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The Hearing Voices Café Riga, September-October 2022, Photo Album by Kristīne Rožkalne
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The Hearing Voices Café Riga, Sept 14. Loneliness
Guest artists Ansis Bētiņš un Artūrs Čukurs
A letter from Sofija Kozlova
Dear all,
A story connected to the second event on the 14th of September (if I'm not mistaken) from Viktorija Broka - another participant in several events of the Hearing Voices Cafe - just came in.
It's in Russian at the moment which was the working language of our events and in a way fits very well the story Viktorija told us.
She comes from a diverse family of both Russian and Ukrainian origin where Russian was the language of communication at home. This is of course a question we struggled with as well - should we speak Russian or should we avoid this part of history and in a way part of the modern national identity?
Here is her story:
Когда я слышу эти песни, я чувствую как эта война проехалась по моему сердцу. Последняя песня, на стихи Лермонтова - песня, которую выучили и пели вместе мои родители. Сейчас мы не поем песен - эта война оставила нас на разных берегах.
When I hear these songs, I feel like this war has run through my heart. The last song, based on Lermontov's verses, is a song that my parents learned and sang together. Now we do not sing songs - this war has left us on different shores.
Я выросла в среде людей, для которых русская и украинская культуры были неделимы, как и сама кровь в венах. И по линии мамы и по папиной линии, роды берут начало в казачьих семьях. Какую национальность записать в паспорте, решили мои дедушки и бабушки. Полагаю, будь жива моя бабушка, часто любившая вспоминать о том как хотела записаться в паспорте украинкой, она не смогла бы понять происходящего. Очень очень больно, что эта нелепая война уносит жизни, разделяет семьи и неразделимое в самой плоти.
I grew up among people for whom Russian and Ukrainian cultures were indivisible, like the very blood in the veins. Both on the mother's line and on the father's line, childbirth originates in Cossack families. What nationality to write in the passport, my grandparents decided. I believe that if my grandmother were alive, who often liked to remember how she wanted to register as a Ukrainian in her passport, she would not have been able to understand what was happening. It is very, very painful that this ridiculous war takes lives, separates families inseparable in the flesh itself.
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A letter from Sofija Kozlova
As promised, here is my reflection on the Hearing Voices Cafe events. Although it's very atmospheric, I guess exactly the bonds that were formed are my biggest joy in all that we have done. It's a very peculiar feeling to know people so deeply without having to go through the many polished surfaces we are used to showing to others.
Building a community is never easy, I think we succeeded in giving at least some of the Ukrainian refugees the feeling of belonging which I believe will last.
Here is the reflection:
The Hearing Voices Café for me was a place where I felt very much at home all the time, even when no events were taking place and I was there alone with unknown visitors and passers-by. The feeling of belonging and caring for the place and everyone who came around mostly developed through the intimacy of the Hearing Voices Café and the trust people coming to the organized events put into me, Ilze, Marija Survival Kit, and the Café as a space. It was a very special, very brave intimacy admitting the diversity of the community, and open to forgetting the labels we put on ourselves every day. The purity of this intimacy is difficult to describe. It seemed alien at first because it wasn’t grounded on any conventional introductions and unifying characteristics. On the contrary, it was based on sharing experiences, very personal stories that you usually hide and hold to yourself. And that’s when it really hit me, I don’t know who my community at the Hearing Voices Café is, or what they do for a living, but I knew about their fears, their most treasured memories of happiness, and pain they’d experienced, and they knew mine. I was struck at first by this intimacy but then it became a cathartic and awaited process. We had our differences, language barriers, and other difficulties, which turned out to be nothing in comparison to the collective will to be together and care for each other.
