takinghertime · 8 years
RULES | Answer the 20 questions and tag 20amazing followers you’d like to get to know better!
I was tagged by no one, I stole it from @wildmoored
NAME | Kate NICKNAMES | Katy ZODIAC SIGN | Cancer HEIGHT | 5′6″ ORIENTATION | p. sure I’m demi(bi)sexual NATIONALITY | American FAVORITE FRUIT | mandarins FAVORITE SEASON | Fall FAVORITE BOOK | LOL nice try I should show you my bookshelves sometime. FAVORITE FLOWER | California poppies FAVORITE SCENT | orange blossoms FAVORITE COLOR | navy blue and plum FAVORITE ANIMAL | birds COFFEE, TEA, OR HOT COCOA | tea! AVERAGE SLEEP HOURS | 7, when I’m being smart. CAT OR DOG PERSON | neither. FAVORITE FICTIONAL CHARACTER | Aeryn Sun NUMBER OF BLANKETS YOU SLEEP WITH | 1-2. DREAM TRIP | Washington D.C. so I can visit the museums.
BLOG CREATED | Originally at @andromedafound in 7/2012. Rebooted here in 12/2015.
TAGGING anyone who wants to do it!
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shauriofabydos · 9 years
26, 27, 14
26: Do they have any plans for the future? Any contingency plans if things don’t workout?
Her plans for the future are fairly general - she wants to see her people become self-sufficient and to see them thrive. She wants a life with her husband. She wants to learn as much as she can about her past, her people’s past, etc. And she wants to learn as much about other cultures as possible. BUT she is more than aware of how dramatically and how quickly things can change - so she tries to be adaptable. She knows there are lots of different ways to achieve those goals and will stay open to them.
27: What is their biggest regret?
Well, that depends on the verse, really. But most of her regrets are focused on not being around to see how Abydos rebuilt itself and not being able to be a part of it for long. She regrets not being able to stop herself from being taken host - and all the things she then missed because of that. 
14: Physical abnormalities? (Both visible and not, including injuries/disabilities, long-term illnesses, food-intolerances, etc.)
Not too many. She has a few scars that were the result of her time as a host and from playing rough with her brother as a child. Depending on the verse, she also has suffered negative health effects from being a host for so long, namely the experience of bearing the Harcesis left her unable to have children.
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They had been traveling towards the potential source of whatever grounded their TARDISes when something ticked in the Doctor’s awareness.    What passed for this planet’s version of Christmas would be upon them.    In one way it would help them, as the natives considered it a time to be spent with close family and friends.   If they discovered the odd (to the natives anyways) pair had vanished, a certain amount of reluctance to abandon this time of family closeness.
“You know one of the things I find remarkable is how across the universe so many cultures celebrate some sort of midwinter festival.  Oh there are parties, and presents, and all sorts of fun things going on.  Yet when you get to the heart of many of these things, its all about hope.”  He glanced over to give Andromeda a warm smile.   “I rather like hope, don’t you?“
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ughcrichton · 9 years
@andromedafound || Andromeda
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Crichton climbed out of his module’s cockpit and almost immediately his legs decided to take five. He plowed down into the dirt and for several frightening seconds he thought he wouldn’t be able to get up again.
The wave of nausea passed and he sat up, trying to get his bearings on where his ship landed. It wasn’t any planet he knew: big surprise. He didn’t really know any planets. But he knew trouble when he found himself ear-deep in it, and his friends would have no idea where to even begin looking for him. Space was big. Really frelling huge.
Just that conclusion alone felt like good enough reason to reach an agreement with his legs and drop flat back on the ground again. He stared up at the searing blue-white sky, trying to will himself to think of something, anything, that would help.
A shadow moved over him and he squinted at the change in light, and then up at the face in a kind of dazed incomprehension. “Aeryn?” he murmured at the apparition. If he was hallucinating Aeryn Sun, he wouldn’t mind if she stomped on his face for asking such a dumb question. If he wasn’t then at least he’d have cause to be very annoyed at the something that looked like Aeryn but wasn’t. That sounded fairly just.
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flaxgolden · 9 years
13, 17, 19, 23, 29
13. First story you saw on TV 
I didn’t see the full episode the first time I found it on tv, but it was Fear Her, from the 10th era.
17. How much classic who have you seen
I’ve seen several stories for the 1st, 3rd, 4th (several for him), 5th, 7th, and the 8th doctor movie. Also I’ve read a couple 2nd doctor novels, but I don’t think that counts as seen. 
