its newest victim, shrouded by darkness. The more it knew, the better able it would be to fool them. They would never suspect the danger they were in. Not until it was far, far too late. 
Finally catching them, the creature pounced. It stepped from the shadows, assuming the face it had chosen to present this particular victim. 
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thegreyestoffaces · 11 years
M!A: mask. Forced to have a face for twenty-four hours... but you're allowed to impersonate someone else.
It grins, it's sharp, white teeth gleaming dangerously from the shadows. When it speaks, it's gravelly voice is wicked and full of mischief. "You never said it couldn't be... everyone's face."
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