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КОЛИ? Субота, 15 жовтня, з 16.00 до 17.30. Це безкоштовний захід, запрошуємо всіх охочих із 15:45. КУДИ? Survival Kit 13, вул. Пілс 23, Рига
The Hearing Voices cafe — це гостинне та безпечне місце для українців, їхніх друзів та прихильників у Латвії, де вони можуть під час чаювання, послухати та взяти участь у створенні живої музики, поділитися історіями, познайомитись та поспілкуватись у дружній атмосферы з місцевими творчими людьми та миротворцями.Ця субота — остання подія у серії із п'яти заходів. Цього дня прозвучать традиційні українські та латиські колискові, знайомі кожному з дитинства. Цей простір буде наповнений турботою та дружньою підтримкою у складний сьогоднішній час. Учасниками суботньої зустрічі будуть: латиський миротворець Ілзе Дзеновська, українська художниця Марія Зенькова, традиційна латиська співачка Янта Межа та українська вокалістка та бандуристка Дар'я Лелеко. Захід проходитиме мовою серця та розуміння з використанням латиської, англійської, російської та української мов, щоб спілкуватися та розуміти один одного. Захід безкоштовний. Запрошуються сім'ї з дітьми, у кафе буде спеціально відведено дитячу зону, де будуть представлені розваги – настільні ігри та матеріали для малювання. Закуски та напої безкоштовно надасть ресторан «Борщ – vakariņas pie ukrainietēm». Вхід на фестиваль Survival Kit 13 для українців безкоштовний.
Voices Café is a safe, welcoming and free space for Ukrainians and their friends and supporters in Latvia to have an afternoon tea, listen to and participate in creating live music, share stories and build heartfelt connections with locals artists and peacebuilders.
WHEN? Saturday, October 15 4pm – 5:30pm
This is a free event and everyone welcome from 3:45 pm
WHERE? Survival Kit 13, Pils iela 23, Riga
This Saturday is the last event in the series of five happenings and it will be an afternoon filled with Ukrainian and Latvian lullabies, traditional singing opportunities of songs for soul and joy and space for nurturing and supporting ourselves and others through times of transition.You all we be welcomed by Latvian peacebuilder Ilze Dzenovska, Ukranian painter Marija Zenkova, traditional Latvian singer Janta Meža and Ukranian vocalist and bandurist Daria Leleko.Event will be held in the language of heart and understanding using Latvian, Russian and Ukranian in order to connect and understand each other.Families with children are very welcome to attend, as there will be a designated children’s area in the café, where attractions such as games and drawing materials will be provided.Snacks and drinks will be provided by the restaurant “Borščs – vakariņas pie ukrainietēm” (Borscht – dinner with Ukrainians).
The Hearing Voices cafe — это гостеприимное и безопасное место для украинцев, их друзей и сторонников в Латвии, где они могут во время чаепития, послушать и поучаствовать в создании живой музыки, поделиться историями, познакомиться и пообщаться в дружеской атмосфере с местными творческими людьми и миротворцами.Эта суббота — последнее событие в серии из пяти мероприятий. В этот день прозвучат традиционные украинские и латышские колыбельные, знакомые каждому с детства. Данное пространство будет наполнено заботой и дружеской поддержкой в сложное сегодняшнее время.Учасниками суботней встречи будут: латышский миротворец Илзе Дзеновска, украинская художница Мария Зенькова, традиционная латышская певица Янта Межа и украинская вокалистка и бандуристка Дарья Лелеко.Мероприятие будет проходить на языке сердца и понимания с использованием латышского, английского, русского и украинского языков, чтобы общаться и понимать друг друга. Мероприятие бесплатное.Приглашаются семьи с детьми, в кафе будет специально отведена детская зона, где будут представлены развлечения – настольные игры и материалы для рисования. Закуски и напитки бесплатно предоставит ресторан «Борщ – vakariņas pie ukrainietēm».Мероприятие и угощение бесплатное. Вход на фестиваль Survival Kit 13 для украинцев бесплатный. КОГДА? Суббота, 15 октября, с 16:00 до 17:30. Это бесплатное мероприятие, приглашаем всех желающих с 15:45. КУДА? Survival Kit 13, ул. Пилс 23, Рига
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The constraint of the soul - a letter from Sofija Kozlova
Dearest Dora,
Here is a story I collected from one of the members of the community Daria Kalashnikova – a wonderful and caring choreographer, painter, and one of the core members of our Hearing Voices Cafe community. She wrote it related to the 28th of September when we had a young actor Gerds Lapoška from Latvia at the Cafe, reading classical poetry. That evening the main topic of discussion was sincerity and staying true to one's self and those around one, however, the spectrum of topics discussed exceeded this point greatly – including different stories of experience about learning more about one's identity, as well as relationship in a family, community, and the society in general.
