thegrmweapr · 1 year
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shot by @silkenweinberg
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thegrmweapr · 4 years
Black Magic Seals
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Agares - Provides knowledge of all tongues, brings back runaways or can prevent desertion, can cause earthquakes, and bring about the downfall of important men causing them to lose their position, public honor, and respect of others.
Aim - He spreads destruction by means of fire. Also teaches cunning and shrewdness, and will answer questions of things unknown.
Alloces - A warrior who may be sent to revenge yourself from secret enemies.
Andras - Very destructive, he can bring ruin to an enemy in the twinkling of an eye, causing him financial havoc and personal despair.
Andrealphus - Can transform humans into birds at will. Also teaches mathematics.
Andromalius - Knows all—recovers lost articles, finds money, and reveals any secret plots of intrigues planned against the possessor.
Asmoday - Confers invisibility, answers any questions, and enables the petitioner to know the innermost thoughts of those he meets.
Bathin - Transports one from one place to another at the speed of light by supernatural means. Tells the virtues of all stones and herbs.
Bifrons - Can move corpses magically, and coerce spirits of the dead to assist the magician or answer inquiries. Is capable of enlightening one on astrology, mathematics, herbs, and stones.
Camio - Will teach the tongues of all animals so that they may be understood, and can also reveal the mysteries and secrets of the other worlds.
Corcell - Produces great noises, confusion, and indecisiveness in one’s foes. Gives knowledge of geometry, art, literature, history.
Dantalion - Produces hallucinations in others if requested, influencing the minds of men against their will and without their knowledge. He can reveal the innermost thoughts and desires of others.
Decarabia - Knows all pertaining to the powers of plants and stones.
Focator - Causes winds to blow, ships to sink, and death by drowning.
Furfur - Bestows love of battle, causes thunder and lightning, and can reveal the secret thoughts of others.
Glasya-Labolas - Can cause murder and death, make men invisible. He knows all ancient wisdom and occult secrets, can teach all sciences.
Haagenti - A powerful alchemist who can change any metal into gold, and water into wine.
Halphas -  Causes wars, punishes sinners, and can make those who have wronged the magician suffer the tortures of the damned.
Haures - Protects the magician against other spirits. Knows all secrets and will bring harm to one’s foes.
Leraie - Causes wounds not to heal, starts battles. He can be persuaded to break up rival’s love affairs and even marriages.
Malphas - It is claimed that he helped Solomon build many things. Causes anything to be made by magical forces.
Murmur - Causes souls of the dead to appear and answer any questions the petitioner may ask. Also teaches philosophy.
Ose - Transforms the petitioner into any form he desires. Will bring delusions and insanity to others if asked, and the person affected will not be aware that he has been changed.
Paimon - Confers upon the magician the power to influence and control those he wishes to subjugate. Will produce familiars to serve the possessor, and can bring any honor desired upon one.
Purson - Tells past and future, reads the thoughts of others and conveys the message to the possessor.
Raum -  Creates love and reconciles enemies. Can also demolish a reputation, destroy property, and will steal money to bring to the possessor.
Ronove - Teaches languages, and humbles an enemy who does not show partiality toward the petitioner.
Sabnock - Can cause wounds not to heal, arguments to inflame, and turn a small dispute into a full-scale battle. He controls military camps and protects soldiers.
Samiginia - Gives account of the dead souls that died in sin, and teaches all liberal sciences.
Seere - Controls time to suit himself and the wishes of the sorcerer who calls upon him. Can cause things to happen instantly magically.
Shax - Can cause one to become deaf, dumb, or blind. Will steal money or possessions, and can lead the way to almost any hidden things or stolen goods. Can create a familiar to assist the owner.
Sitri - The Prince of love and lust. Will cause any man to love a woman, or any woman to desire a man. Compels women to display themselves in the nude to the one who calls him. 
Valefor - In charge of occult medicine, curing all ills magically. Can make a man skilled with his hands and sharp with his brains. Can change men into animals at will.
Vepar - Controls the sea. Can cause storms, death, and disaster.
Vine - The only spirit which will tell a magician the identity of other sorcerers and witches. Knows ail secrets and can destroy the enemy or defend the magician against the attacks of others.
Zagan - Can change liquids—water into wine, wine into blood. He can bring to one’s mind the humor and wit in all happenings.
*Please don’t dabble in darker magic unless you are well protected and have done your research.
Source : Anna Riva - Secrets of Magical Seals
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thegrmweapr · 4 years
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You girls watch out for those weirdos.  We are the weirdos, mister.
THE CRAFT 1996, dir. Andrew Fleming 
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thegrmweapr · 4 years
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buy my content
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thegrmweapr · 4 years
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thegrmweapr · 5 years
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The Story So Far // Heavy Gloom
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thegrmweapr · 6 years
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Mood forever. 
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thegrmweapr · 6 years
Where to Buy Cheap Spell Supplies: Hoodoo/Brujeria Edition
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i’ve seen so many resource list out there about where you can find cheap spell supplies, but their never about folk magic. I live in a very liberal place and state, but it is still difficult to find stores that sell products catered to Afro-religions or Brujeria that are affordable. Botanicas are great for staple items like oils, candles, honeys, and powders, but I wanted to make a list for more creative and specfic spells. Here’s my resource list for all my witches out there who practice folk magic, Hoodoo, or brujeria!
