theheydenjh · 10 months
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theheydenjh · 10 months
We were asked to create a collaborative sheet with each of our possible themes on it.
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We then swapped sheets with other groups so we could add comments and observations.
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theheydenjh · 1 year
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We were asked to bring two images.
One we had taken in the last 12 months and one we found using a resource we hadn’t used before.
From these images we were asked to draw several images based on our chosen images.
• Straight from the image
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• The most important aspect of the image
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• Drawing using only straight lines
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• Collage
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theheydenjh · 1 year
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theheydenjh · 1 year
Today we did our introduction to Project 00.
We had a choice between five topics;
AI storytelling
National Geographic
I chose language. We were asked to create a mind-map around our chosen prompt. Here is my example:
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My tutor took time with each student to ask us about our ideas and took genuine interest in our responses!
He informed me about some interesting sources I could use in relation to my ideas such as the book 1984 and a documentary about the communication network of trees.
Based off of my mind-map, I made a visual mind-map and some initial sketches as potential outcomes.
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theheydenjh · 1 year
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theheydenjh · 1 year
As part of our research for our hand and eye project, we were given a visual diary that we were asked to update once a day with various life drawings. We were given a pouch that had a crayon, a few pieces of charcoal and some chalk. We were told to only use these colours in our diaries, and the materials if possible.
This was very helpful for me while finding a subject for my narrative that I would then carry over into my final publications.
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theheydenjh · 1 year
In our first workshop for the project, we were asked to bring along items from our everyday lives to be used at subjects for our drawings. I brought two multi-purpose sprays and a cologne. We were asked to make a series of images based off of emotions. Some examples would be passion, anger, sadness and so on. We had to draw our items with these emotions in mind. When these drawings were finished, we folded them and turned them into dummy books that were bound with an elastic band. We were also asked to use specific materials for each drawing that included charcoal, markers and biros.
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In our second workshop, we focused on narratives. We were given images and were asked to think about their places in time. We were also asked to consider the build-ups and consequences of the events happening in the images. We were asked to consider a variety of differing time frames that would range between 5 minutes and 1 month before or after the images were taken. Based on those considerations, we had to illustrate what we believed would have taken place.
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theheydenjh · 1 year
Here is my final animation!
The water drop sound was made by me!
The music and birds were sourced from pixabay who have lots of free to use sounds and music :)
Here is a piece of feedback I received about my animation!
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theheydenjh · 1 year
In this project, we were asked to create a 10-20 second animation. We were also asked to explore moving image and sound.
A few years ago I came up with a character named Twiddle who I intended to create a web comic around. Due to the pandemic though, this project was put on the back-burner and Twiddle was left behind. This character meant a lot to me at the time of his creation because he was the first character I had made that really became a staple in my art. So, I decided to finally use him in a project that would be a statement and would be seen by many. I've included a couple of images I drew of him in his initial stages back in 2020.
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For this project, I wanted to create a story/narrative where I could illustrate that things come and go; and that's okay. I didn't want to make it too heavy or upsetting so I thought Twiddle would be perfect for the project due to his round and friendly demeanor. Here is my first sketch that I wanted to have as a key-frame and to just use as a guide for the setting. The butterfly signifies change.
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I had Twiddle be taken to a location that would be unfamiliar but fantastical to show that change can be a good thing. I also did this to show my technical understanding of animation as a whole. There are a few elements I included to show this, I wanted to make sure there was always movement so the animation would flow better. I've attached the time-lapse from creating my animation here. I created it in ProCreate, which despite not being optimal for animation; i found to be easy to use.
Here is a promotional image I made for the animation during a workshop! I decided to add a bit of humor to lighten the tone of the animation.
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Here is also my draft for the title screen, unfortunately it couldn't be used in the final draft but I still wanted to include it because I think it's cute, haha.
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theheydenjh · 1 year
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Here are some updates. We started our animation project where we were taught how to mix sound and sync it with an animation. We also had to draw a key frame from our animations (that we had storyboarded) and stylise it with different aesthetics and colours.
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theheydenjh · 2 years
I continued experimenting with different packaging nets
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None of them really worked for my idea so I needed to do something else.
I found the box from my potato waffles and realised it was the perfect size for what I wanted! So I traced around the box (after unfolding it so it was flat) onto a large black sheet of card that I bought specifically for this project.
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I remembered that I had some left over plastic sheets from a previous project so I decided to add a window to my packaging. I used coloured card to add detail to my net. I had some struggle trying to cut out the window which made the edge look a bit worse for wear so I added a border to hide the butchery that was my window and it turned out quite good :)
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I then created the embellishments for my packaging which included the product name and nutrition facts.
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I had originally bee skeptical about this project since I wasn’t sure I could make anything of quality based on the materials I had but I quite like my outcome :) I enjoyed making it as well and seeing it come together.
We started here:
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And ended here:
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I’d say that is a success :)
This does not change my opinion on the fact that there was a lot of wasted time however.
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theheydenjh · 2 years
I was excited about this project. We were asked to use nets to create 3D boxes. We created some in a workshop based on our sketches using our chosen word from our demographic sheet/mind map:
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However, the material (coloured paper) didn’t survive my trip home. The material was far too weak to sustain itself. I found this activity to be quite useless as all we did was fold paper which I’ve done many times before. Since the age of 4 I think.
We were asked to then try some other nets which I did try, but the nets were far too small and uneven on parts. They were also made of flimsy paper so I went out and bought some card. This was far worse. I didn’t have access to a scalpel and couldn’t properly perforate the edges. Because of this, the edges became wrinkled and low quality. I’m at a loss with this because I’m not happy with any outcome. I will try again but this is the fruit of my labour so far.
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I feel we were not given enough time to do this and the steps were too incremental and so wasted a lot of time we could’ve used to figure this stuff out. Instead, on our Tuesday work shop, we were asked to create our mock-ups.
So far, this project has demotivated me greatly.
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theheydenjh · 2 years
We had a talk from a graphic designer who has worked with some notable companies. We were shown concept designs and final designs. Here are some images I took.
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I found this lecture to be quite interesting.
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theheydenjh · 2 years
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Here is my consumer profile made after choosing a target audience/group. I chose gamers. This project is called Hybrid Forms.
We will be focusing on creating packaging for a product that could be sold to our target audience!
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theheydenjh · 2 years
Time lapse of one of my outcomes! + Finished outcomes
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theheydenjh · 2 years
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These are my initial sketches based on my research (as shown in my previous blog post).
For my costume, I drew several pieces which are from several different eras. Such as the 50s, 60s, 70s and so on. I did this because fashion is a circle. What was popular 30 years ago may come back around next week. I believe fashion is on a cycle, things come in and out. Trends change fast and with the current attitude of, “I’ll wear whatever I want” we are seeing a slight decrease in fast fashion, which is fantastic. I think this, perhaps over optimistically, will catch on.
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