Here is the reflection by Daria:
“The constraint of the soul
This phrase from Shakespeare's sonnet became an occasion to start a conversation in a Hearing Voices Cafe
I live in a world of systems already built before me. The streets of the city dictate the way to go, and the rules of the road dictate the direction. Where is "me" in all of this? Where is creative weightlessness? Where is a flight of daydreaming? To move without a navigator, following my sense of beauty, in a direction that is understandable only to me. It is the main strength of a free artist.
I'm not talking about a profession, but about a person. Every person is a free artist in his life. But we are constrained. At least, the world around trying to convince us of this. And some believe in the constraint of the soul.
I believe that the soul does not know where the right is, or where the left is. It (he, she, they) does not know what failure and success are.
The freedom of the soul cannot be measured. The soul does not have the speed with which to move, the size, or the weight. These are its main vulnerability for statistical measurements.
It is free to speak and not hurt someone's feelings, free to inspire and not speed up over the limit. It means, by removing the shackles of my soul's constraints, I will not have to pay fines for breaking the rules.
It's scary to get out of Plato's cave.
That is why I share it at the Hearing Voices Cafe.”
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Truth, love, and life cycles.
Yesterday, at the meeting, very few people were present. 
Gerd Laposhka (poet), read Shakespeare's sonnets, and we talked about what we mean by these words. What images resonate in our hearts. One of the sonnets became the topic of conversation - respect towards oneself. 
Then we talked about the thin line between honest words of criticism and laudatory ones. How difficult it is sometimes to make the right decision, even if it means to lie. 
Gerd told how difficult it is for him now the relation he has with his mother. After all, the war is gaining new speed, and Latvia is quite close to Russia. He has to choose words of support and consolation for his mother, although he himself understands how serious and even desperate the situation is.
After that there was a sonnet in which the concept of eternity and temporality resonated for me. I told a story about how in Latvia I saw that my parents, back in Ukraine, had grown old. And for me, this discovery was terrible. 
Indeed, as a child, it always seemed to me that they were the youngest and the best, and all my life, they were the coolest friends. But now, I see how they lack resilience, they are unwilling to open up to something new ... I was scared. 
I am the mark they will leave behind. And as for myself - I realized that behind me I can only leave paintings, art, etc. 
But this is actually secondary, the cycle of life stopped with me. So my parents end with me.
Maria Zenkova
Зенькова Марія
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On September 21, the topic of our meeting was, if I choose the right words- Filling yourself and your life. Resurrection. And from clay we made bowls, which, like us, can be filled with something. However, the conversation took us more to the topic "Art in our life. And how to be honest with yourself. Do not betray yourself"
Of the stories told, the most impressive (the one which emotionally resonated with many of us) was the story about the apple tree. 
This story was told by Victoria Broca (ceramist). She told how, as a child, she drew an assignment in art school - to draw an apple tree. An old apple tree grew in their yard, in a very complex perspective, the girl painted it the way it is in reality. 
But the teacher said that such an apple tree does not exist and this is a bad picture. But the child remained true to herself and loved this apple tree very much. Later, when she entered to study fine arts, it was this drawing in her portfolio that helped her to enter to study.
Зенькова Марія
Maria Zenkova
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Daria Kalashnikova. Я слышу голоса… 14.9. Hearing Voices Café Riga
Я слышу голоса…
Это фразой испанская художница объяснила создание проекта «Кафе голосов». В Риге «кафе» проходит каждую среду в 17:30 на улице Пилс 23 в рамках фестиваля Survival Kit
В этом году «кафе» посвящено украинцам. Сегодня я была там впервые.
В «кафе» выступал дуэт парней поющих фольклорные песни славянских, балтийских и балканских народов. Пели они и украинские молитвы. Саму же беседу мы вели на русском. Почему? Это единственный язык который понимали все участники. 
Обсуждали мы разницу в понятии одиночество (loneliness) и уединение (solitude).
Уединение очень комфортное и продуктивное для меня состояние, я в него себя добровольно погружаю когда путешествую или живу одна. 