1. Party stores/Toy aisles at department stores: both go hand in and hand because most party stores are marketed towards children’s birthdays. Both places are a JACKPOT for spell supplies. Some things I’ve found and what I use them for include:
 Toy Cop Badges: These can be used for law stay away spells, justice spells, immigration cases, and anyone you want to protect from the law or send the law for.
 Toy Money: I use these for money spells to write on, burn, leave as offerings, or shred to put in mojo bags and satchets.
 Dolls: Pretty self explanatory. Dolls can be used as a stand in for any person you want to influence. Cheap barbies are perfect because they are big enough to put in a lot of different positions. Speciality dolls like pregnant dolls could be used for fertility, or to protect new mothers.
Toy Phones: Need to do a lover return spell or call/text me spell? Perfect! Get yourself a toy cell phone, put it in the center of the plate, write a petition to who you want to call, put it under the phone, dress it with herbs, oils, and honey, and sugar. Put your energy into the spell for 7 days and then discard. 
2. Dollar Store: The dollar store is a no brainer because everything is a dollar and if you’re trying to be a bruja on a budget, it’s a no brainer. Here are some things you can get there that you might not have thought of.
 White plates, cups, bowls: White can be used for anything. You could use these dishes to put on your ancestor altar, give to your deities, or simply to do your spells on. 
Fabric flowers: Perfect offerings or decorations for any altars, and if you can’t have fresh flowers or plants for any reason these are a great subsitute
Emergency candles: Most dollar stores sell something called emergency candles, usually found with the novena (religious) candles in the store. These are white, cheap, household candles that have saved me when I’m in a pinch and need to do a spell but I don’t have time to get new supplies. 
Craft Aisle: You can get a bunch of helpful stuff in this aisle like jars, googley eyes (can be stuck in a jar with a petition to make someone be discovered for lying, cheating, etc) Mini plastic toy animals (can be used for all kinds of stuff. Sheep=tame sheep spells, chicken=protection spell, etc) Popsicle sticks (can be used for making crosses, building boxes, etc) Felt fabric squares (make dolls)
3. Craft Stores: Craft stores are pretty expensive and most of the main stuff you can find here you can get at a party store or dollar store with the exception of during a holiday….guys… I am a financial disaster during halloween. Some ideas include 
Halloween: Bottles, jars, coffins (perfect for darker spells like “your relationship will die), toy insects (put in a jar with a doll, and herbs to cause nightmares) black candles that are CHEAP, Skulls of all shapes sizes and materials (perfect for head working spells), SO MUCH STUFF! If you guys are on a budget wait until the end of halloween and head on over to your local craft store and cash out $$$$!!
Valentines Day: A perfect time to collect all things love magic including heart shaped bottles, roses (fake or real), and chocolates for offerings.
Christmas: Theres nothing specifically around this time that I’ve found useful BUT, everything goes on sale around this time, so this is the perfect time to go ahead and pick up anything thats laying around from previous holidays.
4. Hispanic Grocery Stores: You can get some serious bulk herbs and bigger grocery stores! I buy the more obscure herbs online like fiver finger grass, but things I have found at my local Mexican grocery store include:
Mugwort: Good for psychic spells, divination, and dream work
Bulk Bay Leaves: I put bay leaves in just about everything, so I need a ton of them to sustain me and i usually get them here.
Alum Stone: Used in shut up or tapa boca spells to pucker someone’s mouth and shut them up.
Various Chili Peppers: I love peppers because they’re so versatile! They can be used in defensive spells like revenge spells or break up spells, but they can also be used for other things like fiery wall of protection.
Florida Water: Almost all Mexican grocery stores sell this, and its way cheaper than buying it online or from a “spiritual” supplier.
5. Thrift stores: When you go thrifting its best not have a specific thing in mind, but you can find some really unique witchy things at thrift stores for cheap. Some things I’ve found include:
Vintage perfume bottles: used on my altar
Candle holders: literally almost all of mine are from thrift stores
Altar cloths: Things like silk scarves or cool fabric could be used. All of mine are from thrift stores.
I hope this list helped you out and gave you some more ideas for spells, if you have anything you want me to write about or expand on from this post, let me know. Happy casting!
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thegrmweapr · 6 years
When Writing Spells
If you want to keep something close, bury it in your back yard.
If you want to attract something, bury it under the front door step.
If you want to destroy its influence, burn it.
If you want it to move away and sink, throw it in running water.
If you want to disperse it to a distance, throw it into a crossroads.
If you want to fix its influence, inter it in a five-spot pattern.
If you want it to work by means of spirits, bury it in a graveyard.
If you want to hide its point of origin, conceal it in a tree.
If you want it to work in secret, give it in food or drink.
If you want it to work by stealth, hide it in clothing or on objects.
If you want its influence to begin or strengthen, throw it East.
If you want its influence to end or weaken, throw it West.
If you want its influence to rise and fall cyclicly, float it in a tidal estuary.
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thegrmweapr · 6 years
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thegrmweapr · 6 years
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thegrmweapr · 6 years
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by Moon alien
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thegrmweapr · 6 years
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Up all night, Clarissa Bonet
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thegrmweapr · 6 years
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via weheartit
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thegrmweapr · 6 years
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Debbie Harry
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thegrmweapr · 6 years
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thegrmweapr · 6 years
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and i’m so lost, under club lights.
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