thegrishaverserat · 2 years
Jesper knocked his head against the hull and cast his eyes heavenward. "Fine. But if Pekka Rollins kills us all, I'm going to get Wylan's ghost to teach my ghost how to play the flute just so that I can annoy the hell out of your ghost."
Brekker's lips quirked. "I'll just hire Matthias' ghost to kick your ghost's ass."
"My ghost won't associate with your ghost," Matthias said primly, and then wondered if the sea air was rotting his brain.
Six of Crows (Leigh Bardugo) pg. 181
they do have a sense of humor!
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thegrishaverserat · 2 years
Tbh Kanej would low key be Kaz’s downfall with the rest of the Crows. He wouldn't stand a chance. He would be absolutely demolished - allow me to explain.
Knowing Kaz, he isn't going to outright say him and Inej are dating. He’s going to mind his business and figures Inej will say something if it's important to her.
Except we’ve seen Inej loves messing with people in canon and there is no exception here. So when they visit Van Eck’s house one day and Jesper is giving them shit over being a bit late she is just like:
Inej: I’m sorry we’re late. I wanted extra time to hold my boyfriend’s hand. Is that so bad?
Jesper, who speaks without thinking: your boyfriend is a whore
Kaz: ....
And thus begins Jes and Inej’s new fun bonding activity. Nobody is gonna say Kaz’s name but they have fun heckling “Inej’s boyfriend” endlessly.
Inej: brb I need to grab a new hat for my boyfriend-
Jesper: This guy AGAIN?
Inej: idk what to tell you. He’s cute. I can't help myself.
Jesper: I don’t know, Inej. Nina told me your boyfriend had a shitty haircut.
Inej: he has the face for it
Kaz, doing paperwork: both of you get out
And naturally once Nina finds out it’s all over
Nina: I hear your boyfriend is a baby
Jesper: yeah, inej. Why are you dating this goon?
Nina: this clown
Jesper: this fool
Nina: he sounds like such a tool
Jesper: right? Date someone respectable - like Kaz!
Nina: why can't you just date Kaz?
Jesper: he’s much cooler than your stupid boyfriend
Inej: idk guys. I think Kaz has a girlfriend 😔
Nina & Jesper: *lose their goddamn minds*
They wait for Kaz to say something but he never does so “Inej’s boyfriend” just becomes a recurring character they all constantly bring up. Sometimes they use it as a loophole to dote on him.
Wylan, as Inej and Kaz leave together: be sure to tell Inej’s boyfriend hi!!
Inej: of course!
Wylan: And that we love him!
Inej: will do! *waits until they are completely alone* Wylan says hi btw
Kaz: why are you doing this to me
Inej: you are also loved
Kaz: stop it
Inej: if you anger me I'm going to start telling people how my boyfriend has pretty eyes
Kaz: I have done nothing to warrant this
Inej: I'm fairly certain this is the only way you can accept a compliment though
Sometimes it is less to torment him with affection and more to just.... torment him.
Matthias, pissed at Kaz over something: Good evening everyone. Today I have learned Inej’s boyfriend is poor. Let us pray for him. The poor man is just living in poverty.
Nina, smelling blood: oh no. Inej you didn't tell is he was poor.
Jesper: Not a single kruge to his name.
Wylan: That’s not quite right. He’s only poor because he’s a philanthropist, right? He gives all his money away.
Nina: OH- that’s right!
Matthias: Bless him for being so selfless. Not a hint of greed in him.
Jesper: He must serve the saints. Good for him.
Wylan: Makes sense given that Inej worships the saints. She would find a pious boyfriend.
Matthias, looking Kaz directly in the eyes: Bless Inej’s selflessly poor, religious boyfriend.
Kaz, who has been over this since day one: I want to go home now
He does lose it at some point. My poor boy can only take so much.
Kaz: FINE! I am her boyfriend. Is that what you want me to say? IS THAT WHAT YOU WANT? Me. I'm dating her. There. I’ve said it. Do you feel like you've won your stupid game? Are you pleased? I'm screaming in the middle of a murder! Happy?! Damn. Now all of you shut up before I break your necks.