В то время как одиночество - состояние горькое, вынужденное. 
Один из участников поющего дуэта поделился, что услышал фразу математика, уроженца Донецка, живущего до начала войны в Москве: - мир в долгу передо мной. И эта эмоция показалась ему близкой, в моменты, когда он погружается в одиночество. А вот его друг возразил, что вообще-то, это он в долгу перед миром. И это выражение откликнулось уже мне.
Я чувствую, что в уединении, ищу время и способ объяснить себя миру. Написать, нарисовать, рассказать. Будто я в долгу перед ним. А вот когда меня настигает одиночество, то я как раз и хочу чтобы мир возместил мне свой долг. Одиночество в моем исполнении это обида. Очень деструктивное и высокомерное состояние. 
Вспомнила свой момент одиночества в Испании. 
Это был Старбакс в Барселоне. Зима, слякоть, у меня не ладилось на работе и вечером я бродила одна, зашла погреться. Делая заказ, как и принято, сказала свое имя чтобы карявым почерком его неправильно написали на бумажном стакане и… ко мне обернулась стоящая впереди в очереди испанка с ребенком. 
Она переспросила мое имя. Да-Ша по слогам произнесла я. В ответ испанка (каталанка, извиняюсь, жители Барсы заценили сейчас мой реверанс) показала на ребенка и тоже сказала Даша. А дальше прозвучала история о том, как маленькую Дашу в 4 года удочерили из детского дома в Украине и она совсем не знает ни украинского, ни русского. Но судя по улыбающейся мордахе, живет счастливым испанским детством.
Когда мы закончили разговор. Я взяла свой кофе с написанным без ошибок именем, уселась в кресло и поняла что я не одинока. Одинока была Даша, до четырех лет, а теперь у нее есть целый мир. И главное, Даша не высокомерна, а взаимна, чтобы объяснить себя миру она учит язык, какой? Да тот, на котором ее любят. А будет это украинский, русский, испанский, какая разница. 
Главное чтобы не язык высокомерной ненависти, а у него как известно ни алфавита, ни транскрипций, одни только пули и лагеря.
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14 September, The Hearing Voices Café Riga
14. septembris Vientulība/ Loneliness Ansis Bētiņš, singer Artūrs Čukurs, singer
Hearing Voices Café Riga - Loneliness
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14. septembris Vientulība/ Loneliness Ansis Bētiņš, singer Artūrs Čukurs, singer 
Hearing Voices Café Riga - Loneliness
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The Hearing Voices Café Riga. September 14. Survival Kit 2022.
14.09 Loneliness.
The theme of the evening was loneliness. At the beginning of the evening, when the members were just getting together, I stood with two girls, and we began to gradually discuss the topic. First round of diving. It was very interesting that one of the participants, at the beginning, said that she did not feel lonely at all - “this is because I am a Catholic”, but she really likes to go somewhere in nature alone for a long time.
The second of the participants, said that she likes loneliness. She dives into herself, knows herself and becomes stronger. And at that moment, we were saying that very different things are “loneliness” and “solitude”. "Solitude" is a dialogue - with the world, with yourself, "loneliness" - a monologue - when you are not heard, or you do not want to hear.
As for my story, I shared my experience of transition from loneliness to solitude.
Living at home in Kyiv, I had many friends with whom we saw each other very often, spent time together, and communicated in reality. From the first days of the war, a rather large list of people dear to me was formed very quickly, with whom I contacted every half an hour / hour to check if everyone was alive. We can say that there was a lot of communication then. Then gradually the list began to decrease, as many began to leave the country. (They don't need to be checked. Besides, it's a bit difficult to communicate with a person who is already in a peaceful world and is trying to solve his primary needs).
When I arrived in Latvia, I did not know anyone. But I knocked on all the doors of opportunity and tried to do as much as possible of something. The citizens of Latvia very cordially opened their hearts to me and supported me. For me, this is incredibly valuable. When you feel like the world, through strangers, speaks to you and helps in the dark.
A month later, I had the resources of strength and opportunity to share something in return. But I saw that many wonderful people whom I met in my life here only wanted to help me as a refugee, but to receive something in return - they did not want to. Besides, “adult life”, if you want to meet friends, you have to make an appointment a month in advance. Therefore, communication remains very occasional.
