thehawkscye · 5 years
[I'm back!!! Sorry I've been gone so long just I work in retail which is a very busy time at Christmas but now that's all over so I'm gonna ve back on here a lot more]
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thehawkscye · 5 years
  “About my mother? No. Unfortunately, since I didn’t know the names of any family members I couldn’t track down her family…” That had been disappointing for him. Like the dreamy fool he was he had imagined that a family member would see him and just know who he was. Naturally, that wasn’t what happened. “But I learned a lot about my culture.” Idly he thought about Edward. Another foolish part of him hoped…even only in the farthest parts of his mind, that he would find him too…
He put his arm around his wife’s shoulders and hugged her. “Yeah we needed the positivity.” He agreed.
“I’m sorry you couldn’t find out more about your mother Roy. I’m sure one day you will. I know it’s not the same but look how long it took me to find out who my grandfather is.” She knew what a disappointment that was for Roy. She couldn’t imagine what ti must have been like growing up without knowing anything about your parents. “That’s still good. You’ve learnt more about where your family came from. Maybe there might be more information on the back of the photos your aunt left?” She offered hoping that maybe his aunt might have dated and put the names of who was in the photos on the back. 
She lets her hand fall onto his shoulder as he hugs her shoulders. “We’re getting there slowly.” 
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thehawkscye · 5 years
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mun vs muse!
tagged by: I think @alchemic-elric tagged me and I forgot to do this till now so sorry!!! tagging: @lauffcuer and anyone else who might like to try this out. 
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thehawkscye · 5 years
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don’t go where i can’t follow!
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thehawkscye · 5 years
Roy nodded. “Yep, every year is associated with an animal. This year is the rooster. They say babies will be independent, capable, quick-minded and warm-hearted.” Reminded Roy a lot of both of them which was perfect. He remembered them also saying they tended to be critical and impatient and eccentric but there was no need to focus on the negatives. It wasn’t like Roy believed in that sort of thing anyway, he was just doing what was suggested.
That reminded him. 
“Oh yeah, the woman who sold me this necklace wanted to do a reading for both of us. Apparently, you’re a horse and I’m a tiger, and we’re fully capable of living happily ever after.” Roy was thrilled when he heard that. He kissed Riza adoringly on her head. “I think it’s silly superstition but it’s nice to hear.”
Riza nodded as she closed the box again. “Sounds like you learnt a lot while in Xing.” She smiled because this was important to Roy. which in turn made it important to her. “Did you find anything else out while you was there?” She asked softly. “We don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to yet.”
“It’s nice to hear.” She agreed as moved to place the box onto the coffee table. especially after everything they had gone through. “I think it’s good to hear positive things like that.” She moved so she could rest her head on his shoulder. “Especially after the last few months we’ve had.” 
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thehawkscye · 5 years
  《《《  𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚑𝚊𝚠𝚔𝚜𝚌𝚢𝚎‌ / 𝚑𝚊𝚠𝚔𝚎𝚢𝚎  :     》》》
      hand’s lie steepled across a desk,      a forehead pressed against their bracing.       𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒖𝒈𝒉𝒕’𝒔 long since stealing a mind from the paper work piling upon every available space.      as if the diversion is even warranted to steal him from such monotonous mundanity.     he’s a 𝒔𝒐𝒍𝒊𝒅𝒆𝒓,    not a 𝑠𝑐𝘩𝑜𝑜𝑙 𝑡𝑒𝑎𝑐𝘩𝑒𝑟.       spiralling thought’s centre to the space they’ve claimed lately.    𝚐𝚞𝚒𝚕𝚝.     an 𝐚𝐛𝐲𝐬𝐬,     latched firmly somewhere within.      every dwelling a mind takes 𝑝𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑚𝑒𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔.      a descent is never 𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑦,     this even 𝒍𝒆𝒔𝒔 so.      he wonders often,      if he’s is 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑡𝘩𝑦 of such trust.       they swear themselves to him blindly,     asking only to push him forward in return.     𝘩𝑎𝑣𝑜𝑐.        𝘩𝑢𝑔𝘩𝑒𝑠.     life’s 𝚋𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚎𝚍 and 𝒃𝒂𝒓𝒈𝒂𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒅 for his 𝑜𝑤𝑛.  how is that an 𝚎𝚚𝚞𝚒𝚟𝚊𝚕𝚎𝚗𝚝 exchange ?    he’s valued so much 𝑙𝑒𝑠𝑠 than the likes of 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒎.       what 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑜𝑛’𝑠 could possibly inspire such 𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒖𝒈𝒉𝒕𝒍𝒆𝒔𝒔,     𝓯𝓸𝓸𝓵𝓲𝓼𝓱 devotion ?  