The Razorgulls who came for a parley: ...
The crows: ...
Jesper: Inej, your boyfriend is rude :(
Nina: I miss your old boyfriend :(
Kaz: I don't think either of you understand how close I am to decking you-
Kaz thinks that claiming the title of Inej’s boyfriend means the taunts will stop but it only evolves.
Wylan: Inej do you ever still talk to your ex-boyfriend?
Matthias: yeah, the poor one?
Nina: the saintly one?
Jesper: do you, Inej? Do you still talk to him?
Wylan: what was his name again?
Inej:...his name was Koz. or Kez. It's been so long I've forgotten. My one true love. Kuz.
Kaz: pick a knife I've given you and just stab me with it, Inej.
In the end, he is sometimes grateful for the so-called alias.
Inej: mom, dad - this is Kaz.
Inej’s mom: oh! The boyfriend?
Kaz, panicking: actually that’s Koz-
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thegrishaverserat · 2 years
Inej had been with the Dregs longer than Nina and yet no tattoo. Strange. She was one of the most valued members of the gang, and it was clear Kaz trusted her - as much as someone like Kaz could. Nina thought of the look on his face when he'd set Inej down on the table. He was the same Kaz - cold, rude, impossible - but beneath all that anger, she thought she'd seen something else, too. Or maybe she was just a romantic.
She had to laugh at herself. She wouldn't wish love on anyone. It was the guest you welcomed and then couldn't be rid of.
Six of Crows (Leigh Bardugo) pg. 163
i love that quote from nina but this whole thing is mwah
it makes me sad to think that that quote was probably from her thoughts about matthias
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thegrishaverserat · 2 years
shoutout to the crows, who would all definitely protest concerning the overturning of roe v wade, even matthias (though he probably would just be there to support nina and silently cheering her on)
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thegrishaverserat · 2 years
"Since when am I your valet?"
"Man with a knife, remember?" he said over his shoulder.
"Man with a gun!" Jesper called after him.
Kaz replied with a time-saving gesture that relied heavily on his middle finger and disappeared below decks. He wanted a hot bath and a bottle of brandy, but he'd settle for being alone and free of the stink of blood for a while.
Six of Crows (Leigh Bardugo) pg. 160
the fact we didn't get this kind of on screen interaction in the shadow and bone show is so homophobic towards me specifically as a person (and jesper as a man with a crush on kaz)
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thegrishaverserat · 2 years
happy fathers day to colm fahey
horrible fathers day to jan van eck, jarl brum, and many other grishaverse fathers 🙄
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thegrishaverserat · 2 years
"You...you said if he helped you-"
"Do you want to go over, too?" asked Kaz.
Wylan took a deep breath as if sucking in courage and sputtered, "You won't throw me overboard. You need me."
Why do people keep saying that? "Maybe," said Kaz. "But I'm not in a very rational mood."
Six of Crows (Leigh Bardugo) pg. 159
wylan sure is bold
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thegrishaverserat · 2 years
okay so im rewatching shadow and bone right now for the hundredth time and the scene where kaz walks into his room in the first episode is just so funny to me because...as if this bitch actually ever sleeps in that fancy little bed. i cant imagine it and trying just makes me laugh
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thegrishaverserat · 2 years
idk if anyones ever actually mentioned this but the glow up from "you came back for me" "i protect my investments" to "would you have come for me then, kaz?" "i would come for you, and if i couldn't walk I'd crawl to you, and no matter how broken we were, we'd fight our way out together, knives drawn, pistols blazing. Because thats what we do. We never stop fighting." like alright kaz we see you
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thegrishaverserat · 2 years
He shouldn't be this shaken up by a dock brawl, even a shoot-out, but he was. Something inside him felt frayed and raw. It was the same feeling he'd had as a boy, in those first desperate days after Jordie's death.
Say you're sorry. That was the last thing Inej had said to him. What had she wanted him to apologize for? There were so many possibilities. A thousand crimes. A thousand stupid jibes.