At the same time, communication with friends who stayed at home also greatly decreased. This is because I often went to events in support of Ukrainians (concerts, performances, cinema, festivals, etc.), and when I shared my impressions with them, I often felt that they hadn’t the strength or time to be happy for me. Therefore, I continued to walk alone, in my soul having a great desire to share with someone, but gradually falling silent. (Already not even really wanting to meet someone at events to share emotions). I was feeling so lonely.
I remember the moment when I was talking to my boyfriend on a video-call, getting ready for a concert (trying to look amazing), and he asked: “Are you really going on your own?”, To which I answered him, “Latvia taught me to be alone.” - “Sounds very sad.” And I realized that I had stopped talking to the world, and as a result, I stopped hearing it.
That late evening, I was walking from a concert of a well-known band, screaming (as you can say "singing") in the forest, completely soaked, in the rain, in a black garbage bag (instead of a raincoat) and realized that I was incredibly happy at that moment. I feel good in my company. I'm not lonely, but I'm alone. The same feeling when I am painting in my studio in solitude. So, I realized that I can participate in a dialogue with the world without being tied to any specific people or places. I like to be open.
 Maria Zenkova
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The Hearing Voices Café Riga. September 7. Survival Kit 2022.
The first Hearing Voices Cafe gathering for members of Ukrainian Community in Riga took place on 7th of September, 2022.
 These gatherings are initiated and crafted by Ilze Dzenovska, professional in the art of peacebuilding and conflict resolution together with Ukrainian painter Maria Zenkova invited to collaborate by Latvian Centre for Contemporary Art.
Each evening Ilze and Maria is joined by an artist who shares with them a role of supporter and space holder at the same time fully participating and sharing their stories through the language of art. 
With deep respect and sensitivity to the diverse and uncertain reality experienced by Ukranian civilians residing in Latvia some willing and some very tiered or even resistant to identify with the label refugee, Ilze, Maria and singer Helena Kozlova explored how they can in the most authentic, collaborative way be present, share and hold a safe space, for the minds and hearts of Ukranians who are in need to restore and discover a new sense of community and belonging in this city so far from their homes, left unwillingly. 
 We all united around the theme intuition as we could recognize the ease and suffering linked with our personal trust and betrayal to this inner voice.  Exploring and observing  the presence of the inner voice that can guide us if we allow it, that can become very silent if we ignore it repeatedly and that can open and create connections and understandings beyond language and spoken words if we trust it has been a recent focus for singer Helēna Kozlova 
 Helēna Kozlova – composer, singer, multi-instrumentalist. Helena started her musical venture through underground movements at the age of 15. She has released many albums, you can get a glimpse of some of her work here: https://helenakozlova.bandcamp.com/, and if you enjoy gothic rock, here is a link to her older music: https://skumjuakmeni.bandcamp.com/.
 During the first evening stories were shared from and elderly couple who had just arrived to Riga a month ago, from students, mothers with children and local Latvians.  Every time when somebody was sharing a story of trusting their inner voice I could observe sparkles and softness in their eyes, vitality and relief in their voices. 
 Whether choosing to quit unwanted academic course, job, partner or following a new, unknown road intuition for the most was the loudest voice. Hence also this evening each of us could follow our own inner journey as the music and songs that were shared were without words in any particular language – those were deep and harmonious sounds and syllabus that provided a welcoming space for individual travels to places were each of our hearts knew we need to go.
 Ilze Dzenovska, September 18, 2022 
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Nakti Vajag Nokert!
The Night Must Fall
Hearing Voices Café Riga, Sept 7
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The Hearing Voices Café Riga opened with 7. septembirs - Intuīcija, spēja pielīdzināties tai un noliegt to/ Intuition - the inner voice that you can listen to or silence. With Helēna Kozlova, singer.
In the picture, Ilze Dzenovska, gracious host of HVCRiga, and Maria Zenkova, gracious host as well; together with the singer Helēna Kozlova, and a beautiful dog.
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The Hearing Voices Café Riga opens on Wednesday 7 September as part of Survival Kit
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