                      ❝    𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒏,     i ask,     what 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑜𝑛,   is 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑜𝑛 enough ?    ❞
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There a light sigh as she lightly sets the book down onto her desk. Eyes still on the cover as she thinks of her next words over carefully. Trust wasn’t something that was easy to place with anyone, she had learnt that lesson the hard way thanks to her own father. Why did she trust Roy Mustang? that was something that had an simple reason to it. He was there for her at time when no one else was, who made her believe in herself again. A man who gave her a reason to keep moving forward. 
“ Sometimes it’s just the most simplest reasons you can think of sir.” 
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“That and there never just one reason to anything now is there?” 
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thehawkscye · 5 years
He knew his aunt never answered questions unless it suited her, he had been raised by her since before he could remember. He would go through the photos when he had the time. He knew there was a fan that went with Riza’s dress among the treasures he brought back, but he looked for another box, a small one. He handed the small box to his wife.
“This one is a gift for the little one. Apparently, it’s a tradition to give babies something like this.” He explained. Inside the box was a jade necklace with the pendant shaped like a rooster. “I was told this was the right one for our baby.”
Roy really hadn’t need to get any of this. Just having him come how with hopefully the answers he needed was enough for her. She knew that Roy would have never gotten any answers from his aunt about who his mother was before she had met Roy’s father. She doesn’t take the necklace out of box. “It’s very pretty. I feel like I should ask what’s the meaning behind the rooster?”
She knew what the Jade stones meant. Every gem stone had different meaning and as a child she was interested in them. “It’s it something to do with the year? their different animal for each year in Xing?” She had read up on Xing a few years ago when she had met Roy. 
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thehawkscye · 5 years
TAGGED BY  FROM: @alchemic-elric
ONE ( ALIAS / NAME )  Kirsty TWO ( BIRTHDAY ) March 17 THREE ( ZODIAC SIGN )  Pisces FOUR ( HEIGHT )  5′10″ FIVE ( HOBBIES )   Writing, photography, roleplaying, playing sims 4 . make up and FX make up , acting, singing SIX ( FAVOURITE COLOUR(S ) Grey, Black, white SEVEN ( FAVOURITE BOOKS ) Red Scrolls of Magic.  EIGHT ( LAST SONG LISTENED TO )   Prom Queen by Catie Turner NINE ( LAST FILM WATCHED )  Alien Resurrection TEN ( INSPIRATION FOR MUSE )  FMA and FMAB. Honstley Riza reminds me a lot of myself so a lot of her just comes from different points in my life. Though I thin FMA 03 my biggest point is just actually comes from my own personal headcanons and especially from plotting that really helps me for inspiration for Riza. I mean I am train actress so being about to told and build a plot in which put a character really helps me write better and build my character more.  ELEVEN ( MEANING BEHIND YOUR URL )  Well it comes from a nickname Riza has in the shows and from her last name so it’s pretty simple meaning then again most meaningful things do sometimes come from pretty simple things in the first place. One of best friends also suggested it to me and I love it and I never wanted to change it.
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thehawkscye · 5 years
[I’m actually really tried from working I have two more days at work then I’m off for three days. I don’t like to push myself into writing when I’m just not feeling 100%]
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thehawkscye · 5 years
Roy was glad his wife liked his gift. He had agonized over it for quite a while before he found the one he thought she would like best. “I’m glad you like it.” He told her, nuzzling her.
Roy was surprised that his Aunt had come to visit. “Photos? Of my parents?” Roy couldn’t believe his ears. He’d always only had the one picture of his parents and very minimal else, since Aunt Christine and his dad didn’t really talk much…and then it was too late. “No, it’s okay. Open another box, and enjoy yourself.” He told her as he got up to go grab the photos from the table.