Six of Crows (Leigh Bardugo) pg. 156
yeah kaz you love her admit it
but proof that kaz does have feelings, and that he does feel bad for the stupid things he says to inej (that he usually says just because he wants a reaction)
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thegrishaverserat · 2 years
do you ever think about how before jordie died, when they were living on the streets of ketterdam, someone threw nine-year-old kaz into the canal and jordie fished him out? do you wonder if kaz remembered that when he was on the reaper’s barge, realised that jordie wouldn’t be here to fish him out this time? the symbolism of jordie’s corpse being used to fish kaz out, a last act of protection from his dead big brother? because i do-
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thegrishaverserat · 2 years
the duality of men? no. the duality of kaz brekker. how can one person have the most showstopping, heartbreaking line that is the whole 'i'd come for you ' monologue and then do a 360 and be like 'my mother is ketterdam, she birthed me in the harbor. my father-'
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thegrishaverserat · 2 years
"I can help you," she said now.
"Help me with what?"
She couldn't remember. There was something she was supposed to tell him. It didn't matter anymore.
"Talk to me, Wraith."
"You came back for me."
"I protect my investments."
Investments. "I'm glad I'm bleeding all over your shirt."
"I'll put it on your tab."
Now she remembered. He owed her an apology. "Say you're sorry."
"For what?"
"Just say it."
She didn't hear his reply. The world had grown very dark indeed.
Six of Crows (Leigh Bardugo) pg. 153
more on this heartbreaking scene with kazs famously stupid investment comment
but like i think we as fans always forget the exact context of the quote which is that he is desperately trying to get inej to safety
and he definitely was not thinking straight during it, in the next chapter (his chapter) it even says how shaken up he is, so can we really blame him for that comment? he wasnt focused on his words, he was focused on keeping inej alive
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thegrishaverserat · 2 years
"Did we win?"
"I'm here, aren't I?"
He must be running. Her body jounced painfully against his chest with every lurching step. He couldn't carry her and use his cane.
"I don't want to die."
"I'll do my best to make other arrangements for you."
She closed her eyes.
"Keep talking, Wraith. Don't slip away from me."
"But it's what I do best."
He clutched her tighter. "Just make it to the schooner. Open your damn eyes, Inej."
Six of Crows (Leigh Bardugo) pg. 152
crying screaming
this scene? oh my god
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thegrishaverserat · 2 years
I'm going to kill that little idiot. "What do you want?" he shouted down.
"Close your eyes!"
"You can't kiss me from down there, Wylan."
Six of Crows (Leigh Bardugo) pg. 146-147
the way he goes from being bothered by wylan to flirting with him is just *chefs kiss*
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thegrishaverserat · 2 years
Jesper always felt better when people were shooting at him. It wasn't that he liked the idea of dying (in fact, that potential outcome was a definite drawback), but if he was worrying about staying alive, he couldn't be thinking about anything else. That sound - the swift, shocking report of gunfire - called the scattered, irascible, permanently seeking part of his mind into focus like nothing else. It was better than being at the tables and waiting for the flop, better than standing at Makker's Wheel and seeing his number come up. He'd discovered it in his first fight on the Zemeni frontier. His father had been sweating, trembling, barely able to load his rifle. But Jesper had found his calling.
Six of Crows (Leigh Bardugo) pg. 142
i love this insight into jesper's character as the lovable sharpshooter of the gang BUT my thoughts:
jesper is ADHD coded, thats clear throughout the entire series but also! this paragraph makes it seem that not only does it help him focus, it gives him a sense of purpose and it seems to keep his mind away from his addiction
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thegrishaverserat · 2 years
Inej forced herself to look at the Menagerie as she passed.
It's just a place, she told herself. Just another house. How would Kaz see it? Where are the entrances and exits? How do the locks work? Which windows are unbarred? How many guards are posted, and which ones look alert? Just a house full of locks to pick, safes to crack, pigeons to dupe. And she was the predator now, not Heleen in her peacock feathers, not any man who walked these streets.
Six of Crows (Leigh Bardugo) pg. 138
a reminder that inej is still deeply affected by her time spent at the Menagerie, so much so that she can barely stand to walk past it! this part made me cry because its such a genuine and unfortunately common experience
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