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J: “Matching ugly-Christmas-sweaters for the entire family!”
M: “Entire family? Well you may need to make another one in a few months…”
(i managed to help a friend on a project, make another portfolio piece and complete a request today, even though it’s kinda crappy. oh well! gd’night…)
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When you’re close i feel like coming undone - SHERLOLLY 
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((Oh, goodness gracious...
I feel bad for leaving this blog, especially now that someone has notified me that we were missed. I don't know why anyone would miss me, but that's really sweet and heart-warming. ;A;
I want my Molly muse back so badly... I'm really afraid though that I'll have to wait until series 3. I don't know. What does everyone else think...? I don't really know what I should do.))
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((Okay, if it wasn't really painfully obvious, this blog, I guess, is on hiatus for an unspecified amount of time.
I'm afraid my Sherlolly muse has vanished completely and my Molly muse is going as well. :c I hope to get back on at some point, but it doesn't look like that's going to be any time soon.
I want to apologise to my roleplay group and follows because I really am very sorry about this. If you want, I guess, don't hesitate to find another, better Molly. I'm so so sorry.
If anyone would like to keep in touch, my personal account is paper-heartbeat. Thanks. Much love and many apologies.))
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"You know, those test results will probably take about an hour or two to come through."
"Oh, is that a fact? Well, Doctor Hooper, how will we pass the time?"
"I might have an idea or two."
Sherlock Holmes x Molly Hooper - new dress
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((Well. I've managed to neglect this account again.
Rghh, Molly!Muse, come back pleeeeeaaase. ;A;
The baaabyyy is duuuee this weeeek and I've not even posted the tabloid article thing or replied to anything or really done anything at all involving her pregnancy.
*failure mun*))
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One more work for Mollan :)
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if the lion was advised by the fox, he would be cunning.
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Not quite. I-- I mean-- hm.
You know, I'm not exactly sure myself. I think-- usually, um, the other party... has to know that the other person reciprocates those feelings for it to be called a date.
Oh.  Right.  Obviously.  Um.
I don’t think we ever technically dated?
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Maybe... not technically. But we'd known each other for quite a few years.
Though as matter of course, and not said with any suspicion, how many dates does it take before two people are a couple?  And what, precisely, qualifies as a date?
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((I think Sherlock trying for figure out what dates are is the most adorable thing.))
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Er, you... can... have dates with friends, sort of. But date-dates are--
Different. You spend time with people who share the same romantic feelings. You-- I don't know, you hold hands, talk, cuddle...
Though as matter of course, and not said with any suspicion, how many dates does it take before two people are a couple?  And what, precisely, qualifies as a date?
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A date is-- well, it's just when you spend time with the person you like.
Though as matter of course, and not said with any suspicion, how many dates does it take before two people are a couple?  And what, precisely, qualifies as a date?
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Though as matter of course, and not said with any suspicion, how many dates does it take before two people are a couple?  And what, precisely, qualifies as a date?
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Her throat and chest felt like they were constricting and Molly was grateful when Sherlock pulled them to him, giving her a moment to drop her mask and to hide her quivering lip. No new son or daughter, no little John or Grace or "Tinkerbell"... It all wouldn't have been quite as bad if Molly knew that she and Sherlock could try again, that they would have another chance, but Jim had ripped away that hope from them as well. 
One of Molly's arms lifted to loosely circle around Annabel and kiss her temple. She still had her two children. Two beautiful children. Jim wouldn't lay a finger on them, Molly wouldn't let him. She would sooner die herself than have Ella or Annabel harmed. 
"It's lovely, sweetheart," she murmured, pressing another kiss to the little girl's hair. "I'll have to have it put up somewhere where I can see it from my bed." Molly forced a smile and looked up at Mrs. Hudson then at the door, wondering why she hadn't seen the Watsons or Ella since she'd been brought here. "Was... Ella not able to come?"
Thirst for Vengeance || Jimverse
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