“I love it.” She assured hims as she lean into him a little more. She knew that Roy more then likely spent a long time looking at dresses to find the perfect one and he had done amazingly in her eyes.
Riza haven’t expected Christine to come over to their house, the women always seemed so busy. “I didn’t really ask her questions Roy. It really was just a quick visit. You know what your aunt like.” Christine and her on along just fine it just happened that they we’re both just busy. “We have plenty of time to open the other boxes.”
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thehawkscye · 5 years
[I wish the fucking fire works would stop so I can take my poor dog out so he can pee. He been on his own all day with no one to let him out because I’ve been working and my mum and step dad are on Holiday. The poor baby to scared to step out onto the back garden cause of fireworks and it breaks my heart] 
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thehawkscye · 5 years
Misc. sentence & symbol starters
Send one for my muse’s reaction (sfw & nsfw):
Feel free to change pronouns/etc, or add descriptions of what’s happening!
“It’s not so bad, once you get used to it. But once you get out? All Hell breaks loose.”
“I don’t need you to hold my hand. I can do this alone.”
“That letter you wrote–did you mean every word?”
“Come watch the sunset with me.”
“Once, just once, I’d like for someone to bring me flowers instead of corpses.”
“Everyone I’ve asked says you’re someone who can’t be trusted. What do you make of that?”
“You’ve been so quiet, lately. Is there something we need to talk about?”
“Nobody completes another person. There’s no such thing as a soulmate.”
“If we die tomorrow, I want you to know that you were the (best/worst) thing to ever happen to me.”
“Love doesn’t always involve suffering. At the very least, it shouldn’t.”
“Who taught you love was supposed to hurt?”
“I’m not asking for your deepest, darkest secrets. I’m just asking you to open up a little.”
“You wouldn’t hurt me. You can’t.”
“Does (name/pronoun) know you’re here with me?”
“When they died, I didn’t know what to do with myself. I just… got lost.”
“Rage will only get you so far.”
“There are more lives at stake here than the ones you care about! What gives you the right to decide that one person’s life weighs more than countless others?”
“You look at (name/pronoun) like you want to fuck (name/pronoun).” 
“It’s been a bad day, please pay attention to me.”
“I want to make you feel good.”
“Can you stop eye-fucking me for five minutes?”
“What I’m saying is: I want to fuck you.”
“Not that I’m complaining, but your hand keeps brushing my groin.”
“Hands to yourself until I say otherwise.”
“On your knees, there we go.”
“Everyone knows the two of you have been fucking.”
“Getting laid might help you relax a little.”
“I could kiss you all day.”
“I’m not saying I don’t love you. I’m saying I don’t trust you.”
“Don’t think for one second that there’s anything I wouldn’t do for (name/pronoun).”
“Did I ever tell you about my parents?”
“You must have done something truly awful, to end up where you are now.”
“I didn’t know how to tell you, so I didn’t. I’m sorry.”
“Stop trying to make me feel guilty.”
“Tell me something nice, please. About anything.”
“If you don’t get out of bed, I’ll pour this coffee on you.”
“I’m afraid of a lot of things. You’re not one of them.”
“If you would just let me take care of you, this would be a lot easier on us both.”
“What makes you think I’d ever help you?”
“Do you need me to kill someone?”
Symbols (add as much or as little description as you’d like!)
★ to clap a hand over my muse’s mouth and drag them out of sight
❉ to kiss my muse on the mouth (or somewhere else, if specified)
↑ to pick my muse up and carry them, for whatever reason
™ to wrap an arm around my muse’s shoulders and pull them in for a hug
♫ to playfully slap my muse’s ass
✂ to grab my muse by the throat
☛ to start shouting at my muse for something they did
♦ to slide a drink towards my muse (alcoholic or otherwise)
♠ to tend to my muse when they wake up injured and confused in your muse’s home, having been rescued by your muse
≠ to slap my muse across the face!
♡ to touch my muse any way you’d like - add a description!
Add ‘reverse’ for our muses’ roles to be reversed!
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thehawkscye · 5 years
“I can’t wait to see ‘Licia!” Isabel said excitedly. She had always been very fond of her ‘cousin’. And Aunt Gracia has some of the best candy apples in Central!” 