19. Favourite one off monster
Without a doubt - the clockwork men from The Girl in the Fireplace. They were really cool, and the name of the ship at the end just stuck with me. Awesome job.
23. Least favourite companion (why?)
Hmm… Technically Adam Mitchell is listed as one of the companions. I’ll choose him as my least favorite. He was just stupid, I’m sorry x’D
29. Thoughts on the current Doctor 
Eugh… That’s my thought. I stopped watching the 12th doctor at the episode Kill the Moon, because of how he treated little Courtney and he just… gives me a stomach ache. He goes against what all the previous doctors were like, and I just don’t like him. At all. Nothing against Peter Capaldi, of course, he seems like a really cool guy.
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andromedafound replied to your post “Replies? What are replies? Is that something I’m supposed to do...”
//-coughs- you are so far from taking forever <3 I am the queen of the snails.
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throwingmysoul · 9 years
@andromedafound​ || continued from here
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     “I didn’t scream! I shouted. You’ve got to SEE THIS --- ”
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Supernova; black hole
Send a space thing for questions
Supernova: What’s one thing you want to do before you die?
Oooh good question, I want to publish something.   I really need to really work on my stories.
Black Hole: What’s the last thing you want to see?
Um, well I’d like to die of old age in my own bed, so my bedroom ceiling I guess.
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entomologiist-blog · 9 years
//What was your life like growing up? Did you get along with your parents?
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    ‘ Oh, it wasn’t SO bad, ’ he answered with an easy smile. ‘ A bit more     strict than most, maybe. And everyone was always watching me, since     I was the minister’s son, so I couldn’t get away with ANYTHING, ’ Noel     added, a mischievous glint in his eye. ‘ Not that I ever tried to get away    with anything. No, I stayed far away from trouble. I definitely didn’t have    a hidden supply of comic books under my mattress, since my parents    forbade me from reading them. And I never snuck out of the house to    go to a late-night showing of the new Batman movie with my mates.     That would just be disgraceful behaviour for a minister’s son. ’
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abouttiimemoved · 9 years
incrediviolet replied to your photo: “ooc: I don’t even have a lot of tea it’s fine…although not pictured...”:
are you british or?????
ooc: NOPE. I am American!! I live in New England!
whatsthesiitch replied to your photo: “ooc: I don’t even have a lot of tea it’s fine…although not pictured...”:
andromedafound replied to your photo: “ooc: I don’t even have a lot of tea it’s fine…although not pictured...”:
// w o w rory
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Send my character a ★ and I’ll bold everything they feel toward your character.
I like you // I love you // You’re one of my best friends // You’re like family // You are family // I dislike you // I hate you // I’d kill you if I got the chance // I’m scared of you // I would adopt you // I’d date you // I’d sleep with you // I’d marry you // I’m worried about you // You confuse me // You’re annoying // I pity you // I respect you // I feel protective of you // I’d invite you with me to parties // I’d lend you my money // I’d borrow your money // You’re good-looking // I’m suspicious of you // I’m hiding something from you // You’re fun // You’re boring // You’re nice // You’re mean // You’re smart // You’re stupid // I look up to you // I think you’re a better person than me // I think I’m a better person than you // I want to apologize to you // I wish I’d never met you // I never want to forget you // I want to get to know you better
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thetoshikosato · 9 years
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lost & found.
for andromedafound.
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Send me a '★' and I will tell you how my character feels about yours.//
// Weeeeeeeeeell, since the meme says I say how my character feels.   Whether or not he’ll flat out say it, he does love Andromeda.  The idea of losing her, in face of all his other losses, would make him panic.   He’s looking forward to winning free of the planet they are stuck on and exploring the universe.
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entomologiist-blog · 9 years
//What's your favorite bug?
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    ‘ If I had to pick just one? ‘ Noel asked, wrinkling his nose and putting     his hands on his hips, deep in thought. ‘ Probably fireflies. They’re just     really cool! First, they’re completely efficient. Light bulbs only use ten    per cent of their energy to produce light, wasting the other ninety per    cent as heat, but fireflies use one hundred per cent of the energy their     bodies produce to create light! They have to, or else they’d burn up!     Plus, ’ he added, his eyes lighting up with excitement as he spoke,     ‘ they’ve got a sort of Morse code that helps them pick up mates. They     flash their lights at one another to signal when they’re ready for some     action! It’s a bit like Tinder for the bug world, ’ he finished with a grin.
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