“Look at our cute little teddy bear~” Roy cooed over his son. All of his kids were so cute. It may have been hard work making all three costumes but he felt like it was worth it. Now his little baby would be cozy and cuddly all night.
“Come on Riza, we spent days on our matching Addams’ costumes, so I can be fawning over you all night!” Roy protested. “Don’t tell me you forgot!” That comic had become a favourite of theirs for how openly loving Gomez and his wife were. It was just something that appealed to them. Made for a perfect costume.
Riza lightly laugh at her eldest out burst. Izzy was so like her father when she was happy or just plain excited by something. “She does and she very excited to see you.” She was glad that Gracia had become like an aunt to their children. “I think Elicia is going as a princess or that’s what her mom said.” 
They had both out a lot of work into their children’s costumes. “He going to be the cutest baby out their tonight.” She cooed as she ran a gentle finger over the little baby’s rose tinted cheek. The little baby made a tiny little nose and smile in his sleep.
“I didn’t forget I was just seeing if you remembered.”  She moves over to press a quick kiss to his cheek. “Let me just put Maes into his stroller and we can go get ready okay? I promise. You need me to do your tie for you?” They knew that this year was going to be busy for them what with a new baby added to the family. 
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thehawkscye · 5 years
Halloween with @lauffcuer​ maes
Edlyn look so cute with her hair curled. Riza had spent a good amount of time making her daughter's costume. Her and Roy had stay up late to get both done for the girls on time. Riza didn’t know that she could smile so much. “I love your costume too. I think you look just like your dad” Riza smiled as she held a sleeping Maes in her arms. “Remember we need to go see aunt Gracia and Elicia first.” She reminded the girls who were showing each other their costumes. 
She smiled over to Roy. “What do you think of little Maes’ costume?” She asked as the baby was little teddy bear for the night. A costume that was both cute and warm for the little baby boy. Baby Maes was only 2 months old so he was really the most he was going to do was sleep and smile at his family every now and then, he was really happy baby most of time. 
“What are we meant to be dressing up as again?” She asked her husband. 
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thehawkscye · 5 years
“I couldn’t help myself.” He admitted. He had gotten so excited when exploring Liaohai that he couldn’t help but find some things that he thought might make Riza happy. 
He handed her a box, it was a large rectangular box and he smiled. “I think you’ll like this.” He told her. This was one of the pricier items he had bought but it didn’t matter to him. He felt like she deserved something so beautiful. “You won’t be able to use it right now, but soon.” 
That gave her some idea to what actually was in the box. She careful as she opens the box and unwraps some of tissue that was covering the silk dress. The dress was beautiful detail and was a cross between a qipao and hanfu. The colour was a light pastel blue. “Roy this is beautiful.” She held it out so she could really see the fine little details to it. “Thank you.” He folded it back into back and then placed a kiss to his cheek. 
“While you was away your aunt came over to drop off some old photos she found. I didn’t look at them. There on the kitchen table for you.” She knew that there wasn’t many photos of Roy’s parents so she was hoping at least one of them would have all of them in as family. “You want me to get them for you?” 
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thehawkscye · 5 years
[My parents are away so it’s just me and dog for the next two weeks] 
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thehawkscye · 5 years
@fiuehrer​ asked:  'i wasn't ready to say goodbye.'
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It was hard to say goodbye to someone you never really said hello to in the first place. Well that was a lie, there was a time where she had spent time with her father. When he actually was happy to spend more then a hour or two with her, though now those days felt like dream. Most days after her mother’s death she had just felt like she was invisible to her father, like he himself had become a ghost as well. In a lot of ways when her mother died it was like her father died with her.  From the moment her mother was gone so had her loving father and what replace that was a man Riza feared. 
There a soft sigh that leave her lips at Roy’s words. 
“No one ever ready to lose someone they care about.” Though she had known this was one day going to happen. Her father had been living with a broken heart for years. She had gotten over losing her mother but her father never had. “It if gives you some comfort at least now he isn’t in any more pain, at least he at pace.” Maybe now Berthold Hawkeye was somewhere where he was actually happy now, Maybe somewhere his beloved wife was. That what she was  believing in right then. She knew she was on her own from there on out, Roy would be going back to military soon. 
“It’s getting cold maybe we should go back inside.” 
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